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Ferguson Grand Jury announcement

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I 100% agree. Had his parents taught him to respect authority - none of this, the robbery, roughing up the store clerk, assaulting an officer and his death - all easily could have been avoided. It is a good lesson for all of us - respect duly placed authority and teach others to do likewise. Nice post Lynn.

This is not always a true statement that parents DON'T teach their children to respect authority or their fellow man - some young people just decide on their own to take another path outside of the home, whether they chose bad association or that they just want to be the bad person themselves.


The parents have no idea what their children are doing when they leave home,  until it may be too late to intervene sometimes . Granted, I believe some parent may know and not know what to do or who they can turn to because of sheer embarrassment or disbelieve that this is happening to them .


Its like, one day they're your precious little darling,  the next day, its.....who is this person that I raised. You have to be a parent to understand the nuances of parenthood.


There was a 12 yr old killed for pointing a gun at an officer, which turned out to be a toy,  I feel for the officer.  All of us, are is in the hands of the WICKED ONE.


In any event, sad situation anyway you look at it. 

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Have you seen any interviews with the parents? If you do, you won't wonder what they taught him. You cant teach your child something you don't have.

Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





Soon .....


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Have you seen any interviews with the parents? If you do, you won't wonder what they taught him. You cant teach your child something you don't have.

No,  I didn't see any interviews with his parents. I will see if I can find some on the internet.  


I agree, it you don't have respect for anybody or anything, you can't teach to anyone else. I was speaking in more general terms.

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Have you seen any interviews with the parents? If you do, you won't wonder what they taught him. You cant teach your child something you don't have.


Yep, the mother and step father especially have issues. 


They refuse to accept anything their son has done.  They act like he was a perfect little boy who did nothing wrong.  Then when the mother was confronted about what her husband said to the crowd on Monday night, she dismissed it and acted like it was no big deal.

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I 100% agree. Had his parents taught him to respect authority - none of this, the robbery, roughing up the store clerk, assaulting an officer and his death - all easily could have been avoided. It is a good lesson for all of us - respect duly placed authority and teach others to do likewise. Nice post Lynn.

Excellant post trottigy.

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This may be true, but police officers have to make decisions within a second. Officers do not have time to stand there and think for minutes on end and say to themselves "should I do this" or "what would happen if I did this instead".  Officers have literally one second to make a decision.  Do they sometimes make the wrong one, yes.  If you are not a police officer then you have no idea what it is like for them.  I do not believe the officer wanted to kill this person.  He made a decision in a split second, and this is what happened.


It's very easy for all of us to criticize this officer and say he should have done that or he should have done this, but without being in his shoes at that precise moment, none of us have any clue what went through his mind and how he came to this decision.

Ava, I agree with you on this. It is not easy to be an officer and at times, he has to make a split second decisions. But decisions doesn't always has to be in seconds too, especially if he had a GUN. The guy was 25 feet away from the officer and the officer had probably several seconds to decide what he can do. But having a gun doesn't make anyone think that can use it because they have it. Plus, it would not be agianst the law if he didn't use it.


 A gun is a deadly weapon and it is design to KILL. So, if anyone has a gun even a brother or sister, then they would have to PUT into their minds that if they used it, then it is their intention to KILL This regards to humans or even hunting animals. If I had a gun and someone breaks into my house or try to attack me, I'm not going to think of shooting him in the arm or leg in order to hurt him, I'm going for the chest or forehead. And that goes with those of animals too. If a bear coming towards me, I'm letting couple of rounds on him or her and for deer hunting, Bambee better knows I'm not there to hurt it, I'm there to KILL it.

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Ava, I agree with you on this. It is not easy to be an officer and at times, he has to make a split second decisions. But decisions doesn't always has to be in seconds too, especially if he had a GUN. The guy was 25 feet away from the officer and the officer had probably several seconds to decide what he can do. But having a gun doesn't make anyone think that can use it because they have it. Plus, it would not be agianst the law if he didn't use it.


 A gun is a deadly weapon and it is design to KILL. So, if anyone has a gun even a brother or sister, then they would have to PUT into their minds that if they used it, then it is their intention to KILL This regards to humans or even hunting animals. If I had a gun and someone breaks into my house or try to attack me, I'm not going to think of shooting him in the arm or leg in order to hurt him, I'm going for the chest or forehead. And that goes with those of animals too. If a bear coming towards me, I'm letting couple of rounds on him or her and for deer hunting, Bambee better knows I'm not there to hurt it, I'm there to KILL it.



  The victim has already assaulted him, he refused to stand down, and he started to charge after the police officer, so the officer shot him.


So the victim has already demonstrated his refusal to obey the law, he has demonstrated his violence, he then charges the officer.  What should the officer have done?  If someone has assaulted you and is now charging after you and you have a gun, you are probably going to shoot him.  You are not just going to stand there and say to yourself "I guess I will just let him tackle me and punch me some more"


You said yourself if you had a gun and someone was attacking you you would go for his chest or forehead.  Well the officer was not being attacked yet, but he had already been attacked and the victim was charging after him to attack some more.


The police officer acted within his rights per the law.

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Is death the end of all things for Michael Brown? Jesus said at Matt.10:15 "Truly I say to you, it will be more endurable for the land of Sod′om and Go·mor′rah on Judgment Day than for that city." Certainly Jehovah through his son has the final say. We don't have to get all wrapped up in the right or wrong or could it have been done this way or that way differently or why things happen in this system the way they do because Jehovah can undo all of mankind's wrongs.

We cannot incite if we are not in sight.___Heb.10:24,25

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  The victim has already assaulted him, he refused to stand down, and he started to charge after the police officer, so the officer shot him.


So the victim has already demonstrated his refusal to obey the law, he has demonstrated his violence, he then charges the officer.  What should the officer have done?  If someone has assaulted you and is now charging after you and you have a gun, you are probably going to shoot him.  You are not just going to stand there and say to yourself "I guess I will just let him tackle me and punch me some more"


You said yourself if you had a gun and someone was attacking you you would go for his chest or forehead.  Well the officer was not being attacked yet, but he had already been attacked and the victim was charging after him to attack some more.


The police officer acted within his rights per the law.

Yes, the police office acted within the rights per law, yet he does not have use it in order to save someones life. My whole point is human life is precious in which includes the officer and Brown too.

Edited by Dustparticle
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Is death the end of all things for Michael Brown? Jesus said at Matt.10:15 "Truly I say to you, it will be more endurable for the land of Sod′om and Go·mor′rah on Judgment Day than for that city." Certainly Jehovah through his son has the final say. We don't have to get all wrapped up in the right or wrong or could it have been done this way or that way differently or why things happen in this system the way they do because Jehovah can undo all of mankind's wrongs.

Totally agree lynn

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Yes, the police office acted within the rights per law, yet he does not have use it in order to save someones life. My whole point is human life is precious in which includes the officer and Brown too.


This is why one of Jehovah's Witnesses can no longer be a policeman in the U.S. A policeman is not only required to carry a firearm but he is required to use it in accordance with the law and his sworn oath. 

We cannot incite if we are not in sight.___Heb.10:24,25

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Matt. 5: 38 -48 Jesus tells us how to deal with wicked persons wanting to cause us harm. When he did this he was not just speaking to those who had put faith in him and he was not talking only about someone wanting to harm us because of him (although he did address this in verses 10 & 11).


Can we as Christians really truly justify the actions of the police officer? Would it be ok for us to react the same if we were in his shoes? At what point was it 100% the right thing to do when he took the young man's life? Can you say with certainty that Jehovah would agree with you simply because they (the authorities) stand in their relative positions by God? Can it be said that this young man who committed crimes got what he deserved because whatever a man is sowing that is what he will reap? Can we say with 100% certainty that what a grieving parent will say in the moment truly reflects how they feel and it represents how they raised their child? Could the lack of first hand knowledge of this incident be like a rafter in our eyes? 


How thankful we can be that it is not our responsibility to Judge.

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Matt. 5: 38 -48 Jesus tells us how to deal with wicked persons wanting to cause us harm. When he did this he was not just speaking to those who had put faith in him and he was not talking only about someone wanting to harm us because of him (although he did address this in verses 10 & 11).


*** g 9/10 p. 11 What Does It Mean to Turn the Other Cheek? ***
Jesus’ teaching in his Sermon on the Mount regarding ‘turning the other cheek’ reflects the true spirit of God’s Law to Israel. Jesus did not mean that if his followers are struck on one side of the face, they should stagger to their feet and offer the other side as a target. In Bible times, as is often true today, a slap was not intended to injure physically but was an insult intended to provoke a reaction, a confrontation.
Evidently, then, Jesus meant that if one person tried to goad another into a confrontation with a literal slap—or with stinging sarcasm—the person slapped should avoid retaliating. Instead, he should attempt to avoid what could become a vicious circle of rendering evil for evil.—Romans 12:17.
Jesus’ words were very similar to those of King Solomon: “Do not say: ‘Just as he did to me, so I am going to do to him. I shall repay to each one according to his acting.’” (Proverbs 24:29) A follower of Jesus would turn the other cheek in the sense of not allowing others to force him, as it were, into a “showdown.”—Galatians 5:26, footnote.
What About Self-Defense?
Turning the other cheek does not mean that a Christian would not defend himself against violent assailants. Jesus was not saying that we should never defend ourselves but, rather, that we should never strike offensively, that we should not allow ourselves to be provoked to take revenge. While it is wise to retreat whenever possible in order to avoid a fight, it is proper to take steps to protect ourselves and to seek the help of the police if we are a victim of a crime.



*** g 6/08 p. 11 When Is Self-Defense Justified? ***
On the other hand, what if a person’s life is threatened by an assailant? A law that God gave to ancient Israel sheds light on this. If a thief was caught in the daytime and was killed, the assailant would be charged with murder. This was evidently because thievery did not carry the death penalty and the thief could have been identified and brought to justice. However, if an intruder was fatally struck at night, the householder could be exonerated because it would be difficult for him to see what the intruder was doing and to ascertain the intentions of the intruder. The householder could reasonably conclude that his family was under threat of harm and take defensive action.—Exodus 22:2, 3.
The Bible thus indicates that a person may defend himself or his family if physically assaulted. He may ward off blows, restrain the attacker, or even strike a blow to stun or incapacitate him. The intention would be to neutralize the aggression or stop the attack. This being the case, if the aggressor was seriously harmed or killed in such a situation, his death would be accidental and not deliberate.
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I find many of these comments( and the likes) to be insensitive and offensive for a number of reasons. We shouldn't take sides because we were not there. Accusing others of using the "race card" or insinuating that this woman who son was killed was in the wrong somehow is outrageous. Our children are not perfect despite giving them the best start. If anything we should remain neutral and be willing to open our hearts and feel empathy for both sides. Let the world deal with their Race wars, riots, bickering, finger pointing ...we should just preach the good news to those moaning and groaning over these detestable things. That's whether it's the grief stricken family who lost their child or the grief stricken family of the cop whose life is forever changed. That's the kind, loving and might I add... neighborly thing to do.

Thank you for your post Shantel. Your words on being neutral reminds me of what I got from the Seek Peace And Pursue It 2014 CA this past Sunday. We can't interview the dead persons. We have the word of an imperfect man.

One's are entitled to their opinion. However a dedicated and baptized witness should remain neutral to polarizing stories and events. Satan still control the world. ☺

"there was Jehovah’s word for him, and it went on to say to him: “What is your business here, E·lijah?" To this (Elijah) he said: “I have been absolutely jealous for Jehovah the God of armies"- 1 Kings 19:9, 10 Reference Bible

Ecclesiastes 7:21 "..., do not give your heart to all the words that people may speak," - Reference Bible

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Thanks Br. Stavro. I should never assume that the friends already know how to apply Jesus words in Matt. chapter 5.  The thought of someone thinking that Jesus was saying we should always allow someone to harm us didn't occur to me. I hope no one did think that is what I was saying. I didn't quote the scriptures it was my hope that some would read them again and be reminded we are peaceful people.


My position is that Jehovah knows how to judge this officer and the young man who was killed. I don't want to sound supportive of the officer. what if Jehovah knows that he was wrong for killing the young man? I don't want to sound like I believe the officer was wrong. what if Jehovah knows that he did what he had to do? I don't want to sound like I support the young mans actions. I don't. But what if I assume that the young man was just a thug and he had no respect for law enforcement, when Jehovah knows that the young man  had experienced something in his life that made him believe that the police could not be trusted and he feared for his life too? (people do sometimes fight out of fear) Only Jehovah knows what was going through that young man's mind. I only know that I don't know and that Jehovah can read my heart. I know that I am to stay neutral not just in words but also in my heart.


I really didn't expect to see so much said about this on JW talks. Some comments to me sounded so sure. "It happened because......." I guess I found it a little disturbing but I do respect the opinions of the friends.

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I said before, please do not judge anyone's parenting.  And, if you have never lost a child due to someone shooting them 11 times, do not judge how they react during interviews.  You do not know these people nor do I know anyone of you personally.  I can decide for example to judge some of you by your comments and that would be completely wrong of me.  We are not appointed as judge, we are appointed as ministers.  So try to see how you will minister to the parents of this young child (he was 18, a teenager).  Try to see how you will minister to this police officer who has not one ounce of remorse for what he has done and who said that if given the same situation he would do it again.  My job is not to judge anyone and I do try so hard to do that and I failed sometimes.  Make sure of your sources and point to your sources instead of narrating what you want us to believe.  Point to both sides of the story, that is what neutrality mean. 

Edited by adantoine
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I have been reading comments from others but what has not been said that is key to this situation is that the sad fact is that this young man was breaking the law in the beginning which caused the whole situation. This is a good lesson for all watching that Jehovah's laws are meant for our protection and when broken in this broken system run by satan then you have no chance of a good outcome. Sad thing that those little cigars cost him his life...Jehovah will right all the wrong and this we can be sure of no matter what our view or opinions may be. Thank you Jehovah for making a way out of this system!!!

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Make sure of your sources and point to your sources instead of narrating what you want us to believe.


If you're referring to any of my posts, my sources have been court documents directly (physical evidence, not unverifiable testimony), or reliable media sources with verifiable copies of said documents.


The only "justice" that matters is Jehovah's, and in his eyes every death has only came about through Satan. Death is never preferable to the alternative, and it is not the place of any human to say otherwise.


With that being said, the physical evidence of this case tells a different story than the media wrongly told in the beginning. So no matter what our own opinions on this matter, we would do well to discuss the verifiable facts, not proven lies told by the media, or theories about the motives or heart conditions of anyone involved.

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When it comes to matters where I was not present, I like to leave it to Jehovah - I've always been told, only believe half of what you hear and half of what you see!


Media can distort the truth, photos and documents can be altered/photoshopped, people can be scared or paid into saying things.... Sometimes, only Jehovah really knows what happened in some situations...

Edited by cricket246

I live in a temporary reality- awaiting the day I wake up to life in the real world!

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I am looking at all of this from a distance, since we don't receive such detailed news here of what happens in America.


In view of the last informations brought to light, it might seem that this guy reaped what he sowed. But in any case, I doubt all these riots are due just to the police shooting a criminal. It's undeniable that racial issues exist and some people suffer discrimination. The way this incident was manipulated and presented by the media was the straw that broke the camel's back and ignited the indignation of these people who feel, rightly or not, that they are being treated differently due to their ethnic background or the color of their skin. Add to the mix a few agitators who took advantage of the indignation to promote their own agendas, and there you have riots.


Of course no Witnesses would join a riot and burn cars on the street, but I guess it's really difficult not to become somewhat involved, at least emotionally, if you are one of those who have suffered due to racial prejudices. Man can only do justice to some limited degree, but will never be successful to erradicate racial tensions. Only Jehovah's kingdom will be able to change the heart of people.

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I am looking at all of this from a distance, since we don't receive such detailed news here of what happens in America.


In view of the last informations brought to light, it might seem that this guy reaped what he sowed. But in any case, I doubt all these riots are due just to the police shooting a criminal. It's undeniable that racial issues exist and some people suffer discrimination. The way this incident was manipulated and presented by the media was the straw that broke the camel's back and ignited the indignation of these people who feel, rightly or not, that they are being treated differently due to their ethnic background or the color of their skin. Add to the mix a few agitators who took advantage of the indignation to promote their own agendas, and there you have riots.


Of course no Witnesses would join a riot and burn cars on the street, but I guess it's really difficult not to become somewhat involved, at least emotionally, if you are one of those who have suffered due to racial prejudices. Man can only do justice to some limited degree, but will never be successful to erradicate racial tensions. Only Jehovah's kingdom will be able to change the heart of people.

The problem all aound is SUGARCOATING. People use the LAW by one means of doing what they want to do. The problem is, that I live not to far from a town that someone found KKK materials. One thing they found was a book with names of people who belong to that group. Some of those names were JUDGES!!! Can you image someone who was non-white person appear before one of those judges and sentance them by means of the LAW???


 Here is a major problem in America. Most of the prisoners in the prison are black because they broke the LAW. However, the main criminals are in Washington DC and Wall Street and they are free!!!


 Yes, I'm White and Native American and associate with people who are Black, White, Native American and Spanish. And believe me, if they have a complaint about injustice amoung their race, then I have big ears to listen. No need to SUGARCOAT anything around this brother.


 Jehovah is willing to listen to ones complaints too. And he will take action in his due time. But, now we have to deal with all kinds injustices when that times arrives. 

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Yes, Jehovah does teach us how to live in a world full of injustice:

1 Peter 3:14 But even if YOU should suffer for the sake of righteousness, YOU are happy. However, the object of their fear do not YOU fear, neither become agitated.

Surely, not an easy thing to do, but at least we are taught what is right - so few are.

We are to just keep doing what is right - even if we have to suffer for doing so. He will give us the strength. I pray all of us are given the strength from Him to do just that!

Edit: to me he sadest part is knowing those who are prejudice like that, are happy to see these ones rioting and tearing up their own neighborhoods. They feel it just confirms the things they believe.

Edited by trottigy
Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





Soon .....


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It's almost strange, some of the comments from my friends. We are Jehovah's Witness's are we not? We are more aware of injustice than anyone in the world aren't we?


Why are we letting this upset us any more than any other travesty Satan has placed upon the Earth. Do I since a bit of satanic work here trying to divide even us? It was an injustice period. It does not matter whose point of view you take. It was needless period. But try to reflect on your feelings as to why you are feeling the way you do. Try to understand this is all a part of Satan's plan to disrupt mankind in general and us also if he can. Don't get caught up in it. Don't expect true justice from any man on earth. All we can do is set our standards. Uphold our values our conduct. We can't effect the world just ourselves. 


Be patient friends. true justice, it's coming and it's in a hurry! 

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