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Vintage photos of Governing Body Members and other things..

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13 hours ago, jwhess said:

Two side points:


[1] this historical information is used by our opposers to show that Jehovah's Witnesses are not educated in the history of our organization (we are "gullible").  It is a trick question to fluster a publisher at the door.  Br. Conley was the first president of the legal Watch Tower Society but not the first president of the Incorporated Watch tower Society.  So even though we printed the information about Conley's presidency in the Proclaimer's book, many have not read it or become familiar with it.  However, It is not "hidden".


[2] I believe there is an error in my statement about the death of Conley in 1897.  I cannot find any written notice of CT Russell putting such a notice in the Watchtower pages.  My apologies.

I definitely don't recall that information... Allways heard about Russel being the 1st president and that is written in the same proclaimers book:



In 1884 Russell became the first president of the corporation now known as the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania

Where did you find the information about the differences in the society status? btw "incorporated" is also a legal entity, so I don't know what do you mean by the "legal watch tower society" vs the "incorporated whatchtower society"

Incorporation Definition (investopedia.com)


What Is Incorporation?

Incorporation is the legal process used to form a corporate entity or company. A corporation is the resulting legal entity that separates the firm's assets and income from its owners and investors.

The Difference Between Inc. & Ltd. & Co. (chron.com)




An incorporated company, or corporation, is a separate legal entity from the person or people forming it. Directors and officers purchase shares in the business and have responsibility for its operation. Incorporation limits an individual's liability in case of a lawsuit.

The corporation, as a legal entity, is liable for its own debts and pays taxes on its earnings, and can also sell stock to raise money. A corporation is also able to continue as an entity after the death of a director or stock sale. A corporation is formed according to state law, through application to the secretary of state and filing articles of incorporation.



I found this also about the creation of the Zion's Whatchtower:

Development of the Organization Structure — Watchtower ONLINE LIBRARY (jw.org)


The same year that the colporteur service began, Brother Russell had a number of tracts (or booklets) printed for free distribution. Outstanding among these was Food for Thinking Christians, which was distributed to the number of 1,200,000 in the first four months. The work involved in arranging this printing and distribution gave rise to the formation of Zion’s Watch Tower Tract Society in order to care for necessary details. To prevent disruption of the work in the event of his death, and to facilitate the handling of donations to be used in the work, Brother Russell filed for legal registration of the Society, and this was officially recorded on December 15, 1884. This brought into existence a needed legal instrumentality.

So, in fact, Br Russel was the 1st president of the legal entity, which was incorporated from the begining. This legal entity started only in 1884


So the reference to Conley being president in 1881 refers to a time where no legal entity existed yet


Edited by jayrtom
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Br. Joao. I am not sure why this is important, except as a history lesson.  The difference in status as a "Society" or and "Association" as an unincorporated group or using the same group by incorporating it is simply a matter of legal vulnerability.  As a corporation, opposers can't sue individuals only the company.


I did not make up the Proclaimers book reference.  It clearly states that Conley was president of this group, association or society in 1881.  Why is that a problem to us today?  I have included several references that might apply but I don't want this to expand into a legal wrangling.  Many of the congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses are legal entities that are not incorporated.  We have bank accounts, the hold title to land and property and so on.


Here is on explanation of an “Association” as opposed to a “corporation”.  The association has legal status and is governed by Articles and Bylaws.


Even though unincorporated associations technically do not exist as a legal entity apart from its members, many state legislatures have recognized the separate existence of an association by statute. Therefore, in some jurisdictions, unincorporated associations, by statute, are given the status of legal entities and are empowered to acquire, hold, and transfer property, or to sue and be sued as an entity.


Another consideration…


The IRS considers a church to be a legal entity called an “unincorporated association” or “religious society,” even if it isn't incorporated and will treat it as any other non-profit organization or “public-charity” under Section 501(c)(3) of Title 26 of the Internal Revenue Code at 508 .


*** jv chap. 11 p. 151 How We Came to Be Known as Jehovah’s Witnesses ***

True, our brothers often referred to themselves as Bible Students, and starting in 1910, they used the name International Bible Students’ Association with reference to their meetings. In 1914, in order to avoid confusion with their recently formed legal corporation called International Bible Students Association, they adopted the name Associated Bible Students for their local groups.


*** jv chap. 15 p. 229 Development of the Organization Structure ***

Early Legal Corporations

  Zion’s Watch Tower Tract Society. First formed in 1881 and then legally incorporated in the state of Pennsylvania on December 15, 1884. In 1896 its name was changed to Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society. Since 1955 it has been known as Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania.

  Peoples Pulpit Association. Formed in 1909 in connection with the Society’s moving of its principal offices to Brooklyn, New York. In 1939 the name was changed to Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, Inc. Since 1956 it has been known as Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc.

  International Bible Students Association. Incorporated in London, England, on June 30, 1914.

  In order to meet legal requirements, other corporations have been formed by Jehovah’s Witnesses in many communities and lands. However, Jehovah’s Witnesses are not divided up into national or regional organizations. They are a united global brotherhood.


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3 hours ago, jwhess said:

Additional reference from the Watchtower magazine April 1881.  This was about 5 years before incorporation,





Here is the source (bottom left of the page) https://archive.org/details/1881ZionsWatchTower/page/n151/mode/2up

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Many of our publishers never saw or heard Br. CT Russell speak personally.  I have clipped a 60 second snip of the Russell introduction to the Photo Drama.  If it is too big or the moderators feel it needs to be removed, I can post it on my cloud account for download. This is 107 years old video taken from original nitrate film.



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