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JW.org - Warning Against Witnesses’ Headquarters in Russia Threatens Religious Freedom

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I also  think about our sisters and brothers in countries where the work is currently banned (i.e. Middle East and some Asian countries.)  Without question Jehovah deeply cares for his people throughout the four corners of His Earth and continues to guide and direct their ministry, even in in the most difficult of circumstances. During these times of trials I am encouraged by Jesus' words:


"Look! I am sending you out as sheep among wolves; so prove yourselves cautious as serpents yet innocent as doves." --Matthew 10:16.


His chariot is on the mooove! Praise Jah you people! :bible2:

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"Russian Supreme Court refuses to ban Jehovah’s Witnesses branch"

"MOSCOW, April 15 (RAPSI, Artem Ponomarev) – Russia’s Supreme Court on Friday declined to ban the Jehovah’s Witnesses of Tyumen as extremist organization, RAPSI reports from the courtroom.

The Tyumen Regional Court ordered the liquidation of the Jehovah’s Witnesses branch in 2015. The court granted a motion filed by prosecutors and declared the group extremist.The Supreme Court thus reversed the lower court’s ruling."


RAPSI is the Russian Legal Information Agency. I was directed to rapsinews.com then entered Jehovah's Witnesses in the search box & this is what I got. It seems official but I have never heard of it & the branch has said nothing of this though it is two weeks old. Can anyone help ascertain the validity of this?

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7 hours ago, pnutts said:

They meant congregation.



The warning greatly escalates Russia’s campaign to marginalize the Witnesses and restrict their religious freedom. If liquidated, the Administrative Center will be closed, it will be added to the federal list of extremist organizations, and its property will be turned over to the State. Because of their affiliation with the Center, all religious associations of Jehovah’s Witnesses—406 local religious organizations (legal entities) and over 2,500 congregations—may also face liquidation. As a result, Witnesses throughout Russia could lose their Kingdom Halls (houses of worship). Ultimately, liquidation of the Administrative Center could deprive the Witnesses of their right to practice their religious beliefs.

...absolute rubbish...

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45 minutes ago, campanula said:


Different article, different location. One was High court overturning lower local regional court concerning a congregation. The letter is for whole of Russia in one fell swoop.

Consciousness, that annoying time between naps! :sleeping:

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4 hours ago, pnutts said:

Different article, different location. One was High court overturning lower local regional court concerning a congregation. The letter is for whole of Russia in one fell swoop.

The warning letter was dated March 2, 2016. The supreme court ruled on April 15, 2016. I am under the impression that The Supreme Court in Moscow would have jurisdiction over all of Russia & not just a portion of Russia. If the Supreme Court refused to liquidate a congregation, would it not follow that the March 2 letter would be trumped by the April 15 ruling? It is my understanding that the attempted liquidation is on the same grounds which is the accusation of extremism. Please help me understand this. 

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2 hours ago, LindaL. said:

Maybe sister Victoria, from far East Russia, has shed some light on this:



Unless I am mistaken, the Supreme Court trumps all other rulings. It is the Supreme Court that would make the March 2 warning invalid. I am not saying it is not possible. I am just asking, what over rules The Supreme Court?

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I don't know anything - just trying to understand.



This article explains that the Witnesses are being targeted in several regions in Russia. The case to liquidate the LRO (Local Religious Organization) in Tyumen was scheduled to be considered by The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation on April 14th. LRO liquidations in other regions are also pending with the Supreme Court.


The impression I got from Victoria's post was that the Court basically said, 'There's no need to rule on these cases one by one. Their national headquarters will soon be liquidated and that will get all the LRO's in one go!'


I certainly hope I'm wrong and that the Supreme Court does, indeed, decide in our favor!

Use your ears to gain understanding and your tongue to heal. -w13 5/15 p. 22

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I don't know anything - just trying to understand.



This article explains that the Witnesses are being targeted in several regions in Russia. The case to liquidate the LRO (Local Religious Organization) in Tyumen was scheduled to be considered by The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation on April 14th. LRO liquidations in other regions are also pending with the Supreme Court.


The impression I got from Victoria's post was that the Court basically said, 'There's no need to rule on these cases one by one. Their national headquarters will soon be liquidated and that will get all the LRO's in one go!'


I certainly hope I'm wrong and that the Supreme Court does, indeed, decide in our favor!

Use your ears to gain understanding and your tongue to heal. -w13 5/15 p. 22

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5 hours ago, The German said:

Robert Ciranko, President, Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania

Does somebody know more about it ?

What is with Brother Don Adams ?


Don Adams is in his 90's. I wonder if Robert Ciranko of the writing committee is the new president

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  • 3 weeks later...

During the watchtower study this afternoon this section in paragraph 3 caught my eye:



The figurative locusts that John saw well illustrate anointed Christians proclaiming Jehovah’s powerful judgment messages. They are joined now by millions of companions with an earthly hope. Little wonder that our united preaching undermines the authority Satan exercises through his worldwide empire of false religion!


In making application of Satan's grip in the world, this snake continues to wage war with Jehovah's people.  The RF refuses to let up on the persecution there because of the rapid growth of those embracing Kingdom truths and how it is taking root in an antheistic-oriented country.  (There is no god! so shouts the fool!) The preaching work is without a doubt undermining STD authority---and he can't stand it. 


We continue to pray for our brethren in the RF and elsewhere.

Our Father in the heavens, let your kingdom come!


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