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AN interesting fact and statement by our spirit-directed Faithful Slave!

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wt 75,1/1,'Will you Live to See Christ's Coming?'


"Now, we know that Jesus Christ had been in heaven with his Father at the time of earth’s creation. (John 1:1-3; Col. 1:13-17) He knew the exact time of the creation of both Adam and Eve. (Gen. 1:26, 27) He knew precisely when 6,000 years of human history would be completed. He knew exactly when God’s seventh creative day, his great “rest” day began and when it would end. (Gen. 2:1-3) Yet, with all his perfect knowledge of chronology, when he was on earth he did not know the day and hour of his execution of judgment on this world, prior to when his thousand-year reign begins."

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wt 75,1/1,'Will you Live to See Christ's Coming?'


"Now, we know that Jesus Christ had been in heaven with his Father at the time of earth’s creation. (John 1:1-3; Col. 1:13-17) He knew the exact time of the creation of both Adam and Eve. (Gen. 1:26, 27) He knew precisely when 6,000 years of human history would be completed. He knew exactly when God’s seventh creative day, his great “rest” day began and when it would end. (Gen. 2:1-3) Yet, with all his perfect knowledge of chronology, when he was on earth he did not know the day and hour of his execution of judgment on this world, prior to when his thousand-year reign begins."

I came in the truth a number of years after this article,a product of Jehovah's loving patience.If I have to die while waiting for the end of this system so that millions more may have time to learn the truth and live I can accept that.

That fact takes the sting of death away just a little bit more.

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Likewise, this line of reasoning should help convince us that using Bible Chronology to calculate the Last Days and Armageddon is faulty.  When Jesus gave the statement about not knowing "the day or the hour," he already knew the calculations for several important dates yet to come.  His death and resurrection were pinpointed in advance in the Book of Daniel, so Jesus knew when he was to die (even the day of the week and month).  Daniel also pinpointed when the Times of the Gentiles would end, when that tree image would be cut down and when the bands would be removed.  Therefore, Jesus knew in advance the last days would begin in 1914.  


He had all this knowledge, knew all these dates, yet still didn't know when the end would come.  This shows that the date for Jehovah to unleash the Great Tribulation and Armageddon is not pinned to a specific event in Bible chronology.  It will not be "120 years after 1914 because Noah preached for 120 years" which some people mistakenly claim according to Genesis (and Noah did not preach for 120 years, that is not what the scriptures say.)  


This proves that it simply is not possible to calculate the date or time of Armageddon using any form of numerology, Bible code or Biblical chronology.


The only way to know in advance when the end of the end will come is for Jehovah to specifically tell you.

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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I apologize in advance if I step on toes here, but from my reading of your responses to this age old question, every one seems to be looking at this subject from a strictly human perspective thereby missing the obvious. Mankind has a natural desire to know everything. And the more obscure the thing to know is the more complicated the possibilities are. Sometimes the simpler the answer is, the harder it is to find.


We know, from our bible, many statements as to when this most important work of in gathering began and that is the major clue as to when it has been accomplished. Jehovah has the final say concerning that time, he is the one giving his son, our reigning king the signal to let loose the four winds of destruction. Jesus would never presume to take away that call away from the sovereign of the universe and plainly expressed that sentiment when he said only the father knows. Jesus himself doesn't need to know the day and hour even to this day because his father the creator of all man who now has been forced into being the destroyer of man will be the only one rightfully to make this decision.


Jehovah loves his creation so much that he is willing to suffer through our many sufferings brought on by our arch enemy Satan so as to save up to the last one who is deserving of life. Only Jehovah has that right, because once execution in this time of the end by Jehovah has been carried out, there is no resurrection possible. Jesus stated many times that although he has been given the assignment to execute Jehovah's judgement his father the final reader of hearts has that right to say when it's time has come, Jesus never gave it a consideration to presume he has that call.


The end in my mind is like the filling of the anointed members number, Jehovah has decreed the number, he sends out the invitation to join, not Jesus. He will make the final sealing of that number as was brought out in our Watchtower lesson. But as regards to the exact time and day we do not need to know, that's not our call or interest. We know enough that we are in the time of the end, it has not escaped our notice. Our focus is to be on the in gathering of individuals who Jehovah invites to be part of our vast brotherhood of prospective survivors. He is the one who knows who will respond to the message of truth. Only he is the one with that right. We need not be to concerned with arguing with anyone about bible doctrine because as our bible warns there are many who are thoroughly deceived who want us to waste time on them, in fruitless debates, consuming our precious time that we devote to finding individuals whom Jehovah has invited. Sly that devil is.


We know with the speeding up of this work we are very near the end because just as a glass is filled up so this work will come to a close as Jehovah will know there are no more responsive hearts to be found in all of mankind. You might also liken it to a fire that starts in a field with the first blade of grass igniting the one next to it which ignites all those near it until the whole field is ablaze and with the last blade caught afire the fires work is complete and the flame dies. So this work has had small beginnings but now the blaze is burning bright and in a relatively short period of time will have involved all who's heart are inclined toward our heavenly father.


This end to the work will naturally take us by surprise as we will be so use to the in gathering, be so busy in go mode helping new ones, that we will won't even realize that the last person has already been reached. That will take anyone by surprise but especially those not busy in the in gathering work.


At this point brothers and sisters it is my humble opinion we nee-dent waste our time over Jehovah's time table, his son does not as he has his assignment just as we do, the end will come. We have all the understanding we need to reach the conclusion that the time is now to be busy in the in gathering work. We have our sustenance and covering guaranteed if the in gathering work is our focus. No problems this life can throw at us should deter us from obeying Jesus simple instructions to work with Jehovah's spirit and find those hearts waiting to be visited, hearts who respond to Jehovah's invitation. Hearts who maybe yesterday didn't respond but are available now.

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 More insight from our spirit directed Faithful Slave  


WT 63,223 'Questions From Readers'

"Since Genesis 7:4 shows that Noah was advised seven days in advance of the exact day that the Flood would come, does this mean that God’s people will be advised in advance as to exactly when Armageddon will break out?—E. G., United States.

Genesis 7:4 reads: “In just seven days more I am making it rain upon the earth forty days and forty nights; and I will wipe every existing thing that I have made off the surface of the ground.” Noah had worked for years and years building the ark, and now, just seven days before the Flood was due to come, God told him the exact date. Why? So as to satisfy his curiosity or give him encouragement? No, but so that he could start bringing in the animals. Those seven days were just long enough to let Noah do that.
We therefore cannot construe Genesis 7:4 to mean that sometime in the future, yet well before Armageddon, Jehovah God will advise his people on earth as to when Armageddon will begin. Besides, Jesus long ago said about it: “Concerning that day and hour nobody knows, neither the angels of the heavens nor the Son, but only the Father.”—Matt. 24:36.

Of course, Jesus did not say that no one ever would know. To the extent that it would be necessary for Jesus, some time in the future, to know the starting time for Armageddon so as to muster his heavenly armies for that battle, he no doubt will be advised."


Also read this LATEST INSIGHT from our SPIRIT-DIRECTED Faithful And Discreet Slave! below


WT 96, 8/1,30-31 'Questions From Readers'

Does Jesus now know the timing of Armageddon?

"It seems quite reasonable to believe that he does.
Some might wonder why the question even arises. Likely it is because of Jesus’ comment found at Matthew 24:36: “Concerning that day and hour nobody knows, neither the angels of the heavens nor the Son, but only the Father.” Note the phrase “nor the Son.”
This verse is part of Jesus’ reply to the apostles’ question: “When will these things be, and what will be the sign of your presence and of the conclusion of the system of things?” (Matthew 24:3) In his now famous prophecy about evidences making up “the sign,” he foretold wars, food shortages, earthquakes, persecution of true Christians, and other things on earth that would indicate his presence. By this sign his followers could recognize that the end was near. He illustrated this proximity with the time when a fig tree begins to put out leaves, indicating that summer was near. He added: “Likewise also you, when you see all these things, know that he is near at the doors.”—Matthew 24:33.

But Jesus did not say precisely when the end would come. Rather, he stated what we read at Matthew 24:36. That is the reading in the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures, and many modern Bibles read similarly. Yet, some older versions do not contain “nor the Son.”

 The angels did not know the hour of the end; nor did the Son; but only the Father. And this is consistent with Jesus’ words found at Matthew 20:23, where he admitted that he did not have authority to grant prominent places in the Kingdom, but the Father did.
Hence, Jesus’ own words show that on earth he did not know the date for ‘the end of the world.’ Has he learned it since?

Revelation 6:2 describes Jesus as seated on a white horse and going forth “conquering and to complete his conquest.” Next comes horsemen representing wars, famines, and plagues, such as we have experienced since World War I began in 1914. Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that in 1914, Jesus was enthroned as King of God’s heavenly Kingdom, the one to lead in the coming battle against wickedness on earth. (Revelation 6:3-8; 19:11-16) Since Jesus has now been empowered as the one to conquer in God’s name, it seems reasonable that his Father has told him when the end will come, when he will “complete his conquest.”
We on earth have not been told that date, so Jesus’ words still apply to us: “Keep looking, keep awake, for you do not know when the appointed time is. . . . What I say to you I say to all, Keep on the watch.”—Mark 13:33-37."


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Ah yes, that's the bit of green grass...


It resisted the fire because it was green and moist, but in the heat, as the fire moved on around it, it dried somewhat, then later a spark blew back and it finally ignited.


Thank you for that illustration, I'll use it some time.

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We will have to wait and see how Amos 3:7 is fulfilled regarding to this ending of Satan's system. I'm confident we will have instruction delivered in time for our safety but in the meantime we do, like our lord, have an assignment to complete. Please let that be our focus.


And with that said I'm off to my meeting.

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I know exactly when the day is ... Oh yes i do ... Haha!

... Its when the good news has bern preached in the entire inhabited earth...

Does no-one read the bible here?!!! :-)


It will be on a Wednesday

Plus or minus 3 days

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

wt 75,1/1,'Will you Live to See Christ's Coming?'


"Jesus Christ, ...with all his perfect knowledge of chronology, when he was on earth he did not know the day and hour of his execution of judgment on this world."



I enjoyed that point.


I think the toughest question regarding "The End" that I've ever asked myself is, "if Jehovah himself offered to tell me the exact date and time, would I truly want to know?"  When I seriously meditate on that question and really dig deep into my heart, my brain still goes into a feedback loop. I still not sure I could honestly answer that question.

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If I have to die while waiting for the end of this system so that millions more may have time to learn the truth and live I can accept that.


Me too. I've contemplated that often.  Peter's response of “Lord, whom shall we go away to" makes perfect sense to me.  Even without the paradise hope, the truth is absolutely the best way of living. (Of course, that hope is a component of the glue that holds our endurance together - but that's another matter.)  I'd try to hold course to the bitter or wonderful end, whichever came first.

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I have also thought about that. And yes. I would definitely want to know. But purely for selfish reasons. If I knew how long we had to wait, it would help me decide treatment options for my son. Without knowing we are still trying for a cure. If I knew it was within 2 years or so we wouldn't. So yes, I want to know in a heartbeat. But it makes no difference in sticking it to satan and making Jehovah's heart glad.

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I have also thought about that. And yes. I would definitely want to know. But purely for selfish reasons. If I knew how long we had to wait, it would help me decide treatment options for my son. Without knowing we are still trying for a cure. If I knew it was within 2 years or so we wouldn't. So yes, I want to know in a heartbeat. But it makes no difference in sticking it to satan and making Jehovah's heart glad.

i can understand fully sister y knowing in your circumctances would b a help in one way. Thats never occurred to me before. :-)

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It's interesting that the new Yearbook lists us being in 239 lands (probably a few more than that, but our brothers can't get reports out) but we rarely read about how many "lands" there actually are in the world.  The consensus seems to be about 257!  That's how close we are to the fulfillment of Matthew 24:14.  And make no mistake about it, that scripture has to be fulfilled before Jehovah brings an end to this system of things.  Some of these lands we aren't in may just be small islands with just a few people on them too, we don't know but one thing is sure, we are extremely close to covering the globle with the good news of God's Kingdom!

Don't live for the moment - live for the future! :D

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And so we get another wonderful Watchtower study article helping our young ones (and anyone else who wans to serve more fully) to develop the desire to be missionaries!



Edited by JudyO

....Those who seek Jehovah can understand EVERYTHING......Proverbs 28:5. (The possibilities are endless!)

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I am married for nearly 9 years and we decided that we will not have children in this world as the end is very near.but after these years well wishers asked us how we are going to deal with old age problems.one frnd even asked me that off one of you passed away the other would be totally lonely. then i went and spoke to my elder and expressed my fears that if i

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Am giving birth to a baby, the world is not safe for the child as the tribulation is approaching.If I am not bringing a baby in our family life then one of us may suffer the consequence of death.he explained to me that what ever decisions we take, as long as that are according to Jehovah s will he will be protecting us.so he said if I wanted to have a baby nothing to worry about. Jah knows how to deliver people.so sis I think you can carry on with your sons treatment.will pray for you to have the strength to handle this situation wisely.do pray for us.

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