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Europeans De-Baptize from Catholic Church

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Thought this was a interesting trend, Catholic church is pretty worried about it too. I also thought it was interesting to note that in another article on this subject it mentioned how unhappy the Italian Gov't is with the churches "tax-exempt" status!


Don't live for the moment - live for the future! :D

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Hey, did the Post reprint this article for a reason? It says the original article was from January 2012. Is this still a problem and continuing to be so? Just curious. 

Safeguard Your Heart for " Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks" Matthew 12:34

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It's become a bigger problem since the whole gay issue with the church erupted a few months back, especially in Europe.  People are leaving the church because they won't accept gays or because they will - can't please everybody I guess. 

Don't live for the moment - live for the future! :D

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Lebouvier's case is among a growing wave of de-baptisms in Europe, one of the most visible manifestations of the continent's secular drift. Websites offering informal de-baptism certificates have mushroomed. Other Christians are formally breaking from the church by opting out of state church taxes.

In neighboring Belgium, which has been hit hard by the church sex scandals, de-baptism requests in the French-speaking region alone soared to roughly 2,000 in 2010, compared to 66 two years earlier, according to the Brussels Federation of Friends of Secular Morality. The numbers of people reportedly leaving the Dutch church reportedly shot up 25 percent.

In Germany, a record 181,000 Catholics formally split from the Catholic Church in 2011 -- the first time that Catholic defections outpaced Protestants leaving. 



 It seems that a growing number of people are very upset over the fact that they were baptized as infants without their consent. And so, to counter this unwanted and forced entry into the Church, the National Secular Society (in the UK) has initiated a process of "de-baptism" by which a person can renounce his real baptism and all that goes with it. Not only does the person go through a de-baptism ceremony, but he also receives a "De-baptism Certificate" 



More than 100,000 Britons have recently downloaded “certificates of de-baptism” from the Internet to renounce their Christian faith.

Michael Evans, 66, branded baptising children as “a form of child abuse”—and said that when he complained to the church where he was christened he was told to contact the European Court of Human Rights.

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 It is sad that this happening for a while. However, a while ago many thought it will be the Eastren World ideology will have a main influence of going against religion in the future. But, I have saying to the friends watch out for the Westren World and it's ideology of going against religion. Those friends died in the past, they going to be shocked when they are resurrected. Many thought communism will be the main influence of attacking religion. It is going be all around including lands that has no communist ideology. A matter of fact, communist ideology is basically dead

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Pew Institute did an article on - Different destinations for U.S. Hispanics, Latin Americans who leave Catholic Church

Interesting article, said many are turning to atheist, agnostic or simply no religion. Maybe religious burnout, disillusioned with clergy, seeing the hypocrisy, or just lazy?    





Safeguard Your Heart for " Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks" Matthew 12:34

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Pew Institute did an article on - Different destinations for U.S. Hispanics, Latin Americans who leave Catholic Church

Interesting article, said many are turning to atheist, agnostic or simply no religion. Maybe religious burnout, disillusioned with clergy, seeing the hypocrisy, or just lazy?    





And many are coming into the truth too.

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