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I understand brother and thanks for explaining. I wish the head of our congregation would read your post, because - ignoring the overseer - they change the Zoom Meeting ID and password EVERY MEETING, so you can't write field service letters inviting people to the Zoom meeting. MixLr account is held by a private brother so can't post that either, because using his personal name in field service letters makes him seem like a "pastor" They are not very tech savy at all here, but they should catch on in time.


Thanks for your kind comments about my logos brother. :)

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The organisation has asked this

Hi Bro. Jay,

I haven’t seen this direction from the organisation to change passwords for every meeting. Our congregation has not changed passwords as some of our older ones could be thrown if we did. It could be that the particular body of elders mentioned was very concerned with security for one reason or another and so have made the decision to change passwords regularly.



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I understand brother and thanks for explaining. I wish the head of our congregation would read your post, because - ignoring the overseer - they change the Zoom Meeting ID and password EVERY MEETING, so you can't write field service letters inviting people to the Zoom meeting. MixLr account is held by a private brother so can't post that either, because using his personal name in field service letters makes him seem like a "pastor" They are not very tech savy at all here, but they should catch on in time.
Thanks for your kind comments about my logos brother.

Hi Brad,

I can see why that could be frustrating, however, I’d suggest a little caution in inviting ones to the meeting that you don’t know through letter writing.

It seems to me that people who may want to disrupt our meetings might be more inclined to logon to a zoom meeting for “a laugh” and post inappropriate material or cause disruption in another way, emboldened by the fact they could easily conceal their identity in a way that wouldn’t be possible if they were to physically attend the kingdom hall.

Of course, if you find interested ones that you have contacted through the letter writing ministry and they are interested in attending a congregation meeting I would suggest you consider speaking to one of your elders. They would then be able to inform the attendant who could keep an extra beady eye in the newcomers, just in case!

Keep up the good work in your ministry it sounds like you’re doing a great job

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9 hours ago, Matthew said:

Hi Brad,

I can see why that could be frustrating, however, I’d suggest a little caution in inviting ones to the meeting that you don’t know through letter writing.

It seems to me that people who may want to disrupt our meetings might be more inclined to logon to a zoom meeting for “a laugh” and post inappropriate material or cause disruption in another way, emboldened by the fact they could easily conceal their identity in a way that wouldn’t be possible if they were to physically attend the kingdom hall.

Of course, if you find interested ones that you have contacted through the letter writing ministry and they are interested in attending a congregation meeting I would suggest you consider speaking to one of your elders. They would then be able to inform the attendant who could keep an extra beady eye in the newcomers, just in case!

Keep up the good work in your ministry it sounds like you’re doing a great job emoji16.png

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I believe Zoom has strict security features that allows you to whitelist certain people, block cameras, block profile pictures and banning users. If they want to have a "laugh", great, maybe after watching a few meetings they'll realize it's the truth.


But you have to KNOW how to use the features, which the brothers here don't.


The OVERSEER instructed our congregation to stop changing the password, so it must come from the governing body.

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On 12/23/2020 at 7:26 PM, Matthew said:


I don’t really want to be a kill joy or anything but in the instructions that were sent to the elders on how to host zoom meetings there was a very long list of instructions for “settings” at the end that need to be enacted by the main account holder assuming you are not using an organisational account. There is a setting option “Hide participant profile pictures in a meeting?” And the instruction is to have this turned on (yes) so that those attending the meeting are not able to set their own pictures.

You can perhaps understand why we have this direction, for example just in case someone who was perhaps not a brother were to get in to our meeting and have some unsavoury picture up that could cause distress to those in attendance.

I’m not surprised some bodies of elders have missed this, it takes a fair amount of tech savvy to understand and implement the directions, but it ensures many of Zoom’s less safe features are off by default during a congregation meeting. Such as the option to record the meeting, screen share by anyone etc etc etc.

I’m not telling you not to share these pictures, that’s your decision, and I must say you’ve done a great job with them!



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can you provide the reference and page

i have the Branch Zoom instruction dated 4/20 ...8 pages 

and I cannot find that reference....thank you

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On 12/26/2020 at 8:52 AM, bradsmithsite said:

I understand brother and thanks for explaining. I wish the head of our congregation would read your post, because - ignoring the overseer - they change the Zoom Meeting ID and password EVERY MEETING, so you can't write field service letters inviting people to the Zoom meeting. MixLr account is held by a private brother so can't post that either, because using his personal name in field service letters makes him seem like a "pastor" They are not very tech savy at all here, but they should catch on in time.


Thanks for your kind comments about my logos brother. :)

Our hall was doing this...inadvertently....

CO recommended following Branch example


we now have a meeting link....good for the month

and a separate

service (meeting  for field service) link ...good for the month


these are changed monthly


we also DO NOT include the invite link or info in letters.....

but we do invite people individually and specifically

most also mention to their FSG overseer specifically who they invited / want to invite


this info is often passed on to attendants


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12 minutes ago, DarinS said:


can you provide the reference and page

i have the Branch Zoom instruction dated 4/20 ...8 pages 

and I cannot find that reference....thank you

It's in the 5/20 Zoominst-E table at the end of the instructions.

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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Our congregation does not block Zoom profile pictures nor have they been instructed to. People are using pictures of their cats, aeroplanes, etc., their children, etc.
Was just trying to be friendly. Thanks for clarifying.

Our congregation doesn’t allow them either!

The difference between try and triumph is that little "umph"

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 The brothers here in my congregation ALLOW the use of Zoom profile pictures when you connect to the meeting. They don't block them.
They haven't been notified by the organization NOT to use Zoom profile pictures.

It could be a preference made by the body of elders. They were used when we started using zoom but no longer. All extra features like chat and others have been blocked or disabled. That’s not to say that all congregations have put a block on those things!

Voni in NC

The difference between try and triumph is that little "umph"

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I understand brother and thanks for explaining. I wish the head of our congregation would read your post, because - ignoring the overseer - they change the Zoom Meeting ID and password EVERY MEETING, so you can't write field service letters inviting people to the Zoom meeting. MixLr account is held by a private brother so can't post that either, because using his personal name in field service letters makes him seem like a "pastor" They are not very tech savy at all here, but they should catch on in time.
Thanks for your kind comments about my logos brother.

Our COBE used to do that as well for “safety” reasons but now we’ve used the same login for a couple months, I would assume with no issues!

Voni in NC

The difference between try and triumph is that little "umph"

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On 12/20/2020 at 2:51 AM, bradsmithsite said:

Just PM me with a link to your picture you want. You can google "site:jw.org" and select Images, then choose images that ONLY come from jw.org. There are many to choose from, just send me the picture you like and your name and I'll make you a logo. :)

This and many others directing you to www.jw.org, is what comes up with that particular search!!!!


Voni in NCE5C9B5A2-B72B-4A92-A923-DFC95B00668F.thumb.jpeg.e617773389d9ca9cd263c0b9e7b56dee.jpeg

The difference between try and triumph is that little "umph"

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Our COBE used to do that as well for “safety” reasons but now we’ve used the same login for a couple months, I would assume with no issues!

Voni in NC

For what it’s worth, here an added observation on disruptive people at Congregation meetings. Years ago we had someone disrupt our physical meeting at Kingdom Hall as well as someone disrupt our Zoom meeting. The one on Zoom was eliminated (removed) in seconds by an alert attendant. Most of the friends didn’t even realize what occurred. The one at the Hall took as good 20 minutes to finally get the disruptive individual removed by authorities. It created great stress and concern that everyone had to experience. It appears to me that it actually safer to invite to Zoom than invite to physically attend.

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On 12/27/2020 at 11:41 PM, bradsmithsite said:

If the Zoom meeting ID and passwords are changed, how do they notify all the brothers every month? We do it here via Whatsapp.

Same here - FSG overseer send 2 links to his group (monthly) and it often is accompanied by some reminders/instruction

most use WhatsApp but a few that struggle ...and have alternate communications..well whatever is necessary...email or text etc

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On 12/27/2020 at 11:41 PM, bradsmithsite said:

If the Zoom meeting ID and passwords are changed, how do they notify all the brothers


Our Congregation used WhatsApp - we have a Congregation Group that only the Elders can post to


A couple of our Elders send out emails to everyone


We are also now using an App called  "JWS - Publisher" that sends out schedules, announcements and other Congregation and meeting information.


"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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On 12/19/2020 at 2:52 AM, bradsmithsite said:

Not all people are tech savy, so at meetings when someone wants to answer over Zoom, I've heard, go ahead "Samsung J4" to answer.

The best way to avoid this is to have an attendant change all the names to the correct ones. We have several that enter with starnge names and the attendant changes all the names to the correct ones


On 12/20/2020 at 3:06 PM, Tortuga said:

That looks like the button Jehovah pushed after Noah loaded the animals into the Ark..😁🤣

Richard at its best :lol1:


On 12/26/2020 at 1:52 PM, bradsmithsite said:

 MixLr account is held by a private brother ...

What is that?


On 12/26/2020 at 10:12 PM, Matthew said:

Hi Bro. Jay,

I haven’t seen this direction from the organisation to change passwords for every meeting. Our congregation has not changed passwords as some of our older ones could be thrown if we did. It could be that the particular body of elders mentioned was very concerned with security for one reason or another and so have made the decision to change passwords regularly.

In Portugal we have the orientation to change passwords for every meeting. However we use always the same link for every meeting including FSM and Shepperding visits, etc... 

We were authorized to do this because our context of brothers wouldn't be abble to follow that procedure. It was a big problem to have everuyione follwing the one link... It would be impossible to do it every meeting...


On 12/26/2020 at 10:21 PM, Matthew said:

Hi Brad,

I can see why that could be frustrating, however, I’d suggest a little caution in inviting ones to the meeting that you don’t know through letter writing.

It seems to me that people who may want to disrupt our meetings might be more inclined to logon to a zoom meeting for “a laugh” and post inappropriate material or cause disruption in another way, emboldened by the fact they could easily conceal their identity in a way that wouldn’t be possible if they were to physically attend the kingdom hall.

Of course, if you find interested ones that you have contacted through the letter writing ministry and they are interested in attending a congregation meeting I would suggest you consider speaking to one of your elders. They would then be able to inform the attendant who could keep an extra beady eye in the newcomers, just in case!

Keep up the good work in your ministry it sounds like you’re doing a great job emoji16.png

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We had one brother, who is in a foreign country for a long time as an emmigrant, that started wit normal clothes and then, because it was summer and hot, started to take his clothes till he was with the chest naked. I was the attendant that day and removed him as soon as I noticed. But he asked to enter again and the host, that didn't notice the situation before, let him in and it took a couple of minutes for I to notice him and remove him again... But he still entered one more time before the host read my message warning to not let him enter

It was bad but funny at the same time! This specific brother his son of the eldest sister of our congregation and he after said that he just wanted to see his mother... He clearly was not good of the head 🤦‍♂️


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MixLr is like Zoom, but audio only.


Zoom has and is improving where you should be able to block someone's camera and if need block someone. There are whole books on Zoom security.


I completely agree about the "Samsung J4". The brother's are trying here, but we still get the name of the phone here and there.


I laughed so hard because one sister doesn't realize that her phone has two cameras, and the entire meeting her legs were showing instead of her face.

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