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2 min student talk

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Ok, here goes. I have the 2 min student talk in Spanish this Thursday. The thing is, we've moved recently and I had one talk in the last year for my previous congregation. I'm still getting used to the new format. This week the instructions are :" job 34:10 - Teach the truth. "


Where can I find specific instructions on how to do this? I've searched the web, weeded through all the apostate websites, found the basic instructions we get at the beginning of the year but still haven't found anything specific. So, can I just go in any direction I want with this???  Any suggestions appreciated. 

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1 hour ago, Martina said:

Ok, here goes. I have the 2 min student talk in Spanish this Thursday. The thing is, we've moved recently and I had one talk in the last year for my previous congregation. I'm still getting used to the new format. This week the instructions are :" job 34:10 - Teach the truth. "


Where can I find specific instructions on how to do this? I've searched the web, weeded through all the apostate websites, found the basic instructions we get at the beginning of the year but still haven't found anything specific. So, can I just go in any direction I want with this???  Any suggestions appreciated. 

Here are the instructions. Don't know that they will help.

These instructions are supposed to be posted on your information board.


Initial Call: 2 minutes or less. This student presentation may be assigned to a brother or a sister. The assistant should be of the same sex or should be a family member. The student should choose a greeting appropriate for the area.
• Return Visit: 4 minutes or less. This student presentation may be assigned to a brother or a sister. The assistant should not be someone of the opposite sex. (km 5/97 p. 2) The student and assistant may be seated at a table or be standing. The student should demon-strate what to say when returning to visit someone who previously accepted the source material rather than demonstrating how to place the source material. The source material may be considered further or be used as a bridge to introduce a study publication.
• Bible Study: 6 minutes or less. This student presentation may be assigned to a brother or a sister. The assistant should not be someone of the opposite sex. (km 5/97 p. 2) The stu-dent and assistant may be seated at a table or be standing. From time to time, elders may receive this assignment. This part should demonstrate a segment of a Bible study already in progress. There is no need for an introduction or a conclusion unless the student is specifically working on one of these counsel points. It is not necessary to have all of the assigned material read aloud during the presentation, although this may be done. Good teaching skills should be highlighted. On occasion, the schedule will call for a talk, ra-ther than a Bible study demonstration. In that case, a brother should be assigned to give the talk to the congregation.

 I am not sying I am Superman, I am only saying that nobody has ever seen Superman  and me in a room together.

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2 hours ago, Martina said:

Ok, here goes. I have the 2 min student talk in Spanish this Thursday. The thing is, we've moved recently and I had one talk in the last year for my previous congregation. I'm still getting used to the new format. This week the instructions are :" job 34:10 - Teach the truth. "


Where can I find specific instructions on how to do this? I've searched the web, weeded through all the apostate websites, found the basic instructions we get at the beginning of the year but still haven't found anything specific. So, can I just go in any direction I want with this???  Any suggestions appreciated. 

The 2 minute presentation is just a door-to-door presentation.  When it is a "Teach a Truth" assignment, just make the presentation around the selected scripture.  The difference is yu are not required to place any literature.  If the assignment includes additional information (like invite to Kingdom Hall) end with that feature.  The setting could be formal door-to-door or a casual visit in the park or a conversation with a workmate or schoolmate.  Just share the scripture and explain why the householder will benefit by knowing the information.

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In case you still need help on how to go about doing the initial call, you could practice on something like this:

JW: Good morning. I'd like to know your viewpoint on a matter that is interesting. 

Householder: Okay. What is it?

JW: Many people say that God makes us suffer to test us. Do you believe that?

HH: Yes, I do. I remember what happened to Job. 

JW: Well the bible teaches that Jehovah is not cruel. I'll like us to see what it says in the book of Job, specifically Job 34:10.

HH: (reads Job 34:10).

JW: So, according to what you just read, will God use suffering to test us? Isn't that cruelty?

HH: I get the point. God cannot act wickedly. But what about Job?

JW: Jehovah was not the one who brought Job's problems on him, rather it was Satan. Jehovah only allowed it. I have a book here I'll like you to read. It is titled - what can the bible teach us. On page 9 of it I'll like you to read the paragraphs that says - does God care about us or is he cruel? You'll enjoy doing so.

HH: Let me have it.

For Jehovah is aware of the way of the righteous, But the way of the wicked will perish (Psalm 1:6).

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The instructions for "Teach the Truth" are in the August 2016 Workbook






Beginning in September, the Life and Ministry Meeting Workbook will include a new type of sample presentation entitled “Teach the Truth.” Our objective will be to highlight a basic Bible truth, using a question and a scripture.

If we discern interest, we can build anticipation for our next visit by leaving a publication or by showing a video from jw.org. We should try to return within a few days to build on the previous discussion. The new presentations and student assignments will be based on chapter summaries found in the book What Can the Bible Teach Us? There we can find additional questions and scriptures to help us make return visits or to conduct a study using only the Bible.

There is only one road leading to life. (Mt 7:13, 14) Since we speak to people of various religions and backgrounds, we must feature Bible truths that will appeal to them as individuals. (1Ti 2:4) As we become more conversant in various Bible topics and improve in our skill of “handling the word of the truth aright,” our joy will increase, and we will have success in teaching the truth to others.—2Ti 2:15.




We do not offer any publications.  We simply are sharing a scriptural truth.  You ask a question, share the scripture that answers the question and then restate the scriptural truth you just shared.


Here is the initial sample for the "Teach the Truth"




Question: How can we know if God cares about us?

Scripture: 1Pe 5:7

Truth: God invites us to pray to him because he cares.

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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Here at JW Talk we discourage our members from working up entire talks for other members.  It's OK to offer suggestions and help, but please do not work up the entire talk for someone else.   Please see our membership policy:


1) Material for Meeting Preparation: The November 1999 Our Kingdom Ministry states "Using another person’s research for a talk or [as a substitute for] meeting preparation really defeats the purpose of personal study." Posts on spiritual matters should therefore contain the results of your own personal meditation, first-hand accounts of what you heard at meetings, and brief quotes from the publications of Jehovah's Witnesses, along with appropriate references. If you want to share a meeting part that you worked hard on, please do not post transcripts or audio recordings of your assignment prior to their being delivered in congregations all over the world.

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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You guys rock! Shawnster that was EXACTLY what I was looking for! Who knew it was tucked in August workbook. I guess that's the bad part about having digital copies. Harder to remember those details. 


Jmystro I have zero recollection of that! Being I just got my talk slip two days ago I didn't have much time to think on this. Had I gotten it 3 weeks ago I may have been more alert to that presentation. I wish we could see those presentations again. Not just decembers but all the months. Is there any way to view those on the website? Or should I be recording them at meeting..


ive actually finished my talk, but thank you all for your suggestions. Shaw steer, one more question, where did you read that we are NOT to place literature during the "teach the truth" parts?

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2 hours ago, Shawnster said:

Beginning in September, the Life and Ministry Meeting Workbook will include a new type of sample presentation entitled “Teach the Truth.” Our objective will be to highlight a basic Bible truth, using a question and a scripture.

If we discern interest, we can build anticipation for our next visit by leaving a publication or by showing a video from jw.org. We should try to return within a few days to build on the previous discussion. The new presentations and student assignments will be based on chapter summaries found in the book What Can the Bible Teach Us? There we can find additional questions and scriptures to help us make return visits or to conduct a study using only the Bible.

There is only one road leading to life. (Mt 7:13, 14) Since we speak to people of various religions and backgrounds, we must feature Bible truths that will appeal to them as individuals. (1Ti 2:4) As we become more conversant in various Bible topics and improve in our skill of “handling the word of the truth aright,” our joy will increase, and we will have success in teaching the truth to others.—2Ti 2:15.

According to the "Teach the Truth" talk guidelines, we CAN leave literature, if interest is shown.


Nobody has to DRIVE me crazy.5a5e0e53285e2_Nogrinning.gif.d89ec5b2e7a22c9f5ca954867b135e7b.gif  I'm close enough to WALK. 5a5e0e77dc7a9_YESGrinning.gif.e5056e95328247b6b6b3ba90ddccae77.gif


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