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Bible-Based Child Protection Packet Released

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I found the following info on Child Sexual Abuse in the United States:


"During the last three decades many state legislatures have increased prison terms and other penalties for child sex offenders. This trend toward more stringent sentences generally targets those perpetrators who are repeat offenders, those who victimize multiple children, or who stood in a position of trust with respect to their victims, such as a guardian, parent, pastor, or teacher."
I also read that only 35% of cases where a forensic interview took place get prosecuted.  
There are other failures. 
Interesting and sad.
I'm not trying to discourage anyone from reporting and pressing charges.

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I have found that even reporting an abuse is a “form of liberation”..... it is no longer your secret. The other person is put on notice and groundwork laid if and when other facts come to light or other occurrences.... 

I have known some individuals that all they wanted was an apology and they would of forgiven the  perpetrator .... but not even a simple “I am sorry “ was forth coming. One thing is for sure healing is possible with the help of loving friends....experienced counselors and  developing a spiritual perspective on the evils of this old world.

Zeph 3:17 Jehovah your God is in the midst of you. As a mighty One, he will save. He will exult over you with rejoicing. He will become silent in his love. He will be joyful over you with happy cries....... Love it....a beautiful word picture.

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7 minutes ago, Lance said:

I have found that even reporting an abuse is a “form of liberation”..... it is no longer your secret. The other person is put on notice and groundwork laid if and when other facts come to light or other occurrences.... 

I have known some individuals that all they wanted was an apology and they would of forgiven the  perpetrator .... but not even a simple “I am sorry “ was forth coming. One thing is for sure healing is possible with the help of loving friends....experienced counselors and  developing a spiritual perspective on the evils of this old world.

Very true.

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On ‎5‎/‎17‎/‎2018 at 10:43 AM, carlos said:

We have mentioned several times how the instructions published in The Watchtower at least from 1962 were that the victim of a crime (including of course rape and child abuse) has the right to report it to the authorities. The congregation doesn't protect criminals.


Well, it's actually older than 1962. Today I was doing some unrelated research on 1 Timothy 5:21 and the only reference was  w57 217. When I read that old article, I found the following:


Could someone post a link from 1962 as well. I'm just now seeing this. Thank You.

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1 hour ago, JW2017 said:

Could someone post a link from 1962 as well. I'm just now seeing this. Thank You.

I found the article from 1962 that talks about serious crimes committed both by those inside and outside the congregation and the stand on the authorities handling matters:  https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1962843?q=benefits+of+subjection+to+authorities&p=par 


In particular pay special attention to paragraphs nine and ten.



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2 hours ago, JW2017 said:

n particular pay special attention to paragraphs nine and ten.

Thank you for the link...Does this mean that if a publisher confesses to the elders that he stole money from another witness, that he should turn himself in to the authorities? Would the elders be obligated to contact the authorities if the brother failed to do so?😐

Jehovah is "walking upon the wings of the wind" PS. 104:3b


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6 minutes ago, SUNRAY said:

Thank you for the link...Does this mean that if a publisher confesses to the elders that he stole money from another witness, that he should turn himself in to the authorities? Would the elders be obligated to contact the authorities if the brother failed to do so?😐

I know that the elders have to follow the law if the law requires them to report a crime especially child abuse.  Usually if this is the case I believe it's the case with child abuse.  According to the new policy they have to report child abuse under certain other circumstances as well.


In our more recent publications it shows that we all have the right to report serious crimes to the authorities and take the matter to court even without a law requiring it.  They haven't said that we have to.  Although they've acknowledged the helpfulness of reporting rape and child abuse to the authorities.




See also the Appendix in the original God's Love book under resolving disputes and Endnote 30 in the new one.  Also I'm sure people reading this thread have looked or will look at the new Packet on Child Protection which shows that everyone aware of the allegations has the right to report it to the authorities especially the victims and their parents.

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18 minutes ago, JW2017 said:

the elders have to follow the law if the law requires them to report a crime 

Thank you..I am not talking about child abuse or rape..but the 62 Wt. also mentioned stealing..just wondering if elders have to report that if the offender does not..and besides his confession there is evidence..

Jehovah is "walking upon the wings of the wind" PS. 104:3b


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6 minutes ago, SUNRAY said:

Thank you..I am not talking about child abuse or rape..but the 62 Wt. also mentioned stealing..just wondering if elders have to report that if the offender does not..and besides his confession there is evidence..

Oh I see.  The elders may have more updated info but this was a study article discussed at congregation meetings.  We could use this article to reason with reasonable people that we were not taught to cover up any type of serious crime back then or now, but  not just now.

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I was pointing out that legally if the elders have to report crime it's more likely to be about child abuse, at least in countries such as the United States.  I don't know if there are States that require them to report abuse of vulnerable adults.  I know that some professions do have to report that in the United States.  I understand that this doesn't answer the question about the stealing.  In this post I'm bringing up legal obligations again, which of course the elders are expected to follow.

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As for reporting things to authorities it is a judgement call ... if we find out someone robbed a bank as a opposed to someone not paying back a loan... two different things..

Elders are not commissioned to enforce Caesars laws... 


Again if in doubt they will contact the branch..



Zeph 3:17 Jehovah your God is in the midst of you. As a mighty One, he will save. He will exult over you with rejoicing. He will become silent in his love. He will be joyful over you with happy cries....... Love it....a beautiful word picture.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I should probably let this thread disappear... but I found this when searching for something else and it reminded me. :c Not sure if it was mentioned before.

w05 8/1 pp. 13-15  https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/2005563#h=13

"In our time, rape is also a major crime with severe penalties. The victim has every right to report the matter to the police. In this way the proper authorities can punish the offender. And if the victim is a minor, the parents may want to initiate these actions."

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2 hours ago, Myew said:

I should probably let this thread disappear... but I found this when searching for something else and it reminded me. :c Not sure if it was mentioned before.

w05 8/1 pp. 13-15  https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/2005563#h=13

"In our time, rape is also a major crime with severe penalties. The victim has every right to report the matter to the police. In this way the proper authorities can punish the offender. And if the victim is a minor, the parents may want to initiate these actions."

Okay, so the point being made is?

 I am not sying I am Superman, I am only saying that nobody has ever seen Superman  and me in a room together.

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10 hours ago, Old said:

Okay, so the point being made is?

Just to reinforce that it is still primarily the victim's responsibility to report crimes to the police, they are the superior authority in this matter. The brothers in the writing department know that this is the best possible course that victims should take for themselves. I just don't understand why some people aren't willing to do it. Jehovah asks us to report such matters several times throughout the Bible, and will bless that obedience.


Also, forgiving a matter is not the same as condoning it. You may have forgiven someone completely, but if you do not allow them to accept the consequences and discipline for their actions, how will that benefit anyone?

Sorry Sister Whitney, I missed that you linked the same article above... I did try searching to see if it was posted already.

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5 hours ago, Myew said:

Just to reinforce that it is still primarily the victim's responsibility to report crimes to the police, they are the superior authority in this matter. The brothers in the writing department know that this is the best possible course that victims should take for themselves. I just don't understand why some people aren't willing to do it. Jehovah asks us to report such matters several times throughout the Bible, and will bless that obedience.


Also, forgiving a matter is not the same as condoning it. You may have forgiven someone completely, but if you do not allow them to accept the consequences and discipline for their actions, how will that benefit anyone?

Sorry Sister Whitney, I missed that you linked the same article above... I did try searching to see if it was posted already.

It's okay Myew, brother Alex, I've missed things before.


About one of your statements.  I would like to point out that it is our organization's position that in all cases that anyone that is aware of the allegations has the right to report it to the authorities, not just the victims. There is nothing wrong with others reporting it especially if the victim is still a minor.  Also one must consider that other children may be harmed.

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I agree 100%, I alluded to that in previous posts. I guess I'm just saddened that some people have chosen to shift the burden of responsibility to the Elders, rather than applying the Bible's counsel. They expect the Elders to handle everything for them, putting them in the line of fire, a problem that should never occur in the first place. This leads to stumbling.

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1 hour ago, Myew said:

I agree 100%, I alluded to that in previous posts. I guess I'm just saddened that some people have chosen to shift the burden of responsibility to the Elders, rather than applying the Bible's counsel. They expect the Elders to handle everything for them, putting them in the line of fire, a problem that should never occur in the first place. This leads to stumbling.

I understand.  However I'm sure you understand the elders have to follow child abuse reporting laws.  However I agree that this doesn't mean that the responsibility lies completely on them.

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  • 9 months later...

Has anyone seen the articles in the May 2019 Study edition of the Watchtower on Child Abuse they are very very good.  I'm sorry if someone has commented on this already somewhere. I haven't been on here in some time.






The preceding article that leads up to these is good as well.  

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Personally, I am very GRATEFUL that this new file came out for the protection of our children and anyone else's children outside of the christian congregation.  Wouldn't you know it that as soon as this beautiful piece of information comes out, that "you know who" has a sensational story one of the media Internet news sites about the organization hiding "files" about molester names and addresses.  Hidden from the public.  Am so very grateful that Jehovah in the last several weeks has been warning his people world wide that things will become worse and worse r.  Lies abound and twisted to make the public and few in the congregation (stumble).  I did not dare put this story in this forum (not necessarily this page), couldn't bring myself to do it cause it disgusted me how the media just twists and turns something that is organizational supported by the scriptures to do.  How I look forward to the surprise G.T., when it hits!  I so look forward to the end of this stinking rulers hip.  I couldn't go on reading that nasty article, I found it offensive. 

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1 hour ago, Allabord4Jah said:

Personally, I am very GRATEFUL that this new file came out for the protection of our children and anyone else's children outside of the christian congregation.  Wouldn't you know it that as soon as this beautiful piece of information comes out, that "you know who" has a sensational story one of the media Internet news sites about the organization hiding "files" about molester names and addresses.  Hidden from the public.  Am so very grateful that Jehovah in the last several weeks has been warning his people world wide that things will become worse and worse r.  Lies abound and twisted to make the public and few in the congregation (stumble).  I did not dare put this story in this forum (not necessarily this page), couldn't bring myself to do it cause it disgusted me how the media just twists and turns something that is organizational supported by the scriptures to do.  How I look forward to the surprise G.T., when it hits!  I so look forward to the end of this stinking rulers hip.  I couldn't go on reading that nasty article, I found it offensive. 


They claim that since the brothers aren't parading around all that personal and private information to courts and child abuse lawyers, they have to be something to hide. I take a little difference approach to that after thinking about it. What is that approach?


Well, look at how the organization has consistently handled confidential issues. When some disfellowshipped person goes to the media because he got upset that he wasn't allowed to be a drunkard or fornicator while remaining an active member, how does the organization respond to a request for comment?


They release a statement refusing to comment out of "respect for the privacy" of all parties involved. That includes NOT disclosing information that would exonerate the organization of the false allegations against it. So why would they "hide" information that would prove our innocence? They wouldn't -- and that's my point. Its about respecting privacy and the laws associated with it.


So there is the consistency, in my eyes. They have a long-standing practice of honoring privacy rights and not disclosing even confidential information that would exonerate it us. So no one can really accuse of us of hiding anything. Its not like we give out private information on apostates or other former members, but are tight-lipped when it comes to potentially alleged "damaging" information. 



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