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Examining the Scriptures Daily - 2017


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3 hours ago, GrumpysWife said:

Thursday, June 1

A gentle tongue can break a bone.—Prov. 25:15.

Even when someone says something offensive, responding with gracious words can have positive results. (Prov. 15:1) For example, the teenage son of a single mother was leading a double life. A well-meaning Christian sister said to the mother: “It’s too bad you have failed at child training.” The mother thought for a moment and responded: “It’s true that things are not going well right now, but his training is a work in progress. Talk to me after Armageddon; then we will know for sure.” This mild response helped to maintain peace between the sisters, and it encouraged the son, who overheard the conversation. He realized that his mother had not given up on him. This moved him to stop his bad associations. In time, he got baptized, and he later served at Bethel. Whether in the company of our brothers, our family, or strangers, we should always let our words “be gracious, seasoned with salt.”—Col. 4:6. w15 12/15 3:15, 17

Can i give comments in this ? If so is it just three words?

Peace...... Love...... &....... Paradise...... :heart:  :heart:  :heart: 

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Wow.  That took me back.  The callous things that can flow so effortlessly from our mouth at times.  The response from the mother showed  spiritual maturity  and not human retaliation that only comes from a close relationship with Jehovah.  Read, study, meditate, pray apply. 



Thankful to be among friends everyday!

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Todays text in my few words... 
Peace. Jehovah wants love and peace and unity within his people. Jesus said the greatest command is to love Jehovah, then others. All others. Having a gentle tongue is part of love. We should use kind words even in stressful situations. Sometimes in our imperfect state and this crazy, hurtful world that can be hard to do. Harsh, cruel words do no good. They have long lasting detrimental affects. Gentle, kind words on the other hand break bones in a different way. A person "hard as a bone" may be softened by a mild answer. Answering in a gentle, kind way and not allowing someone to provoke you may break down or break through to a bone hard and inflexible person. Harsh words and gentle  words can both break bones... but which ones heal faster?  Beautiful instructions from our grand Creator. 

Peace...... Love...... &....... Paradise...... :heart:  :heart:  :heart: 

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Friday, June 2

Tongues as if of fire . . . came to rest on each one of them.—Acts 2:3.

If you were one of the disciples who experienced that, you would never forget that day. There would be no question in your mind that you were anointed by holy spirit, especially if you also received the miraculous gift of speaking in a foreign language. (Acts 2:6-12) But do all those who are anointed by holy spirit receive their anointing in the same spectacular manner as that first group of about 120 disciples did? No. The rest of those who were present in Jerusalem that day received their anointing at their baptism. (Acts 2:38) There was no tongue as if of fire above their heads. Furthermore, not all anointed Christians receive their anointing at their baptism. The Samaritans received their anointing by holy spirit sometime after their baptism. (Acts 8:14-17) On the other hand, in an exceptional instance, Cornelius and his household were anointed by holy spirit even before they were baptized.—Acts 10:44-48. w16.01 3:3, 5

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.

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Saturday, June 3

Maintain the oneness of the spirit in the uniting bond of peace.—Eph. 4:3.

Modestly, anointed ones acknowledge that they do not necessarily have more holy spirit than those with an earthly hope. They do not claim to have special knowledge or revelations; neither do they try to prove that they are in some way superior. They would also never suggest to others that these too have been anointed and should start partaking; rather, they would humbly acknowledge that it is Jehovah who does the calling of anointed ones. Anointed Christians do not expect any special honor from others. (Eph. 1:18, 19; Phil. 2:2, 3) Jehovah’s spirit bore witness to them personally. No announcement was made to the world. So they are not surprised if some people do not readily believe that they have truly been anointed by holy spirit. In fact, the Scriptures advise against quickly believing someone who claims to have a special appointment from God.—Rev. 2:2. w16.01 4:6, 7

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.

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Nice. We all need reminders to stay humble - even the anointed.


Interesting to see that the slave "do not claim to have special knowledge or revelations; neither do they try to prove that they are in some way superior. "  nor do any of the other anointed ones.


We all study, meditate and do our best to apply Bible principles.

Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





Soon .....


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Sunday, June 4

O the depth of God’s riches and wisdom and knowledge!—Rom. 11:33.

More than once, Jehovah stepped in and protected Abraham and Sarah, even doing so miraculously. (Gen. 12:10-20; 20:2-7, 10-12, 17, 18) Those experiences strengthened Abraham’s faith. Can we build a friendship with Jehovah? We can indeed! The needed knowledge and experience are readily available. Abraham had only a fraction of the abundant riches of wisdom now contained in the Bible. (Dan. 12:4) God’s Word is full of treasures that can deepen our knowledge about the “Maker of heaven and earth” and help us to build respect and love for him. (Gen. 14:22) As such feelings move us to obey God, we gain experience because we see how obeying him works out. We find that his counsel protects us and that he blesses and strengthens us. We learn that wholehearted service to God brings fulfillment, peace, and joy. (Ps. 34:8; Prov. 10:22) As we grow in such knowledge and experience, our faith in Jehovah and our friendship with him grow as well. w16.02 1:7, 8

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.

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Monday, June 5

He has come to the aid of Israel . . . , just as he spoke to our forefathers.—Luke 1:54, 55.

Those words reveal that Mary knew the inspired Scriptures well. Her words seem to echo some that were spoken in prayer by Hannah, the mother of the prophet Samuel. (1 Sam. 2:1-10) By one estimate, Mary made some 20 references to the Scriptures in her speech. Clearly, she was a woman who spoke freely about spiritual things. Mary drew liberally from the treasure trove in her heart, a storehouse of precious truths that she had learned from her greatest Friend, Jehovah God. Like Mary, we may at times find that we receive assignments from Jehovah that seem challenging. Like her, let us humbly put ourselves in Jehovah’s hands, trusting in him to act in our best interests. We can imitate Mary’s faith by listening carefully to what we are learning about Jehovah and his purposes, by meditating on spiritual truths, and by joyously telling others about what we have learned.—Ps. 77:11, 12; Luke 8:18; Rom. 10:15. w16.02 2:17, 18

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.

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Tuesday, June 6

Who of you wanting to build a tower does not first sit down and calculate the expense to see if he has enough to complete it?—Luke 14:28.

Every year thousands of young people around the world get baptized. (Eccl. 12:1) Christian parents and elders in the congregation want to make sure that such young ones make a decision that is not only voluntary but also well-founded. The steps of dedication and baptism are the start of a life during which Christians will experience blessings from Jehovah but also opposition from Satan. (Prov. 10:22; 1 Pet. 5:8) Therefore, Christian parents take time to teach their children what is involved in being a disciple of Christ. In the case of young ones who have no Christian parents, the elders in the congregation will lovingly help them to count the cost of discipleship. (Luke 14:27-30) Just as it takes planning to complete a building project successfully, so it requires preparation to serve Jehovah faithfully “to the end.”—Matt. 24:13. w16.03 1:1, 2

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.

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47 minutes ago, GrumpysWife said:

The steps of dedication and baptism are the start of a life during which Christians will experience blessings from Jehovah but also opposition from Satan

This is one of the best things I like about how Jehovah organises us - it is voluntary, we exercise our free will.  We take the time to teach our children and Bible Students all that is involved.  Then they know the blessings, and the opposition they can expect.  Their faith in Jehovah will be strengthened when they stand up to trials, and their blessings will increase in drawing closer to Jehovah.  But only the Bible student can make that choice.  We never make it for them.

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Christian parents and elders in the congregation want to make sure that such young ones make a decision that is not only voluntary but also well-founded.

Beautiful point, I love this ... To achieve this am not suprised with the arrangement to read the book " Keep yourself in Gods Love " after studying " What does the Bible really teach? " . To make sure such young ones stand firmly with their desire to serve Jehovah.

Not only that, 3 Review sections are also scheduled for baptismal candidates, To know their level of Spiritual maturity if qualified or not. with this, No one can say their baptism is not valid like we studied in Last week Watchtower, And it shows they understand what they are doing .

Sent from my itel it1506 using Tapatalk

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Jesus used examples in his illustrtions that his disciples could appreciate. Each time I read this text, a question comes to mind, the message is clear, but was Jesus playing on a stong desire to build towers? Who would build a tower? Is this similar today to wanting the best car we can afford?  :S


 I am not sying I am Superman, I am only saying that nobody has ever seen Superman  and me in a room together.

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2 hours ago, Old said:

Jesus used examples in his illustrtions that his disciples could appreciate. Each time I read this text, a question comes to mind, the message is clear, but was Jesus playing on a stong desire to build towers? Who would build a tower?

Well aren't they always trying to outdo each other in building the highest skyscrapers in the world?

One small crack doesn't mean you are broken; it means that you were put to the test and didn't fall apart..

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Wednesday, June 7

God is not partial, but in every nation the man who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him.—Acts 10:34, 35.

The Mosaic Law was given to one nation—fleshly Israel. In contrast, spiritual Israel would be made up of people from many nations and backgrounds. The Mosaic Law governed fleshly Israel in the Promised Land with laws carved on stone. For spiritual Israel, “the law of the Christ” was mainly based on principles inscribed on hearts. “The law of the Christ” would apply to and benefit Christians wherever they lived. (Gal. 6:2) Spiritual Israel would benefit greatly from guidance from God through his Son. Just prior to the establishment of the new covenant, Jesus gave two significant commands. One dealt with the preaching work. The other focused on the conduct of Jesus’ followers and how they were to treat fellow believers. These directives were for all Christians; thus they apply to all true worshippers today, whether their hope is heavenly or earthly. w16.03 4:10, 11

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.

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Thursday, June 8

In showing honor to one another, take the lead.—Rom. 12:10.

An elder should start his training of another brother by taking time to develop a relaxed atmosphere and a bond of friendship with him. The specific steps an elder takes will differ somewhat from land to land, depending on local circumstances and customs. Yet, no matter where you live, if you as a busy elder set aside time to spend with a learner, you are telling him, in effect, “You are important to me.” That unspoken message will be clearly understood and deeply valued by willing learners everywhere. A successful teacher is someone who not only loves to train another person but also loves the person he is training. (Compare John 5:20.) That crucial aspect of a teacher’s disposition is quickly discerned by a learner and greatly affects the way he responds to the training he receives. Therefore, dear elders, as you give training, be more than a teacher—be a friend.—Prov. 17:17; John 15:15. w15 4/15 1:19, 20

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.

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Friday, June 9

Jehovah afflicted the king, and he remained a leper until the day of his death.—2 Ki. 15:5.

Suppose clarifying details concerning King Azariah (King Uzziah) had not been included in God’s Word, as is the case with other abbreviated Bible accounts? (2 Ki. 15:7, 32; 2 Chron. 26:3-5, 16-21) Would you be inclined to question the righteousness of God? Or would you reason that the Bible contains enough information to assure us that Jehovah always does what is right and is, in fact, the very standard of what is right and what is wrong? (Deut. 32:4) As we get to know Jehovah better as a Person, our love and appreciation for his ways will grow to the point that we do not need an explanation for everything he does. Be assured that such appreciation will grow in proportion to your efforts to study and meditate on God’s communication through his written Word. (Ps. 77:12, 13) This, in turn, will strengthen your relationship with Jehovah, making it ever more real. w15 4/15 3:8, 10

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.

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