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Worldwide Reports (xls)

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I checked it. It is accessible. Might be you can't open it because you don't have Excel or something compatible (maybe you can store it into Google Drive and open it with Google Docs).

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I'm unable to access this - help needed.

Tim, I use Windows 7 and use Excel but also have the same problems as you - cant access these xlsx attachments so I email them to my daughter who has an Apple 'puter, she opens it and sends it back to me.   If you know someone with Apple this may help you.  Its easier than trying to download all kinds of programmes that you may only use once in a blue moon.

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I found this stats very interesting, I created diagrams with it... We have a bump on 1975 (as we all know why) but also on 1995... I'm wondering what happen wordly in 1995.


In France, 1995 is the starting year of the tax persecution (and BOOOO CULT BOOOO!!!) against the JW... we won a few years ago.

So this may explain for France. 

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Table with the statistics of JW over the years:




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Edited by timpin
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I'm unable to access this - help needed.



I would really like to view this table on my iMac.



Great information! Thank you ;)

I especially find the statistics on Jesus bride very enlightening!



Need some Graphs ! I'm definitely keeping this and planning to update it next year ! Great work !

I would like to be enlightend too!
Edited by timpin
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OK, Here is a download link for the excel report document. Thanks Lance for the file!


This link is good for the next ten days: http://bit.ly/1frPK9a

Thank you ... however when I click on it - I still get Nothing? anyone else having this problem? ... what am I doing wrong? ... ???
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Thank you ... however when I click on it - I still get Nothing? anyone else having this problem? ... what am I doing wrong? ... ???


1. My link is working again (the hosting server was maintained by the provider some hours)

2. Why do you want to click on it? You already find out that you can't read the Excel format with your iMac. What would be changed with more clicks and more posts like these?(maybe someone in your congregation can help you to install the needed software)

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Since the last graph has somehow been lost, I've uploaded my own version.




One reason there may be an increase of partakers is due to what Jesus said by illustration in Matt 20.

Here he tells us that the workers were invited into the masters field on the 3rd, 6th, 9th and 11th hours.

There was no constant stream of workers going into the field, only those invited at certain times.


If we are at the 11th hour, this may explain the new workers coming into the field.



OK, Here is a download link for the excel report document. Thanks Lance for the file!


This link is good for the next ten days: http://bit.ly/1frPK9a

Thank you Lance & Chuck! - GOT it! Fabulous work Student! - Nice graph Darren!
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Thank you ... however when I click on it - I still get Nothing? anyone else having this problem? ... what am I doing wrong? ... ???

When I click on the link I posted, it starts downloading immediately.  You can try right-clicking on the link and choose "save target as" or "save file as" depending on your browser. But if you are using an iMac, I don't know what the download procedure is for that. And, as mentioned, you need Microsoft Excel installed to read the file, or at least the Excel viewer. Here is a link to the Windows viewer, and there may be one for Apple,




EDIT: I didn't see the above post when I posted this! :)

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  • 1 year later...

Has anyone ever read this paper? It is a study conducted in 1997 to discuss why Jehovah's Witnesses are growing so rapidly.

I enjoyed the way it was put together. Loved the piece discussing Higher Education. And how, even when only including active publishers in the statistics, we still showing such growth. I'm not attaching the file. Just Google the file JWGROW-O.pdf and download it. I got it from the site below.

by R STARK - ‎1997
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  • 4 weeks later...

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