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Jehovah’s witnesses lowest income earning among other religions says Pew Research Center

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Cutting my earning potential for the sake of the Kingdom : let me count the ways.1. Choosing a career path that is in high demand but a middling ( not an MD but an RN)  earning potential to avoid spending excessive time in education . 2. Accepting being th sole income for my household so that my Wife could focus on pioneering and raising children.( No double income , significant increase me used in ministry). 3. Not climbing ladders but sticking with basic work duties and not switching jobs often. 4.Not furthering my education and this increasing my student debt so as not to cut into time for ministry and family.  5. Effectively choosing steady slow financial increase over big leaps to prevent distraction from the meetings and ministry.  So, what is the result? After 32 years ( as a JW) and working at the same place for 18 years I am at the near top of my pay scale and seniority. I am almost debt free ( will be in less than seven years ) and within 3 years I’m eligible for a pension at age 52. So I’m not complaining. 

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Its really not surprising. Because, it doesn't necessarily mean more dirt poor people so much as fewer rich people. In many religions, a clergy class can make obscene amounts of money milking off the parishioners especially if they get a book deal, a television show, or sell merch. But many of the same services are done by volunteers in Jehovah's organization. I think that's a big contributor. Another could be that we're active in more countries that any other religious organization including very poor countries.


I find the economic standards of Jehovah's witnesses to be seemingly paradoxical too. Many Witnesses probably don't make as much as our peers but many also enjoy a better standard of living: its amazing how much money you save when you don't gamble, smoke, abuse drugs, or get drunk. So, Jehovah does a wonderful job of teaching us how to live well on less.:D

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Yes, it's not surprising at all.  If I weren't a witness, I'd probably make a lot more money.  (Not definitely - but assuming there are various other witnesses like me, 'probably' is all it has to be to explain the statistical difference.)  Without the guidance from God, I'd take instead the guidance from the world, that a career is the way to improve my life.  And there have certainly been opportunities to strive for a career - after college, I had the grades to apply to a top university, but pioneered instead.  Even more lately, I've noted the possibility of getting a higher degree, but thought it would just take up too much time from other things.  Servants of God have other priorities than making money.  The surprising thing is how high that '>$100,000' part is among witnesses, even though it's considerably lower than any other religion!  I've known a few witnesses who make a lot, often from businesses or careers they'd built up before coming into the truth, but I can't think of more than one in the same congregation anywhere, so I wouldn't expect it to be as high as 4%.

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Let’s now speak of Debt. If we individually are strictly following what Jehovah’s word says to do in our personal lives we also will avoid debt. 1. We don’t incur debt from frivolity such as occurs with Bithday and Holiday celebrations. 2. Our vacations tend to be largely taken on or around our conventions ( and thus more frugal than the time share and cruise crew or the Disney slaves). 3. I wish this were a little more emphasized by the FDS but it is present in scripture ( Proverbs 6:3) debt makes us a slave and we should strive to be debt free. Those of us who can manage to do so find that we are also free to give generously EVEN more so than previously.  

     How do these practices effect our income levels. Not one bit. But how do they effect our ability to build personal wealth? Well, think about it. If you have no credit card, car, or house payments how much could you save up in a month, six months, a year? Do the math. Could you put back enough over your working life ( maybe 40 years ) in an investment plan that would put your net worth above say $800,000 ? And still participate significantly in the ministry? I’m Confident that many or even most of us could. Is this being determined to be rich? I did not see it as anything more than being frugal and a good manager of what Jehovah provides. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Can it be because Jehovah’s people choose spiritual riches over material riches.

In our local congregation a majority of witnesses choose part-time work, to allow them to do more for Jehovah.


I was recently in the ministry with a special pioneer, who is an engineer by trade, who now services urinals to facilitate his ministry.... the colour of the money is all the same, regardless of what we do to earn it.


It seems to me we have to work hard at earning less 😉 most witnesses are highly valued employees that are offered greater opportunities because of their work ethic, it takes faith to be content with the simple things and humility to keep, work/ career in its place.

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  On 2/12/2018 at 1:24 AM, Tortuga said:

Another way to look at it is that the Truth attracts those that are poor and down trodded


I've always believed that statement!!

It gives then hope and something to live for... Versus if Someone is Rich they could have a haughty attitude..or figure they have it all now and don't need anyone telling them anything..

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BTW- income ( as in lowest income earners) does Not equate to wealth.  A person can have wealth and “0” income. In point of fact the reason that in the US that the wealthiest people tend to pay very little income tax is because they have “0-little” reportable income. They draw no salary and receive no paycheck. And yet own assets which make them wealthy. It is very possible for a person of only modest income to retire with a seven figure profile of wealth between real estate and stock holdings and never earn a 6 figure income. It just takes planning and those plans often closely match spiritual principles.( stay out of debt, store up in times of plenty , do not make a showy display of your wealth, etc.)

    Following these principles With a focus on utilizing your time and assets in Jehovah’s Service actually work very well together. Consider this : If a couple follows these initial steps what will be the result. 1. Get a basic education. 2. Get a job. 3. Move out of their parents house. 4. Save up for and buy a modest house. 5. Get married before having children.  In the Unites States ( I’m sure it varies in other locals ) this is called the Success Sequence because it results in a very low poverty rate for those who practice.  And it’s clearly in line with scriptural principles.  But none of these practices would necessarily correlate to a High income. 

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Living here in Southern California, where it is a notoriously wealthy area, I know of quite a few brothers that have enormous income. I think many of them would decline to state their income or give any details or hint as to the facts out of humility.


Granted there are some Brothers and Sisters that live on a shoe-string. They are typically voluntarily doing so. Doing so, so as to increase their ministry, and then are in turn blessed materially for doing so. There are so many experiences in past Yearbooks of those that didn't know where their next meal was coming from and then Jehovah provided.


We as Jehovah's Witnesses are just average people (so-to-speak). We all have normal lives. The media wants to paint us as some odd ball cult that lives some meager lives. When in fact we really are the richest people in the world. Just think about how we are taught to share, and how an equalizing takes place. Brothers and Sisters in very poor lands benefit because they are often helped, even materially by Brothers and Sisters in the richer areas of the world. I think as a whole, we as an organization, even materially are richer than those in the world know.


Yes, there are some that struggle, so I hope I am not being insensitive to those. I have never heard of any Brother or Sister that goes to bed hungry. If there are, then everyone in the area goes to bed hungry. We look after each other the best we can. I would doubt, anywhere in the world, that there are any of Jehovah's people that ever starve to death.


And... we are without question, the richest, beyond what the world can even imagine spiritually.


So I think that to try and place us in this category is hilariously stupid. Impossible to track.

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  • 3 months later...
  On 12/26/2018 at 2:52 PM, JennyM said:

Yes. because in Paradise, there's no money. 


I was hoping we'd get shiny coins with engraved images of Bible characters on the front and "In Jehovah We Trust" on the back...:lol1:

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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  On 12/26/2018 at 3:21 PM, Tortuga said:

I was hoping we'd get shiny coins with engraved images of Bible characters on the front and "In Jehovah We Trust" on the back...:lol1:


That will create a problem because humans on our money  today are all dead people but bible characters are living in paradise... 😃....

I hope they put there Judas Iscariot, Delilah, Gehazi, Lot's wife  to remind us that these people loved money and it costs their lives and bad names to Jehovah. 

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  On 12/26/2018 at 3:21 PM, Tortuga said:

I was hoping we'd get shiny coins with engraved images of Bible characters on the front and "In Jehovah We Trust" on the back...:lol1:


Like those pics in the Imitate their Faith Book and articles?

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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  On 12/26/2018 at 8:17 PM, Gregexplore said:

Money with engraved images of Bible characters?

Unless money is in a shape of the donut, I am not "buying" into an idea of currency ...LOL :lol1:


  yes!! lets go back to the barter system. A box of donuts for ...oh lets say... a pair of shoes ….

The one showing favor to the lowly is lending to Jehovah

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  On 12/26/2018 at 9:38 PM, Vinnie said:

  yes!! lets go back to the barter system. A box of donuts for ...oh lets say... a pair of shoes ….


What? for a box of donuts... I want shoes, and nice matching socks, and good bottle of wine .... LOL :lol1:

Mate..those donuts are precious.... :coffee:

Edited by Gregexplore

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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  On 12/27/2018 at 5:54 AM, Gregexplore said:

Mate..those donuts are precious....


They are defective, some of them have a hole in them..:lol1:

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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