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Peace and Security, Great Tribulation, Armageddon

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8 minutes ago, coolbrz731 said:

I'm voting for the one who will "Make Earth great again"


Do you have a hat?

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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1 hour ago, Amygdala said:


Totally neutral here, but does anyone slightly entertain the thought that Trump might actually win the next presidency? J/K 😜


The one spoken of in Dan.8:25 could still be changed, as normally clearer understanding of prophecy comes after events have occurred…

I remember last Regional Documentary that Trump is not quoted in the video, it is only Bush, Obama and then Biden. I haven't seen Trump in the video. 

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3 hours ago, computerwiz said:
  • Year text - "When I am afraid, I put my trust in you"
    • Would they really choose such a year text about fear for the WHOLE worldwide organization due to a couple of regional wars?
    • For about the past 5 years, it seems the year text has basically been prophetic.  Within a year, we saw exactly why it was chosen, and boy was it applicable!  That being the case....what will make the WHOLE organization afraid?  🤔🤔🤔




Here in our region China seeking another conflict aside Taiwan. 

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1 hour ago, Amygdala said:

Just re-read ch.17 of the Pure Worship book.



This 2015 QFR has a chart and a description of the identity of Gog of Magog.




So it appears the KoN is the main player here at the end.

The Anglo-American Power is that False Prophet in Revelation 16:13 and it will  be a main player too. 

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3 hours ago, Dustparticle said:

The have destroyed Laos too during the Vietnam War. 

And many others also.

But that was not in a specific period of time when both kings were at peace, at the same time, making precise and identifiable actions.

Know this my beloved brothers, I am not a native English speaker.

Please be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to anger. (James 1:19)


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3 hours ago, Amygdala said:


Totally neutral here, but does anyone slightly entertain the thought that Trump might actually win the next presidency? J/K 😜


The one spoken of in Dan.8:25 could still be changed, as normally clearer understanding of prophecy comes after events have occurred…

Definitely since he didn't go to war during his presidency and his approach is business like people will vote for him and I suspect that this particular brand of sophistry will have a huge part in the cry of peace and security. 

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7 hours ago, computerwiz said:

All I gotta say is you really have to wonder about this combination:

  • Regional Convention theme: Declare the good News
    • It has been said the end will come at our busiest.
    • Anyone thinking "last call!" or "one final big push for studies"?
  • Reporting changes - Only # that matters is Bible Studies (except for pioneers/COs)
    • What do they want us to focus our energy on?
    • Again, do you get the feeling "last call!  Hurry and join!"???
  • Year text - "When I am afraid, I put my trust in you"
    • Would they really choose such a year text about fear for the WHOLE worldwide organization due to a couple of regional wars?
    • For about the past 5 years, it seems the year text has basically been prophetic.  Within a year, we saw exactly why it was chosen, and boy was it applicable!  That being the case....what will make the WHOLE organization afraid?  🤔🤔🤔
  • There have been many articles lately about preparing for the GT or persecution.
    • Jehovah prepares us well in advance.
    • It seems that the things the FDS warns us about is usually 1-3 years ahead of its time.  Remember when they told us to simplify?  Just before major economic headwinds?  Well....the clock is ticking fast for these latest warnings!!  👀


Just some observations.  Seems like the GT is right around the corner!!  :thumbsup:  But always keep in mind:


Proverbs 13:12 - Expectation postponed makes the heart sick...


So be excited....but don't live with a date in mind.  :whistling:


Good meditation brother. You helped me to think . 

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28 minutes ago, MChill14 said:


Nothing comming out of that meeting will become a biding resolution 

it’s the UNSC that has the power to instaure peace missions not the UNGA


Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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12 hours ago, Abigail said:

I don't have a problem with most of the claims humans make being demon-inspired, just not the one that triggers the Great Tribulation. It just does not make sense to me.

 There were some great observations in Br. Schafer's talk that you posted.


One important detail:  The P&S prophesy doesn't 'trigger' the GT.  It's not as if Jehovah is waiting for the 'unclean inspired expressions' before He can 'put it into their hearts to carry out his thought . . by giving their kingdom to the wild beast."


Satan, as the god of this system of things, is pulling the strings.  Satan, better than any of us, can anticipate when BtG will be destroyed.  He is a highly intelligent and cunning adversary.


So, with his unique perspective, as he sees the destruction of false religion as imminent, he himself (the dragon) causes the wild beast and the false prophet to speak 'unclean inspired expressions' that will be so convincing that these expressions 'gather the kings of the entire inhabited earth together (coalition of the entire political system).


Not only by means of 'unclean inspired expressions', but with signs, wonders, miracles.  Such 'wonders' will lend powerful influence to the expressions and even cause people to believe this P&S could only be from God.


Thus, people will be utterly misled.  But this doesn't 'trigger' the GT.  1 Th 5:2-3 is telling us  "before Jehovah's day come exactly as a thief in the night" , they will create a great distraction to fool people into believing that problems are actually getting fixed, that human leaders can fix things.


But that will be a false flag, a red herring.  It will be orchestrated by Satan just before the destruction of BtG which was already going to happen anyway.

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22 minutes ago, Doug said:

 Houve algumas grandes observações no Ir. A palestra de Schafer que você postou.


Um detalhe importante: a profecia do P&S não 'aciona ' o GT . Não é como se Jeová estivesse esperando pelas 'expressões inspiradas impuras' antes de poder 'colocar nos seus corações a execução do seu pensamento . . entregando o seu reino à fera."


Satanás, como deus deste sistema de coisas, está mexendo os cordelinhos. Satanás, melhor do que qualquer um de nós, pode antecipar quando o BtG será destruído. Ele é um adversário altamente inteligente e astuto.


Assim, com a sua perspectiva única, ao ver a destruição da religião falsa como iminente, ele próprio (o dragão) faz com que a fera e o falso profeta falem 'expressões inspiradas impuras' que serão tão convincentes que estas expressões 'reúnem o reis de toda a terra habitada juntos (coalizão de todo o sistema político).


Não apenas por meio de 'expressões inspiradas impuras', mas com sinais, maravilhas, milagres. Tais “maravilhas” darão uma influência poderosa às expressões e até farão com que as pessoas acreditem que este P&S só poderia vir de Deus.


Assim, as pessoas serão totalmente enganadas. Mas isso não 'aciona' o GT . 1 Tessalonicenses 5:2-3 está nos dizendo que "antes que o dia de Jeová chegue exatamente como um ladrão de noite", eles criarão uma grande distração para enganar as pessoas fazendo-as acreditar que os problemas estão realmente sendo resolvidos, que os líderes humanos podem consertar as coisas.


Mas isso será uma bandeira falsa, uma pista falsa. Será orquestrado por Satanás pouco antes da destruição do BtG, que já iria acontecer de qualquer maneira.

But it will serve as a sign to Christians that Jehovah's day is about to begin 

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46 minutes ago, Doug said:

 There were some great observations in Br. Schafer's talk that you posted.


One important detail:  The P&S prophesy doesn't 'trigger' the GT.  It's not as if Jehovah is waiting for the 'unclean inspired expressions' before He can 'put it into their hearts to carry out his thought . . by giving their kingdom to the wild beast."


Satan, as the god of this system of things, is pulling the strings.  Satan, better than any of us, can anticipate when BtG will be destroyed.  He is a highly intelligent and cunning adversary.


So, with his unique perspective, as he sees the destruction of false religion as imminent, he himself (the dragon) causes the wild beast and the false prophet to speak 'unclean inspired expressions' that will be so convincing that these expressions 'gather the kings of the entire inhabited earth together (coalition of the entire political system).


Not only by means of 'unclean inspired expressions', but with signs, wonders, miracles.  Such 'wonders' will lend powerful influence to the expressions and even cause people to believe this P&S could only be from God.


Thus, people will be utterly misled.  But this doesn't 'trigger' the GT.  1 Th 5:2-3 is telling us  "before Jehovah's day come exactly as a thief in the night" , they will create a great distraction to fool people into believing that problems are actually getting fixed, that human leaders can fix things.


But that will be a false flag, a red herring.  It will be orchestrated by Satan just before the destruction of BtG which was already going to happen anyway.

That's why they've often said that one or more of these events may overlap,

Interesting many are siding with Israel because they believe they are still God's  people and he is with them,

Edited by Stormswift

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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7 hours ago, Amygdala said:


Totally neutral here, but does anyone slightly entertain the thought that Trump might actually win the next presidency? J/K 😜

can’t wait until the Trump trial and 2024 election for the entertainment 😆

The Hebrew word cushi or kushi is an affectionate term generally used in the Bible to refer to a dark-skinned person of African descent.


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6 hours ago, coolbrz731 said:


Imagine getting a knock on the door and seeing this:


Make Earth Great Again.jpg

“Blacks for Trump” 😆

The Hebrew word cushi or kushi is an affectionate term generally used in the Bible to refer to a dark-skinned person of African descent.


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6 hours ago, mjcabz said:

I remember last Regional Documentary that Trump is not quoted in the video, it is only Bush, Obama and then Biden. I haven't seen Trump in the video. 

Nice observation. I didn’t even catch that.

The Hebrew word cushi or kushi is an affectionate term generally used in the Bible to refer to a dark-skinned person of African descent.


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5 hours ago, Doug said:

Satan, as the god of this system of things, is pulling the strings.  Satan, better than any of us, can anticipate when BtG will be destroyed.  He is a highly intelligent and cunning adversary.


So, with his unique perspective, as he sees the destruction of false religion as imminent, he himself (the dragon) causes the wild beast and the false prophet to speak 'unclean inspired expressions' that will be so convincing that these expressions 'gather the kings of the entire inhabited earth together (coalition of the entire political system).


Do you really think Satan knows this?




Plus the gathering here in Revelation 16 is to Armageddon.

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Satan  knows ... that's why his wrath is great because he knows he has a short period of time. To an angelic creature who has lived for eons... it must feel really short to him ... relatively speaking. 

Remembering too he's waging war primarily against the anointed and then those who support them. He knows the time period we are in as well as we do. 

Edited by Stormswift

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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27 minutes ago, Stormswift said:

Satan  knows ... that's why his wrath is great because he knows he has a short period of time. To an angelic creature who has lived for eons... it must feel really short to him ... relatively speaking. 

Remembering too he's waging war primarily against the anointed and then those who support them. He knows the time period we are in as well as we do. 


Do you really think Satan knows when Babylon the Great will be destroyed?


He didn't know when the Flood would be until 7 days before.


Not knowing the day or hour isn't just for our benefit. It's also protecting Jehovah's strategy.

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2 hours ago, Abigail said:

Do you really think Satan knows this?

When Jesus was on Earth he said that about that day nobody knows except His Father. Yet when Satan was overthrown from heavens he knew he had a short period of time.

Satan has a pretty good idea of the time left till Armagedom when he will be emprisioned.


Honestly speaking, I don’t believe Jehovah doesn’t give a hint to GB about the time of GT onset. 
it’s a VERY important stage on His timeline. His Name is to become sanctified and well known for his judgement upon Satan s World

His witnesses on Earth will be spared. They are precious to Him!

GB is the only way we have instructions to be saved!

of course they will receive the final seal right before GT. (Rev. 7:1-8)

Of course GB will tell us all we need to know to survive👌

They are already doing that 🥰



Edited by Sofia

Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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9 minutes ago, Sofia said:

When Jesus was on Earth he said that about that day nobody knows except His Father. Yet when Satan was overthrown from heavens he knew he had a short period of time.

Satan has a pretty good idea of the time left till Armagedom when he will be emprisioned.


Honestly speaking, I don’t believe Jehovah doesn’t give a hint to GB about the time of GT onset. 
it’s a VERY important stage on His timeline. His Name is to become sanctified and well known for his judgement upon Satan s World

His witnesses on Earth will be spared. They are precious to Him!

GB is the only way we have instructions to be saved!

of course they will receive the final seal right before GT. (Rev. 7:1-8)

Of course GB will tell us all we need to know to survive👌

They are already doing that 🥰




I agree Sofia. I actually think the GB will know more than Satan - Amos 3:7


Satan knew in 1914 he had a short period of time and it must be obvious to him that it is close but I still don't believe he knows any more than we do.

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