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Siberian Discovery Suggests Almost All Dinosaurs Were Feathered

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From National Geographic:



We were recently discussing in another thread how little we know for sure about dinosaurs, including whether some of them were or not carnivorous. This news report shows how one single discovery may change completely our view of those creatures.

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Thank you Carlos.. my son is facsinated with dinosaurs,

he has been asking about bird dinosaurs, He will be thrilled..awesome :thumbsup:  :thumbsup:

"It's a known fact that eighty decibels of rushing water is one of the most pleasing sounds known to mankind. On other hand, ten and a half days at sea is enough water for anybody." 


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Did you notice how many times they said "evolution" when referring to these feathers? They kept talking about the great number of bones then said this:


At least six skulls of the species, along with hundreds of bones, have turned up in a fossil bed that was once a lake bottom and is now a Siberian hillside. Most of the fossils were juveniles, which suggests that they died in single events, not in a mass catastrophe, according to Godefroit.


Did you also note how they discounted the possibility of a worldwide flood (Like the Flood of Noah's day) by preemptively stating that they did not die in a single event.

"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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  • 1 month later...

There's also a lot of dinosaur fossils with scaly-reptile skin impressions. These range across the board from theropods, to sauropods to hadrosaurs.


Some of these "dino-feathers" are too wispy or fuzzy for me to see unambiguous feathers. Paleontologists may have painted themselves into a corner on this issue.

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Did you notice how many times they said "evolution" when referring to these feathers? They kept talking about the great number of bones then said this:

Did you also note how they discounted the possibility of a worldwide flood (Like the Flood of Noah's day) by preemptively stating that they did not die in a single event.

Noticed the same as you...

Don't think this will change anyone views on dinosaurs... In fact it appears that feathered dinos have been found since 1996 but the truth with all those reports is just that the authors are allways trying to fuel up the evolution... Even though that it seams to me that with each new find they only add up more confusion and twisted theories ;)

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Did you notice how many times they said "evolution" when referring to these feathers? They kept talking about the great number of bones then said this:



Did you also note how they discounted the possibility of a worldwide flood (Like the Flood of Noah's day) by preemptively stating that they did not die in a single event.

The reference is to the contents of the fossil bed and therefore I think the authors are simply saying that the animals died in different events rather than together in a single event be that local or more widespread. I don't think there is an attempt there to undermine the flood.

There is no need to do that anyway. Dinosaurs became extinct millions of years ago, not a few thousand.

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i always thought maybe this is where the legends of dragons came from.. since dinosaurs were feathered perhaps more flew than they thought too.. after all, flying creatures, sea monsters and dragons mentioned in Bible, just saying

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i always thought maybe this is where the legends of dragons came from.. since dinosaurs were feathered perhaps more flew than they thought too.. after all, flying creatures, sea monsters and dragons mentioned in Bible, just saying


If dragon legends derive from dinosaurs, it's due to their fossilized remains, not from living specimens.


Due to the preponderance of scaly reptile skin impressions and the ambiguity of the "feathered" impressions on a number of samples, I hold that it is premature to say that "dinosaurs were feathered." There were dinosaur-like flying birds and dinosaur-like ground birds too, with the later muddying the waters of identification.


But yes, I believe the Bible fully harmonizes with the scientific conclusion that dinosaurs predated man and therefore were long extinct before the Noachian Deluge.

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Beware of what you believe coming out of the Satanic things. Notice this article found on JW.org website:


Some fossil “evidence” that was once loudly hailed as proof that birds evolved from other creatures has since been shown to have been forged. In 1999, for instance, National Geographic magazine featured an article about a fossil of a feathered creature with a tail like a dinosaur’s. The magazine declared the creature to be “a true missing link in the complex chain that connects dinosaurs to birds.” The fossil, however, turned out to be a forgery, a composite of the fossils of two different animals. In fact, no such “missing link” has ever been found.

[Credit Line]

O. Louis Mazzatenta/National Geographic Image Collection.


We had in recent times a wonderful awake Article about media and other forms of propaganda


This awake clearly demonstrates how news outlets shapes the news in order to conform to their ideology, or agenda.

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Beware of what you believe coming out of the Satanic things. Notice this article found on JW.org website:


You are right, Michael, that we must be careful with the news. But at the same time that doesn't mean we reject science. I love science and like to read newspaper articles dealing with scientific discoveries. Actually, true science always supports creation.

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   Does this mean we now have T Rex's and Brontosaures who are BIRDS ? As some have commented, a Giant

Chicken ? That would really change the perspective of T Rex I do appreciate the point about how much do we really

don't know about these creatures. Also, as this article proves, everything these "scientists" hold forth as being the

truth about the dinosaurs is molded by their evolutionary philosophy. They have long claimed reptiles evolved into

birds. So this discovery would appear to be just one more feature in their cap. That is unless at least these dinosaurs

had feathers to begin with and were "birds ", like the large ostrich today. Of course that would burst their bubble !

To bad for them that their "science" forces them to make certain conclusions to keep it afloat. ? ! !



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   Does this mean we now have T Rex's and Brontosaures who are BIRDS ? As some have commented, a Giant

Chicken ? That would really change the perspective of T Rex I do appreciate the point about how much do we really

don't know about these creatures. Also, as this article proves, everything these "scientists" hold forth as being the

truth about the dinosaurs is molded by their evolutionary philosophy. They have long claimed reptiles evolved into

birds. So this discovery would appear to be just one more feature in their cap. That is unless at least these dinosaurs

had feathers to begin with and were "birds ", like the large ostrich today. Of course that would burst their bubble !

To bad for them that their "science" forces them to make certain conclusions to keep it afloat. ? ! !


We don't really know many things about dinosaurs. Some scientist say birds are actually a subdivision of dinosaurs. I suppose it all depends on how you define "bird".


Israelites from Bible times didn't classify animals in the same way we do now. They knew nothing of mammals, amphibians, reptiles and the like. The categories for them were: domestic animals, wild animals, creeping animals, birds and fish. Notice that they classified animals by some outstanding feature, rather than by any supposed genealogical tree. In the Hebrew Scriptures, anything that flies is a bird, including bats, and everything that lives in the water is a fish, including dolphins and whales and squids. "Everything that creeps" are reptiles, but also insects (except flying insects, that are birds :lol: ).


Had they known dinosaurs, I suppose they would have classified them as wild animals.

Edited by cvillarrubia
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  • 1 year later...

And an Antarctic discovery sheds more light on the diversity and spread of dinosaurs, with  more than a tonne of fossils and dinosaur remains uncovered in a recent Antarctic scientific expedition.



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Makes you wonder just how much these "discoveries " will impact the next movie in the Jurassic franchise 

"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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Its true that there is a drive among scientists to atttibute everything to evolution.  If they want funding and if they want to be taken serious by their peers they are pressured to conform to the narrative.  So we are right to be cautious.


However, we dont want to stick our head in the sand about discoveries that dont fit OUR preconceived notions of how things were either or we are just as guilty.


There are many conclusions faithful Christians held on to - such as the earth being created in 6 literal days or that it never rained before the flood - that we now admit we misunderstood the scriptural basis for those beliefs.


If dinosaurs had feathers, so what?  It doesnt prove evolution.  It cant because we KNOW Jehovah created life.  It doesnt explain how a birds pelvis is 180° reverse of a dinosaurs.  Doesnt explain why birds bones are hollow and dinosaurs arent.  It just means that maybe some dinosaurs had something that reminds us of feathers.  


But think how it would change our perception of this creation, a perception shaped by OTHER scientists who largely believed in evolution by the way, if this turned out to be true.  How diverse Jehovahs creation is!

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