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My opinion on opinions

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I’d like to offer my opinion on opinions.


It’s my opinion that someone’s opinion is never wrong, their opinion is based on their perception of the facts that they have. They may not have all of the facts and the facts they have may not be right, however their opinion is their opinion, it is unique and it is never wrong.


Since each person may have different facts or have a different perception of the available facts we have to assume that most people may have a different opinion than we do.


It’s my opinion that we should never challenge a person’s opinion, if we disagree with their opinion, we should challenge the facts their opinion is based on and provide additional facts but keep in mind that it is not just the facts but the person’s perception of the facts that creates their opinion, even with additional facts a person may not change their perception, that does not make them wrong.


It’s my opinion that when we have a different opinion that we never say or infer the other person is wrong, we just try to provide better facts.


Your opinions are welcome…


(as long as they agree with my opinion  :D) 

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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My opinion on your opinion on opinions is that everybody has the right to have his own opinion on opinions. But that doesn't mean that I have to agree with everybody`s opinion. The only important thing regarding my opinion is that I need to ascertain that my opinion is in concordance with God`s opinion. If so, than I don't care if others have different opinions. But if then want, I can explain them the reasons of my opinion.


:D  :blink:  :lol:  :uhhuh:

“The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance, the wise grows it under his feet.” 

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Your opinion on opinion in my opinion is very good opinion LOL ha ha ha

Many opinions are based on personal prefrences and let me give you one example:

In a photography thread someone stated that "lens" or "glass" is not as important as other factors

But for me personally based on my own experience I really value good glass in front of my camera and it's important to me

Which opinion is wrong ? None ! Because both are personal prefrences

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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Should Algebra be taught before geometry? Personally, I like to teach Algebra 1 first, then plane geometry, then Advanced Algebra and trig,

followed by Solid Geometry. Should trig be taught before Calculus? I have found it useful to know trigonometric functions before learning Calculus. There are limits to my opinion. Accounting and Statistics can be plugged into the line-up individually. I beat all 3 teachers in last night's final Jeopardy. The answer was 'algorithm.' I think there was a math teacher among the contestants. We had a recent magazine article on mathematician Abū ʿAbdallāh Muḥammad ibn Mūsā al-Khwārizmī (Algebra was named after him, too.) And all my name can be connected to are the Pauline letters. (and Pauline-omials)

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My Opinion on the English Language:

It's garbage!

Not as or in the same category as the garbage we put out each night. But garbage in the sense that it's a collection of other languages, so then English isn't a pure language as in it can't stand on its own.

Two Facts:

Read a dictionary. Note "read" a dictionary as opposed to merely define a word.

The word "what" is of German origin. So are other words called English.

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My Opinion on the English Language

It's garbage!

Not as or in the same category as the garbage we put out each night. But garbage in the sense that it's a collection of other languages, so then English isn't a pure language as in it can't stand on its own.

Two Facts

Read a dictionary. Note "read" a dictionary as opposed to merely define a word.

The word "what" is of German origin. So are other words called English.

Was is da los?

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My Opinion on the English Language:

It's garbage!

Not as or in the same category as the garbage we put out each night. But garbage in the sense that it's a collection of other languages, so then English isn't a pure language as in it can't stand on its own.

Two Facts:

Read a dictionary. Note "read" a dictionary as opposed to merely define a word.

The word "what" is of German origin. So are other words called English.



I "read" the dictionary.


Tell me ....  if I wrote this sentence... what would you think I do?  Or would you think I did.



Peace...... Love...... &....... Paradise...... :heart:  :heart:  :heart: 

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I really like your opinion on opinions Richard. Listening to someone's opinion gives dignity to the one expressing it. And as you say we come from different backgrounds, different cultures so who's to say their opinion is wrong?

City living in New York and opinions of it will be vastly different than city living in San Diego. Even though they're both large cities. Country life here in the pacific NW is different than country life in the mid-west. But the opinion of what each remembers is accurate for them. 


Arguing with someone's opinion is simply a matter of thinking your opinion has more credence than their opinion, when in fact both may be right. Therefore arguing is a pointless endeavour. 


MH and I wanted a new ceiling fan. We have VERY different opinions of what is 'pretty'. So to avoid argument we decided to both go separate ways and choose 3 fans each. The one that was the most alike in both our choices was the one we chose. We ended up each choosing the same 1 out of 3, thus we did have the same opinion, just figured out the best way to agree on it! 

Safeguard Your Heart for " Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks" Matthew 12:34

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Arguing with someone's opinion is simply a matter of thinking your opinion has more credence than their opinion, when in fact both may be right. Therefore arguing is a pointless endeavor. 



CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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My first call this morning (new territory) - I asked the man who answered the door his opinion of the bible. Led to a nice discussion, and his wife joined in through the open window. They both took copies of the "How do you view the Bible?" tract. The wife had Bible app on her phone. I had (in the car) my tablet with 5 bible editions, but told them I will show it to them next time. They invited me back. Placed 4 tracts while sisters were getting coffee.Exciting first Saturday of Service year.

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My Dear H has his own (non)-conversation style. He-argumentative; me - nonchalant. So he asks me my opinion on a secular matter. I answer that I have no

opinion on that topic. He answers, "But if you did have an opinion, it would be different from mine." He gets into an argument with himself imagining what I would say if I were an argumentative person.

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If you ask me, this whole thread is all just a matter of opinions...on opinions...on opinions.  :blink:  :huh:  ^_^



  1. a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.
    "I'm writing to voice my opinion on an issue of great importance"
    synonyms: beliefjudgment, thought(s), (way of) thinking, mind, (point of) view, viewpoint,outlookattitudestanceposition,perspectivepersuasionstandpoint;More
    • the beliefs or views of a large number or majority of people about a particular thing.
      "the changing climate of opinion"
    • an estimation of the quality or worth of someone or something.
      "I had a higher opinion of myself than I deserved"


As with all opinions, this reply is "not necessarily based on fact or knowledge".  :D 


Nobody has to DRIVE me crazy.5a5e0e53285e2_Nogrinning.gif.d89ec5b2e7a22c9f5ca954867b135e7b.gif  I'm close enough to WALK. 5a5e0e77dc7a9_YESGrinning.gif.e5056e95328247b6b6b3ba90ddccae77.gif


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Now, here's a quick question:

Can I grow an opinion? I mean, if it's well groomed and carefully taken care of...


Yes, however if your opinion isn't generally accepted in the area that you live then you may or may not be able to have any responsibilities in the congregation. It depends on the opinion of the elders... :D

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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You're absolutely correct Rosanne. As a matter of fact, I read somewhere that one way you can judge the validity of a person's words is by certain expressions. For instance, if the person speaking says things like "I believe, I think, it is the assumption that, my opinion, it is said according to so and so (with the exception of Jehovah/Jesus/the slave of course) and so forth then they aren't speaking based on fact. By using those expressions, they're just sharing how THEY are seeing/viewing things. There are other tell-tell signs but those are the ones I remember. No human is an expert on anything, even if they have degrees in their specific fields because information is always changing. Unfortunately, because many people doesn't realize this, the majority are basing their lives on what the so- called experts say, believe them because they're "experts", repeat it and the world is sunk further in lies or misleading information.

For instance, take the simple example of food. Yes, food. I saw online last night a heading of why the potatoe is poisonous to eat. Are you kidding me? Jehovah made the potatoe. Since that is so, which means there's nothing wrong with the potatoes itself, I didn't bother clicking on it. I'm absolutely certain that that particular person had/have a bad experience with the potatoe, so now he or she is trying to make it that NO ONE should eat potatoes. The same with red meat. That's it's bad for you. The same with cow's milk. And the beat goes on. Personally, I don't eat red meat because for ME, it isn't good, but you can be sure I will if i want to, as well as cow's milk, etc. But I have never and never will advocate

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I have never and will never advocate that those foods are absolutely dangerous/unhealthy because of my viewpoint or way of seeing it. I happen to believe that organic foods are best. Yet to preach that as an absolute for other people would be just plain wrong! Suppose they believe me? And then begin to buy it knowing full well they can't really afford it (organic food is expensive in comparison to foods fertilized with chemicals), so what will people do? Forego other necessities like clothing, rent/mortgage, etc just to afford organic foods when non organic is available? Makes no sense! (Ok I'll be real here.The real reason I'm able to buy and eat such is because first it's just me here. Secondly, I get SNAP: aka=food stamps which does stretch the dollar. That means then that my belief that organic is best is based PARTLY on my "buying power.").

Anyway, we do have to be careful and alert with what people toot as information. :)

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