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A Very Uplifting Thought About the Situation in Russia

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This is a very Positive multi-media spiritual event that has just unfolded before the entire worlds eye, now allowing for another precious world-wide witnessing opportunity from this point forward - lets use it to the best of our abilities as we personally make a defense for Jehovah throughout the coming weeks and months ahead!    ...   


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Grant Us Boldness

(Acts 4:29)

1. As we tell about the Kingdom,
As we witness for your name,
There are many who oppose us
And who try to bring us shame.
But instead of fearing men,
It’s really you we must obey.
So we beg you now for your spirit;
O Jehovah, hear what we pray.

Grant us boldness as we witness;
Help us overcome our fear.
Give us confidence and courage
So that all the world may hear.
Armageddon draws ever near,
But until that great day is here,
Grant us boldness as we witness.
This is our prayer.

2. Even though we may be fearful,
You remember we are dust.
Your assurance to support us
Is a promise we can trust.
Give attention to the threats
Of those who persecute and blame.
May you help us all to continue
As we boldly speak in your name.

Grant us boldness as we witness;
Help us overcome our fear.
Give us confidence and courage
So that all the world may hear.
Armageddon draws ever near,
But until that great day is here,
Grant us boldness as we witness.
This is our prayer.

(See also 1 Thess. 2:2; Heb. 10:35.)


🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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8 hours ago, Beggar for the Spirit said:

(Matthew 10:18)

. . .And you will be brought before governors and kings for my sake, for a witness to them and the nations. . .


Bro. Neil, we appreciate this timely reminder.  Jesus Christ uttered this prophetic statement above over 2,000 years ago to his disciples and we have seen this prophecy being fulfilled in modern times.  Yes, even within the last few days!  Most important of all Jehovah is revealing to us the bigger picture, that "His name is to be declared over all the earth" despite His enemies efforts to stop the work.  This ever important task of our ministry is being declared now in nearly 240 countries, islands and territories. Interestingly, the worldatlas.com  website officially mentions less than that, so those who embrace and study Bible truths are aware that, even with this RF unjust decision, a witness is being given around the world!


Ha..I'm remembering now a verse from the old Kingdom melody "Declaring the Everlasting Good News":


Around the earth with urgency God's angel flies

With everlasting good news high amid the skies.

He says "Give glory and fear Him upon the throne"

Yes worship God Jehovah and serve Him alone.


For now has come the Most High's awesome judgment hour.

Soon all the wicked ones will feel His mighty power.

Accordingly God's kingdom preachers must not fear

But preach out boldly this good news both far and near.

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Thanks Brother Antonio for your kind words.

I also have appreciated your posts. :)


You are in Venezuela correct?  I was grateful for your posts about the situation there. You brothers and sisters are also facing a terrible situation and you are not forgotten.  When I pray for our family in Russia, I have also been praying for our family in Venezuela and also Peru with the flooding.  And I know many others that remember all of you in Venezuela, even some brothers remember all of you in their public prayers at the meetings! Please keep updating us on the situation where you live whenever you get a chance, thanks. :)

"Create in me a pure heart, O God, And put within me a new spirit, a steadfast one" (PS 51:10)


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2 hours ago, Beggar for the Spirit said:

Thanks Brother Antonio for your kind words.

I also have appreciated your posts. :)


You are in Venezuela correct?  I was grateful for your posts about the situation there. You brothers and sisters are also facing a terrible situation and you are not forgotten.  When I pray for our family in Russia, I have also been praying for our family in Venezuela and also Peru with the flooding.  And I know many others that remember all of you in Venezuela, even some brothers remember all of you in their public prayers at the meetings! Please keep updating us on the situation where you live whenever you get a chance, thanks. :)

I`ll surely will.



Edited by Daniel244
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