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The Holocaust and our brothers

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I'm sure many of you have seen the new feature on JW.Org.  Jehovah's Witnesses and the Holocaust.  Today many will observe this International Holocaust Remembrance Day!


I can't read all the horrors that happened to our brothers.  It just brings me to tears and anger.  Some of our brothers were beheaded others, hung.  Even others, shot.  The anger of this Enemy is beyond hatred. 


Our brothers were worked to death.  Others left letters to their surviving families.  "I will take the walk my brothers walked".


I hope that in these last days, we too can imitate them and Jesus.

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I remember going to an excursion when I was in Year 11 to a Holocaust exhibition at Sydney's Town Hall. It left a massive impression on me to see the actual artefacts and displays which included a shawl made from human hair, lampshade from skin, and soap made from fat. It was gruesome, raw, and our guide was an elderly man who had survived and could tell us first hand his experiences. It was a very moving and gut-wrenching education in the true horrors of war and man's inhumanity, and I never forgot it.


When I later found out Jehovah’s Witnesses had also suffered, it gave me a more deeper sense of appreciation for the atrocities they had gone through, and I could see that it was only because they relied on Jehovah that they bravely stood up and conquered. What a beautiful and strong example for all of us.


There is a very good interview by Paul Amadeus Lane on YouTube with a brother from Bethel Aaron Purvis regarding Jehovah’s Witnesses and the holocaust, streamed yesterday.



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On 1/28/2023 at 7:15 AM, cme said:

Till this day, it hurts to remember the torture of our brothers.  It makes my heart hurt!


Yes. Even our sisters suffered a great deal. I agree. It does hurt our hearts, doesn't it? A brother sent me a couple of links about the Holocaust.


Out of Oblivion: The Bible Students of St. Lambrecht Women's Concentration Camp



The book in PDF format: https://outofoblivion.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Out-of-Oblivion-Anita-Farkas.pdf


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From Houston, Texas, USA:

Jehovah's Witnesses among groups held captive during Holocaust

Isiah Factor Uncensored - FOX26 Houston - Tuesday 31 January 2023


Isiah Factor interviews Ruben Espinales and Dorian Gamble, spokesmen for the Jehovah's Witnesses





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4 hours ago, Brandon said:

he mentions one of our publications “from 1945” talks about Ho nazi-like ideas could be taken up by a future generation. I wonder if it’s possible to figure out which publication (probably a magazine) and issue it was…


The section is:


Isiah Factor: And there are still countries today where Jehovah's Witnesses are persecuted. And put into jail.

Ruben Espinales: That's exactly right. In 1945 one of our publications mentioned that it could be that those ideas that were part of the nazi regime, of hatred towards smaller groups, oppression, that it could very well resurface, rebranded and adopted by a new generation. So that's happening for example in Russia.




4 hours ago, Brandon said:

the publications index on WOL goes back to 1930


Nothing obvious stands out for 1945.



4 hours ago, Brandon said:

probably a magazine


Actually, I'm gonna say, probably not a magazine....


The Watchtower is a well-known brand name, if it had been in The Watchtower, it would have been 'name-checked'.... and simply being a brand name woud've lent credence / kudos to the statement that Reubens made - the audience would very likely have known of The Watchtwer - but note how instead he came up with a very bland 'in one of our publications' statement, almost meaningless (there was no quote), and it was passed over in a blink of an eye.


Of course I'm looking at it from a PR Marketing perspective.... 🤷‍♂️


Anyway, I suspect the reference may be to the 1945 booklet The “Commander to the Peoples” which I believe was the 'transcript' of the pubic talk given at the 1945 Conventions:

Perhaps @jwhess has a copy he can glance over?

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From Idaho, USA:



Holocaust Remembrance Day evokes family history for Emmett woman


Messenger Index, Idaho Press - Tuesday 31 January 2023


For Emmett resident Rita Bartlett, January 27 holds special meaning. It not only marks International Remembrance Day to commemorate victims of Nazism, but it is also a reminder of her great uncle and aunt, Otto and Wanda Erdmann, who were victims of Nazi terror. They were targeted not for their biology, nationality or political ideology, but simply for their Christian faith.


Married in 1931, the Erdmanns lived a peaceful life in East Germany. Otto began working as a tailor, and they soon became dutiful parents to a beautiful daughter named Lydia.


As the Hitler regime intensified its religious persecution, the Erdmanns, who were Jehovah’s Witnesses (also known as Bible Students), were targeted by the Gestapo for refusing to participate in the war efforts or to heil Hitler.


“My great uncle, Otto, was law abiding and peace loving,” said Bartlett. “He had the courage to stand up against ethnic hatred and mass murder, and he held firmly to his personal convictions.”


Then in 1936, SS officers abruptly appeared at the Erdmanns’ home and arrested the couple, leaving their then 3-year-old Lydia to be raised by Otto’s sister.

Unfortunately, the Erdmanns’ experience is not isolated.



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2 hours ago, Parale said:

Perhaps @jwhess has a copy he can glance over?

I don't know what statement we are actually looking for.  Here is a quote from pages 3-4 of the booklet.


I have included a cover picture.  If anyone needs a PDF copy of this 80 year old booklet, let me know and I can give you a link.





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On 1/31/2023 at 3:23 PM, Parale said:

As the Hitler regime intensified its religious persecution, the Erdmanns, who were Jehovah’s Witnesses (also known as Bible Students), were targeted by the Gestapo for refusing to participate in the war efforts or to heil Hitler.


There was a book from the 50s that our brothers referenced several times through the years about first hand conditions by a Jewish doctor:

*** w55 9/1 p. 542 The Nazis Bluffed, but Not the Witnesses ***
The Theory and Practice of Hell is a book giving an analytical report of Nazi concentration camps. It was a best seller for years in Germany, and in April, 1955, an English edition was published. Of particular interest to readers of The Watchtower is what it has to say in the chapter “The Categories of Prisoners” about Jehovah’s witnesses


I have the paperback but here it is on-line at Archive.org: https://archive.org/details/theorypracticeof00kogo/mode/2up

It is a tough read though, so be forewarned.


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