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They all gathered in the kingdom hall and at this point in time they are all safe. (Heard from a sister here whose son is an elder there) Pam has passed south of the Islands and is now sitting in the B.O.P. of New Zealand - seems to have lost power and is moving off to the east where she will disintegrate with any hope.


(If I hear anything else I'll let you know ... mandi x)

Edited by Stormswift

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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Just attended the field service group ... it seems there is utter devastation in Vanuatu ... no power and all their crops have been destroyed - so no food - they are in a desperate state - I am sure our dear brothers have it all in hand though and our brothers and sisters will be looked after. It is sad though to see ANY suffering amongst any people.


Looking forward to some positive experiences coming out of this, but for now all the brothers and sisters need our prayers. I'm sure the branch is co-ordinating more practical help.

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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Just attended the field service group ... it seems there is utter devastation in Vanuatu ... no power and all their crops have been destroyed - so no food - they are in a desperate state - I am sure our dear brothers have it all in hand though and our brothers and sisters will be looked after. It is sad though to see ANY suffering amongst any people.


Looking forward to some positive experiences coming out of this, but for now all the brothers and sisters need our prayers. I'm sure the branch is co-ordinating more practical help.

Thanks for the up date sis and keep us inform too.

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It is so heart wrenching to see this sort of destruction, knowing their infrastructure is not made to withstand such ferocious weather. I know the Australasia branch, which includes NZ is on to it.  The Australian govt has already sent military aircraft with the first provisions from Brisbane, and NZ govt is doing the same.  Though the airport is still under water, those aircraft can land on alternate fields.  May Jehovah keep our spiritual family safe.

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You know, the family I know was out in NZ only a few weeks ago ... everything in this system is so fragile ... now they are facing devastation. None of us know what's around the corner, it is nice to know though that brothers and sisters like you guys and ones all around the world are interested and truly care. The glory can only go to Jehovah.

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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We are getting conflicting reports about the cyclone in regards to New Zealand some reports say it's an ex-tropical cyclone (which I hope this is true) and others are still calling it a cat 3 Cyclone. There have been over 40 evacuations from the Gisborne area in NZ but so far - it seems we have escaped anything like Vanuatu. It is them who need the help at this stage.

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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I was wondering how you guys in Tuvalu fared ... pleased it wasn't too bad. Would I be wrong in saying that 9 out 10 houses were destroyed in Vanuatu? Or is that just idle conjecture? Lovely to meet you Sister Hauleka ... if you hear anything more please let us know, my heart is so sad for them in Vanuatu.

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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here a photo of the kingdom hall at Port-Vila, Vanuatu - http://binged.it/1bbnhJc

the structure seems to be good. hope All Brothers and sisters received and folowed instructions on time. I'm now  praying for us and waiting after news from  www.jw.org

Edited by peper-eliot
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That's not the hall we saw a year ago when we went to villa, but we did go about 20 min out of town so maybe more than one hall. The one we saw was small, about 40-60 seats. It seemed sturdy enough but 250-300km winds... I don't know to be honest, I'm worried about the Brothers we met there.

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We had a letter read out tonight at the meeting. It seems there have been NO fatalities amongst our brothers and sisters although some of the islands to the South of Vanuatu have not had communications established as yet, they were worse hit.


The Australasian branch is co-ordinating through the New Caledonia Branch relief packages - some on their way and some going later on.


We have been told here in NZ that if we want to help out - we can contribute to the world wide witnessing work and funds will come out of there.


They are in the process of establishing teams for reconstruction, but not in action as yet.


Hope that helps as a wee update.

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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Originally posted by Stormswift

We had a letter read out tonight at the meeting. It seems there have been NO fatalities amongst our brothers and sisters although some of the islands to the South of Vanuatu have not had communications established as yet, they were worse hit.


The Australasian branch is co-ordinating through the New Caledonia Branch relief packages - some on their way and some going later on.


We have been told here in NZ that if we want to help out - we can contribute to the world wide witnessing work and funds will come out of there.


They are in the process of establishing teams for reconstruction, but not in action as yet.....

A similar message was read at our meeting tonight...

They did mention the two islands in the south where communication is poor, but I don't remember the names.

Many brothers and sisters have been displaced from or lost their homes, most, we were told, are now sharing accommodation with those who didn't suffer such a loss.

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Well, we finally got that same letter read in our congregation (we are on the other side of the country I guess).  It's good to hear we can help using the world wide work contribution box.  And prayers are always going to be needed too.  Our CO didn't have time to give more details at our meeting tonight.  He knows a couple there and may be able to update us more next meeting.

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Our CO has updated us on some news from his friends at Vanuatu:

  • The brothers and sisters and others sheltered in the Kingdom Hall near Port Vila, sleeping over Friday and Saturday night.  When the time came for the meeting on Sunday, the whole area had been cleared of debris, not a leaf was left on the grass, and even freshly cut flowers were arranged in the hall.  The brothers said the KH looked like an oasis amid the rubble.
  • The brothers and sisters on the island of Tanna were left with only 1 day's supply of water, and were getting anxious.  The elder there tried to do his best to reassure the brothers and sisters that Jehovah will somehow help them despite their isolation.  They had all lost their homes.  Meanwhile a shipment of urgent goods including bottled water was being organised to be shipped to the island, but would not arrive in time before the water would run out.  Also there was no way to get the message to the brothers and sisters on Tanna that help was on the way, and for them to be at the wharf to receive the emergency package.  So two pioneer brothers managed to get the last 2 seats on a commercial plane flying to Tanna with a "cowboy" pilot prepared to fly the hazardous journey.  They packed two large backpacks with water bottles.  The good news is they were able to make it to the isolated brothers on the island, just as they ran out of drinking water.  How grateful they were, knowing that Jehovah had come to their rescue.  Now that had enough to tie them over until the supplies came via ship, and they would be there on the wharf ready to receive it.
  • A newly baptised brother in an isolated village north of Port Vila hung on for dear life in a corner of his flimsy house, while his family had gone to stay at the Port Vila KH.  He clutched the stash of memorial invitations all night to keep them from getting wet, as they were for the memorial witnessing campaign for that isolated village.

Our CO will be going to Vanuatu in the next couple of weeks and asked his friend what he should bring to help them.  His friend (long-time pal from Bethel days) said to just bring a chainsaw.  There's going to be a lot of work for a long time rebuilding.

I just wanted to share this lovely pic of our sister Annie, who I met in the markets the day our cruise ship was in Port Vila.  She was immediately noticeable to me because she stood outside her stall with a large print Bible and her literature in Bislama and French.  And of course her kingdom smile.



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