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I agree with spending money on fruit and vegetables ...but I do take.... Cod Liver Oil...Evening Primrose Oil and Cider Vinegar...which are good for digestion...skin and mental health... and comparative cheap...

I supplement because I do not eat properly. I'm always on the go and I was having issues that I couldn't put a finger on, until I referred to my 'Earl Mindell's Vitamin Bible LOL' Sounds hokey, but I was craving things and it wasn't until I referenced the book that I figured out what it was that I was lacking.

I take calcium and vitamin D, super garlic oil tablets (they seem to keep mosquitos away), I also take a B stress complex, and evening primrose.

I've recently began to change my eating habits, I've weaned myself off of empty carbohydrates, and started on nutrient dense ones. I'm also eating more protein, vegetables and fruit. Most importantly though, I've pretty much weaned myself off of coffee (I loved my 3/3 - ugh), cheezies (high in fat and salt), as well as pop (or soda for you american folk). I feel better, and because I've been abstaining, things that I normally would have enjoyed are either too sugary or too salty. Also, what I've given up in pop and coffee - I've replaced with herbal teas and water.

I haven't lost any weight, but I have more energy and that's what I was hoping for.

As for selling supplements to my brothers and sisters - that's just a no go for me. Buying perhaps, depends on what the product was and how they approached me. If it was done at the hall, I'd probably never associate with them again. There's a few things that I consider off limits, not that other things aren't off limits - it's just that these ones in particular annoy me.

1. Buying and Selling Anything

2. Looking for a Date/Mate

3. My Kids acting up

I've always been of the mindset that these things are an insult to Jehovah, and since we're there to worship and praise his name, that's exactly what we're going to do. Granted we're also there for fellowship too, fellowship doesn't need to be indecent and trying to get people to buy your wares in his house is something that I consider indecent.

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There's a few things that I consider off limits, not that other things aren't off limits - it's just that these ones in particular annoy me.

1. Buying and Selling Anything

2. Looking for a Date/Mate

3. My Kids acting up

I'm not sure what you mean with number three. Do you mean that someone talking to you about your children "acting up" is "off limits" or did you mean someone else's children acting up?

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I do indeed use suppliments , we need to understand what the suppliments are intended for and then decide wether or not to use them,

A suppliment is designed to give your body what it needs that it would not normally recieve on your regular diet regimine.

I suppliment my cheesburgers with fries and the occasional shake ( for the calcium)

I suppliment my icecream with chocolate syrup , hehehe ( i highly recomend that one)


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I do indeed use suppliments ' date=' we need to understand what the suppliments are intended for and then decide wether or not to use them, A suppliment is designed to give your body what it needs that it would not normally recieve on your regular diet regimine. I suppliment my cheesburgers with fries and the occasional shake ( for the calcium) I suppliment my icecream with chocolate syrup , hehehe ( i highly recomend that one)[/quote'] :lol1:
My kind of supplements, too.

47825=2305-Balanced Diet.gif

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.

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There's a few things that I consider off limits, not that other things aren't off limits - it's just that these ones in particular annoy me.

1. Buying and Selling Anything

2. Looking for a Date/Mate

3. My Kids acting up

I'm not sure what you mean with number three. Do you mean that someone talking to you about your children "acting up" is "off limits" or did you mean someone else's children acting up?

No, I mean my children misbehaving. Not someone talking to me about it.

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I cannot abide someone trying to SELL me anything!

But - IF someone is ill and asking, that is totally different.

My sister lived to be 54 years old. Pam was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer at 22. The kind of cancer she had is most aggressive and EVERY SINGLE young woman under 25 that took the 'medically recommended' treatments died. 100 % of them! Pam was not putting faith in such odds. When she recovered from a mastectomy (with an implant the surgeons put in her gutted breast) she opted for all natural everything. Pam ate a macrobiotic diet and took HAND FULLS of vitamins/herbs/nutrients/you name it she took it. She successfully became cancer free until many years later she was going through a horrible divorce and the cancer came back. She fought that recurrence for 11 years. In between these two bouts with her illness, she became a chiropractor, treating many witnesses in our town, having and raising her son and living a very full life.

And one other thing that Pam did. She had Laetrile administered. She also cracked open apricot pits and ate them despite the small amounts of cyanide inside. The benefits far outweigh the risks. (Has anyone here ever read the labels on medical prescription bottles as to side effects, yet we take those things that could kill us???) So, WHO KNOWS exactly what worked and what did not? Jehovah and the whole heavenly organization does.

Mind you NOBODY has gotten through this life alive - not yet! And something will definitely kill us all until the Kingdom begins the reversal and everyone gets to partake from the symbolic leaves of the trees that cure the nations.

Pam will awaken in the paradise cancer free and never again have to TRY to live. She spent her whole adult life just trying not to die. In paradise it will be easy to thrive. I long to see her jump up and run like a horse. Pam was a great athlete.

Everyone must do what they deem proper for themselves. My daughter, Julie, decided just to die when she was diagnosed at 28 with colon cancer and I totally supported her in her decision. I miss both of those wonderful women. :(

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So sorry about your loss Chris. We look forward to Jehovah's new system where we will all live the 'real' life and get to see our dear departed loved ones again. We must hang in there and be faithful to Jehovah. There's nothing else.:yes:

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How about a juicer? For those of us who don't always have time to eat our veggies, we can certainly drink them and still get the benefits. I need to buy another juicer, BTW. Costco sells good quality juicers at reasonable prices. Also, has anyone tried spirulina? I used to mix it in with my yogurt and fruit smoothie in the mornings and really did feel like I had a lot more energy and vitality. The best spirulina is the powdered form and is grown in Hawaii. Nutrex is the name of the company I had bought it from, I think. As far as vitamins go, my doctor recommends I take Vitamin D, Calcium and fish oil. I also take the Costco Kirkland brand "Mature" daily multi-vitamins.
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Have you seen those advertisements for taking inches off your belly with 'this simple trick'. They pop up all over the internet and networking sites. Another related is acai berry products from China. Loads of people in Britain, desperate to lose weight, fell for it and it's been featured on our BBC consumer 'Watchdog' programs.

People sent away for a month's course, found they'd signed up for a few pennies worth of weak Oolong or Wu yi tea and a bottle of laxative tablets. Money was taken from their bank account with a 'direct debit', but after the initial course the price went up and up and by the second month, money was draining from their bank accounts by the hundreds of pounds, hoping that the customer would not notice until their monthly bank statement arrived and the money was gone. In some cases over £400 had gone before they got their monthly statement and tried to stop it, which was difficult as they didn't realise that among the print for a so-called trial course they were signing up for a long contract giving the Chinese company the right to continue taking money.

Some of the companies advertising these products were even found to have hacked into genuine medical sites and added endorsements to their products illegally there or produced illegal copies of medical websites to it as well.

You have to be so careful what you buy directly from China, Nigeria or India via the Internet these days. They seem to be the source of so much fake medicines/goods and underhand business practices, which is a shame for the legitimate companies there.

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Ernst T Krebs (see Wiwkipaedia) 1920's as making 'bootleg liquor' and looking for flavours when he made a flavour from apricot kernels, but it was not popular, so he marketed it as a cancer cure. He seemed to have got his 'medical qualifications' from a defunct theological college where you could once buy religious qualifications. He and his son played on the fact that doctors are wary of alternative medicines and said that the pharmmaceutical industry did not want them to market such a 'simple cure 'as there's no money in it for them. This is true of vitamins, so they called their products vitamin B17 and B15 and their compound Laetrile. Scientifically there is no such thing as B17 or B15 and the American FDA warned people of it in the 1970's, but it has surfaced again, outside of the Food and Drug Administration's juridstiction, in Mexico. There have been many trials of the Kernels by respected scientists without any good resutls:(http://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJM198201283060403




When you accidentally chew a couple of kernels of most fruit that have cyanide in, your kidneys and liver will seek to break it down and then excrete it so that it will not harm you - so it would scientifically never reach the body's cells good or cancerous anyway.If you have had a protein meal, it will break the poison down more effectively. That's why some adults don't immediately get sick from eating a couple, but this does not mean that it is a good idea to eat fruit pips/kernels with cyanide in, the cyanide is there in nature to put you off, so that the seed goes back to the ground to reproduce the fruit tree. Thats why so many birds and animals extcrete the seeds whole - they don't chew the seeds and their bodies are more efficient at rejecting them whole. It's like nicotine - natural poison to protect the plant from being eaten by insects, but no good to the human body, even though folk smoke it and don't immediately die.

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Maybe some of you will remember Chad Green. Back in the late 70's or early 80's, he got cancer and his parents decided to go for natural instead of the usual treatment for cancer. He was my cousins son. They took him to Mexico and he got treatments. The government then tried to take him away from his parents. There was a big uproar here in the US about it. His parents imported illegel Laetrile and had members of the family saving apricot pits for Chad. It was a terrible time for that dear little boy, and no matter what was done, in the end he died. Not a easy death. His parents thought they were doing the best for him.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that we all have the right to decide the method we want to improve our health, but we also need to investigate these choices so that they are informed choices. None of us should take it upon ourselves to try to convince another person that our view is better than theirs, in this respect. We just don't know.

My mother-in-law died a horrific death because she chose to treat herself with holistic medicines instead of the main stream drugs. She died of colon cancer. I took care of her during the last months of her life. What a waste. The doctor told me later that had she gone the usual method, she could have lived many more years. She was a wonderful mother-in-law and mother to me. The only real mother I ever knew because my own mother didn't really want me around. I miss her terribly, but she had the right to chose how she took care of her body. Personally I choose to go to the doctor and go along with his advice.

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.

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I totally agree that we all individually choose and keep your Doctor informed and hope he/she knows something of the treatments your on of your own choice in case there is a reaction/clash with the orthodox treatment you are receiving. It is good to be able to make an informed choice though and often people are not aware of the background or history of alternative medicines and only see the sites that want to sell people stuff with anecdotal stories and not real facts.

One of the most famous sad cases involving laetrile/B17 was the actor Steve McQueen. He had mesothelioma, or asbestosis cancer, from the dust from the suits he wore when car-racing.He sought treatment in one of the Mexico clinics that was recommended to him by a person who it was claimed was a dentist, but who had been struck off in America and had set himself up with one of these clinics. Mr McQueen admitted himself and was there only a week and the clinic started a massive campaign to say he was getting getting better and hundreds saw the publicity and applied for the treatments despite FDA warnings. In the meantime it transpired that Steve McQueen was not getting better and he was quietly transferred over the boreder back to America and a large tumour on his neck and abdomen was operated on but it was too late and he died a day later, but the clinic's publicity did the job and many were going to Mexico for treatment.Many hospitals back in America had to later treat Cyanosis from patients returning, but did not get the publicity for it as the clinics did giving out the treatment. Doctors despaired at seeing patients spending hard earned money and time going there, but it was their choice and they could do nothing about it.


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It is so unfortunate that cancer is BIG BUSINESS! They do not want a cure- they are in it for the money. And that goes both ways, with medical or natural treatments.

There are certain foods/herbs that actually do kill off cancer cells. But whenever anyone gets a handle on these things the government steps in to ban them and their 'cure'. That is such a shame because people just want to live.

So, for all of those who are asleep in the grave - how wonderful it will be for them to awaken to a perfect world. Long gone will be all the tyrants or hypsters of 'miracle' cures. Health will reign over mankind! How I long for this to happen!!!!

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Has anyone heard anything about a new cancer treatment involving white blood cells altered with a dead HIV virus? I don't remember all the specifics but I questioned if a JW could in good conscience take it. If I remember correctly, in tests it was very successful in killing the cancer cells only.

We cannot incite if we are not in sight.___Heb.10:24,25

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I think there are two issues here.

First, I don't think it is right for any brother or sister to promote health products among the brotherhood, especially as the sister in question is 'distributing' this product. We should not target our brothers and sisters as customers for products we sell.

Second, a product may be great for one person but dangerous for another. E.g. a sister in our congregation swears by cranberry juice and recommended that my wife drink it every day. My wife takes warfarin, and to take cranberry juice would be dangerous for her! It sounds an innocuous recommendation, but we don't know the personal details of others.

I agree w/Christopher, not to do this in the cong, and to be very careful what WE use. It could help you but be bad for me or visa versa. I also like the post eat your veggies..... Although I take supplements because I don't eat my veggies. We need the New System.

A sister last week said she can't wait for the New System. She's going to grow her teeth. :toothbrush: I never thought about it till she said that. Can you imagine not being 6 again and getting new teeth. :D

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