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Medical Marijuana - legal in your state?

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Nevada Governor Signs Medical Marijuana Dispensary Bill Into Law


"We applaud Gov. Sandoval and the legislature for their leadership and commend those law enforcement organizations that expressed support for this much-needed legislation,” said Karen O’Keefe, Director of State Policies for the Marijuana Policy Project. “It will make Nevada a safer and healthier place not only for medical marijuana patients, but for the entire community.


The bill was passed in the final days of the legislative session, first in the Senate and then the Assembly, following an emergency declaration by lawmakers to push the bill through in the final weekend.


The law will allow up to 40 medical marijuana dispensaries in the Las Vegas area, 20 in Reno, two in Carson City and one in each of Nevada’s remaining rural counties. In addition to standard sales taxes, medical marijuana will be subject to excise taxes of 2% on wholesale sales and 2% on retail sales.


During debates on the bill, some lawmakers expressed that while they do not endorse the use of medical marijuana, which was approved by Nevada voters in 2000, they are supporting the bill because it is their responsibility as lawmakers to ensure that the will of the voters and the intentions of the law are upheld."


This is new for Nevada. The City I work for is now looking into Business Licensing rules for these places. We are taking a close look at Colorado - as they already have quite a few rules in place.


As a Christian - we would NEVER smoke marijuana (2 Cor 7) - or anything else for that matter. But as a medicine or pill - this opens open a whole new can of worms. It is not "technically" legal - as the US "Federal Government" still has it classified as "illegal" - so a Christian shouldn't be breaking Ceasar's laws by taking this either.


It will be interesting to see - as time goes - what will happen - at least here in the US. How about other Countries?

Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





Soon .....


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It will give people a whole new meaning to being Doppy.  :uhhuh:

"It's a known fact that eighty decibels of rushing water is one of the most pleasing sounds known to mankind. On other hand, ten and a half days at sea is enough water for anybody." 


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Marijuana derived pills have been available for quite some time -for only certain types of cancers. Many doctors don't know they exist. However they are hesitant to prescribe them. Used for pain -it is another option -that is rarely prescribed.

Being a medicine - it is our choice. Smoking it causes other problems - not to our benefit.

Consciousness, that annoying time between naps! :sleeping:

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Sh!!!! Musky don.t give away my secrets. Nothing like taking a trip. . :) lols

"It's a known fact that eighty decibels of rushing water is one of the most pleasing sounds known to mankind. On other hand, ten and a half days at sea is enough water for anybody." 


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Marijuana derived pills have been available for quite some time -for only certain types of cancers. Many doctors don't know they exist. However they are hesitant to prescribe them. Used for pain -it is another option -that is rarely prescribed.

Being a medicine - it is our choice. Smoking it causes other problems - not to our benefit.

It's actually synthetic THC marinol is the name of the drug. Helps with nausea. But they usually give it when other drugs like zofran don't work for some reason.

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Nevada Governor Signs Medical Marijuana Dispensary Bill Into Law

"We applaud Gov. Sandoval and the legislature for their leadership and commend those law enforcement organizations that expressed support for this much-needed legislation,” said Karen O’Keefe, Director of State Policies for the Marijuana Policy Project. “It will make Nevada a safer and healthier place not only for medical marijuana patients, but for the entire community.

The bill was passed in the final days of the legislative session, first in the Senate and then the Assembly, following an emergency declaration by lawmakers to push the bill through in the final weekend.

The law will allow up to 40 medical marijuana dispensaries in the Las Vegas area, 20 in Reno, two in Carson City and one in each of Nevada’s remaining rural counties. In addition to standard sales taxes, medical marijuana will be subject to excise taxes of 2% on wholesale sales and 2% on retail sales.

During debates on the bill, some lawmakers expressed that while they do not endorse the use of medical marijuana, which was approved by Nevada voters in 2000, they are supporting the bill because it is their responsibility as lawmakers to ensure that the will of the voters and the intentions of the law are upheld."

This is new for Nevada. The City I work for is now looking into Business Licensing rules for these places. We are taking a close look at Colorado - as they already have quite a few rules in place.

As a Christian - we would NEVER smoke marijuana (2 Cor 7) - or anything else for that matter. But as a medicine or pill - this opens open a whole new can of worms. It is not "technically" legal - as the US "Federal Government" still has it classified as "illegal" - so a Christian shouldn't be breaking Ceasar's laws by taking this either.

It will be interesting to see - as time goes - what will happen - at least here in the US. How about other Countries?

I sort of think this goes with same sex marriage. The world is ka-putt. Gone. What the world does, is what the world does. What we need to be concerned with is what the FDS decides in this matter. That is the bottom line. In reality, it is pretty simple. Remember the tobacco issue? It will be shaken out and shook down, and we will get clear direction. In Jehovah's due time. Okay, we had a letter read. And action taken.I am not comfortable with speaking out before it is a general public thing. This is a huge problem in our area, and the matter has been decided. It is very simple. Who are the, "Superior Authorities"?
Edited by Miss Bea

I want to age without sharp corners, and have an obedient heart!

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I am sure ifs a conscience issue. If it were legal and I had a Legitimate need I would probably consider it. I work in the pharmacy world and there are many drugs that people over use. Many drug addicts of legal drugs. Also smoking isn't the only way. However, just a strange thought there are actually many drugs that designed to be taken has inhalants, albuterol is one such drug. A breathing treatment vaporizes the medicine and you breath it into your lungs (kind of like smoke, but its not). I wonder what the difference is?

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Using a vaporizer seems healthier.According to this article,

Vaporizers prove effective in treating medical marijuana patients

Posted on May 25, 2012 by UnitedPatientsGroup.com

World View by David James @WashingtonTimes.com

As medical marijuana patients seek improved treatment options, many are discovering the benefits of vaporizers, which effectively eliminate the toxins normally produced by smoke. The patient inhales only the active ingredients needed for treatment, and these smokeless delivery systems are often portable and easy to use.

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Off topic I used asthmacort and albuterol for years and a nebulizer which makes a vapor mist when my breathing was really bad.I had Pneumonia 7 times and bronchitis more than that.Then I began taking Clear lungs from my mother-in-law and except for pneumonia a couple years ago no more asthma meds.It made my lungs feel stronger.Don't know why.

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Using a vaporizer seems healthier.According to this article,

Vaporizers prove effective in treating medical marijuana patients

Posted on May 25, 2012 by UnitedPatientsGroup.com

World View by David James @WashingtonTimes.com

As medical marijuana patients seek improved treatment options, many are discovering the benefits of vaporizers, which effectively eliminate the toxins normally produced by smoke. The patient inhales only the active ingredients needed for treatment, and these smokeless delivery systems are often portable and easy to use.

Nancy...I too was thinking more along in these lines, especially with the high carcinogenic toxic tars found in inhaled smoke! 

Some of our friends are battling serious life-threatening diseases, some people in the world have found relief and have reported cures using Canadian hemp oil for the treatment of Brain Cancer tumors.

 A close friend of ours was admitted to the hospital for testing and diagnosed with Cancer. Within 2 weeks she expired leaving a loving husband and 2 children.

Her Physicians reccomended high dose Chemotherapy, and morphine, causing severe itching, toxicity, and wild hallucinations.    

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I don't think we can compare marijuana to tobacco... I don't know of any useful use of tobacco but marijuana has lots.

Of course, using it as a drug is against the bible but for other uses, in my opinion, is a matter of conscience (unless the government prohibits any kind of use)

Alcohol is legal but can always be used as a drug... And with far worst consequences for the health than marijuana ;)

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I don't think we can compare marijuana to tobacco... I don't know of any useful use of tobacco but marijuana has lots.

Of course, using it as a drug is against the bible but for other uses, in my opinion, is a matter of conscience (unless the government prohibits any kind of use)

Alcohol is legal but can always be used as a drug... And with far worst consequences for the health than marijuana ;)


I agree, as brothers none of us would even consider smoking Marijuana for medicinal purposes much less recreationally as 2 states here, Washington and Colorado passed recent legislation.  Federal law in the USA supercedes state laws. 


A year or two ago a Brother from Canada asked here on JWT forum about the brothers view point of using Medicinal Marijuana for debilitating health issues.

Jerry recommended contacting the branch in Canada for updates. 


Regardless of Federal or state laws Vaporizing is a relatively new form of delivery, and as Nancy quoted an effective medical delivery treatment. 

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Is a letter from the platform something we can talk about publicly? This letter resulted in disciplinary action taken in the congregation. It will be different in other countries. But the die is cast here in this country.

Growing it brings in the Mexican mafia, horrible living situations that call for EPA actions, illegal gun, murder, undeclared income, (literally billions in this county) home invasions. I live in the midst of ones who grow the stuff. Scary. The friends do not go past our place in the door to door ministry. All are growers. The tribe tried to do the job getting us electricity. They took pictures of the staff, and in effect, threatened families. Put off us getting electricity as timely as it should have been.

And friends, I live on the reservation, on land that has been in my family's family since this country established itself as a power. And it is beautiful.wantto talk about environmental damage because of chemicals used? They are not organic.

How does this effect the congregation? Sad to say, some who are JW's live above us. One has been df'd, three publicly reproved. Reproach. Reproach. Reproach. Until this came to a head, if the elders talked to so and so about what was going on, they were told, "I will call my lawyers". This in the Kingdom Hall!

There's more, but I think you get the picture. This is first hand stuff, friends.

I want to age without sharp corners, and have an obedient heart!

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Yes, a letter read from the platform is piblic and ok to talk about.

I am sorry this is so crazy where you are. May Jehovah watch over you and all of His people in this time of the end - where things will continue to progress from bad to worse.

Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





Soon .....


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Hmm. Can't edit. Marijuana is, for the most part, in this system, used as a drug. To get an altered state. Druggery invites demons. Satan is in control of this system, and this is an open invitation to him.

I know Jehovah created the stuff, but this system perverted it. By the time this situation is taken care of, we will not need it anymore. We can go back to using it for rope, etc.

I worked in a clinic that would not touch the stuff with a ten foot pole. Dr. Feel Good, out town, for a hundred dollars, issued 215 cards. California's law, making it legal. And most of the people in this area have 215 cards. For what, I do not know. Not for end stage cancer, or HIV/AIDS, I assure you. There is another element. The tribe, being closely associated with the Feds, has a Zero Tolerance policy. It took 3 days to remove it when the people above us were busted. There is not enough manpower to handle it. Just not enough. Read in the paper, 500 gardens were documented. Only 50 were raided. There is not enough manpower to address this unless the Army, etc is used.

It just goes on and on and on. Sorry, this touches an open wound for me. No in between ground. I have had to deal with it for years and years. The tribe does not have the manpower to back up its laws, but Jehovah does. For which I am so thankful.

I repeat. We are to obey the Superior Authorities. Period. Jehovah's organization has decided who the superior authorities are in this matter. It got critical here, and Jehovah stepped in and, at least took care of it in the congregation.

I want to age without sharp corners, and have an obedient heart!

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I don't think we can compare marijuana to tobacco... I don't know of any useful use of tobacco but marijuana has lots.

Of course, using it as a drug is against the bible but for other uses, in my opinion, is a matter of conscience (unless the government prohibits any kind of use)

Alcohol is legal but can always be used as a drug... And with far worst consequences for the health than marijuana ;)



Actually there are many uses for tobacco other than smoking it. The same I am sure with marijuana, but mankind will ruin everything they can with their misuse of things that Jehovah created.

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.

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Yes there are legitimate medical uses for both marijuana and tobacco. In fact you can Eat the very young plants before the nasty stuff is produced. :clover:

Consciousness, that annoying time between naps! :sleeping:

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Okay, a trusted source told me I can speak about a letter read from the platform. In this country, USA, the, "Superior Authorities", is the federal government. As a result of this letter, 3 publishers were publicly reproved, and ultimately, one df'd. A brother told me the elders came to him and ask how he felt about this. He was involved to some extent. He told me, "the societies stand, everlasting life, pot? The choice for him was made.

I have seen all this, first hand.

Also, our little community is a, "cancer hotspot". I do not think it is a coincidence. A person told me the tribe could go to NOAH for all the damage that is being done to the rivers, and thus, the ocean.

There it is, friends. There is more, but just what trusted ones have told me. Can't repeat that stuff. But our little congregation was getting beat up by the 215 cards. No more. And I thank Jehovah.

Oh, national television, twice. Leslie Stahl flew in by helicopter above us. It is documented at so many levels. And we do not have to put up with it any more.

I want to age without sharp corners, and have an obedient heart!

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Actually there are many uses for tobacco other than smoking it. The same I am sure with marijuana, but mankind will ruin everything they can with their misuse of things that Jehovah created.

That's interesting, was not aware of that...

Indeed everything Jehovah created sure must have some positive application

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I don't think we can compare marijuana to tobacco... I don't know of any useful use of tobacco but marijuana has lots. Of course, using it as a drug is against the bible but for other uses, in my opinion, is a matter of conscience (unless the government prohibits any kind of use) Alcohol is legal but can always be used as a drug... And with far worst consequences for the health than marijuana ;)

The Federal government has done just that in this country. No use of any kind is permitted. And really it is too bad. But if the states laws, and what the public did with those is any indicator....they ran amuck.

I want to age without sharp corners, and have an obedient heart!

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Not legal in Oklahoma.  When I worked in LA as a nurse I saw many older patients that did not want to take the MJ in pill form (Marinol) but their symptoms were so bad that they finally submitted to "trying anything".   I say older patients because I never witnessed a young patient have a problem making the decision.  They were ready to try anything. I fugured it was a generational thing and their mindset was easily swayed.    But these older ones were severely underweight and sooo nauseated.  The pills (marinol) not only relieved the nausea but they began to put on much needed weight.  It is easy to say what you think you would do if you are not so ill your only wish is to die.  I feel if  they are not using it with the intention to get high and if it brings them some much needed relief they should be able to choose to do so.  I have not come to the opinion that it would be be similiar to the blood situation.  I guess just seeing all the suffering makes you look at things differently.  



Thankful to be among friends everyday!

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You know, it is true. It is just Satan's world. I think cocaine actually serves a purpose, medically. All the 'caines in the stock medicines. I don't know what the process was for balance there, but it happened. The medical community has access to it. I used to get HORRIBLE headaches. A doctor I worked with told me I needed a line of cocaine. That did not happen, of course.

Maybe this can work itself out. But, because of the abuse, this is what has happened. I personally think it would sort of work if they went after them for undeclared income. Tax evasion. Isn't that what eventually got Mr. Capone?

Do not know why they haven't done that. Revenue. That is another level of knowledge way above my head. At this point, it is moot. We got the information who the superior authorities are. Here.

I don't know. If the stuff is not an issue, as it is here, and the society has not published the information, until that happens, it will still be a matter of conscience for those giving it thought. Just crazy. Crazy. But I tell you, our brothers were being bullied in our congregation. Not any more.

I want to age without sharp corners, and have an obedient heart!

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You know, it is true. It is just Satan's world. I think cocaine actually serves a purpose, medically. All the 'caines in the stock medicines. I don't know what the process was for balance there, but it happened. The medical community has access to it. I used to get HORRIBLE headaches. A doctor I worked with told me I needed a line of cocaine. That did not happen, of course.

Maybe this can work itself out. But, because of the abuse, this is what has happened. I personally think it would sort of work if they went after them for undeclared income. Tax evasion. Isn't that what eventually got Mr. Capone?

Do not know why they haven't done that. Revenue. That is another level of knowledge way above my head. At this point, it is moot. We got the information who the superior authorities are. Here.

I don't know. If the stuff is not an issue, as it is here, and the society has not published the information, until that happens, it will still be a matter of conscience for those giving it thought. Just crazy. Crazy. But I tell you, our brothers were being bullied in our congregation. Not any more.

We stock topical cocaine in the operating rooms at our hospital. It is used as a anesthetic. We not use any other type.

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