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The first assembly that presented dramas: 1966 God's Sons of Liberty District Assembly of Jehovah's Witnesses

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This year marks the 50th anniversary of the use of dramas and performances in conventions 

Even in this part of the world continued the Regional Convention- from Agoust to December in Mexico

Last week we were connected in more than 10 different places that the branch of Central America serves, the largest attendance was on Saturday about 50,000


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You have to keep in mind that, back then, the dramas were "live stage dramas" put on by different people at the various Conventions. We did not have "recorded video dramas". Also, recording them in an "official way" (tied in to the sound) was frowned upon and we were told not to do that.


There may be some "unofficial" recordings that were made by publishers from their seats - but these would have poor video quality and even worse sound.


The audio for those early dramas were sent on recording tape (two copies were sent and we played both of them "in sync" during the drama in case the main one broke during the drama) and we were instructed not to make any copies of them.

"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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Watchtower video materials were produced on 16 mm film and distributed to assemblies or other events on 1 or 2 reel sets.  New World Society in Action and the movie Heritage would be two examples.

Publisher recordings would have to be made on 8 mm video home recording equipment.  Most of these units would not have the tape capacity or portable power to last two hours for the drama.


Note: I was in Ontario, Canada for this convention.  We sang from our new "pink" songbook on this occasion.  Our brothers from Brooklyn Bethel came over to put on the Jeremiah drama.  One of my pioneer friends who had been called to Bethel was in it.

Edited by jwhess
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6 hours ago, Roberto Flores said:

This year marks the 50th anniversary of the use of dramas and performances in conventions 

Even in this part of the world continued the Regional Convention- from Agoust to December in Mexico

Last week we were connected in more than 10 different places that the branch of Central America serves, the largest attendance was on Saturday about 50,000.


50,000?!  Amazing indeed!

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