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Depression -  A Painful Test

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I know of depression! There are so many types though.  However, emotional pain is the worst ever.  I have a daughter (my youngest) who suffer from it.  She won't see a Dr. nor accept therapy.  She just drinks.  Since 16 I believe.  She is now 42 and still at it.


My heart bleeds for her.  I try but, to no avail.  It makes my depression worse.  Although my brother, its more acute anxiety then anything else.  However, emotional pain is the worst there is.  It is unbelieavably so painful it takes ones breath away.  I have tried to even run only, to have it run with me.  I try to get away from myself but, you know thats impossible.


So, I understand.  What helps me?  Supplications, begging for the Holy Spirit to give me even momentary relief.  Just one moment that I can feel normal.  I'll even take that.  One moment my brother.

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On 11/23/2020 at 3:17 PM, Tmorris3 said:
Depression -  A Painful Test
If I were to tell you that I'm depressed, would you think, to some secret sin I need to confess? This need not be the case at all. Even faithful men, to this disease can fall. Can you think of an example listed in the Bible? When it came to being blameless one man had no rival. I know for certain you must have heard of Job, he was a faithful man, Jehovah once told. A man faithful and upright he was said to be,  but he once got depressed, just like me. Had he committed some secret sin that he didn't confess? Why was it that this man who was blameless got depressed? Why did he give into "wild talk" and appear to lose his sanity? It was not because he had sinned, No! He had kept his integrity! The reason for his depression had to do with him being the best.
YES, it was a challenge and Satan had authority to put him to the test! The issue that confronted Job was one of sovereignty. Would he obey Jehovah no matter what, and serve faithfully? Satan went right to work and caused Job much affliction. He would stop at nothing to break his conviction. First he caused the loss of Jobs great material wealth. The loss of his children in death must have affected his mental health! What else could Satan use to try and get Job to sin? Ah, I know what will work Satan probably said with a grin! This tactic will surely work and the issue of sovereignty I will win, I'll send over Three False Comforters who claim to be his friends. These can do my reasoning and tell him how bad he's been! Despite all this, Job still committed no sin.
When that didn't work, Satan caused a pitiable state, Jobs turmoil and pain must have been great. You see Satan spread sickness all over his flesh. To get the pain  to stop Job was willing to accept death! When this didn't work Satan was at wits end. What else can I use, ah I'll send over next of kin. That's exactly what he did, Satan even used his wife. Unknowingly, she added to his pain, suffering and strife. So you see , why Job was depressed, it was not because he was bad,no, he was the BEST.
 But what about you and I living in the last days? Is it possible to get depressed, and is that ok? woe for the earth and for those who there reside. This statement is true the Bible writer did not lie! Satan has not stopped using all of his tools. If we believe that then we are fools Now that we know this, one question remains, how do you help one that is suffering this pain? Do you know how a depressed soul feels?  If so, then you will give them what they need to heal. They don't need to be told how bad they are. All that will do is deepen the scar. We do well to follow the apostle Paul's advice, console the depressed soul, relieve their suffering and strife. A depressed person may feel they are at the end of their rope. They don't see any light, they've lost all their hope. So what can we do to lighten the load, one this for certain we don't use a goad! 
The Bible says counsel in the heart of a man is as waters deep. In other words, what you see on the outside is just a peep. The man of discernment, this counsel will draw up! But if you condemn, their mouth you will shut. The thing that is needed to help them the most, is the use of questions and of their value do boast! Don't be afraid that they will get puffed up with pride. These feel so bad at times they would like to die. When they start to speak, make sure you listen. If you do so, their eyes will start to glisten! You see much of the pain is deep inside. They may be ashamed and themselves they deride. They feel bad about themselves and need to be understood. Many times, all that is needed is for them to see their good!  One more thing may be needed as a reminder, if a depressed one lashes out at us we must be kinder. 
Remind yourself of their faithful service. This little moment need not disturb us! Do we question their integrity, and say they are spiritually sick? If we assume that, then we might as well beat them with a stick! Don't let Satan use you to accomplish his scheme. Show love and patience and on Jehovah do lean. Remember like Job was put to the test, they may be the Best!

My, I keep coming back to read your post.


Once, I will never forget not to long ago I was in a congregation that since has been absolved.  No growth and the elders well, they were taken down by the Society.


I recall how deep my depression was you see, I had smoked a pack of cigarettes in one night and needed to confess.


That week the circuit came to visit and I prayed to Jehovah let me confess to him.  You will never guess what happened.


I went to the backroom with C.O. and the presiding overseer (thats what they were called back then) and I was ready to confess.


He sat down and for about 3 minutes he became involved with a speck he found on the cuff of his pants as he sat crossed legged.   He then proceeded to look at me and ask me what my problem was. I was devastated, because I needed to confess this secret in my heart but, he was really ticked about this speck on the cuff of his pants!    I answered "If the speck on your pants warranted more attention then what I had to say, I am respectfully asking that you dismiss me in prayer".   He was dumbfounded and so was the elder.  He did reluctantly.  I wanted to drive my car to the nearest bridge and plunge head forward.  I called my uncle who is an elder and professes to be for about 100 years. (exaggeration)  and he asked me "What brand did you smoke"?  I said some menthol cigarettes his answer was "Well, you should have bought Camels that would have really done you in since you smoke the whole pack".   I did eventually confessed to an elder that I sought of felt comfortable with and was silently reproofed but, this is what desperation, depression and emotional pain can do to one.  

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Being understood without judgment is one of the main things humans crave. We are drawn to people who are like us, have similar interests, and can understand our mindset, whereas usually is the reverse with those who we find conflict with, or are misunderstood.


Even if someone doesn't completely understand a person's suffering or pain, being able to feel heard without judgment is a powerful thing.


With diagnosed forms of depression, for eg. bi-polar or schizophrenia, or some other medically diagnosed disease, it can be a case of exceeding highs but also extreme lows. This is where compassion is needed, and sometimes we come into situations where we didn't even know that we are the one being used to comfort the depressed.


For example...I texted my good friend in Canada that I wanted to catch up with her on Whatsapp as we haven't spoken since the last time I was in Canada visiting. She has some personal phobias that I am aware of, but regardless she and her elderly mother are still faithfully serving Jehovah, attending meetings and going out in the ministry. I inadvertently video called her while she was at her meeting and we had a few second face-to-face chat, which was enough to put a smile on her face. I said that I was beat and couldn't stay up late to talk, but we would this week. She later wrote me the following answer:


"Just wanted u to know that u were an answer to my prayers today for some encouragement...love u lotz."


Just being there for those who are depressed can be something really big for someone in those shoes, even if we aren't in their shoes.


For those who are deep in their struggles, Jehovah knows your pain, your ups and downs, and will help even at those low points, when things are even at its darkest, even moreso than we could have imagined than dealing with it on our own. Like David said: "Do put my tears in your skinbottles."


From the Oct.1 WT 2008 :



They can be assured that their heavenly Father sees not only the trials they face but also the emotional impact of those trials. He truly understands the pain afflicting his servants, and he compassionately remembers their tears and sufferings, figuratively storing them up in his skin bottle.





Gratitude vs. gratuitous  Phil.2:5

Read the Bible daily 💎

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It annoys me a lot that people think just because we suffer a mental illness the cause must be guilt. 


though I understand we are all imperfect and can make errors

Edited by bear_about

Hebrews 11:1

~ Faith is the assured expectation of what is hoped for, the evident demonstration of realities that are not seen. ~

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Thank you for sharing  your burden you carry with you.  I know it wasn't easy.  It never is easy .  Living day to day with it isn't  easy. 

Depression is more than a mental illness or a symptom . It's a hidden handicap that gets little to no sympathy.   There are those who are confined to a wheelchair , or who have lost the use of one of their precious senses. We with depression have lost the full use of our minds the way Jehovah intended. The ability to think clearly, remember clearly, feel clearly, express ourselves clearly has been stolen from us. We are robbed of it.  I long to be freed from these chains.  I need to know what that mental freedom feels like.  Hang in there my dear brother. You are not alone.  May we continue to encourage each other all the more so as that day draws near,




Edited by Vinnie

The one showing favor to the lowly is lending to Jehovah

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