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Just saying.. our publications make a distinction between the physical realm and the spiritual realm.


Jehovah may have the quality of dynamic energy, he may (obviously he does...) be able to control, create and use vast amounts of energy from lightning to suns.  That doesn't mean he or other spirits are composed of anything we would remotely consider physical or matter.


Like you said, we're just in kindergarten...

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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I get it ... We as humans struggle greatly with understanding what is ... But to desribe or comprehend was is not is more than a little mind boggling .. Is it the opposite .. Similar .. Or nothing that we can comprehend .

The spiritual world ... For lack of a better word or phrase is not of " our dimension" what that "dimensions " is or is not we only have very brief glimpses of in the Bible ...

Was this universe and all beings except Jehovah formed or created .. Yep

All things ( expansive as you can think of and more) Went through Jesus the master worker .. Yep

The Bible does not explain what those "things" are made of or not made of ... But they were made ..yep

The spiritual point I really like is it was all done "for him "... What a gift and what a responsibility...

Col 1: 15

15 He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation; 16 because by means of him allother things were created in the heavens and on the earth, the things visible and the things invisible, whether they are thrones or lordships or governments or authorities. All other things have been created through him and for him. 17 Also, he is before all other things, and by means of him all other things were made to exist,

Zeph 3:17 Jehovah your God is in the midst of you. As a mighty One, he will save. He will exult over you with rejoicing. He will become silent in his love. He will be joyful over you with happy cries....... Love it....a beautiful word picture.

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Hi Glenn,

The account of the ascending angel in Judges 13:20 is especially interesting, as it is similar to Jesus’ ascension. Regarding the implications of this, Insight on the Scriptures under “Ascension (Correctness of the Term),” page 187, wisely notes:



Thus, the upward movements of Manoah’s angel in Judges 13:20 and Jesus’ ascension were illusions playing on the illustration that “heaven” is a realm above the sky. This illustration is seen in Genesis 28:12-13, which reports of Jacob’s dream of the ladder or staircase “stationed upon the earth and its top reaching up to the heavens,” with “God’s angels ascending and descending on it,” and God himself stationed above it. This illustration is seen again in Revelation 12, which contrasts heaven with earth and identifies heaven as God’s abode. This dual registry harmonizes with John 8:21, 23, where Jesus said the spirit realm is above our world, where we cannot go on our own. That heaven is not literally or directionally above earth is seen with the angel in Judges 6:21. Here, he returned to heaven with no ascension, instead he simply vanished from physical sight, like an angel did in Acts 12:10. The resurrected Jesus also returned by vanishing, and could reappear at will. (Luke 24:31; John 20:26) This indicates that heaven as the spirit realm transcends the physical realm. While it is a higher realm, it cannot be pointed to—one cannot point “up” to the sky and indicate where the spirit realm is. That is why the above Insight article quote finishes that this realm is “not governed by human dimensions or directions.” An illustration of this relationship could be that the spirit realm is to the physical realm like the physical realm is to a two-dimensional plane. A manifestation of a spirit being could then be likened to one of us sticking a finger into a two-dimensional plane and interacting with a two-dimensional being. Thus, Gabriel only appeared to move at great speed to visit Daniel, traversing heaven to earth. But his perspective was likely quite different from ours and Daniel’s. From Gabriel’s perspective, it was probably more like a routine maneuver intervening in earthly space.


This illustration of 3D interacting with 2D is seen in this video:

Dr Quantum Visits Flatland


(For the record, there are no two-dimensional beings, that was just used for illustration sake. :)  )

Jimspace if you told me this about 20 years ago, I would be debating this. This a good post and we have a lot to learn. Have you ever wonder what is beyond the horizon or Universe? We don't know because we have not reach that point yet. And it might take billions or trillions years to do it. Will Jehovah helps us to know? My answer is this. Does a new born baby comes with a manual?

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"Have you ever wonder what is beyond the horizon or Universe?"


I'm familiar with this question. I would venture to say empty space. Mind-blowing, I know. :headphones:  That just makes our universe a precious oasis.

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So if I am driving at 55 MPH and a drunk driver crashes with my car, what was the angel doing? Can I send a complaint to heaven for negligence? :raspberry:



this was a response to Carlos remark about 55mph crash with a drunk driver.   

Edited by MizPeg
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"Have you ever wonder what is beyond the horizon or Universe?"


I'm familiar with this question. I would venture to say empty space. Mind-blowing, I know. :headphones:  That just makes our universe a precious oasis.



A deep thought here. Right now in my front room. In the front room is where my couch is at. In the living room is where the table is at. Between these two where I'm sitting at on my couch while typing this is space. So, there is no doubt that there is space beyond this Universe because it is expanding. However, how long it is going to expand, we don't know. But it might last forever. If not, then who is to say that there is an A (our universe) and B (something else) is out there?

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"Have you ever wonder what is beyond the horizon or Universe?"


I'm familiar with this question. I would venture to say empty space. Mind-blowing, I know. :headphones:  That just makes our universe a precious oasis.




A deep thought here. Right now in my front room. In the front room is where my couch is at. In the living room is where the table is at. Between these two where I'm sitting at on my couch while typing this is space. So, there is no doubt that there is space beyond this Universe because it is expanding. However, how long it is going to expand, we don't know. But it might last forever. If not, then who is to say that there is an A (our universe) and B (something else) is out there?


Not necessarily.  Thanks to the curvature of space/time you don't have something that is like a balloon.  It could be that whatever direction you go in you end up coming back to the same place.  I know it's a very hard concept to get our heads around but you can have something that is finite but has no edge.  Of course it's maths, physics and a lot of hypothesis but it's not impossible.


Also, the nature of matter and energy, both what we can see and what is known as "dark" is a product of the universe and exists only within the context of the universe.  What we think of a space is not really empty apparently.


Anyway, all this is hypothesis, theory and, in many cases, only "provable" using maths.  We simply don't know.   I am just saying that we know enough to know that it is not as simple as imagining an expanding sphere, expanding into something that is the same as what is inside the sphere.

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Your comment on multiple universes is the dodge atheists retreat to  get around the fact of the odds against life

arising by chance in this one. If you have multiple universes, you greatly increase those odds, But where is the

proof ? And as pointed out by others, this does not even take into account the issue of the righteousness of Jeho-

vah's  sovereignty or the atonement provided through Christ's ransom death. But since these men are all unbe-

lievers in these things - or al least most of them - they are not troubled by those considerations.



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Your comment on multiple universes is the dodge atheists retreat to  get around the fact of the odds against life

arising by chance in this one. If you have multiple universes, you greatly increase those odds, But where is the

proof ? And as pointed out by others, this does not even take into account the issue of the righteousness of Jeho-

vah's  sovereignty or the atonement provided through Christ's ransom death. But since these men are all unbe-

lievers in these things - or al least most of them - they are not troubled by those considerations.





Is he increasing the odds against whom? Is it what we know or don't know?  No matter multiple universes or not, yet according to Jehovah's eyes, there are beings live on a blue dot that needs to be save and he did it.

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Not necessarily.  Thanks to the curvature of space/time you don't have something that is like a balloon.  It could be that whatever direction you go in you end up coming back to the same place.  I know it's a very hard concept to get our heads around but you can have something that is finite but has no edge.  Of course it's maths, physics and a lot of hypothesis but it's not impossible.


Also, the nature of matter and energy, both what we can see and what is known as "dark" is a product of the universe and exists only within the context of the universe.  What we think of a space is not really empty apparently.


Anyway, all this is hypothesis, theory and, in many cases, only "provable" using maths.  We simply don't know.   I am just saying that we know enough to know that it is not as simple as imagining an expanding sphere, expanding into something that is the same as what is inside the sphere.

If you have said this around 1910, then the universe would been our galaxy. About 10 years later, that all change. Why? We look beyond our galaxy and discover more. We would have to wait and see if we going to have equipment that see beyond our universe or the balloon. 

Edited by Dustparticle
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  • 5 months later...

"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth" - Gen 1:1.


Then the record goes on to explain how earth was created and then life, lastly human life.  By chapter 3 it all goes pear-shaped.  There is no record of any other creative work.  No other planets inhabited by intelligent creatures that can worship God.  Nothing, just the account about us humans here.  And before any other creative work could be done, Jehovah put in place the rescue plan for humans and for the defense of his sovereignty.  There wasn't any other life-form created somewhere else until Jehovah's sovereignty would be vindicated.

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