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New "Divine Name King James Bible"

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"Translators of the Divine Name King James Version are following the pattern of other Bible translations, including Young’s Literal Translation, Darby Translation, The New World Translation, The American Standard Version and The Bible in Living English, in restoring the Divine Name where it was originally written."

The conclusion of the matter, everything having been heard, is: Fear the true God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole obligation of man. Ec 12:13

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That article is date September 2015, I don't remember hearing about it back then. Thx.

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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Old news. I apologise.


40 bucks, wow.

The conclusion of the matter, everything having been heard, is: Fear the true God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole obligation of man. Ec 12:13

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20 minutes ago, ChrisTheConfused said:

Old news. I apologise.


40 bucks, wow.

Don't apologize, we are all learning from each other here.   I have recently used this updated Bible example with a Bible Student.


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$40.00?! Well, now I can see how the Bible was inaccessible for many on the continent of Africa for so many years.  They couldn't afford it!  I remember reading our literature recently about the NWT being released in Kinyarwanda at their local convention and how many were overjoyed to read it finally in the language of their heart. Even the police were lined up to get their own free copy. :) 


Yes,  as Jesus said in Matthew 10:6: "You received free, you give free.".   We have the  :heart: Holy Scriptures :heart:  the greatest gift in the world---and it's free! 

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$40 is a reasonable price for a limited edition publication.

We are so use to getting our publications for no cost that retail prices comes as a shock .  I could easily see the Insight books going for $60 a volume from a commercial source. Just materials and labor could be in excess of $20 per volume.

Now and then we need to remind our selves of the high cost of our  printed material;  printed material that is supported by our contributions.

Also a good encouragement to go digital where practical. 

 I am not sying I am Superman, I am only saying that nobody has ever seen Superman  and me in a room together.

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1 hour ago, Omo_Yeme said:

Yes,  as Jesus said in Matthew 10:6: "You received free, you give free.". 

The information is free, but the materials and shipping are not.


As recently as the late 1980s, theocratic materials were primarily offered on a per-donation basis. The payment wasn't strictly required in every case, but there were price lists for the various publications to cover the necessary costs.

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As others have said, we used to offer the literature for a "suggested" donation.  Some of our larger books (think the size of an Insight book) were $10.00 thirty years ago.  Use an inflation calculator and see if this is not about $30.00 in today's US currency.  We need to constantly remind ourselves of the ongoing COST of our publications (as material prices inflate, delivery costs increase and so on).  We now offer the literature at no cost or "free" to the public, but it still is expensive to produce and ship.  When asked if she wanted a CD Library disk, I heard a well-meaning sister say, "Sure, give me 2 of them since they are free!"  

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Exactly why JB Broadcasting is not being offered on DVD , most now have a roku or internet connection, or it's being shown at the Kingdom Halls, some Halls , like ours has stopped showing (not enough publishers showing up ) it can also be recorded on your own DVD recorder by using a roku 1 with RCA jacks or through your computer to recorder to share with family members that don't have internet! I record ever month to share it with family members living in area with no internet, they love it, nothing like viewing on a big screen, and being able to view it  together! My cost is very inexpensive, no cost to the society! :-) Also why not invite friends over to watch together?


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When no direct contribution for literature was inaugurated in US we had a literature Brother that became a super salesman.

New visitors to the  KH were invited to feast on everything, Bibles, yeah we gottem, Insight books, you will need them. First time visitors were leaving their first meeting with stacks of hard cover books. Service overseer didn't seem to notice.

it came a head when I saw a part time attender leaving the counter with three big boxes of something. I had to inquire. What was in the boxes?

Litrature servant replied that Mike ( our literature carrying out attender) had stated his father was going blind. The father had studied for a few weeks years before, was favorable to JWs but had never gone beyond telling his three kids that the witnesses were good  people, never came to meetings, etc, etc, etc.

based on this our LS had offered tomgetbhim the NWT in Brail, hey, it is free!

I would guess that those three boxes cost our organization over $100.

The young mans father still drives 10 years after the fact, has never agreed to a study, may have attended the Memorial on more than one  occasion. The three boxes ? When we switched from a fixed contribution for our our literature to 'provided at no cost, many thought this meant FREE, never free, it was with an obligation. For publishers cover the cost through our donations, for the public the obligation was to read it, a possible contribution was invited.

Our  literature costs. Covering the cost is up to us.

The three boxes are lost. How much of our literature do we allow to be lost?

There will always be some lost but we can help control it. 

Literature is not free.




 I am not sying I am Superman, I am only saying that nobody has ever seen Superman  and me in a room together.

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 OT: We need to be judicious with our placements. All printing is costly. I frequently have relatively low placement ratio compared to rvs and studies, b/c I want to go back and feature literature articles in publications that people have already accepted. These gems do not need to go unappreciated. In fact, when we finished our Memorial campaign, the service overseer called to have me resubmit my report because of (unusually) high placements.  Out literature IS Valuable. Think of what college students spend for a semester worth of printed materials.  Comparatively, our literature is packed full of up-to-date, practical, and relevant info.  Those wonderful tracts are versatile elements in our tool kits.

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3 hours ago, Old said:


Our  literature costs. Covering the cost is up to us.

The three boxes are lost. How much of our literature do we allow to be lost?

There will always be some lost but we can help control it. 

Literature is not free.


This were in our local needs in march and in our assembly which held just last sunday... because of our obligation we need to pay in the daily basis...

All glory and praises goes to Jehovah :) 

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4 hours ago, kejedo said:

 OT: We need to be judicious with our placements. All printing is costly. I frequently have relatively low placement ratio compared to rvs and studies, b/c I want to go back and feature literature articles in publications that people have already accepted. These gems do not need to go unappreciated. In fact, when we finished our Memorial campaign, the service overseer called to have me resubmit my report because of (unusually) high placements.  Out literature IS Valuable. Think of what college students spend for a semester worth of printed materials.  Comparatively, our literature is packed full of up-to-date, practical, and relevant info.  Those wonderful tracts are versatile elements in our tool kits.

As a Pioneer, I have fairly high placement count.  However, I switched to tracts in many cases.  A one-page tract counts the same in the placement column as a 16 page magazine or a 200 page book. And an invitation is even smaller.

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