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Jehovah’s Creation: What Could We Learn from the “Iberian Lynx”?

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Iberian Lynxes have vertical pupils and superb vision, particularly during low visibility.
They have amazing eyesight and can even spot a tiny mouse from a very far distance!

While all of us would love to have great eyesight, as Jehovah’s people we can have something more valuable, great “insight”.

Just an the Iberian Lynx was given outstanding eyesight by the Grand Creator, outstanding “insight” is given to us by Jehovah if we seek it. 

insight” can helps us to “see” beyond what the average person can see!


(Psalm 32:8)

“I will give you insight and instruct you in the way you should go.


*** it-1 p. 1202 Insight ***
Essentially, insight is the ability to see into a situation.

*** ws18 December p. 23 par. 10 Young Ones, You Can Have a Satisfying Life ***
When you are spiritually-minded, you will see the world and its future as God does.

Jehovah gives you this extraordinary knowledge and insight. (Just as Jehovah gives extraordinary “eyesight” to the Iberian Lynx!) 

Why? He wants you to know what is important in life, to make good decisions, and to look forward to the future without fear! (Read Isaiah 26:3.)

The Grand Creator also designed Iberian Lynxes with the ability to be incredible swimmers and climbers!

Each of us as Jehovah’s people must be like the Lynx, we cannot be poor “climbers” or “swimmers”.  Meaning that each of us are going to face more “obstacles” here in the future, including the biggest obstacle, the Great Tribulation. So we must develop a very strong spirituality in order to “climb” over all types of rough obstacles and be able to “swim” through the deepest of problems!


*** it-2 p. 445 Mount, Mountain ***

At times mountains represent obstacles. For example, the obstacles that stood in the way of Israel’s returning from Babylonian exile and those that later prevented progress in the temple rebuilding work were compared to mountains. (Isa 40:1-4; Zec 4:7)

*** w86 1/15 pp. 17-18 par. 11 Regaining Power, Not Tiring Out ***
When faced with obstacles, David always found Jehovah to be a source of new vigor. Revitalized by holy spirit, David was thus able to ‘climb over’ any opposition. He said: “By you I can run against a marauder band; and by my God I can climb a wall.” Jehovah can do the same for you.

*** es17 p. 15 January ***
We need to safeguard our spirituality. Because we live in a world that is dominated by Satan the Devil and because we are imperfect, it is easy for us to adopt the wrong thinking and conduct of the world. The world’s spirit might be compared to a river current that is pulling us in a direction we do not want to go. To avoid being swept downstream, we must vigorously swim in the other direction. Similarly, effort is required to keep from being swept away by the spirit of Satan’s world.




And finally 1 other wonderful thing about the Iberian Lynx. When they are young kittens, if they are in a good, safe environment with other animals around, these Iberian Lynx kittens tend to get attached to others around them! These young ones are easy to train and they develop good social skills. Can you tell by these picture how they get attached to others?



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Why might these Iberian Lynx kittens develop such attachments? 


Concerning the Creator, Moses told the nation of Israel:

“To your forefathers did Jehovah get ATTACHED so as to love them.” (Deut. 10:15) :crush:


However, it is very interesting yet sad how an Iberian Lynx, if it doesn’t learn to develop attachments to others, when it becomes an adult it tends to isolate!  So I was thinking about how each of us could be here with each other on JWtalk and with our congregation and with our family, let’s be like our loving Father and be like how these young Iberian Lynxes are, let’s try to get attached to others! Sometimes we can tend to isolate or we are a little hesitant to allow ourselves to become attached to others. Maybe we have been hurt by others, and so it is understandable why we might be hesitant or even a little scared. But I would rather take the risk of getting hurt so that I can, “get ATTACHED so as to love them”! 


Edited by Beggar for the Spirit

"Create in me a pure heart, O God, And put within me a new spirit, a steadfast one" (PS 51:10)


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39 minutes ago, Miss Bea said:

Thanks, brother. I love cats of all types. Now I know, these cats are special. As all are, in reality. 
Have a good day, and each post you make, gives me inner joy. 💐

Could as well have been my own comment 😻

Chrissy :wave:

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