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Oh the Goodies for October & November

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New Magazines and Workbooks have just been posted...Oh man it’s really timely.




Special Campaign in November to Publicize God’s Kingdom




Prejudice—Are You Infected? Prejudice is like a virus. It harms its victims, and people can be unaware that they are infected.





Edited by Nemo
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1 hour ago, Nemo said:

New Magazines and Workbooks have just been posted...Oh man it’s really timely.




Special Campaign in November to Publicize God’s Kingdom




Prejudice—Are You Infected? Prejudice is like a virus. It harms its victims, and people can be unaware that they are infected.





I think we all feel like the Apostle John :" Amen! Come, Lord Jesus". 

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Important part:

Limited time is left before God’s Kingdom crushes all authority in opposition to it. (Da 2:44; 1Co 15:24, 25) Therefore, may we take full advantage of this special opportunity to show our allegiance to Jehovah and his Kingdom!

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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5 hours ago, New World Explorer said:

Important part:

Limited time is left before God’s Kingdom crushes all authority in opposition to it. (Da 2:44; 1Co 15:24, 25) Therefore, may we take full advantage of this special opportunity to show our allegiance to Jehovah and his Kingdom!

Exactly... I like the tone of this first sentence. :D 

We are coming back home soon :D 

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It is such a kind and loving article.  For some reason I thought it would be, well, I'm not sure. I guess this is not the hail stone message I was thinking it would be. I guess I was thinking stern, forceful, better get a move on people, the clock is ticking.    Like if a house was on  fire someone shouting "Wake up people! Get a move on! Dont let the door hit you  where ......" well you get my drift. Is it just the timing of the information with world conditions that will grab the attention of the right hearted ones? I was hoping for the governments to really be hit hard.  Just call me Noah. 



Thankful to be among friends everyday!

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When I started to study in Nov 1996 I was fascinated about the GT and Armageddon.  I wanted wanted to lead off with those scriptures. I guess since that is what got my attention I thought it should be that way for everyone. Finally my teacher told me "you attract more flies with honey", remember so well her taking the bible and saying "Look her. She pointed at a scripture and said "And this GOOD NEWS of the kingdom shall be preached".  She emphasized GOOD NEWS.  Ahhh, I guess I've just waited for this soooo long.  Not near as long as many others though.  Ill be content to wait a little longer.



Thankful to be among friends everyday!

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