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40 minutes ago, Timl1980 said:

Why do we come here? Why do we log on, scroll through the topics and read all the back and forth between our fellow brothers and sisters? What motivates us to keep coming back, to periodically check up on a favorite section to see what new comments and thoughts have sprung up since we last viewed it? Have you figured it out yet?


I was meditating on this...and I found a couple of things I want to share with all of you...maybe it will resonate...maybe not...but hopefully it will cause each of us to carefully assess our feelings about...not only this site...but our assemblies, conventions, meetings and our public ministry as well. 


First...please allow Jehovah's words...as given to us via the faithful slave...to penetrate your heart on this subject: Happiness—What It Takes to Find It — Watchtower ONLINE LIBRARY (jw.org)


"As Jesus said, “There is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving.” You give, you get, but you do not give to get.—Matthew 22:39; Luke 6:38; Acts 20:35; James 2:26.

Akin to giving is sharing, not material things, but ideas, experiences, joys, yearnings, innermost feelings, even sorrows. One psychiatrist said: “One of the deepest forms of human happiness: shared enjoyment.” Have you ever been alone as you gazed in amazement at a spectacular sunset and wished that a loved one were there to share it with you? Or have you had exciting good news but no one to tell it to? Or stared in awe at a stormy ocean with mighty waves crashing onto a rocky coast and shooting high up into the air, and ached because no companion was with you to share in the thrilling sight? Or even a scene of poignant sadness that moved you deeply, but you’ll never be able to convey it fully to another? We yearn to communicate feelings, as the apostle Paul said: “Rejoice with people who rejoice; weep with people who weep.”—Romans 12:15.


That sounds simple. It is also true. Psychiatrist James Fisher said: “Great thinkers . . . have warned of the perils of pursuing earthly treasures, and have earnestly recommended the simple life.” Genuine pleasures are found in the simple things and the magnificent things God has made: the black velvet dome from which myriads of stars twinkle and shine, the warmth of the sun, the coolness of breezes. The fragrance of flowers, the song of birds, the grace of animals. The rolling hills and the towering crags. The rushing rivers and lazy streams, lush meadows and dense forests, the glisten of snow in the sun. The patter of rain on the roof, the chirping of a cricket in the cellar, the croak of a frog in the pond, and the splash of a fish that sends ripples circling out under the moonlight.


Even more pleasure is found in companionable people, for man was made a social creature, with a need to belong. A kind thought, a sympathetic touch, a soft gesture, a warm smile, a loving act, the laughter of a child at play, the gurgling's of a baby in its crib, the dignity and wisdom of an old person rich in life’s experiences—these are things that satisfy.

It is what we are that counts, not what we appear to be. It is the love we have, not the social position we gain. It is what we can give, not what we can get."



Do you agree? 


Do you see the same thing I saw in those words? 


Friends...we come here because we...as humans...have an inherent need for understanding and acceptance. We are social creatures...and we therefore need to share...we need to be understood...and we crave mutual human understanding. 


In other words...in more simple terms...we come to this site...over and over again...because it fulfills a basic human need...it makes us happy.


Each and every single one of you who have taken the time and effort to comment on this site...even if that means you only gave a simple thumbs up...you felt encouraged...you felt heard and understood


And, from my personal perspective...each of your encouraging messages...every single one of your kind emojis...these have built me... (and all of us) ...up.


As Jehovah's servants...our instinct is to give...at all costs...we must give. That is our obligation as Christians...and it makes us happy when we are able to help someone else in need.


Recently, I heard an experience that made me instantly think of several people on this site...I will mention but a few by name...Tortuga, Carlos, New World Explorer, Keep Fighting, Humble Bumble Bee, ComputerWhiz, The Kid23, Dolce Vita, Dages, Thomas Walker, BooBoo, Amygdala, Friends Call Me Ross, Gruder, Miss Bea, SKnight, Dove, Cme, Dilip Kumar, Lori, Katty, Mike047, Paulo, Imagine, Araujo JW, Qapla, PJ Driver, Friend Of Peace, Coolbrz731...and hundreds more just like them...these dear brothers and sisters who comment and try their best to help others...when we have no idea how badly some of them may need help themselves. (I am so sorry that I forgot some names...please forgive me...and know that I praise Jehovah for each and every single one of you).


A brother and his wife were talking to a brother from Chile...and this brother related the following experience: 


The elders in a certain congregation in Chile recognized that a certain sister was in dire and desperate need of assistance...it was so severe...the brothers felt worried that, without immediate intervention...this sister would not have the means to support her own life as far as food was concerned.


They met, as a body...and determined the appropriate thing to do was to inform the congregation, (via the weekly book studies), that a person in the congregation was in dire need, and without help...might not have enough sustenance to continue to physically survive for very much longer due to the very real lack of food. 


The elders didn't say whether the person was male or female...they simply said they needed help...and a box would be at the Kingdom Hall for whoever felt prompted by their heart to bring a donation...whether that be money...or food...or whatever assistance they could provide.


A brother had volunteered to be at the Kingdom Hall early...just so he could gather whatever donations had been provided and bring them to this dear sister.


This brother related that, early in the morning...several hours before the meeting was set to begin...an elderly sister made her way slowly through the grounds until she came to the box that was set up on a bench...and put a kilo of locally produced rice in the box, (a little over two pounds). 


The brother said the amount that the rice cost was small, very small...but he watched the sister put it carefully inside the box and then sit on a bench until the congregation arrived and the meeting was about to start.


After the meeting, the brother gathered up all the donations, (for there were many), and they made their way to the house of the person who the donations were for.


My dear brothers and sisters...have you guessed who they were for?


Yes, friends...these donations were for this poor elderly sister...and imagine her surprise and gratefulness when she finally realized that all of this...it had been done for her benefit!!


Each of those I have mentioned...and countless like them...have been this poor sister...without even realizing it. They have donated just a small percentage of their time and energy to comment and like things we have said or commented on...and because of them...we have benefited...both in our ability to continue to serve Jehovah effectively...and in the encouragement we gain from simply interacting with others who love Jehovah and his organization as much as we do.


May we never forget why we come to this website...and may we always continue to give praise to the one who gives us all the strength to go on...Jehovah God!!


Thank you to everyone who comments on here, and to everyone who gives reactions. Jehovah knows we do this because we love him...and please never forget that he can use any of us at any given moment to supply the strength and encouragement that one or more of us needs to hang on...even if for just one more day.


To all my brothers and sisters on here...and everywhere...all across the world...I give each and every one of you my warmest spiritual hug...and I look forward to seeing all of you on the other side of Armageddon. 


Please, please continue to help those of us who need it...and even if you feel like you contribute little or nothing...please understand that, if you just open your hearts...Jehovah can continue to use you in amazing and awe inspiring ways.


Never sell yourselves short...because your fellow brothers and sisters don't...and never will!!



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1 minute ago, Ludwika said:

And you forgot me, by the way 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


 I'm so sorry, I tried to get a lot of names in. You are included in this as well...and thank you for your contributions. The crazy part is...you have no idea how Jehovah may have used you to encourage someone on here...and you might not ever know...until they approach you in the new system and wrap you in a huge bear hug...and let you know personally!!


If you haven't thought of that...please consider it...because brothers and sisters can't always find the words to convey their appreciation for how you made them feel. 


Quite seriously...your words, coupled with Jehovah's holy spirit...have the power to make a receptive heart stop in mid-sentence...and bring that person to tears...and a deeper understanding of Jehovah and his word.


We need that...so please never stop in assisting others on here!!

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20 minutes ago, Timl1980 said:


 I'm so sorry, I tried to get a lot of names in. You are included in this as well...and thank you for your contributions. The crazy part is...you have no idea how Jehovah may have used you to encourage someone on here...and you might not ever know...until they approach you in the new system and wrap you in a huge bear hug...and let you know personally!!


If you haven't thought of that...please consider it...because brothers and sisters can't always find the words to convey their appreciation for how you made them feel. 


Quite seriously...your words, coupled with Jehovah's holy spirit...have the power to make a receptive heart stop in mid-sentence...and bring that person to tears...and a deeper understanding of Jehovah and his word.


We need that...so please never stop in assisting others on here!!

I was only joking, l loved your comment!


Edited by Ludwika
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Thank you so much!

i have similar thoughts as you, only I couldn’t write it so beautifully 😊

may Jehovah bless each one of us members of this Forum as we encourage one another & thrive to continue loyal to Jehovah and his kingdom 🥰🥰😘

Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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41 minutes ago, Sofia said:

Thank you so much!

i have similar thoughts as you, only I couldn’t write it so beautifully 😊

may Jehovah bless each one of us members of this Forum as we encourage one another & thrive to continue loyal to Jehovah and his kingdom 🥰🥰😘


Jehovah moves each of us to contribute to this spiritual paradise as best we can...even the tiniest of contributions has the power to send out clouds of clean pure air into this spiritual atmosphere. 


Would you care to hazard a guess as to where the cleanest and purest air on earth can be found?


One source says the South Pole...and would you like to know their reasoning?


Simply this: less pollution.


Translation...provided we keep this spiritual environment clear of stale or toxic air...we are breathing some of the cleanest air on earth. 


That's why we feel invigorated and refreshed after all of our spiritual interactions in our congregations, our assemblies and conventions...our meetings and our field service. You contribute to this, my dear sister...and that's something very few humans on earth can claim, by comparison.


(This is for Tortuga...most of the world today is eating stale rank beans...and the air they contribute is odious and filled with reverberating noises that mirror in meaning exactly what they consumed...a stinking pile of rotten beans.😂🤣:lol1:)



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Hermano Timo, yo llevo poco tiempo por aquí, pero soy de los le dedican un poco de tiempo a los temas que se abordan. Disfruto mucho leyendo los comentarios de todos. Y te agradezco a nivel personal, el mensaje que nos has enviado para todos en el cual me incluyo como recibido. Son unas palabras muy animadoras. 


P. D. Te animo a que sigas escribiendo blog🤗

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6 minutes ago, Palmitero said:

Hermano Timo, yo llevo poco tiempo por aquí, pero soy de los le dedican un poco de tiempo a los temas que se abordan. Disfruto mucho leyendo los comentarios de todos. Y te agradezco a nivel personal, el mensaje que nos has enviado para todos en el cual me incluyo como recibido. Son unas palabras muy animadoras. 


P. D. Te animo a que sigas escribiendo blog🤗

Dear brother Palmitero, I see the appreciation you are expressing, but can we please have it translated into English? 😊😊😊

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Brother Timo, I have been around here for a short time, but I am one of those who spend a little time on the topics that are addressed. I really enjoy reading everyone's comments. And I thank you on a personal level, for the message you have sent to all of us in which I include myself as a recipient. These are very encouraging words. 




PS I encourage you to keep blogging 🤗.

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This is beautifully written, Tim. You have a lot of talent when it comes to expressing what is explored from within and here, you put it at the service of the brotherly love which regularly pours out on this international site, I completely agree with You. For my part, I came here to meet 'brains' likely to help me better understand the finesse of Jehovah's teaching and finally, I met hearts as well as an incredible diversity of intelligence. Sometimes, some leave me in the lurch with their passion on a subject (the beard, the prophecies of Daniel and the Last Days, the Annual Meeting etc etc...) and the depth of their thoughts, the generosity of their sharing. Others have a sensitivity and gentleness that literally melt my heart. I too, Tim, want to say thank you to everyone for their special and personnal talents, and I don't want to forget any of them. Love to each of you ❤️

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Let me express for being able to be apart of this wonderful group, the encouragement is out standing, then there is the love each one shows in giving a helping hand to anyone who ask, and there are those very special loving ones who take out time to provide our transcripts, which I have to say thank you to all who provide such a loving helping hand. 


And when we can we all understand our brothers or sisters who may need a loving lift, and all this is done because of our heavenly father set the example of how we should all be. 


So thank you very much for everything you all do to help keep us all strong and giving us the push we all need, and most of all thank you Jehovah for our brotherhood, warm love and greetings from your family in Alabama. 

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Thank you for the amazing and kind words.  I just...I can't even summarize what you've said when I ran to tell my wife about your comment and experience.  And I confess, I have taken out what little of my time I had to check on this site.

Confession time:

I have felt shame because I'm checking this site during our meeting, and...well...that "amazing"(other people's words) comment I made after wasn't my comment.  I stole it from this site.😁

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One of the first thing I do in the mornings is check this site.  I have friends here that I haven't met, I  really only know by their log in ID.  But I look forward to  seeing their post because I like hearing thoughts from their perspectives. I feel close to them. I appreciate being able to associate with you all now and soon in the New World.Happy I Love You GIF by Laff

Dance. Even if there's no music. 

Dance Dancing GIF by binibambini

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@Timl1980, thank you for your beautiful comments! You made my day too. I have been touched also by the many well thought out posts in all the forums here, and feel similarly. However, I couldn't put it into words like you did. Thank you so much for taking the time to encourage us!


9 hours ago, coolbrz731 said:

. . .

Confession time:

I have felt shame because I'm checking this site during our meeting, and...well...that "amazing"(other people's words) comment I made after wasn't my comment.  I stole it from this site.😁


Um… yeah… me too. So you're not the only one. That being the case, I hope others have benefited from the few thoughts that I have occasionally posted here. Plagiarism is encouraged.

Edited by Sheep
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To those of us who live alone and see worldly people more than the friends, this is a great way of talking to people who share the same hopes, values, and dreams. I’m not one to get worked up or emotional, but I love connecting with the friends.

If nothing else, these forums impress upon me that we are all human, have our own opinions, and have feelings, but we are united in love for Jehovah.
Not good or sophisticated with words, and I’m not as smart as many of you, but that is what I feel.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Leviticus 19:18: “‘You must not take vengeance nor hold a grudge against the sons of your people, and you must love your fellow man as yourself.”


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8 hours ago, Sheep said:

@Timl1980, thank you for your beautiful comments! You made my day too. I have been touched also by the many well thought out posts in all the forums here, and feel similarly. However, I couldn't put it into words like you did. Thank you so much for taking the time to encourage us!



Um… yeah… me too. So you're not the only one. That being the case, I hope others have benefited from the few thoughts that I have occasionally posted here. Plagiarism is encouraged.

That being the case, I hope others have benefited from the few thoughts that I have occasionally posted here. Plagiarism is encouraged.'                                           It is, Eric. More than enough.😊

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16 minutes ago, IcemanEli said:

To those of us who live alone and see worldly people more than the friends, this is a great way of talking to people who share the same hopes, values, and dreams. I’m not one to get worked up or emotional, but I love connecting with the friends.

If nothing else, these forums impress upon me that we are all human, have our own opinions, and have feelings, but we are united in love for Jehovah.
Not good or sophisticated with words, and I’m not as smart as many of you, but that is what I feel.


My brother...please take a minute to consider a sister in the Bible who shares much of your feelings...and that would be Queen Esther.


If you carefully review that account, you will see that, after Haman set his plans into motion to destroy all the Jews...it was Mordecai who showed raw emotions. Esther was cool, calm and collected...instead of panicking or showing distress...she remained calm and showed all of us an example of some of the shrewdest behavior by one of Jehovah's imperfect servants mentioned in the scriptures. 


You may not feel as smart as some on here...and you may feel that you don't get worked up or emotional...but perhaps that is exactly what drew Jehovah to you in the first place. 


When the great tribulation strikes...what good will a bunch of deep spiritual points do us? They will be meaningless...along with the rest of our pretty speeches and beautiful words. At that critical juncture...obedience will matter...period.


Perhaps your stoic nature is exactly what will be needed...and could it be that your having been alone and around worldly people more than with the friends could actually give you a deeper appreciation for the time when we are all sheltering in basements together?


Jehovah understands each of us...and as long as we stay close to him...each of us has a specific place in his organization. Keep your head up, my brother...and keep watching and waiting...the end is coming soon!

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" When the great tribulation strikes...what good will a bunch of deep spiritual points do us? They will be meaningless...along with the rest of our pretty speeches and beautiful words. At that critical juncture...obedience will matter...period. "          Nothing to add, everything is said!🥰


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8 hours ago, IcemanEli said:

To those of us who live alone and see worldly people more than the friends, this is a great way of talking to people who share the same hopes, values, and dreams. I’m not one to get worked up or emotional, but I love connecting with the friends.

If nothing else, these forums impress upon me that we are all human, have our own opinions, and have feelings, but we are united in love for Jehovah.
Not good or sophisticated with words, and I’m not as smart as many of you, but that is what I feel.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Love this because I live alone as a single JW. I really don't have that much friends in the world and little or none in the truth, so it's basically when I come online here that I get to associate with the friends and share mutual encouragement. It's been a lifeline. Congregation level, we are brothers and sisters together but no deep friendships with any. 

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I cant begin to express my thought and appreciation for this site.  My days start with prayer to my father, reading the text, and then checking on my brothers and sisters on this site. So much encouragement. I’m not good at words and conversations but all of you on this site are truly loved. I’ve been coming here for a long time, started with Meekspace and then to here. Was helped with files for iPhone before the branch switched over. I just cant begin to thank everyone for help, encouragement, love and support. Someday we will all meet.

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On 1/14/2024 at 11:25 PM, Timl1980 said:

Why do we come here? Why do we log on, scroll through the topics and read all the back and forth between our fellow brothers and sisters? What motivates us to keep coming back, to periodically check up on a favorite section to see what new comments and thoughts have sprung up since we last viewed it? Have you figured it out yet?


iron sharpens iron

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1 minute ago, Jwanon said:

iron sharpens iron


Exactly, and that scripture, along with several others...started me really thinking and trying to break down the apparent heart conditions of those who regularly use this site. 


There is the social aspect of it, and yet there is a far deeper and more personal reason...the truth excites us... it's like each of us has a flame burning inside us...and when we're together...on this site, at our meetings, conventions, assemblies...out in service...even in get togethers with the friends having a meal...our being together causes those flames to connect and ignite even further. It's almost like we're essentially a living breathing campfire 🔥🔥...sparks swirling up in the air as each of us takes the last person's thoughts and ideas and breathes fresh air into them... causing them to burn brighter and hotter.


In turn, others in the world around us can sense that fire, and instinctively they want to be a part of it...they just don't want to make the changes to get the flames burning inside them.


Satan can imitate that fire in so many different activities and causes, but the flames hold no heat... they're cold, bitterly cold...and they end up consuming the people trying to hold onto them. 


I see this site...and those who are a part of it...as actually an extension of our spiritual paradise...if I'm being completely honest.


It may not be an official part of it...but that's how I feel.

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6 hours ago, Timl1980 said:

I see this site...and those who are a part of it...as actually an extension of our spiritual paradise...if I'm being completely honest.


It may not be an official part of it...but that's how I feel.


Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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