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Russia laws ban ‘disrespect of government ...’

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This is not good for journalism. Good journalism is supposed to disrespect the government, criticise it, and lift its faults up to the surface.

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20 hours ago, ChrisC said:

BBC News:

Russia laws ban 'disrespect' of government and 'fake news'



So they are banning some of their own news sources?  :lol:  Sorry, couldn't resist.

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On 3/8/2019 at 3:22 AM, Thesauron said:

This is not good for journalism. Good journalism is supposed to disrespect the government, criticise it, and lift its faults up to the surface.

Newly developing journalism was put in a coma when Putin came to power. Russian state propaganda is so crazy that Stalin and Hitler's propaganda would pale in comparison.    

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Hmm, first the government goes after JW's and their leader says "he's confused and doesn't understand why JW's are being persecuted," then the news shows what the government does torturing JW's etc. and suddenly news articles are being banned, then they say it's not the JW's meeting together in private homes that's the problem but then they ban them from doing so and steal the property from JW's so they can't meet together to worship....  They sound majorly at odds with themselves 🤣 It reminds me of the fact that a house divided against itself can't stand...

Edited by cricket246

I live in a temporary reality- awaiting the day I wake up to life in the real world!

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Here is, for example, a BBC report about current Russian propaganda being "worse than the Soviet propaganda". The statement was said by the head of the only respected independent sociological research centre in Russia. and I fully agree with him. Media coverage on Russian state TV channels is sometimes so absurd that it is difficult to fathom. They try to create their own "reality" and impose it on the public. But people have become wiser now and there are signs of discontent and disrespect. That is why the Russian government had to come up with that law in the first post.  



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5 hours ago, Bek said:

They try to create their own "reality" and impose it on the public.


Sounds like what the left is doing in the United States. 

Yet the article called it the 'conservative mood' in Russia.



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18 hours ago, Dismal_Bliss said:


Sounds like what the left is doing in the United States. 

Yet the article called it the 'conservative mood' in Russia.


Thanks for the reply. At the risk of going off topic further, I wanted to add that what the left in the US is doing is different. The left truly believes in what they think and it honestly wants to carry out it.


In contrast, the Kremlin knows full well that what they are doing is full of lies and is morally wrong, but they still press on with it. People know this and that is why they are growing disrespectful. 





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