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Ferguson Grand Jury announcement

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An elder once said "the world could be burning" and they'll cry peace and security. You're right, it will be nothing but hopes and dreams, no substance.

I don't believe that. But I am happy to wait and see.
Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





Soon .....


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There is so much wrong with this incident that it just reeks with satanic influence.


We don't know what really happened and probably never will. Satan rules the world and most people in it are his subjects. In this case both the police and those rioting are under his control. He doesn't care if they fight and kill each other. It keeps people focused on the corruption and the need to do something about themselves, right here, right now by any means necessary. They don't want to wait for Jehovah to solve the problem.


Babylon the Great wants the people to look to her as she rides the beast and gathers people in to her churches for political meetings and news statements to preach that fighting back with protests is the right thing to do and ask for them to support her taking the lead doing so but don't forget to "pray" for justice and for peace.


Satan wants the people to make so much noise that it drowns out the kingdom message. Jesus said no one comes to me unless the father calls him. We can be glad that Jehovah's voice is not something Satan can stop!!!

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There is so much wrong with this incident that it just reeks with satanic influence.


We don't know what really happened and probably never will. Satan rules the world and most people in it are his subjects. In this case both the police and those rioting are under his control. He doesn't care if they fight and kill each other. It keeps people focused on the corruption and the need to do something about themselves, right here, right now by any means necessary. They don't want to wait for Jehovah to solve the problem.


Babylon the Great wants the people to look to her as she rides the beast and gathers people in to her churches for political meetings and news statements to preach that fighting back with protests is the right thing to do and ask for them to support her taking the lead doing so but don't forget to "pray" for justice and for peace.


Satan wants the people to make so much noise that it drowns out the kingdom message. Jesus said no one comes to me unless the father calls him. We can be glad that Jehovah's voice is not something Satan can stop!!!

I believe there is more to the this story in Ferguson. The cop may been injured, but NOT injured enough to gun down a person at least 11 times at a good distance. Plus, he has the same skin color before and even after the fight. He has a reddish skin color.

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I don't believe that. But I am happy to wait and see.

His point was, like you said, the cry will be a veneer. He was using hyperbole.

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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The cop may been injured, but NOT injured enough to gun down a person at least 11 times at a good distance.


According to newly released evidence, Brown first attempted to get the gun, failed, ran away, then was shot in the chest and head as he was running toward the officer for a second attempt.

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I just wanted to say something about the "race card". When I first heard someone use that phrase years ago it was with the word "played". I didn't really know what the person meant but I visualized a card game where the race card is some kind of a trump card. I personally don't recall ever hearing someone say "I played the race card". It was always said in a context of someone using a unfair advantage. I have never heard it used in a respectful way.


I don't like the phrase because I don't think the racial struggles that occur in this old system not just between blacks and whites but with people of all races all over the world should in any way be likened to a game. True now a days  people are in competition with each other for just about everything. often this is some very serious competition. jobs, housing, respect and a decent life to name a few. This is the way Satan likes it. We DO live in a world where someone can be mistreated even killed because of the color of their skin. So when a "claim" is made why degrade it by liking it to a game?

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Where is the public outrage and rioting when an unarmed Latino, Asian or White individual is killed by a white police officer?


Yeah, tell me again how race isn't an issue.

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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I don't think I understand your reply Br. Glen. I will say though that I am purposely not voicing my opinion of the guilt or innocence of the officer or the young man that was killed or the young man's parents.


I live in the Midwest not to far from Ferguson. I think it's notable that many civil rights leaders in America are also leaders in Christendom and as some have already said they don't point to God's Kingdom as the solution to real or perceived injustice. I was pointing out that it is also clearly apparent that these leaders want to control the government much like Babylon the Great. We know this will lead to her downfall and the GT (as some are putting it)


As a black man raised in the Midwest as a witness, I personally have experienced trying to witness to people angry about racial issues and many found the idea of waiting on God to do something distasteful. Wanting something done right now! so they protest, and sometimes these are violent, they get wrapped up with political and social change and it blinds them to the truth which is what Satan wants.

I have also seen children raised with the truth by very spiritual parents some being servants, elders and pioneers grow up leave Jehovah and do horrible things some even landing in prison.

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According to newly released evidence, Brown first attempted to get the gun, failed, ran away, then was shot in the chest and head as he was running toward the officer for a second attempt.

That is true, however Brown was shot at aleast 11 times 25 feet away.Could the officer wait for back up or stay in his vehicle after he was "so-called" seriusly injured? I would.

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That is true, however Brown was shot at aleast 11 times 25 feet away.Could the officer wait for back up or stay in his vehicle after he was "so-called" seriusly injured? I would.


That is not how a police officer is trained to handle a situation such as this.  

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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That is true, however Brown was shot at aleast 11 times 25 feet away.Could the officer wait for back up or stay in his vehicle after he was "so-called" seriusly injured? I would.


The Police Officer has a sworn duty to uphold the law of the land and to protect and serve. He has a lawful and legal right to use lethal force when HE feels justified under the parameters of law . How did he protect and serve Michael Brown? According to eyewitness testimony, he repeatedly told him in a loud and clear voice to stop. When Michael Brown stopped he turned around and proceeded to move toward the Officer. The Officer told him to stop and get on the ground, repeatedly told him to stop in a loud and clear voice. His obligation to protect Michael Brown ended when Michael refused to obey the officer and the officer felt threatened. A police officer has a sworn duty to uphold the law, that means to arrest the bad guys and or detain suspected bad guys. To discharge his sworn duties as an officer of the court he could not just stay in his car or ignore the robbery suspect, it is his job to contain the situation in the manner he was trained to do it. Michael Brown is dead because of the choices he made as the evidence at hand, both forensic and witness, clearly shows. Is the evidence corrupt, I don't know. We may never know the whole truth.  It is sad that things like this happens but for as long as police have the lawful and legal right to use lethal force things like this will continue to happen.__Romans 13:1-4

As Christians the only hope we have to survive an encounter with the police, in this wicked system, is to obey their commands and make no sudden movements. Train your children to obey and respect the law/police and set the example for them. When a parent speaks disparagingly of the police in ear shod of their children, will that have an effect on their choices in an incident with police?  Having three worldly nephews that are or have been State Troopers, I know that there are good officers and bad officers and we never know which will mistake us for the bad guy. Make sure that you are not the bad guy because your chances of surviving will be diminished or increased by the choices you make in movement and obedience.



We cannot incite if we are not in sight.___Heb.10:24,25

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That is true, however Brown was shot at aleast 11 times 25 feet away.Could the officer wait for back up or stay in his vehicle after he was "so-called" seriusly injured? I would.


He was shot at 11 times, and hit 6 times. Sorry for nitpicking, but this is just another example of how the media intentionally misrepresents the facts.


Also, the first altercation WAS inside the police car, so waiting for backup would have only led to a second attack, assuming the officer could outrun Brown to the car in the first place.


Unfortunately, this is one of those situations with no right answer. If Brown wasn't shot, he would have inevitably gotten the officer's gun, car, and several others would be dead at Brown's hand.

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He was shot at 11 times, and hit 6 times. Sorry for nitpicking, but this is just another example of how the media intentionally misrepresents the facts.


Also, the first altercation WAS inside the police car, so waiting for backup would have only led to a second attack, assuming the officer could outrun Brown to the car in the first place.


Unfortunately, this is one of those situations with no right answer. If Brown wasn't shot, he would have inevitably gotten the officer's gun, car, and several others would be dead at Brown's hand.

The media gives out wrong information, however the reality is that someone is dead because of this and most likely it could be avoided.

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The Police Officer has a sworn duty to uphold the law of the land and to protect and serve. He has a lawful and legal right to use lethal force when HE feels justified under the parameters of law . How did he protect and serve Michael Brown? According to eyewitness testimony, he repeatedly told him in a loud and clear voice to stop. When Michael Brown stopped he turned around and proceeded to move toward the Officer. The Officer told him to stop and get on the ground, repeatedly told him to stop in a loud and clear voice. His obligation to protect Michael Brown ended when Michael refused to obey the officer and the officer felt threatened. A police officer has a sworn duty to uphold the law, that means to arrest the bad guys and or detain suspected bad guys. To discharge his sworn duties as an officer of the court he could not just stay in his car or ignore the robbery suspect, it is his job to contain the situation in the manner he was trained to do it. Michael Brown is dead because of the choices he made as the evidence at hand, both forensic and witness, clearly shows. Is the evidence corrupt, I don't know. We may never know the whole truth.  It is sad that things like this happens but for as long as police have the lawful and legal right to use lethal force things like this will continue to happen.__Romans 13:1-4

As Christians the only hope we have to survive an encounter with the police, in this wicked system, is to obey their commands and make no sudden movements. Train your children to obey and respect the law/police and set the example for them. When a parent speaks disparagingly of the police in ear shod of their children, will that have an effect on their choices in an incident with police?  Having three worldly nephews that are or have been State Troopers, I know that there are good officers and bad officers and we never know which will mistake us for the bad guy. Make sure that you are not the bad guy because your chances of surviving will be diminished or increased by the choices you make in movement and obedience.



Good information, I wonder if the officer could a tazer, that if he had one. And if a police officer has a sworn duty to up hold the law, then why is there so many criminals on the streets? Jehovah is going to be the REAL police officer when his day comes.

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I think this whole situation got whipped into a frenzy because at first Michael Brown was portrayed in the media as this completely innocent "child" who was just blatantly shot down while walking along. The true facts of what happened shortly before the runin with the officer and what happened during the run in took too long to come out and by then most thought Michael Brown was just straight out, gunned down because he was black. Now that some more information has come to light via a grand jury investigation - people are hesitant to back down on their original position that Michael was an innocent, unarmed, unthreatening child. I don't think I've seen one picture of him where he didn't look a bit menacing - police officer or no police officer, I think anyone would of been intimidated by him.

Don't live for the moment - live for the future! :D

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Good information, I wonder if the officer could a tazer, that if he had one. And if a police officer has a sworn duty to up hold the law, then why is there so many criminals on the streets? Jehovah is going to be the REAL police officer when his day comes.


According to the officers testimony, although he is trained in using a taser, he chose not to bring a taser with him that day. In hindsight we can say that was not a good choice on his part. As it played out, a taser was not an option. In the State I live in, many have died as a result of tasers so even if it had been an option, there is no guarantee that the outcome would have been different. Satan is the ruler of this world, so I wouldn't expect perfect justice to come either from this present system or from the efforts for civil change. God's Kingdom is the only hope because I suspect it will get much worse.

When Jehovah or Jesus are the "real Police Officer," do you think it will end any differently? Will Jehovah or Jesus tolerate crime in the New World or even the attitude, "no one is going to tell me what to do"? Isa. 65:20

It will be interesting to see how he deals with all the resurrected ones in perfect justice with the choices they make._Ps. 37:10,11,27-29, 38 "For Jehovah loves Justice"

Edited by lynn

We cannot incite if we are not in sight.___Heb.10:24,25

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He was shot at 11 times, and hit 6 times. Sorry for nitpicking, but this is just another example of how the media intentionally misrepresents the facts.


Also, the first altercation WAS inside the police car, so waiting for backup would have only led to a second attack, assuming the officer could outrun Brown to the car in the first place.


Unfortunately, this is one of those situations with no right answer. If Brown wasn't shot, he would have inevitably gotten the officer's gun, car, and several others would be dead at Brown's hand.



 I am not sying I am Superman, I am only saying that nobody has ever seen Superman  and me in a room together.

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The media gives out wrong information, however the reality is that someone is dead because of this and most likely it could be avoided.

I 100% agree. Had his parents taught him to respect authority - none of this, the robbery, roughing up the store clerk, assaulting an officer and his death - all easily could have been avoided. It is a good lesson for all of us - respect duly placed authority and teach others to do likewise. Nice post Lynn.

Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





Soon .....


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The media gives out wrong information, however the reality is that someone is dead because of this and most likely it could be avoided.


This may be true, but police officers have to make decisions within a second. Officers do not have time to stand there and think for minutes on end and say to themselves "should I do this" or "what would happen if I did this instead".  Officers have literally one second to make a decision.  Do they sometimes make the wrong one, yes.  If you are not a police officer then you have no idea what it is like for them.  I do not believe the officer wanted to kill this person.  He made a decision in a split second, and this is what happened.


It's very easy for all of us to criticize this officer and say he should have done that or he should have done this, but without being in his shoes at that precise moment, none of us have any clue what went through his mind and how he came to this decision.

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In the initial struggle, Brown apparently forced his way into the police car, and ran only after two shots were fired. (His blood was found on the gun and interior door panel.)


During the second attempt, the officer began firing when Brown was 25 feet away, and he continued running another 17 feet, after being struck several times in the arm and chest. He only fell to the ground after being shot in the head, at 8-10 feet away from the officer.


While it's possible that the officer could have retained the gun during a second struggle, it's very likely that one, or both, would have been shot in the process.

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I 100% agree. Had his parents taught him to respect authority - none of this, the robbery, roughing up the store clerk, assaulting an officer and his death - all easily could have been avoided. It is a good lesson for all of us - respect duly placed authority and teach others to do likewise. Nice post Lynn.


This is so true!!!


If a police officer tells me to get off the street and onto the sidewalk, then I will do it.  We obey the police officers, even if we think they are wrong or are making too much out of stuff.


The fact that he robbed a store, assaulted a police officer and refused to obey the police officers commands is what is lost in this entire conversation.  No one is talking about this and that is what bothers me.  

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Even though this officer had to act within seconds to save his own life, he still gave the young man time to stop on his own, he repeatedly shouted for him to "stop" or "freeze" and the fact that it took six bullets to bring him down tells me he was at first just trying to control and slow down the situation, not trying to kill him - hoping a bullet in a spot that wouldn't be life-threatening would give him pause to think about what his actions were doing.

Don't live for the moment - live for the future! :D

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It's still hard for me to believe that out of all the "witnesses" to this event, that not ONE person pulled out their cellphone and started to record the incident!  I have a feeling someone did, but it didn't put someone in a favorable light so they never came forward.

Don't live for the moment - live for the future! :D

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I 100% agree. Had his parents taught him to respect authority - none of this, the robbery, roughing up the store clerk, assaulting an officer and his death - all easily could have been avoided. It is a good lesson for all of us - respect duly placed authority and teach others to do likewise. Nice post Lynn.


The problem is we don't know what his Mother taught him or what influence his step-father had or what influence the community had on him. Maybe the mother taught him correctly to respect the law but he lived a double life. I use the word "parental failure" because sometimes a parents training fails because the child decides to go his or her own way irregardless of the thinking and training of the parents. It doesn't always have to mean that the parent failed to train the child properly. Maybe that is why she is in complete denial that her son could do all the things he is accused of.

We cannot incite if we are not in sight.___Heb.10:24,25

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