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Historic Black Churches Are Being Burned

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Tonight on the news they were showing a church burning and explained this would be the seventh historically black church that has burned in 5 southern states since the horrible shooting incident last week. Now investigators are looking at them being arson as retaliation...


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Tim and Denise,


  If your comments were meant as a joke, I feel sad for you. As been covered in the media, all this appears to

be the result of the rise of racial hatred in the south, as all of these churches were those of black people.

And while we do not agree with their teachings, this type of violence targeting race can only serve to

enrage black people all across this country, perhaps leading to more of the street rioting we have seen this

past year.Racial prejudice on any level is bad and is to be deplored, despite whoever is made the target.

We as representing Jehovah and his lofty standards should be among the first to clearly state this.



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Tim and Denise,


  If your comments were meant as a joke, I feel sad for you. As been covered in the media, all this appears to

be the result of the rise of racial hatred in the south, as all of these churches were those of black people.

And while we do not agree with their teachings, this type of violence targeting race can only serve to

enrage black people all across this country, perhaps leading to more of the street rioting we have seen this

past year.Racial prejudice on any level is bad and is to be deplored, despite whoever is made the target.

We as representing Jehovah and his lofty standards should be among the first to clearly state this.




It was a joke and I thought it was a funny play on words, right up my alley..

We are all aware of the news and all aware of our responsibilities.

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Here is more info. They haven't confirmed that all of them were hate crimes, it looks like a possible hate crime, general vandalism (if there is such a thing) and unknown causes.



Edited by RKibel
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There was another one last night. The way it is being talked about is that only one can be attributed to a possible lighting storm situation, but the remaining are unknown and because they are happening so close together it is very suspicious. This article goes into the awful history of church burnings and it is very sad!!! I feel very sorry for these people. They need Jehovah right now and they need to know how we are united because even their own churches are known as "black" churches making them targets...they would be so happy to know that we are a worldwide brotherhood together. No one is a target for any specific race in any of Jehovah's congregations. If they were to attack one of our halls they would be attacking a number of races in every single one because Jehovah has led us in the right way together in unity. Doesn't this just confirm your faith that you are following the true God?


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  As you have stated, not all are hate crimes. The media is reporting tonight that the latest church burning appears to

be the results of a lighting strike. But with regard to the "joke', since this is a publically viewed forum anyone is able

to view these comments. In view of that, I felt compelled to comment as I did.



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  As you have stated, not all are hate crimes. The media is reporting tonight that the latest church burning appears to

be the results of a lighting strike. But with regard to the "joke', since this is a publically viewed forum anyone is able

to view these comments. In view of that, I felt compelled to comment as I did.




Might a PM have been more appropriate? If it was deemed inappropriate, would it be better to let the Moderators remove it? 

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  As you have stated, not all are hate crimes. The media is reporting tonight that the latest church burning appears to

be the results of a lighting strike. But with regard to the "joke', since this is a publically viewed forum anyone is able

to view these comments. In view of that, I felt compelled to comment as I did.




I don't mind you speaking up, everyone is entitled to an opinion. My opinion is that you could have chosen your words and been a little more loving in your response. Like Randy says, maybe a PM might have been a better choice since this is a publicly viewed forum and anyone can see the discord among us.


I'm ok if you are ok.  :grouphug:

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My dear Brother Michael, there is no need to be sorry for me, I am just one of your many Brothers and you and I, and all those others, are all on the same page. We know the Truth, we know what our commission is, we know that the Great Time Keeper has things well in hand.

You and I, we have a lot in common. I'm a little older, you got baptized a little earlier. You lost a leg, I have one I wish they would just cut off. I am reasonable sure a wooden peg leg could not possibly hurt as much as this useless chunk hurts me.We both have a love for our heavenly Father that makes us separate and unique from this satanic system. We imitate God, and His Son,we love people, and we do our very best to get them out of this mess and headed for Paradise, where you and I will have a beautiful friendship that will last forever.

It may take me that long to get your funny bone fixed.

I am sorry I offended you, my Brother. The header on this post said black churches were being burned.Didn't say anything about people, rioting or anything like that.Seemed like an open invitation to me, and I just couldn't resist. You couldn't resist saying something about it. That's ok, we're imperfect humans, we're going to be working on things for a long time. Please, my Brother, don't let this bother you any further. When we finally meet, maybe we can get Jerry to make us a cheeseburger and Gu can help us with the latest beard fashion. Till then Brother, may Jehovah bless your efforts in His name and remember, if you're ever in Colfax, I've got an extra room.Much Christian love to you. ...Tim

Edited by tekmantwo
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Tim, I actually had a post removed that I thought was hysterical.  If I remember correctly the young woman was wearing a provocative  bright red dress and I put a snap shot of it in a thread on dress and grooming. I said that should be the sisters new dress code for service.  I mentioned how good it was of her to wear a dress that the car group would be able to easily see her from down the street, and her low cut key-hole cut out was thoughtful because she could just slip the car key in there and save everyone a lot grief instead of spending 10 minutes fishing around for it out of the bottom of her handbag while everyone stood in the sweltering sun waiting for her to unlock the car.  It was an obvious joke and someone spoke up and was offended by the picture. I see dresses like the very one in many store front windows so I did not realize one would get hurt from what I thought was a harmless post.  We all have different comedy relief and styles but I knew what you met.  I have the off the wall sense of humor too.  I knew you met black churches to have been like pink, or polka dot color paint.  I still am laughing.


Sorry to hear about your leg.  My husband is having fits with his--the edema is sooooo bad they look like they belong to someone else.  Not much longer brother, but I know when you are in pain and agony sometimes the words provide little comfort.


PS--its a good thing we never went to school together.  Many times the teacher would make me sit off to myself because I would say things that kept my seat mate and I going.  But they always loved me.  Just wished I would let them teach class.

Edited by LeslieDean



Thankful to be among friends everyday!

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Thanks Leslie. I appreciate your kind words. I have been kind of hit and miss around here lately (life. You know) and so I'm not really up to speed (go ahead, 'was he ever really? ')...

Sorry Rick hasn't been doing well.I hope things improve

I hope you finally got some trustworthy help at work, you were really going for a while.

I haven't made that roast recipe I got from you in several years. I may do that soon. I could probably use the points..lol

Hang tuff Sis, like you been doing. I wish I had your power.

Oh, and go get some sleep, ain't it gettin late there?

Jahs blessings Sis, talk with you later

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 so I'm not really up to speed (go ahead, 'was he ever really? ')...



Slow is a speed..... :)



Oops... :offtopic:

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  As you have stated, not all are hate crimes. The media is reporting tonight that the latest church burning appears to

be the results of a lighting strike. But with regard to the "joke', since this is a publically viewed forum anyone is able

to view these comments. In view of that, I felt compelled to comment as I did.





Might a PM have been more appropriate? If it was deemed inappropriate, would it be better to let the Moderators remove it? 


Additionally, below each post there is a "Report" button.  If you see any post that is inappropriate, you can click the "Report" button and send the mods a message that includes a link tot he post in question.

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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Why is arson or murder or abuse more "wrong" if it's a hate crime?  

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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from the FBI website...

For the purposes of collecting statistics, Congress has defined a hate crime as a “criminal offense against a person or property motivated in whole or in part by an offender's bias against a race, religion, disability, ethnic origin or sexual orientation.”

In further research it shows a hate crime is considered to be a violation of civil rights of people.

Hate Crimes Act was initiated in 1969 and has been updated in more recent years.


This is really interesting article on how the UN has been instrumental worldwide in acceptance of homosexuality and involvement in making this a hate crime.


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Tim , Shawn, and all others who commented on my post,


   Humor does have an appropriate place, and is certainly something we enjoy in our get togethers among our-

selves. However in view of the tone of all of these reports in the media, with the exception of the church that appears

to have caught fire due to a lightening strike, have essentially been " hate crimes". I simply ask is this type of reports

something that we should make public jokes about ? Perhaps the proper protocol should have been either a private

PM to Tim, or to one of the moderators. And while as brothers and sisters we want to maintain unity among our

selves. Certainly unity does not go to the point of censorship of honest comments made here on the forum. That would

certainly have more of a negative effect than anything said so for. Personally I hope to get to know you better Tim.

And I hope you likewise get to know me better. If you do you will understand why I do have a deep sensitivity to any

sort of injustice, as I'm sure you do too. But sometimes when we have not gone through the same trials as I have, you

may not see things in the same light. I hope these comments clarify some of my posts for all involved. And I hope

they mitigate any pain my comments may have caused.



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Shawn, I think hate crimes are 'worse' not because one murder is worse than another, but rather hate crimes serve to incite others and can spread creating more havoc. An isolated murder most times, remains just that, a tragic isolated event.

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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I think it's a sign how twisted the world has become and how calloused people are to violent crimes

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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Brother Michael, thank you for your post.

One thing about me, I don't really watch TV. It's too much of a drag, there's no good news, most always bad, it's depressing and causes me to feel bad and angry. I prefer not to be that way so I choose to not pay too close attention to the last thrashings of this dieing old system.

I also am mostly, by choice, colorblind. I choose not to use a persons race or color as an identifier. He or she is just my Brother or Sister, and that's good with me.Jehovah is not partial, He doesn't call 'Jim, that black Brother', or 'Shirley, that Mexican woman'and I am certainly not going to either. When I saw this topics title, my mind, whatever parts of it that still work, went right to a black painted building. ..hence, my comment.

I think I can speak for you, for me, for my dear Denise, and all of Jehovah's people. We want the New World. We want it so bad we can almost taste it. I know I shouldn't be eating sweets this late at night so it's probably not that piece of chocolate, with a bit of caramel and a pinch of sea salt, direct from Spain, that I would be tasting.

I also know something else, just from me and that is I love you Brother. To the point of death if need be. Hope not, I want to see Jehovah vindicated as much as any of us do, and I'd love to be able to peg that wicked beast with a rock just before that lid slams shut. We will have to wait and see about that.

I also know that I'm not going to worry anymore about differing wits or small differences in humor that we find scattered amongst the flock. As far as I am concerned, I am sorry people lost their properties, some lost their lives. I am doing my best to help Jehovah find the sighing and groaning ones and I'm sure you are too. Let's just keep on fighting the good fight, one of these days we will have ourselves a glass of some pretty good wine and watch the dolphins play and if we recall this occasion, let it be with laughter and love and a deep appreciation for the loyal love that Jehovah has extended to us. See ya in a couple of thousands of years, say, somewhere off the coast of France? .....

Agape my Brother. ...Till we meet again for the first time.

Take care.........Your Brother, Tim.

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  Thank you for your post, and as far as I am concerned this is past news. Perhaps someday we can enjoy a glass of

some of the fine wine made in Jehovah's new system and enjoy all it's blessing and beauty where the pain of this system

will no longer even come to mind. Maybe too we can have a good laugh about all of this.


Agape love,


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