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New airline, is this a joke ?

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whats wrong with that? Is it unreasonable?  Will they trap non Muslims in weird laws and then imprison them for life?  I am honestly asking.  Just like christians have fanatics Muslims have non fanatics.  They do spring from Abrahamic blood lines most likely.  "get out her my people" does apply to muslims faiths and lands aswell.

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I don't mind the compliance except the reciting of prayers before the fight. That I would not like but it's not like the airlines service areas that I would likely visit either.

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  They do spring from Abrahamic blood lines most likely. 


Some Arabs supposedly stem from Ishmael. So what? Does that make Islam an Abrahamic faith? No.



To be honest -- to know inspected food


The definition of "halal" food is somewhat sketchy. To call it "inspected food" and think it is somehow better, or healthier, is far from reality. "Halal" ranges from "it doesn't contain pork, gelatine or alcohol" all the way to "the animal was bled out at full consciousness while its head was facing Meccah and arab muslim prayer recitations were blaring through the loudspeakers as its blood was being poured out".


Now, given that the "Allah" muslims worship is nothing but a false deity, and given that this is a form of sacrificial or sanctimonious slaughter, would Acts 15:29 not apply to this? "to keep abstaining from things sacrificed to idols" or how about 1 Corinthians 10:29 "but if anyone says to you, “This is something offered in sacrifice,” do not eat because of the one who told you and because of conscience."


I would say given the sketchy definition of "halal" it is a conscience matter whether you would eat that stuff or leave it be. But don't mix up "halal" and "kosher", they are quite different in meaning. And they both don't necessarily imply "inspected food" or "quality food" at all.



modestly dressed


Modestly dressed = wearing a headscarf so as not to arouse men? Or a full body tent? Does my wife have to wear a headscarf? A full body tent? What happens if my wife wants to fly alone, is she allowed to do that?



no alcohol


Alcohol is not a problem. It is the abuse of alcohol and the lack of balance that is. I like my tomato juice on the plane, but I'll have a beer, too. Cheers!



I don't have a problem with their rules at all.


I do, because Sharia is a parody of divine justice. You didn't even touch on the major flaws of Sharia "justice". For example: do I have to pay a special infidel tax for flying, given that I'm Christian dhimmi? Do flight guests get their hands cut off for stealing a hot towel as a souvenir?


Lets drop all this political correctness that we have been programmed into by the worlds media. Islam is a false religion like any other and just as much a pagan sect that has diverted far from pure worship. It is a sect of a sect of a sect of a sect. Sharia is not arab law, it is muslim law.


When it comes to the prayers said at the beginning, I suppose this is a conscience matter, but I know a lot of people that don't go to Catholic funerals because they don't want to be present at the religious ceremonies. But it's okay to be present at a mass muslim prayer und just sit in the middle of it all like "Oh, how interesting their CULTURE is."


It's not culture. It's part of Babylon the Great. I have no respect fo the pagan moon god of the arabs, nor his worship.


EDIT: I would also like to point out that we are not allowed to preach to muslims because Sharia law requires anybody defecting from the islamic "faith" be put to death. Please remember how many people died because of this the next time you decide to write something in defense of "Sharia law"....

Edited by ChocoBro
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For me, it's not political correctness. I truly don't care. How anyone runs their airline is fine with me.


Oh, absolutely. The question wasn't whether we should try and stop this. The question was whether we would fly with such an airline. I personally would have a problem with it. But I had the impression that you are absolutely fine with Sharia


I don't have a problem with their rules at all.


If that was the case, I was claiming many reasons why you should have a problem with Sharia.

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Some Arabs supposedly stem from Ishmael. So what? Does that make Islam an Abrahamic faith? No.


Now, given that the "Allah" muslims worship is nothing but a false deity, and given that this is a form of sacrificial or sanctimonious slaughter, would Acts 15:29 not apply to this? "to keep abstaining from things sacrificed to idols" or how about 1 Corinthians 10:29 "but if anyone says to you, “This is something offered in sacrifice,” do not eat because of the one who told you and because of conscience."


I would say given the sketchy definition of "halal" it is a conscience matter whether you would eat that stuff or leave it be. But don't mix up "halal" and "kosher", they are quite different in meaning. And they both don't necessarily imply "inspected food" or "quality food" at all.


Modestly dressed = wearing a headscarf so as not to arouse men? Or a full body tent? Does my wife have to wear a headscarf? A full body tent? What happens if my wife wants to fly alone, is she allowed to do that?


Alcohol is not a problem. It is the abuse of alcohol and the lack of balance that is. I like my tomato juice on the plane, but I'll have a beer, too. Cheers!


I do, because Sharia is a parody of divine justice.







If that was the case, I was claiming many reasons why you should have a problem with Sharia.


Dude, pull back.  Your bias is showing.


The only thing we should care about and be in agreement about is what is scriptural or not.  Everything else is a conscience matter.  Not caring if an airline follows Sharia Law or not is a conscience matter.  Hope is not stating that Sharia Law should or must be followed.  


Let's not turn this into another pro/anti-Muslim pro/anti-Islam discussion.  

Edited by Shawnster

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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Christendom is an apostate religion.  ----  "get out of her my people"
Judaism Is a form of worship that was replaced ------ "get out of her my people"
Muslims is most likely part of the blessing of Ishmael but still unscriptural religion ------  "get out of her my people"

Jehovah's witnesses come from all religions and peoples and backgrounds.----------  haughtyness has no place in true worship.  I'm sorry but i'm offended at this superior attitude.  "get out of her my people"  applies to all.

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I am not biased against muslims. But I am biased against islam as I am against any other false religion. And I reserve every right to hate false religions.


Sharia has nothing to do with culture or backgrounds, it is inextricably linked to islam, hence to a false religion. 



I'm sorry but i'm offended at this superior attitude.  "get out of her my people"  applies to all.


It is strange how I am always offended at how things like Sharia are elevated to a level they do not deserve to be at. "Get out of her my people" does not apply to us. If that is haughty attitude, then we as Jehovah's Witnesses must alle be haughty, since we profess not do have anything to do with BTG.


Sorry if you take offense at my attitude towards false religions.


EDIT: Also sorry if you take any of this personally. I do react very quickly and harshly to anything I consider to be blurring the lines. Somebody saying she has no problem with "their rules" / Sharia law does give me the impression that we are tendering to the spirit of the world.

Edited by ChocoBro
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The definition of "halal" food is somewhat sketchy. To call it "inspected food" and think it is somehow better, or healthier, is far from reality. "Halal" ranges from "it doesn't contain pork, gelatine or alcohol" all the way to "the animal was bled out at full consciousness while its head was facing Meccah and arab muslim prayer recitations were blaring through the loudspeakers as its blood was being poured out".


Now, given that the "Allah" muslims worship is nothing but a false deity, and given that this is a form of sacrificial or sanctimonious slaughter, would Acts 15:29 not apply to this? "to keep abstaining from things sacrificed to idols" or how about 1 Corinthians 10:29 "but if anyone says to you, “This is something offered in sacrifice,” do not eat because of the one who told you and because of conscience."


I would say given the sketchy definition of "halal" it is a conscience matter whether you would eat that stuff or leave it be. But don't mix up "halal" and "kosher", they are quite different in meaning. And they both don't necessarily imply "inspected food" or "quality.....

ThIs is not quite accurate at all.

Here is the correct definition:

Halal is an Arabic word that means "permissible." In terms of food, it means food that is permissible according to Islamic law. For a meat to be certified "halal," it cannot be a forbidden cut (such as meat from hindquarters) or animal (such as pork.)

The slaughter of a halal animal is called "zabihah" and there are certain guidelines to follow:

Allah's (God's) name must be pronounced during slaughter.

The instrument must be very sharp to ensure humane slaughter. The animal must be slit at the throat.

The animal must not be unconscious

The animal must be hung upside down and allowed to bleed dry. Eating blood is not halal.

These steps must be accomplished by a Muslim or the People of the Book (Christian or Jew.) Many observant Muslims find kosher meat acceptable.

The animal must have been fed a natural diet that did not contain animal by-products.

Also, in some countries, the only concern for some is whether the animals are stunned first which is against the "rules". This changes slightly from country to country but those are the basics.

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ThIs is not quite accurate at all.

Here is the correct definition:

Halal is an Arabic word that means "permissible." In terms of food, it means food that is permissible according to Islamic law. For a meat to be certified "halal," it cannot be a forbidden cut (such as meat from hindquarters) or animal (such as pork.)

The slaughter of a halal animal is called "zabihah" and there are certain guidelines to follow:

Allah's (God's) name must be pronounced during slaughter.

The instrument must be very sharp to ensure humane slaughter. The animal must be slit at the throat.

The animal must not be unconscious

The animal must be hung upside down and allowed to bleed dry. Eating blood is not halal.

These steps must be accomplished by a Muslim or the People of the Book (Christian or Jew.) [???? where do you have this from?] Many observant Muslims find kosher meat acceptable.

The animal must have been fed a natural diet that did not contain animal by-products.

Also, in some countries, the only concern for some is whether the animals are stunned first which is against the "rules". This changes slightly from country to country but those are the basics.


Sorry, that's not the whole story at all.


Here at Halal Choices we are concerned with the halal slaughter of animals such as beef, lamb and poultry. To be halal certified the animal must be facing Mecca, have its throat cut while still alive and then ritually sacrificed by a Muslim who recites a prayer dedicating the slaughter to Allah.


Source: http://www.halalchoices.com.au/what_is_halal.html



  • For lawful (halal) meat in Islam, the animal must be killed while the butcher faces Mecca, and either the butcher cries "Allah Akbar" or a tape plays the words over a loud speaker.
  • As noted above, in halal processing the head of an animal that is to be slaughtered should be aligned with the qiblah, and animals should be slaughtered in the name of Allah. How the latter aspect is satisfied varies with region and culture; it does not necessarily involve the uttering or recorded playing of the phrase "Allahu Akbar."


Source: http://www.snopes.com/politics/religion/halal.asp


This is what I meant when I said, there is no clear definition of what is "halal", because there is no muslim pope or church headship who dictates the doctrine on all of the believers, not to mention different muslim mainstreams probably have a different set of rules.

Edited by ChocoBro
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Forgot to mention, there are only a few slight differences between Kosher and Halal meats. The main being who is able to certify the food, of course.

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Source: http://www.halalchoices.com.au/what_is_halal.html



Source: http://www.snopes.com/politics/religion/halal.asp


This is what I meant when I said, there is no clear definition of what is "halal", because there is no muslim pope or church headship who dictates the doctrine on all of the believers, not to mention different muslim mainstreams probably have a different set of rules.

Based on your link, the definition I posted IS basically the same. That extra bit about the animal facing Mecca seems specific to that group "Halal Choice". I'm sure that additional requirements are added depending on the geographical location or country. In the US, no additional requirements such as that are added per the certifying body (http://www.ushalalcertification.com/what-is-halal.html).

It was also an issue in the UK, but mainly due to the fact that a number of places stunned their animals before slaughter. There is an article in the BBC news about it if you want to read about it.

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It was also an issue in the UK, but mainly due to the fact that a number of places stunned their animals before slaughter. There is an article in the BBC news about it if you want to read about it.


Yes please. You can also PM it me. Please also note I updated my post with a reference about facing Mecca from snopes.com. It is not uncommon at all at Halal slaughter to have the animal face Meccah. Just saying.

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My not having a problem is related to -- it's not affecting me one way or the other.  I don't protest and fuss when others play Christmas music in the office day and night.  I have the same attitude towards those in veils who slaughter their food differently.


As long as *I'm* not forced to participate, I'm a "live and let live" type o' girl.  As mentioned, I believe it's a conscience matter whether one would fly on the airline... perhaps as much as it would be if one was touring a country that featured many churches.  Some Witnesses go simply to admire the architecture.


I have a bit of trouble thinking about attending a musical performance in a building that was once a church, but never used for religious services anymore.  I've got my sensitivities.... but not regarding the religious habits of an airline.  I buy my ticket, they get me where I'm going safely - I'm good.

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Here is the article from the BBC:. http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-27324224

Interestingly, Denmark banned both Kosher and Halal meats:. http://time.com/3975785/is-halal-meat-healthier-than-conventional-meat/

There was another link I need to find from a textbook used which discusses the scriptures used to explain Kosher meats along with Qur'an references for Halal meats. They quote that the person doing the slaughter has to face Mecca, not the animal. So I suspect, that it's a fine point which may differ slightly depending on country, geographical location and other factors.

Even here there are differing requirements amongst each Jewish sect, so it wouldn't surprise me if that is the same within Islam.

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Here is the article from the BBC:. http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-27324224

Interestingly, Denmark banned both Kosher and Halal meats:. http://time.com/3975785/is-halal-meat-healthier-than-conventional-meat/


More accurately, Denmark banned Halal and Kosher slaughtering practices.  They didn't ban the meat.  

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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More accurately, Denmark banned Halal and Kosher slaughtering practices.  They didn't ban the meat.

Thanks for this. I was unable to go back and fix it.

Here is a good article to use for bible principles:. Question from readers," Why does the Bible book of 1 Corinthians discuss meat that had been sacrificed to idols?". W10 10/1 p 12

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Some Arabs supposedly stem from Ishmael. So what? Does that make Islam an Abrahamic faith? No.




The definition of "halal" food is somewhat sketchy. To call it "inspected food" and think it is somehow better, or healthier, is far from reality. "Halal" ranges from "it doesn't contain pork, gelatine or alcohol" all the way to "the animal was bled out at full consciousness while its head was facing Meccah and arab muslim prayer recitations were blaring through the loudspeakers as its blood was being poured out".


Now, given that the "Allah" muslims worship is nothing but a false deity, and given that this is a form of sacrificial or sanctimonious slaughter, would Acts 15:29 not apply to this? "to keep abstaining from things sacrificed to idols" or how about 1 Corinthians 10:29 "but if anyone says to you, “This is something offered in sacrifice,” do not eat because of the one who told you and because of conscience."


I would say given the sketchy definition of "halal" it is a conscience matter whether you would eat that stuff or leave it be. But don't mix up "halal" and "kosher", they are quite different in meaning. And they both don't necessarily imply "inspected food" or "quality food" at all.




Modestly dressed = wearing a headscarf so as not to arouse men? Or a full body tent? Does my wife have to wear a headscarf? A full body tent? What happens if my wife wants to fly alone, is she allowed to do that?




Alcohol is not a problem. It is the abuse of alcohol and the lack of balance that is. I like my tomato juice on the plane, but I'll have a beer, too. Cheers!




I do, because Sharia is a parody of divine justice. You didn't even touch on the major flaws of Sharia "justice". For example: do I have to pay a special infidel tax for flying, given that I'm Christian dhimmi? Do flight guests get their hands cut off for stealing a hot towel as a souvenir?


Lets drop all this political correctness that we have been programmed into by the worlds media. Islam is a false religion like any other and just as much a pagan sect that has diverted far from pure worship. It is a sect of a sect of a sect of a sect. Sharia is not arab law, it is muslim law.


When it comes to the prayers said at the beginning, I suppose this is a conscience matter, but I know a lot of people that don't go to Catholic funerals because they don't want to be present at the religious ceremonies. But it's okay to be present at a mass muslim prayer und just sit in the middle of it all like "Oh, how interesting their CULTURE is."


It's not culture. It's part of Babylon the Great. I have no respect fo the pagan moon god of the arabs, nor his worship.


EDIT: I would also like to point out that we are not allowed to preach to muslims because Sharia law requires anybody defecting from the islamic "faith" be put to death. Please remember how many people died because of this the next time you decide to write something in defense of "Sharia law"....

I really love and agree with your post ... Full stop . Why some here defend Sharia Law !

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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EDIT: I would also like to point out that we are not allowed to preach to muslims because Sharia law requires anybody defecting from the islamic "faith" be put to death. Please remember how many people died because of this the next time you decide to write something in defense of "Sharia law"....

I did not know this...I preached to one about a month ago. Wow

Let my words, like vegetables, be tender and sweet, for tomorrow these words, I may have to eat~


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Why some here defend Sharia Law !


I have surely missed something   :eek:  Where did any one here "defend Sharia law"???


I see where someone send - they could still ride on this plane. I too could ride on this plane - as I also would not do anything "illegal", but "DEFEND Sharia law"???? What did  I miss?


EDIT: "have some ham and bacon" - said in a voice to sound like "As-salamu alaykum"

Edited by trottigy
Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





Soon .....


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