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Friday, March 16 The word of God is alive and exerts power and is sharper than any two-edged sword.​—Heb. 4:12.

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Tuesday, February 6

Listen, O Israel: Jehovah our God is one Jehovah. You must love Jehovah your God with all your heart and all your soul and all your strength.—Deut. 6:4, 5.

“Jehovah our God is one Jehovah.” What a powerful statement! That reminder fortified the Israelites to confront the challenges facing them as they entered and took possession of the Promised Land. Our taking those words to heart will empower us to face the great tribulation just ahead and contribute to the Paradise to follow. Let us go on rendering exclusive devotion to Jehovah by loving and serving him whole-souled and putting forth earnest effort to maintain oneness in the Christian brotherhood. If we continue to do so, we can look forward with confidence to seeing fulfilled what Jesus said about those whom he will judge as sheep: “Come, you who have been blessed by my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the founding of the world.”—Matt. 25:34. w16.06 3:2, 20

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.

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Wednesday, February 7

The heart is more treacherous than anything else.—Jer. 17:9.

Pride can cause us to justify our actions, making us quite the opposite of malleable. Have you ever been hurt by a fellow Christian or by the loss of certain privileges? If so, how did you respond? Did pride come into play? Or was your main concern that of making peace with your brother and remaining loyal to Jehovah? (Ps. 119:165; Col. 3:13) Making a practice of sin, perhaps even committing secret sins, can also make one unresponsive to divine counsel. Sinning can then become easier. (Eccl. 8:11) One brother, who got into the habit of viewing pornography, later admitted, “I found myself developing a critical attitude toward the elders.” His habit was hurting him spiritually. Eventually, his conduct came to light, and he received much-needed help. Of course, we are all imperfect. If, however, we begin to develop a critical attitude or to excuse a wrong course rather than seek God’s forgiveness and help, our heart may already be hardening. w16.06 2:5, 6

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.

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Thursday, February 8

Stop being anxious about your lives.—Matt. 6:25.

Jesus’ listeners were anxious about things they ought not be anxious about. Jesus said to stop that—and for good reason. Needless anxiety or worry, even about legitimate concerns, can divide a person’s mind and distract him, shutting out the more important spiritual matters of life. Jesus was so concerned for his disciples that he warned them about this dangerous tendency four more times in his Sermon on the Mount. (Matt. 6:27, 28, 31, 34) Jesus was well-aware of people’s day-to-day needs. More than that, he knew of the difficult conditions facing his disciples who centuries later would live during “the last days,” characterized by “critical times hard to deal with.” (2 Tim. 3:1) Such conditions include unemployment, inflation, food shortages, and abject poverty that many experience. Yet, Jesus also realized that ‘life means more than food and the body than clothing.’ w16.07 1:8, 9

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.

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Friday, February 9

I became a minister of this according to the free gift of God’s undeserved kindness.—Eph. 3:7.

If we met all of Jehovah’s requirements perfectly, his kindness toward us would be deserved. As it is, we fail to do so. Thus, wise King Solomon wrote: “There is no righteous man on earth who always does good and never sins.” (Eccl. 7:20) The apostle Paul likewise stated: “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,” and “the wages sin pays is death.” (Rom. 3:23; 6:23a) That is what we deserve. Jehovah, however, expressed his love toward fallen mankind in an incomparable act of undeserved kindness. He sent his greatest gift of all, “his only-begotten Son,” to earth to die in our behalf. (John 3:16) So Paul wrote concerning Jesus that he is “now crowned with glory and honor for having suffered death, so that by God’s undeserved kindness he might taste death for everyone.” (Heb. 2:9) Yes, “the gift God gives is everlasting life by Christ Jesus our Lord.”—Rom. 6:23b. w16.07 3:3, 4

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.

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We have been instructed to not let the woes of Satan’s world to cause us to become distracted. It’s not always easy, but that’s where prayer, reliance on Jehovah and staying close to our Christian congregation comes into play. We need to remember that this is temporary, because soon, God’s Kingdom will be ruling mankind. 

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Saturday, February 10

I am going to make a helper for him.—Gen. 2:18.

Marriage is very much a part of life. A review of its origin and purpose can help us to have a proper view of this relationship and enjoy its intended blessings more fully. After God created the first man, Adam, the animals were brought to him so that he could name them. But “for man there was no helper as a complement of him.” God therefore caused Adam to fall into a deep sleep, took a rib from him, built it into a woman, and brought her to the man. (Gen. 2:20-24) Thus, marriage is of divine origin. Jesus confirmed that it was Jehovah who stated: “A man will leave his father and his mother and will stick to his wife, and the two will be one flesh.” (Matt. 19:4, 5) God’s use of a rib from Adam in creating the first woman could have impressed on the first human couple the closeness of their union. There was no arrangement for divorce or for having more than one mate at the same time. w16.08 1:1, 2

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.

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A very good reminder for us all to build healthy family unions. It is always good to reflect on how jehovah originated marriage in order to have a healthy understanding of how marriage should be. It helps to ward off dysfunctional situations. And everything starts from the moment you start to seek a marriage mate (Courtship). Your relationship with the opposite sex exposes the sort of mentality you have of marriage.  

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Sunday, February 11

[Jesus] set out from there to teach and preach in their cities.—Matt. 11:1.

Jesus often spoke to individuals about the Kingdom. For instance, he carried on a lively and fruitful conversation with a woman at Jacob’s well near the city of Sychar. (John 4:5-30) He also spoke with Matthew Levi, a tax collector. Matthew accepted Jesus’ invitation to be his follower. Matthew and others heard Jesus speak at some length during a feast held in Matthew’s home. (Matt. 9:9; Luke 5:27-39) On another occasion, Jesus spoke in a friendly way to Nathanael, who had a negative view of people from Nazareth. However, Nathanael was moved to change his thinking. He decided to learn more about what Jesus, a man from Nazareth, was teaching. (John 1:46-51) So we have good reason to train new publishers to converse with people in a friendly, relaxed manner. Those whom we help in this way will likely be delighted to see how honesthearted people respond favorably to personal interest and kind words. w16.08 4:7-9

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.

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Monday, February 12

A wife should not separate from her husband. . . . And a husband should not leave his wife.—1 Cor. 7:10, 11.

Serious problems that persist in marriage may lead one mate or both mates to consider separation or divorce. Separating from one’s marriage partner should not be viewed lightly. Though separation may seem to be the answer when serious difficulties arise, it often causes more problems. After repeating what God had stated about a man leaving his father and his mother and sticking to his wife, Jesus said: “What God has yoked together, let no man put apart.” (Matt. 19:3-6; Gen. 2:24) This also means that neither a husband nor a wife should ‘put apart what God has yoked together.’ Jehovah views marriage as a lifelong bond. (1 Cor. 7:39) Bearing in mind that all of us will render an account to God should move marriage mates to make earnest efforts to resolve problems quickly so that these do not become more serious. w16.08 2:10, 11

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.

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Tuesday, February 13

Do not let yourself be conquered by the evil.—Rom. 12:21.

Our enemies may attack us when we least expect it and kick us when we are at our lowest point, so we must ever remain alert. The encouragement not to let ourselves “be conquered by the evil” shows that we can defeat evil. We can do so if we keep on fighting against it. In contrast, we could be overcome by Satan, his evil world, and our imperfect flesh if we let our guard down and quit fighting. Never allow Satan to intimidate you into dropping your hands in defeat! (1 Pet. 5:9) To be successful, those who are contending must not lose sight of their reason for struggling. To gain God’s approval and blessing, they should keep focused on the assurance that we read at Hebrews 11:6: “Whoever approaches God must believe that he is and that he becomes the rewarder of those earnestly seeking him.” The Greek verb translated “earnestly seeking” is a form that implies intensity and concerted effort.—Acts 15:17. w16.09 2:4, 5

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.

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Wednesday, February 14

Do all things for God’s glory.—1 Cor. 10:31.

God’s Word provides practical guidance that can help us to make wise choices that will bring glory to God. Still, what we wear involves some personal preference. Our individual tastes vary, as do our financial resources. But our clothes should always be neat, clean, modest, appropriate to the occasion, and acceptable locally. We must admit that it is not always easy to make a decision that shows good judgment, that is sensible, and that takes all factors into account. Many stores cater to popular fashions, so it may take more time and effort to find modest skirts, dresses, and blouses or suits and slacks that are not too tight. Yet, fellow believers will likely note and appreciate the results of our sincere efforts to find attractive and appropriate clothing. And the satisfaction we have of bringing glory to our loving heavenly Father more than makes up for any inconveniences that we may face to dress so as to glorify him. w16.09 3:15, 16

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.

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Thursday, February 15

He stretches out the northern sky over empty space, suspending the earth upon nothing.—Job 26:7.

Children tend to have a vivid imagination. So parents, try to use illustrations liberally in your teaching. Effective illustrations can strengthen a child’s faith in the accuracy of the Bible. For example, consider today’s text. How might you show that this scripture was inspired? You could just state facts. Instead, why not stimulate your child’s imagination? Bring up the fact that Job lived long before telescopes and spaceships. Your child’s job could be to show how difficult it might be for some to believe that a very large object, such as the earth, could sit on nothing. The child could use a ball or a stone to illustrate the point by showing that objects with mass have to rest on something. Such a lesson would impress on your child that Jehovah had facts recorded in the Bible long before humans could prove them.—Neh. 9:6. w16.09 5:9, 12

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.

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Friday, February 16

Exercise faith in your heart.—Rom. 10:9.

Faith involves much more than a mental understanding of God’s purpose. It is a powerful motivating force that impels a person to act in harmony with God’s will. Faith in God’s means of salvation moves a believer to share the good news with others. Our prospect of enjoying eternal life in God’s new world depends on our having faith and keeping it strong. The need to keep our faith healthy can be likened to a plant’s need for water. Unlike an artificial plant, a living plant keeps changing. A live plant either withers because of a lack of water or continues to thrive with a regular supply of moisture. If deprived of sufficient water, a once healthy plant will eventually die. So, too, our faith. It will wither and die if neglected. (Luke 22:32; Heb. 3:12) But if we give it due attention, our faith will stay alive and keep “growing,” and we will be “healthy in faith.”—2 Thess. 1:3; Titus 2:2. w16.10 4:4, 5

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.

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Saturday, February 17

The principal court official assigned names to them; he gave to Daniel the name Belteshazzar.—Dan. 1:7.

When Daniel and his companions were exiled, the Babylonians tried to assimilate them into their culture by teaching them “the language of the Chaldeans.” Moreover, the court official in charge of their training gave them Babylonian names. (Dan. 1:3-7) The name given to Daniel referred to Bel, the main divinity of Babylon. King Nebuchadnezzar likely wanted to impress Daniel with the idea that his God, Jehovah, had been subjected by Babylon’s god. (Dan. 4:8) Although Daniel was offered food to eat from the king’s delicacies, he “resolved in his heart” that he would not “defile himself.” (Dan. 1:8) Because he kept studying “the sacred books” in his mother tongue, he maintained his spiritual health while living in a foreign land. (Dan. 9:2, ftn.) Thus, some 70 years after his arrival in Babylon, he was still known by his Hebrew name.—Dan. 5:13. w16.10 2:7, 8

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.

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Sunday, February 18

They would go where the spirit inclined them to go.—Ezek. 1:20.

Jesus has appointed the ‘faithful slave’ to be the only channel for dispensing spiritual food. (Matt. 24:45-47) Since 1919, the glorified Jesus Christ has been using that slave to help his followers understand God’s own Book and heed its directives. By obeying the instructions found in the Bible, we promote cleanness, peace, and unity in the congregation. Each one of us does well to ask himself, ‘Am I loyal to the channel that Jesus is using today?’ Jehovah’s written Word acquaints us with the heavenly part of his organization. For example, the prophet Ezekiel received a vision in which the heavenly part of God’s organization is represented by a celestial chariot. (Ezek. 1:4-28) With Christ and the holy angels about to destroy this wicked world, Jehovah’s chariot is rapidly moving toward the vindication of his sovereignty and the sanctification of his holy name! w16.11 3:9, 10

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.

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Can we play the 3 word game?  We read the text then condense it into 3 words.  It's fun and keeps the replies simple.


For example for today's text I would say:  Jehovah's rapid chariot.


Next person try.

"It's a good day to be alive and serve the True God, Jehovah." 

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10 hours ago, njwinans said:

Can we play the 3 word game?  We read the text then condense it into 3 words.  It's fun and keeps the replies simple.


For example for today's text I would say:  Jehovah's rapid chariot.


Next person try.


Follow the food :)

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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We tried that for awhile but someone, I don't remember who, didn't like it. I'm all for trying it again. 

Obey Bibles instructions. 

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.

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Monday, February 19

[Encourage] one another, and all the more so as you see the day drawing near.—Heb. 10:25.

Just like Jesus’ early followers, we meet together to learn and to be encouraged. (1 Cor. 14:31) Even experienced servants of God need encouragement. Consider Joshua. He had served God faithfully for many years. Yet, Jehovah told Moses to encourage him, saying: “Commission Joshua and encourage him and strengthen him, because he is the one who will cross over before this people and he is the one who will cause them to inherit the land that you will see.” (Deut. 3:27, 28) Joshua was about to take on the huge responsibility of leading the Israelites in the conquest of the Promised Land. He would face setbacks and at least one military defeat. (Josh. 7:1-9) No wonder Joshua needed to be encouraged and strengthened! So let us personally encourage elders, including circuit overseers, who work hard to care for the flock of God.—1 Thess. 5:12, 13. w16.11 1:12, 13

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.

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