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Why the United Nations Can't Solve the Ukraine Crisis

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The U.N. can't protect Ukraine from Russia invading. That's a feature, not a bug.


UN Designed to NOT Intervene?   🤔


Then how did the UN ever get engaged in a 'peace-keeping' mission in Korea?  🤔




Why the United Nations can't solve the Ukraine crisis

The United Nations Security Council met Monday to discuss tensions between Russia and Ukraine that may or may not end with the former further invading the latter. The Security Council won’t be the place where the Ukraine crisis is resolved, though, especially if it escalates to open warfare — because that’s exactly how the system was designed.


The Security Council won’t be the place where the Ukraine crisis is resolved, especially if it escalates to open warfare.


The Russians objected to Monday’s meeting, forcing the council’s 15 members to vote on whether to discuss Ukraine at all — only Russia and China voted no. But, as Foreign Policy’s Colum Lynch noted, the meeting didn’t go as U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Linda Thomas-Greenfield likely intended. While all the speakers urged diplomacy over conflict, the U.S.’s condemnations of Russian troop buildups weren’t echoed quite as loudly as Washington would have preferred. We’re still a long way from having “the world … speak out in one voice,” as President Joe Biden put it Monday in a statement.


That’s not a good sign for the already slim chance of the U.N. intervening in any potential invasion.


President Biden said on Monday that the world is still a long way from speaking out in one voice.


But then, he wasn't taking JEHOVAH'S timetable into consideration. :D 


Nobody has to DRIVE me crazy.5a5e0e53285e2_Nogrinning.gif.d89ec5b2e7a22c9f5ca954867b135e7b.gif  I'm close enough to WALK. 5a5e0e77dc7a9_YESGrinning.gif.e5056e95328247b6b6b3ba90ddccae77.gif


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19 minutes ago, Friends just call me Ross said:

Then how did the UN ever get engaged in a 'peace-keeping' mission in Korea?  

That wasn't exclusively the UN's decision.  The US and allies wanted to get involved. 


The US doesn't want to get involved in Ukraine. 

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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I’ve gotten to the point where I hear what’s going on. (Thanks to my husband) I just pretty well ignore it. We know the end result. In the meantime, “pushing and shoving”. It’s like a play, with Satan in charge. 
I do know we need to be aware. For me, in the least way, possible. 
We have family that get the results of this stuff. We need to pray for them. 

I want to age without sharp corners, and have an obedient heart!

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1 hour ago, Miss Bea said:

I’ve gotten to the point where I hear what’s going on. (Thanks to my husband) I just pretty well ignore it. We know the end result. In the meantime, “pushing and shoving”. It’s like a play, with Satan in charge. 
I do know we need to be aware. For me, in the least way, possible. 

Yep, pretty much the nuts and bolts of it all.

Safeguard Your Heart for " Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks" Matthew 12:34

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8 hours ago, Friends just call me Ross said:

Then how did the UN ever get engaged in a 'peace-keeping' mission in Korea?  

Don't you KNOW not to say that where History nerds might overhear? We'll just get a quick quote from Wikipedia and hope that quiets them down


Wikipedia on the Korean War and the Security Council meeting leading to military intervention:

The Soviet Union was boycotting the UN for recognizing Taiwan (Republic of China) as China,[56] and China (People's Republic of China) on the mainland was not recognized by the UN, so neither could support their ally North Korea at the Security Council meeting


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Daniel 10:20  "So he said, 'Do you know why I came to meet you? Now I will return to fight the prince of Persia. When I go, the prince of Greece will arrive."

The 1984 Watchtower theme "Does the Devil Really Maneuver Things" says:

"The book of Daniel calls rebellious angels the 'princes' of Satan. These princes are indicated to have had authority over the historic world powers—Babylon, Persia, Greece, and so on. The biblical chapter that impressed Janet gives you some glimpse of Satan's invisible organization: "And now," says an angel named Gabriel, "I will return to fight with the prince of Persia. . . . Behold, the prince of Greece also cometh . . . with me in these things except Michael [another angel].” (Daniel 10:20, 21) Only Jehovah can stop Satan and straighten out the turmoil that Satan's world system has created."

So maybe the mess of Russia and Ukraine has to do with things bigger than men....

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The Watchtower w11 1/9 Secret Ruler of the World Exposed

it says:

The prophetic Bible book of Daniel reveals how these “world rulers” have controlled the world since ancient times. The prophet Daniel, greatly concerned about his fellow Jews who in 537 BCE had returned to Jerusalem from their Babylonian exile, prayed on their behalf for three weeks. An angel, sent by God to revive the prophet, explained why it took so long to arrive. He said: "The prince of the royal domain of Persia opposed me for twenty-one days." —Daniel 10:2, 13.

Who was this 'prince of Persia'? It is obvious that the angel was not referring to the Persian king Cyrus, who was favorable to Daniel and his people. Furthermore, how could a mere human king resist a spirit creature for three weeks when one angel alone destroyed 185,000 mighty warriors in a single night? (Isaiah 37:36) This hostile ‘prince of Persia’ could only be an agent of the Devil, that is, a demon who had been given power to control the dominion of the Persian Empire. Later in the account, God's angel said that he would have to fight again against "the prince of Persia" and against another demon prince, "the prince of Greece." —Daniel 10:20.

What conclusion do we come to? In a nutshell, that there really are invisible “world rulers”, demonic princes who share power over the world among themselves, commanded by their boss, Satan the Devil.


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