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Peace and Security, Great Tribulation, Armageddon

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9 hours ago, Sofia said:

Try this article: *** w18 setembro p. 27 par. 16 Um Deus todo-poderoso e que mostra consideração pelos outros ***
16 Hoje, Jeová também cuida de seu povo como grupo, tanto em sentido espiritual como físico. E ele vai continuar fazendo isso na grande tribulação, que está bem perto. (Apo. 7:9, 10) Não importa se são jovens ou idosos, saudáveis ou deficientes, os servos de Jeová não vão entrar em pânico durante a grande tribulação.b Na verdade, farão o contrário. Eles vão se lembrar do que Jesus falou: “Ponham-se de pé e levantem a cabeça, porque o seu livramento está se aproximando.” (Luc. 21:28) Mesmo quando sofrer o ataque de Gogue (uma coalizão de nações muito mais poderosa do que aquele Faraó), o povo de Deus vai continuar confiando em Jeová. (Eze. 38:2, 14-16) Por quê? Porque sabemos que Jeová não muda. Ele novamente vai mostrar que é um Salvador poderoso e amoroso. — Isa. 26:3, 20.



Yes that's the article that triggered my thoughts too.

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10 minutes ago, Hotteok said:

Would the economic fall of China and Brics have anything to do with peace and security?

Tim, during last days of the last days many countries struggle with sustainability of their economies… that includes USA, European countries, China and Australia….  I do not expect outright fall of China, but it is on a shaky ground indeed. The collapse of China would impact the rest of the world badly. 

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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Interesting thoughts about ill and elderly during GT. If we start to think more about it we can find more examples where some kind of divine intervention will be needed. Like for example nuclear power plants. During GT it may be difficult for personnel to retain control of them, and even more so during Armaggedon. If they would be abandoned or destroyed uncontrollably it may cause a big pollution that would not be healed for centuries. So for me this is another example where probably miracles will be needed.

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Well, unless you’re healthy and not depended on medical care, you have no chance of getting through GT does not resonate with me. 

I already see how Jehovah deeply cares for elderly and vulnerable ones.

Jehovah I know is the one who cares, and cares in practical ways, especially when he initiates great changes on this earth. 
Jehovah’s instructions show plainly that elderly, sick and vulnerable are precious to him, they will not be forgotten during GT because they run out of medicines …etc. 


I have great confidence in Jehovah’s provisions for such ones during and immediately after GT

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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9 minutes ago, New World Explorer said:

Well, unless you’re healthy and not depended on medical care, you have no chance of getting through GT does not resonate with me. 

I already see how Jehovah deeply cares for elderly and vulnerable ones.

Jehovah I know is the one who cares, and cares in practical ways, especially when he initiates great changes on this earth. 
Jehovah’s instructions show plainly that elderly, sick and vulnerable are precious to him, they will not be forgotten during GT because they run out of medicines …etc. 


I have great confidence in Jehovah’s provisions for such ones during and immediately after GT

It makes sense to me too, but still, I read in our publications (can't find where exactly) that some members od other sheep can die because of unstable conditions or riots during GT but they will be safely stored in Jehovah's memory. If someone can find a reference I'd appreciate it.


🙏 Thank you! 🙏

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7 hours ago, Michał said:

that some members od other sheep can die because of unstable conditions or riots during GT

*** w74 3/15 p. 171 What Protection for God’s People? ***
Should some of God’s people die at the time of this attack, however, they would not experience lasting loss. They would die, not with any feeling of having lost divine favor, but with full confidence that God will restore them to life in his new order because of their faithfulness to him. That attack against God’s people, though, is not going to run to the utmost limit. It will be stopped by force. 

Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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9 hours ago, Michał said:

It makes sense to me too, but still, I read in our publications (can't find where exactly) that some members od other sheep can die because of unstable conditions or riots during GT but they will be safely stored in Jehovah's memory. If someone can find a reference I'd appreciate it.

I was purely focusing on medical conditions. Riots, or exposure to situations where a person can be injured or even killed during GT is entirely different to lack of access to medications 💊. Many …many Jehovah’s sheep depends on medications, Jehovah is aware of this. 
I think that during GT we will experience the greatest care from our Heavenly Father Jehovah. Little children, elderly, disabled and other vulnerable people are extremely precious to him. The great tribulation is brought not against us, but against ungodly people. Jehovah will be in full control when GT begins and it ends. (Although our faith will be tested, especially when it comes to our obedience to follow specific and unusual instructions, because navigating GT will be only possible if we listen carefully to the instructions given at that time, and some may ignore or diminish the importance of those future instructions and put their lives at risk) 

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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I treasured this comment with great affection. 

"The GT coming always makes me think of when our little boy would stop playing and go to the front door and pull himself up to look out the storm door window,he stood there quietly watching for his dad to come home from work. All of a sudden when he saw his work van he'd squeal and jump up and down yelling 'dada'.

He knew he was coming but it was always still a big happy surprise. 

I feel like we're all standing there  looking out the window."


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On 9/3/2023 at 5:46 AM, New World Explorer said:

I was purely focusing on medical conditions. Riots, or exposure to situations where a person can be injured or even killed during GT is entirely different to lack of access to medications 💊. Many …many Jehovah’s sheep depends on medications, Jehovah is aware of this. 
I think that during GT we will experience the greatest care from our Heavenly Father Jehovah. Little children, elderly, disabled and other vulnerable people are extremely precious to him. The great tribulation is brought not against us, but against ungodly people. Jehovah will be in full control when GT begins and it ends. (Although our faith will be tested, especially when it comes to our obedience to follow specific and unusual instructions, because navigating GT will be only possible if we listen carefully to the instructions given at that time, and some may ignore or diminish the importance of those future instructions and put their lives at risk) 

Jehovah will  make miracles to save His people. 

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On 9/3/2023 at 7:46 AM, New World Explorer said:

I was purely focusing on medical conditions. Riots, or exposure to situations where a person can be injured or even killed during GT is entirely different to lack of access to medications 💊. Many …many Jehovah’s sheep depends on medications, Jehovah is aware of this. 
I think that during GT we will experience the greatest care from our Heavenly Father Jehovah. Little children, elderly, disabled and other vulnerable people are extremely precious to him. The great tribulation is brought not against us, but against ungodly people. Jehovah will be in full control when GT begins and it ends.


I think also too, if you have ever watched a human or animal that are on their last legs before they expire or suffering some physical ailment such as cancer, where at times, they may have a sudden burst of energy, either only moments before they do expire or even for days or even weeks before they expire. I have seen this many times happen myself with family members and animals that we have cared for.


So I think it may be possible that there may be a period when certain ones who are suffering such disabling ailments, have a sudden rush of energy just before the final part of the GT. Jehovah may grant his power to them, where they "under their own power" (so to speak) will be able to stand up and be gather with other witnesses exiting this system, as that video showed with that sister on an oxygen supply walking with her son. But instead of them passing away as the body would do, they just get better instead when the destruction has come to pass. Eventually we all will be healed of whatever ailment we may have either instantly, or in a very short time such as overnight, as did with the video of the brother and sister waking up being youthful again.


But we just have to really on Jehovah and follow his instructions, he knows what he is doing.

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30 minutes ago, Loyal said:

Oh my, how awful.. the destruction n death. I hope we find out soon about our bros n sis's. May Jah be with them all 😪

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34 minutes ago, Michelle112 said:

Oh my, how awful.. the destruction n death. I hope we find out soon about our bros n sis's. May Jah be with them all 😪

We are still banned in Morocco, so we probably won't be able to get any official information about any brothers and sisters that may be in that area.

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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32 minutes ago, Michelle112 said:

Oh my, how awful.. the destruction n death. I hope we find out soon about our bros n sis's. May Jah be with them all 😪

I have seen racist comments on news site. No matter what nationality, race, and religion they are. It is sad that this happen.

Just now, Tortuga said:

We are still banned in Morocco, so we probably won't be able to get any official information about any brothers and sisters that may be in that area.


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6 hours ago, Tortuga said:

We are still banned in Morocco, so we probably won't be able to get any official information about any brothers and sisters that may be in that area.

What if Jehovah used this to open the heart of the officials ? I hope the friends are ok there.

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Papal mediation not possible due to Vatican’s bias towards Kremlin,

He also said there was a need for closer scrutiny of Russia’s investments in the Vatican bank, adding, “We must delve deeper into this matter.”says Podolyak

Source: https://news.yahoo.com/papal-mediation-not-possible-due-090000209.html?guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLnB0Lw&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAMgHCLR6e4w5qfdkizlR0O2kFto84jukjPSs0YihELnJs5SyZ830ytvPbSMa0BLmMJCnByJGeTmVP96jnliq45wOViUv-QECCzKo66xWcQb8ClB6qMjNLpO4K2ebmDNgAWuecU4iCpNEMrANaOCUiDw_lcdAAkS7I6zvrnNiH48y

Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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6 hours ago, Sofia said:

A mediação papal não é possível devido à parcialidade do Vaticano em relação ao Kremlin,

Ele também disse que há necessidade de um exame mais minucioso dos investimentos da Rússia no banco do Vaticano, acrescentando: “Devemos aprofundar este assunto”. diz Podolyak

Fonte:  https://news.yahoo.com/papal-mediation-not-possible-due-090000209.html?guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLnB0Lw&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAMgHCLR6e4w5qfdkizlR0O2kFto84jukjPSs0YihELn Js5SyZ830ytvPbSMa0BLmMJCnByJGeTmVP96jnliq45wOViUv-QECCzKo66xWcQb8ClB6qMjNLpO4K2ebmDNgAWuecU4iCpNEMrANAOCUiDw_lcdAAkS7I6zvrnNiH48y

Prostitution between government and Babylon 

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9 hours ago, Sofia said:

Papal mediation not possible due to Vatican’s bias towards Kremlin,

He also said there was a need for closer scrutiny of Russia’s investments in the Vatican bank, adding, “We must delve deeper into this matter.”says Podolyak

Source: https://news.yahoo.com/papal-mediation-not-possible-due-090000209.html?guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLnB0Lw&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAMgHCLR6e4w5qfdkizlR0O2kFto84jukjPSs0YihELnJs5SyZ830ytvPbSMa0BLmMJCnByJGeTmVP96jnliq45wOViUv-QECCzKo66xWcQb8ClB6qMjNLpO4K2ebmDNgAWuecU4iCpNEMrANaOCUiDw_lcdAAkS7I6zvrnNiH48y

What will be the stand of UN with this issue? We will see.

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