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judge-allows-blood transfusion for-jehovahs witness boy-against motherswishes.

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This is TERRIBLE! :(

May Jehovah give the sister (mother) strength for obviously Jehovah allowed this, so may he protect the child from any negativity from that "treatment."

Jehovah obviously allowed this?" In leu of what? Striking the Judge with lightning? Or did he allowed it by postponing  Armageddon? 

The one that allowed it is the god of this system.

Very sad for the mother. My middle Son (never Baptized) took a strong stand against blood when he was hospitalized at age 10 and than again at age 12.

"How sad for the mother"? She has reason to rejoice. We laud her stand. 

Sad because she was sued? Her hands are clean, she should be congratulated for her stand. 
10 “Happy are those who have been persecuted for righteousness’ sake, since the Kingdom of the heavens belongs to them."

Is her son any worse off? His hands are clean.

I am sad that her son is sick.

To me the transfusion is a non issue, something that can't be avoided.

The situation might have a sad outcome, remains to be seen.

 I am not sying I am Superman, I am only saying that nobody has ever seen Superman  and me in a room together.

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I hope the young boy will be OK along with our dear sister. But this is the status quo of how the courts deal with minors.

I can still remember sitting in my doctor's office talking about my stand on blood and the doctor in firm words said to me:

You can choose what you like, but when it relates to your children,  the courts get involved and it would be out of my hands".

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Jehovah may allow things to happen to us according to whatever good reason he has, just as he allowed Job, etc to suffer. Sometimes we may not understand why but he does at times, allow or let us suffer, sometimes, as I'm sure you're aware of, to suffer.

He allowed this judge to force a blood transfusion on this sister's son. Why did Jah allow or let this happen? I don't know, we don't know, you don't know. But Jah definitely does! And in the end, when the smoke clears, he reveal his reason...if he wants to.

Edited by Luezette
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It's sad for the mother because, one, she's a mother and don't want her son to suffer from his illness, and too from the ill effects the blood transfusion will bring.

Also sad for the mother because her God's law was just trampled down on from the very people who Jah admonishes us to be in subjection to. It's as if, because she loves Jehovah so much, they trampled on her.

But as far as your words, in a way, she should rejoice...you're right. But rejoice only because she kept her integrity regardless. How so? Because, because of her stand, they felt they had to take it to Ceasar...their god..the courts.

So even though they probably FEEL they won, they lost! For Jehovah is the ultimate judge. He said what he said about the blood, the sister uphelded it, they pulled the rug right out from under her feet, but they lost anyway!


Edited by Luezette
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Jehovah obviously allowed this?" In leu of what?


Yes, Jehovah obviously allowed this.  He didn't prevent it.  He allowed this in lieu of...


In lieu of softening the heart of the doctors into pursuing some alternative that did not involve blood.

In lieu of softening the heart of the judges into not issuing this court order.

In lieu of softening the heart of the husband into not suing his wife.




"How sad for the mother"? She has reason to rejoice. We laud her stand. 

Sad because she was sued? Her hands are clean, she should be congratulated for her stand. 


Yes, how sad for the mother.  No doubt she is going through some major emotional turmoil right now.  Let's look at the situation


I see we're in agreement that it's a sad situation the child is in the hospital  As a parent, I'm sure you understand that this alone is enough of a emotional weight.


Now, adding to her son's condition was that her parental rights were removed.  As much as we rejoice for being persecuted, it must be absolutely terrible to have your parental rights removed because you are doing the right thing.  I imagine there is a certain amount of stigma and judgemental mistreatment associated with losing one's parental rights.  People could view you as a child abuser or a criminal.  Most people probably feel that innocent people don't have their parental rights removed and that such judgements apply to worthless abusive or negligent parents.  Again, despite the standing for Jehovah, this must weigh upon the poor mother's heart.


Further, this poor sister must feel absolutely betrayed by her husband.  I would not feel happy if my wife sued me.  I would feel absolutely sick and furious.  If my own wife was painting me as an unfit parent and went so far as to sue me to have my parental rights removed, I would be devastated.  How could I stand to be in the same room with her?  At such a time that this poor woman needed the strength of her husband the most, he proved to be someone she could NOT lean on during this critical time.  How would such an action affect anyone's marriage?  I can't say the thought of divorce would not cross my mind, even though no sexual immorality was involved.  That is how deep the hurt of betrayal would feel for me.


While the blood issue is a non-factor for you, some people place such a high regard over the sanctity of blood and transfusions that it is not a non-factor for them.  You know and I know that Jehovah will not hold this action against the mother, but that simply may not be enough to sooth the emotional turmoil.  Perhaps the mother isn't thinking clearly or rationally due to the issues I enumerated above.  I know I'd be a mess.  Further, some people equate blood transfusions to rape.  Notice what the Watchtower said back in 1991:


*** w91 6/15 p. 17 par. 17 Walk as Instructed by Jehovah ***
17 Matters may turn out differently for a minor well instructed in God’s ways and actively walking in His truth. A younger Christian had the same rare type of cancer. The girl and her parents understood and accepted modified chemotherapy from a specialist at a noted hospital. Still, the case was taken to court. The judge wrote: “D.P. testified she would resist having a blood transfusion in any way that she could. She considered a transfusion an invasion of her body and compared it to rape. She asked the Court to respect her choice and permit her to continue at [the hospital] without Court ordered blood transfusions.” The Christian instruction she had received came to her aid at this difficult time.



If this woman feels this strongly about blood transfusions, then it definitely would add to her strained emotional state.  If I was being persecuted for righteousness sake, and one of the methods used to persecute me was to watch my wife or 3-year-old son raped, I would not be happy.
While I, too, laud this sister's brave stand, my heart goes out to her.  This is a very sad situation, indeed.  How very sad for this sister.

Edited by Shawnster

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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From the article:


The Judge said the ruling is in favour of the minor who lives with a Sickle Cell anemia condition and needs blood transfusion from time to time for his survival.



The Judge said the best treatment as advised by the doctors is through blood transfusion each time the child is in crisis and in the best interest of the child from time to time.



So, this is not just a one-time occurrence.  This child will receive blood EACH TIME the doctors feel he is in crisis.  This may go on for years due to the child's medical condition.

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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