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The Value Of Being Content

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A number of years ago there was a businessman that was very successful. As he sat at his dinner table, enthusiastically discussing the future, He was explaining the things that they would be able to do. The trips, the houses, the nice cars they could buy. And he told his wife someday we'll be eating off of golden plates!" His wife looked at him and replied, darling, will it taste any better?"

There are two ways to have enough :It's either 'get more' or 'desire less'... "being content. He thought that the more you have, the happier you would be. There is a lesson in this for us and this is very dangerous thinking. Look at Adam and Eve what got them in trouble not being content.

Jehovah had given them more than enough to be happy. But the one thing that Jehovah didn't give them. Was the right for them to choose for themselves. What was good? Let's illustrate this: Say that a rich person agreed to give you a billion dollars and told you could spend it anyway you wanted to. But you couldn't use a dime of it to buy junk food, And told you if you ever ate any you would lose everything you had. Would you be content and think that what you could buy is enough. What is the meaning behind this illustration?

Well we know that junk food isn't healthy for us. So is trying to get ahead in Satan world, it means us no good. But living a life filled with the love of God, and being obedient will lead to everlasting blessings. Pro 10:22 . Satan world may give us more money than we could ever spend. But the price we'll pay for it will never be called Jehovah's friend. And what a shame this will be. For not being content now, we gave up on eternity.

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1 hour ago, Tmorris3 said:

His wife looked at him and replied, darling, will it taste any better?

Nice illustration 👍

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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2 hours ago, Tmorris3 said:

His wife looked at him and replied, darling, will it taste any better?"

 No, but it will sure look impressive! This is really what a lot of wealthy people like, the old saying " if you've got it, flaunt it !" There's a real trap to this, many have to overcome this way of life, the "desire of riches ", always wanting more and more money/things, we can fall into this trap of "keeping up with the Joneses " or even trying to keep up with wealthier brothers who seem to have it all! There is a real good feeling of not wanting to spend everything you make and living a "simple life ", the hard part is not trying to judge others, including our brothers/sisters who do not seem to be adjusting their living habits. I myself have to keep adjusting my outlook on others and what they own and have, some having  to keep working instead of retiring or retiring and getting another job or both spouses keep working. This is Satan's system for sure trying to lure everyone into a false sense of security and sadly many have left to pursue a higher standard of living or to just keep what they have!

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I struggle with this a lot. I struggle because I'm not sure if I should just be content or try to change my situation. I want to be able to move out and not depend on my parents, but I need the income for me to afford it. Customer service work isn't going to allow for that. Then I'm concerned about how I would have the energy to pioneer if I took on a job that was full time. Then I think about the current pandemic. I know many people think this is the lead up to the GT, and it could be. So they might say my concern is unwarranted. But what if it's not the lead up to the end? 


Being here doesn't make me happy and stresses me out. It's hard for me to just be content with that. Does Jehovah expect me to be content with that? 

Edited by runner92
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Sometimes people like to say someone isn’t being simple enough because both people work. But we don’t always know why they both have to work. I think it’s the same for those in more humble circumstances like living with parents. There are so many things that can make us stuck in a situation.  Many times it’s just the time and unforeseen occurrences of this system and our own health or physical limitations.  The nice thing is how we have been reassured that Jehovah will help us even if the reason we are in it is due to our own fault. 
Just keep praying and keep an open mind to possibilities.  It sure would be nice to know how many more years this system has left!  But since we don’t it gives us the opportunity to rely on Jehovah and learn to just deal with one day at a time. 

Jer 29:11-“For I well know the thoughts I am thinking toward you, declares Jehovah, thoughts of peace, and not calamity, to give you a future and a hope.”

Psalm 56:3-“When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.”
Romans 8:38-”For I am convinced...”

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I see the brothers and sisters in Russia as a good example. Despite circumstances they are not able to change, and being separated from loved ones, or unjustly tried and fined, being forced into losing their jobs or possessions, they maintain an inner mindset and closeness to Jehovah that lends itself in the meantime to being at some kind of inner peace.

Gratitude vs. gratuitous  Phil.2:5

Read the Bible daily 💎

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This subject is something my husband and I struggle with. We want to simplify. But we get so overwhelmed with getting rid of “stuff” and just don’t know where to start! We’ve been married for almost 22 years and have accumulated stuff. We were young and got in debt. Now, our debt is manageable, but we would love to simplify so that we can travel. Need great or LDC/DRC. We could sell our home and pay everything off and be pretty much debt free. It sounds like a no brainer .... it’s just so hard to get things gone. We aren’t hoarders and I’m not too sentimental. But at the same time, I hate to just throw stuff away that could be used by someone. My children are 19 and 16 so we would love to just sell this house and build a small house. My daughter wants to be a need greater and my son would love to have the privilege of Bethel service or traveling with LDC when he’s old enough. So, if this pandemic subsided and things are able to be “Normal” again, we want to be ready to be used where Jehovah needs us. Not meaning to ramble, just venting my frustration I guess.

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So what is the conclusion we need to draw from this.
Right now Jehovah is asking us to be just satisfied with the paper plate. Remember when Jesus was born he was placed in a manger. He was born to a poor family. Because spiritual things were what Jehovah wanted for him. And today he wants the same for us.

Jesus once said that the son of man doesn't have a place to lay his head. But look at the reward he got for being content. And where does he reside now in the glorious Heaven, as an enthroned king.. At the right side of his heavenly father Jehovah. So let’s be content with the paper plate. Because very soon in the new world we’ll have the best Jehovah has to offer.

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 It will  be very hard for some who have never really seemed to be "tested" or in a bad situation to learn how to lean on Jehovah, why do i say this, some that I know and have known in my 60 + years of knowing the truth, have said that they really felt that they haven't been through any real test, I'm talking about older ones I know, they had good jobs, never laid off in their total working carriers, children all stayed in the truth, non disfellowshipped, faithful spouses, good examples at all the meetings, and yet some small thing comes along and you would think their world is falling apart! Also some younger ones that have somehow obtained a lucrative job making very big bucks and have acquired nice homes, cars, take nice vacations, again, not really going through any real loss of material things, yet. We are all going to be tested, non will just slide through this system without having been tested! This is why we have been told for years, to simplify our lives, being content with our daily needs, stop focusing on buying more and more things, you all go to the same meetings and assemblies  as I do, what is usually portrayed in the videos, bigger tv's, expensive cars/suv's, fancy clothes, dream homes now in this system, higher education to get a higher paying job that will not be useful in the new system? No, believe me when I tell you the only way you can stay close to Jehovah is to pray to him and rely on him, continue going to the meetings including zoom. Having raised 4 children and moving several times for employment reasons, many, many lay offs and job loss, at one time in my life when I was 38 literally did not have 2 nickels to rub together and no job, no home, 3 children still with us, we moved in with in laws until I got back working, but we never went without a roof over our head or meals. I get emotional just thinking about those dark times in my life and then realizing that Jehovah was with us, had to be. I sit here now in my home, retired, not having to work, everything is taken care of and realize that I never had to worry like I did, it didn't do me any good, more test to come, I don't doubt that, we lost our oldest son 3 years ago, only our daughter stayed in the truth, married to a fine brother, raising our only grandson, thankful for that. So never give up and never take things for granted and pray, my mother, who died at the young age of 45 (cancer, father died 49 ) use to say " be grateful for what you have", I am!

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Heard a nice illustration from a branch committee member about contentment last year:


Imagine you are invited to a wedding reception party. You get a fancy invite with your name on it. When you arrive to the reception, you are welcomed warmly. You are given a gift bag to take home with your name on it. You are given a seat number and you make your way to that table. You notice that your name is on a card that signifies that it is your seat and table. 

The food is lovely. The gifts are great. You love life. You are content. However.


Your eyes start to wander. You notice “hmm… my table is actually a bit far away from the bride and groom.” Then you start to realize “hmmm, my particular seat looks the opposite direction from where the bride and groom are.” Then you start to notice little things like why you have a bad seat. All these things start to have an effect on your appreciation of the event.


Likewise, when we start to look around- we can start to focus on what we don’t have instead of what we do have.


Success, in the worlds eyes, is measured by how much a person has.


True contentment means “what I have is enough. I don’t need anything else.” I don’t have to look around. Contentment means living within ones means.

Edited by youthintheministry23
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17 minutes ago, youthintheministry23 said:

Contentment means living within ones means.

 To me this is a semi true statement, let me explain: when I first moved to this area ( Tennessee ) in 91, I came here with very little money and owed a lot of it, especially to the government ( past self employment taxes ) after I got settled in after a few years I worked my way out of debt good enough to qualify for a home mortgage. I could have bought a larger, costlier  home in a better community and would have been "living within my means " however I bought a less expensive home knowing I would have less taxes, lower utility cost and be able to pay it off sooner, which I did. As a result of doing this it helped me in the long run, how? Little did I know that the "secure " job I came down here for ( a very big company ) that promised it to be " a hundred year company " that within 16 years was to end but continued on  a few years later under a new/old name! What would I now do? Because I lived a little less than "my means" I was able to take early retirement and stay in my home. Some that moved to our area ( including brothers ) that had homes that sold for 2 - 3 times what they sell for here were able to buy some very large homes in well to do areas, which of course have higher taxes & utilities,  did they live "within their means " yes, at the time,  except many of them still have to work even though they are of retirement age, so they can hold onto those larger, costlier homes and take costly vacations, RV's, etc. It seems many did not plan for a more " simplified " life down the road! This is what the slave has been telling us for years now isn't it? Some are refusing to do so and just can't seem to let go of the more expensive things that they have become use to!

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 @Lee49   Thanks for sharing.. I really appreciate it. Im 38 and struggling.. on and off job. But  like what the bible says,  Dont give up.. I dont give up to find a job.. Being axed from a job due to internet problem.. I thank Jehovah everyday for  my needs... So Ill be alright if Ill keep my life simple for the rest of the years before retirement.

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When I overworked myself trying to have money in the bank. What I only get  is stress and lump in my body. I was overweight because I was a stress eater.  But I got sick and the doctor said that I have to undergo  surgery, my savings in the bank was not enough. What I did, I simplify my life. I did not go to fancy restaurant.. I entered pioneering. I walked a lot and my health has improved.. There are lots of benefits of being simple and being content. 

I realized from that time on that we only need little to live.. 

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I think a giant part of being content is resisting comparing ourselves or our decisions to other people's. We don't know the personal background of what we only see with our eyes about others- why they have or do what they do. What is some have inheritances? What if there are other circumstances we don't know... and are not our business? 


Whether they seem better or worse off than we are, having too many opinions about it can make us resentful, busybodies, proud or judgemental. All we need to worry about is our own situation and avoid "whataboutism" regarding others.  It will only make us unhappy. Being poor is no more righteous than being wealthy (it can't possibly be less stressful! )... it's all in what we do with what we have. And that's between Jehovah and us. We don't owe an accounting to anyone peeking over the fence at us.  🧐

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Just as this scripture had its fulfilment in Baruchs day, we cannot think it only applied to him during that time.  A simple life makes it so easy to walk away from this system with no regrets and no looking back. 


Jer 45:5 For I am about to bring a calamity on all flesh,’ declares Jehovah, ‘and wherever you may go, I will grant you your life as a spoil

The one showing favor to the lowly is lending to Jehovah

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[mention=6291]Lasheagilbert[/mention]   I think it will not go back to normal again.. It may go back to normal but it would be short ..  Then peace and security and the great tribulation will start.

I hope you are right, but how great it would be if going into the great tribulation, my family could be living a very simple life and be able to help as many as possible to find Jehovah before it begins. The watchtower today is such a timely reminder

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