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Meat eaters tend to have better psychological health than vegetarians

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Yes perhaps! But I wouldn't go as to stereo-type all vegetarians who started so as being pre-disposed to some kind of mental pre-disposition.


Any kind of food restriction, in my mind, might lead to negative pyschological effects. Over time I can imagine this, specifically if one started out for eg. for environmental reasons and not necessarily because they didn't enjoy the taste of meat. 


Just the idea now of me eating meat with the possible hormone injections, and death of an animal makes me definitely tend more toward the side of vegetarinism. But I won't strike it off completely because I also don't believe in strict food restrictions.


Edited by Lieblingskind

Gratitude vs. gratuitous  Phil.2:5

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I may have an unpopular opinion, but as a vegetarian, I am going to agree with what the Poster said.  Jehovah gave us the ability to eat meat, and we should not feel guilty about doing it, yet I will perseverate on it and it literally breaks my heart.  Now, I am only speaking for myself, but I wanted to share my opinions with others too.  :)  It also tends (again for me) to extend beyond just meat to other foods as well.  For example, I can't eat certain parts of fruits/veggies (eyes in onion, close to the core in the apple, peas because the pods could be hiding small insects, etc) . Then, I go on to think about drinking milk, etc.  


Well, for me, I think the poster was spot on.  :)

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Interesting. I also have a friend who is quite picky about food, and for various reasons why she doesn't eat certain type of vegetables. But she is a carnivore. She tends to be a little depressed, and under-weight, but tends to have reasons why she doesn't eat a certain food. Also had health problems when she was younger and in the hospital.

Gratitude vs. gratuitous  Phil.2:5

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19 hours ago, Lieblingskind said:

Any kind of food restriction, in my mind, might lead to negative pyschological effects. Over time I can imagine this, specifically if one started out for eg. for environmental reasons and not necessarily because they didn't enjoy the taste of meat. 

Any diet might surely lead to unwanted consequences, but how about this:

Self-imposed dietary limitations might be because of some underlying psychological issues? We imagine that we feel better if we avoid this or that type of food. Is that possible? Are people with underlying psychological issues such as anxiety more likely to impose dietary restrictions on themselves? Even if God says something is alright and morally upright, our own personal anxieties might lead to us imposing restrictions on ourselves?

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I had no idea I had gluten and dairy intolerance, and was allergic to a host of certain foods containing certain pollens until I started getting terrible pains, and finally went to the skin doctor. I found out I have a whole list of foods I am intolerant to. Not by choice. I do make self-imposed dietary limitations, but not because I want to, though. I really miss spinach!! My husband has seen the hives reaction. But I did get a feeling that some individuals felt it was "all in my head", when I had to turn down certain foods.


OTOH, I totally understand your point, and for some people, yes I could see this maybe as a part of OCD, or other anxiety or fear that might not be cured until the NS. I was once in service with a sister who had an extreme fear of eating certain foods, that she would rather starve, then let her fears come true...and she is fine with that...I think most importantly mentally she is fine with that. She and her husband are strong in the Truth, and they have a child. She's been to rehab therapy for helping her body to absorb certain foods, but she says she suffered alot with pains during rehab. The fight for these ones is real.

Gratitude vs. gratuitous  Phil.2:5

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Back in February, I made fish soup and thought I would add in shrimp, although I know that I have a shellfish allergy. I put in a little too much shrimp, and the next day I had the worst stomach pains I hadn't experienced in a very long time. I went through 3 days of vomiting, diahrrea, couldn't get off the couch and really felt like I was really dying. I lost 4 kilos in 3 days, and I already was pre-weight 59 kgs at 174 cm. Now pyschologically I could tell myself that I never, ever want to suffer like that again. My fears are really founded. But I wouldn't judge someone who never suffered this kind of reaction as I did, but still carries nevertheless fears of the worst happening.


(I should add the shrimp wasn't bad or had gone sour, as hubby ate the same soup and had no reactions to it)

Edited by Lieblingskind

Gratitude vs. gratuitous  Phil.2:5

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3 hours ago, Lieblingskind said:

thought I would add in shrimp, although I know that I have a shellfish allergy


Hmmm ....



Aspartame is an artificial non-saccharide sweetener 200 times sweeter than sucrose, and is commonly used as a sugar substitute in foods and beverages. It is a methyl ester of the aspartic acid/phenylalanine dipeptide with the trade names, NutraSweet, Equal, and Canderel.

Aspartame is one of the most rigorously tested food ingredients. Reviews by over 100 governmental regulatory bodies found the ingredient safe for consumption at current levels. As of 2018, several reviews of clinical trials showed that using aspartame in place of sugar reduces calorie intake and body weight in adults and children.


I mention NutraSweet because I am allergic to it ... I know how it makes me feel and do not like it - I don't care what it is used in and/or how much I would like that particular food and/or how good that food tastes - if it contains NutraSweet (aspartame) I WON'T EAT IT!


Sometimes, when I eat out, I come across foods that say "no sugar added" - before I eat them I ask, "Does that mean simply no additional sweetener was added or does it mean it has an artificial sweetener?" If they don't know the answer - I don't eat it!


Not sure why someone with a shellfish allergy would include shrimp in something they made and eat it knowing it would make them sick .... however, I'm glad you are feeling better now. Please, in the future, be like me and don't eat foods you know you are allergic to.


As for some who don't eat certain foods because they "object" to eating them, I find many like that try to impose their view on me if I eat any of those foods. Unfortunately, I find vegetarians and/or vegans who eat that way "on principal" (not due to dietary reasons) are more prone to pushing their view than I find meat eater are about what they eat.


If they have better or worse "psychological health" than me I couldn't say ....

"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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I know that wasn't a smart choice, but I had made the fish soup before with dinner guests. I didn't have a terrible reaction like I did in February, so I actually thought I had built up an immunity to it...which obviously wasn't the case. I do test out my food intolerances once in awhile. Not always, but for ex. when we are invited out, but that was the first time I had an adverse allergic reaction. So yes, no more fun and games with my food intolerances.:nope:


Asparatame has also been known to cause seizures in some people. My husband will absolutely not eat any of it. I didn't notice, but I bought bottle of a few jars of mayonnaise that had the ingredient, but when I read the back I never saw it. The writing, though, was so tiny, that I missed one little corner where it stated "aspartam" in the Zutaten (ingredients). My husband noticed though. :) So I am going to give the jars away to the online food sharing food bank here.


The vegetarians I know IRL don't push others. For my vegetarian friends, it's more that being cautious and aware that they can't eat everything, for eg. when I invite some over. But I have never heard any of my IRL vegetarian friends push the idea to others. Online on youtube, though, yes I have heard the vegetarian propraganda.


Funny story, my husband prefers vegetarianism, although he does eat meat when I make it. Anyway, when we were first married, I would tell others who invited us over when asked what we didn't eat. I didn't know about my food intolerances back then, but all I said was preferably no meat. So word got around in the congregation. Then when we were invited out by others, they would mention that they made especially a dish for me that didn't contain meat. I looked at them and thought, "no it's not me!' So apparently I am the vegetarian in the family. At a congregation grill-out, our COBE said to me there was tofu sausages on the grill. Of course that wasn't true, but funny how it ended up me being the vegetarian. It must have been a surprise when some saw me eating a piece of schnitzel at the pioneer meeting.


But actually come to think of it, those who do choose this lifestyle often become the targets of jokes and maybe aggression from others. I remember when I was 8 or 9 months pregnant, a well-meaning brother said to me: "it's good to see you looking like you just don't eat only fruits and vegetables anymore." Plus other comments. I often think it's much harder to be vegetarian in a society that offers so much meat, and ridicules others who believe in it.



Edited by Lieblingskind

Gratitude vs. gratuitous  Phil.2:5

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Do you spot forms of anxieties and other mental issues in people choosing to eat vegan or vegetarian, like they did in this study?

🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

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4 hours ago, Thesauron said:

Do you spot forms of anxieties and other mental issues in people choosing to eat vegan or vegetarian, like they did in this study?

Hmmm. Good question. But that question is subject to whom you associate with and your surrounding environment, so it could perhaps sully my opinion too. The ones that stick out in my mind with mental anxieties are carnivores. But every situation is different, and there is "no one size fits all". My vegetarian friends are overall healthy-conscious people, and might be very particular about lifestyle choices in general - for ex. with spending or achieving success whether spiritually or secularly. Only the one sister I mentioned above is vegan, so I really can't say in general if there is a correlation of mental deficiency or not. I guess I haven't been exposed to so many vegetarians, as this study suggests.


The line I have noticed is when it gets into new age type healing with general overall well-being, and going into the realm of what we know is not ok.


But perhaps a new study will come out with meat eaters having similar results. There are always studies subject to different factors. Just like when coffee was supposedly unhealthy in one study, whereas fine in another. Most often than not, people form their opinions based on their personal experiences or what they were exposed to.


Personally I respect my vegan/vegetarian friends, because it demonstrates to me they have strong will-power, and desire to do something that they feel is good for themselves. When I was vegetarian for the 2 years, I had the clearest skin, and as I earlier mentioned lots of energy so I could keep up my exercising despite working full-time. But I was younger than, too. Kept me healthy all those years since then, though, compared to my peers. Sorry I digress. Don't know if this answered your question. lol

Edited by Lieblingskind

Gratitude vs. gratuitous  Phil.2:5

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Just thinking maybe there is a form of perfectionism in some vegetarians? Or some kind of traumatic experience leading to loss of self-control. For ex. those with eating disorders, namely anorexia, were found to be so because of indeed mental anxieties. One of those that sticks out from a documentary I watched was loss of control of her environment leading to the eating disorder. Her way of dealing with her loss of control.

Gratitude vs. gratuitous  Phil.2:5

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Isn't that meat eaters are more prone to diseases than those who are given to vegetables?

No, they are not. People who eat bad meat are equally prone to diseases as those eating bad vegetables. But people who chose to eat vegetables only might do so perhaps because of some anxiety within them. (“It is wrong to eat animals because it feels wrong to kill them...”)

🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

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Er ist lüstig.😅  Aber ehrlich..das andere Extrem nur rein Fleisch zu konsumieren (ohne Brot, Kartoffel, usw.) soll auch ganz gesund sein. Für manche Menschen sogar Heilung für den Körper. Naja. Wir werden im Paradies sehen. 🤩

Edited by Lieblingskind

Gratitude vs. gratuitous  Phil.2:5

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19 hours ago, Lieblingskind said:

Er ist lüstig.😅  Aber ehrlich..das andere Extrem nur rein Fleisch zu konsumieren (ohne Brot, Kartoffel, usw.) soll auch ganz gesund sein. Für manche Menschen sogar Heilung für den Körper. Naja. Wir werden im Paradies sehen. 🤩

Ich liebe Fleisch  - aber es gibt immer noch eine Beilage und hin und wieder "fleischlose Tage " (aber nicht zu oft 😆)

Chrissy :wave:

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  • 1 month later...
On 5/10/2020 at 11:11 AM, My little flower said:

Isn't that meat eaters are more prone to diseases than those who are given to vegetables?

Heme iron is the critical component of red meat, which promotes colorectal carcinogenesis.

High intake of heme and meat iron are associated with increased risk of esophageal and stomach cancers; whereas, iron intake from all foods is not associated with risk of these cancers.


Vegetarians appear to have lower low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels, lower blood pressure and lower rates of hypertension and type 2 diabetes than meat eaters. Vegetarians also tend to have a lower body mass index, lower overall cancer rates and lower risk of chronic disease

Edited by Naturale
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7 hours ago, ProcrastLife said:

People who are high in the personality trait neuroticism tend to be more easily disgusted. A common reason to quit meat. If you are high in this trait you are more likely to develop mental illness too. 

Yet I hear it's the other way around, that meat provides B vitamins, and a lack of B vitamins (especially B12) causes neuroticism.

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7 hours ago, EccentricM said:

Yet I hear it's the other way around, that meat provides B vitamins, and a lack of B vitamins (especially B12) causes neuroticism.

Thankfully there's B12 in eggs, dairy, some mushrooms, yeast, algae, and a variety of B12 fortified foods.

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54 minutes ago, Bjern said:

Thankfully there's B12 in eggs, dairy, some mushrooms, yeast, algae, and a variety of B12 fortified foods.

B12 is also good for pain relief, I take 2 under the tongue dissolve, a day as well as Magnesium. 

Safeguard Your Heart for " Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks" Matthew 12:34

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19 minutes ago, Bjern said:

That's good to know!

My SIL told me he had pain relief from the magnesium he got from Costco so I went and bought it. He is an 'agent orange' baby and suffers from really bad knees. He has to use braces for them and is in constant pain. Magnesium has alleviated some of his pain. And a sister who has multiple injuries was told to take B12 for her migraines says it helps make them more tolerable. Ok, so for my psoriatic arthritis I'll try anything. Does it help, umm maybe? Better to try to make it better than not I guess. 

Safeguard Your Heart for " Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks" Matthew 12:34

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6 minutes ago, bagwell1987 said:

My SIL told me he had pain relief from the magnesium he got from Costco so I went and bought it. He is an 'agent orange' baby and suffers from really bad knees. He has to use braces for them and is in constant pain. Magnesium has alleviated some of his pain. And a sister who has multiple injuries was told to take B12 for her migraines says it helps make them more tolerable. Ok, so for my psoriatic arthritis I'll try anything. Does it help, umm maybe? Better to try to make it better than not I guess. 

How can anyone have faith in humanity when things like agent orange exist?

Glad you have found things that help!

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