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Peace and Security, Great Tribulation, Armageddon

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11 hours ago, trottigy said:


I hope you are correct. I can't help but feel we are close to a decade away.... But that is just me.


I try to be ready for it last another decade or two while hoping it comes tomorrow!

We have never experienced this world situation before.  It is chaotic and the prophecies are being fulfilled right before our eyes.  There are no 10 years.


A process of elimination tells us that we are closer then we think.  Don't postpone this in your minds otherwise, you may not be prepared.

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3 hours ago, Richie said:

For now the best tool for assumption is the degradation of earth resources for human sustainability.

Hmm... definitely "polluting" the earth is part of foretold negative events during  the last days, but I wouldn't say it's a best tool to determine certain aspects of the last days. Jesus did not solely focus on this.

All other things must come together. And don't forget about degradation of moral standards as well... 

The Bible focuses solely on one single sentence which will trigger GT ... namely "Peace and Security"

In whatever format that's the key that opens GT. Soon we will know how the prophecy will be fulfilled. 


Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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However, the bible says "when they are saying peace and security" not when they are declaring peace and security.


We still don't know.  Most prophecies are fulfilled without our knowledge because its in process or, it has already happened.  Remember, it will catch all of us by surprise.  Even the GB.


However, the big one will be when they come after Babylon the Great!



Edited by cme

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43 minutes ago, cme said:

We have never experienced this world situation before.  It is chaotic and the prophecies are being fulfilled right before our eyes.  There are no 10 years.


A process of elimination tells us that we are closer then we think.  Don't postpone this in your minds otherwise, you may not be prepared.

The mistake is in setting a time limit. (Matthew 24:36)

Edited by truce
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19 hours ago, Patience87 said:

Dear sister,


I'm encouraged by your reliance on Jehovah. You have no doubt tasted and seen that Jehovah is good. I feel sorry for those who never test Jehovah out. They do not know what they are missing. I too had a good paying job at one point but I started to feel like I didn't make the truth my own and promised Jehovah I would pioneer if I ever could. Now I loved to work so I have to be honest and say I would have never stopped working to pioneer on my own.


So keep up your spiritual routine and stay close to Jehovah. Try to encourage the brothers and sisters you were speaking of and do not be envious. You are very rich, spiritually rich, and no one can take that away from you. Anyone not relying on Jehovah and relying on money will be disappointed. We will never end up disappointed or regret life in service to Jehovah. The retirement benefits are far greater anyways. 😉

Its not easy though.My non jw father would be happier seeing me get richer like my cousins. They own more than 1  house. I own nothing. 


But seeking treasures both on earth and  in heaven wont be possible at the same time. I also do want traveling other parts of the world like the rest do, what's the price of it? 

Envious is a strong word. I dont envy people who amass things like always  eating fancy food  if it means not be able to be active in spiritual activities. 


Its not easy though. The spirit of the world is materialistic. Requires constant fight until we are in this system of things. 


"There's no comfort zone in satan's system." 


On the other hand, there's something so different these days.. So much changes. so wickedness. Things are unstable.













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24 minutes ago, cme said:

However, the bible says "when they are saying peace and security" not when they are declaring peace and security.

I do agree with this.... for long time I suspect surprising entry to GT ..., well, it remains to be seen how this will be fulfilled.  

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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2 hours ago, truce said:

The mistake is in setting a time limit. (Matthew 24:36)

Yes, I agree.  I've been trying not to have too high expectations.  I am excited about the times we live in but don't want to be discouraged when things seem to "delay".   Now I see the wisdom in the saying you can't serve Jehovah with a date in mind.  Be watchful, but patience (with Jehovah's help)


Phil. 2:15.  w15 3/15 pp. 12-16Will You “Keep on the Watch”?


..They devote themselves exclusively to Jehovah and serve him, not with some date or deadline in mind, but out of love and loyalty to him and to his Son. They maintain their integrity, refusing to adopt the spirit of this wicked world and its materialistic, immoral, and selfish attitudes. They thus remain ready, steadily shining as illuminators, undaunted by any apparent delay in the arrival of the Bridegroom.

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17 hours ago, trottigy said:


I hope you are correct. I can't help but feel we are close to a decade away.... But that is just me.


I try to be ready for it last another decade or two while hoping it comes tomorrow!

I agree with you. Things are happening but I feel it will be several years before Jehovah's Day begins. I really wouldn't be surprised if we have another 10 years before we see it.


I personally think the declaration of P&S will involve a major change at the UN, so I will wait and get excited when I see some serious indication that the UN is being restructured to be stronger and more effective. I think we have 5-10 years before we see the UN start to grow teeth... 

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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4 hours ago, cme said:

For the past 20 years the Society has said to downsize.  Did anyone listen?


This would be a good topic of it's own.

I have thought about Mt. 6:33 a lot.   The FDS has explained that every legitimate need will be satisfied as we seek first the Kingdom.

And yet, as an imperfect human, I look at others (myself and others) including our dear appointed men, and I see very few living according to Mt. 6:33.

Maybe I'm taking it too literal?   Jesus did gently counsel Peter by asking him "Do you love me more than these"?


QFR w88 11/1 says "We can ask ourselves a similar question involving 'these things' that might attract us, such as our interesting job or business, our enjoyment of secular education, our home or our favorite form of recreation. We can frankly ponder: "Do I love Jesus more than any or all of these things?"  Jesus showed that if our answer is yes, we will be showing it by feeding the "little sheep".


This is between ourselves and Jehovah.  But I personally feel that I put my business first for a looong time.  Material things weren't as important to me.  But running a 'successful' business was just about a 24/7 mindset.

After Jesus was killed, Peter said "I'm going fishing". Afterward, Jesus appeared to them and helped them to focus on the more important work he had for them and they got the point.


I truly admire those who really are putting the Kingdom first.   I'm working on it.

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3 hours ago, Sackedbysapp said:

Funny how those thing never did happen…


Interesting, eh?


All too often that happens. People often project out the worst, including for the environment, economy, government relationships and resources and then it doesn't happen quite like that. The planet and people are very resilient. After all, we are made in God's image. 


Anyway, keep hanging in there and know Jehovah will help us how ever long it takes! In the meantime, we'll do our best to be - ready right now.

Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





Soon .....


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No one can say how long it is going to be, a day, a month, a year, a decade.  Only Jehovah knows and he will act perfectly on time just as he has done in the past.


Daniel put it very eloquently: 

(Daniel 2:21) 21 He changes times and seasons,
Removes kings and sets up kings,
Gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those with discernment.


A 1965 Watchtower stated concerning another momentous event in Bible prophecy:


MENE, MENE, TEKEL and PARSIN—four little words that frightened the king

of a world power almost out of his wits, toppled an empire, took a king and his

coregent off the throne, put another in their place, spelled out the end of Semitic

world domination and transferred it into Aryan hands, exposed the entire priesthood

of a nation as false and their gods as powerless and exalted Jehovah as the great



Jehovah doesn't wait for puny human governments to get their 'ducks in a row' so to speak before effecting changes in human affairs. And as witnessed in the above example, it can happen overnight.   Just keep up with the 'fast-moving chariot,' which equips us with what we need to journey 'safe and sound' through the momentous times in which we live. 


"Where the scriptures and and the slave are silent, I do not speak." :bible2:

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2 hours ago, Watching and Waiting said:

No one can say how long it is going to be, a day, a month, a year, a decade.  Only Jehovah knows and he will act perfectly on time just as he has done in the past.


Daniel put it very eloquently: 

(Daniel 2:21) 21 He changes times and seasons,
Removes kings and sets up kings,
Gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those with discernment.


A 1965 Watchtower stated concerning another momentous event in Bible prophecy:


MENE, MENE, TEKEL and PARSIN—four little words that frightened the king

of a world power almost out of his wits, toppled an empire, took a king and his

coregent off the throne, put another in their place, spelled out the end of Semitic

world domination and transferred it into Aryan hands, exposed the entire priesthood

of a nation as false and their gods as powerless and exalted Jehovah as the great



Jehovah doesn't wait for puny human governments to get their 'ducks in a row' so to speak before effecting changes in human affairs. And as witnessed in the above example, it can happen overnight.   Just keep up with the 'fast-moving chariot,' which equips us with what we need to journey 'safe and sound' through the momentous times in which we live. 


Thank you so much for this. A reminder to me to not delay the coming of Jehovah's Day In my mind, but prove myself ready by getting my [spiritual] affairs in order. If there is any thing to change, any habit or practice to cease from, NOW is the time, not tomorrow, not next week, next month or next year. Thanks a lot. 

24 minutes ago, jrnievas said:

What if, in just one night... all things suddenly have changed.. and the UN and KOTN leaders declared peace and security for some reason... and just tomorrow morning, they started to attack Babylon the Great... are we really ready???

What if tonight is the night? Sobering indeed. 

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27 minutes ago, jrnievas said:

What if, in just one night... all things suddenly have changed.. and the UN and KOTN leaders declared peace and security for some reason... and just tomorrow morning, they started to attack Babylon the Great... are we really ready???

Are we ready? That’s another topic all by itself. People are coming into the truth all the time everyone will have different levels of faith some will have years of trust built up, others a few months maybe. Then people joining at the last minute 

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30 minutes ago, jrnievas said:

What if, in just one night... all things suddenly have changed.. and the UN and KOTN leaders declared peace and security for some reason... and just tomorrow morning, they started to attack Babylon the Great...

I think about this so but so often…

Old Babylon fell in one night.


one night - only.

Since Revelation chapter 18 mentions that very same… about BTG, I try to be ready every day waiting eagerly 


imagine a single happening:

Back in 539 BC Bel·shazʹzar was killed. That caused the fall of Babylon in Persian s hands.


Now imagine the world impact if all of sudden V. Putin died.


Just think 🤔 if Russian regime falls into democratic hands. I have asked ChatGPT and the answers were interesting 

Edited by Sofia

Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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14 minutes ago, Sofia said:

I think about this so but so often…

Old Babylon fell in one night.


one night - only.

Since Revelation chapter 18 mentions that very same… about BTG, I try to be ready every day waiting eagerly 


imagine a single happening:

Back in 539 BC Bel·shazʹzar was killed. That caused the fall of Babylon in Persian s hands.


Now imagine the world impact if all of sudden V. Putin died.


Just think 🤔 if Russian regime falls into democratic hands. I have asked ChatGPT and the answers were interesting 

Well, we should be cautious about tying the coming of the GT around the death of any world ruler. We remember that Vladmir Putin is not the King of the North. Russia and her allies are. And even if he were, his death or overthrow may or may not have anything to do with the coming of the GT

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5 hours ago, Tortuga said:

I think we have 5-10 years before we see the UN start to grow teeth... 

We all should not “lock” ourselves into one way thinking … those who think the end will come tomorrow might be surprised that system went bit longer than anticipated. And those who think it’s another 10 years might be surprised with sudden and quick change on a worldly scene that throw us straight into GT. Things are so unpredictable right now. What we see today can be gone tomorrow. After pandemic this world went absolutely crazy. 

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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33 minutes ago, truce said:

So, where are your pants? Have you got a few in readiness?

I have a pair of brown pants, just in case...:whistling:

Edited by Tortuga
CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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4 minutes ago, truce said:

Well, we should be cautious about tying the coming of the GT around the death of any world ruler. We remember that Vladmir Putin is not the King of the North. Russia and her allies are. And even if he were, his death or overthrow may or may not have anything to do with the coming of the GT

Yes true, but his death would have massive consequences and unpredictable outcomes for Ukraine war, his death would be catastrophic for the ruling elite, in fact Putin is the one who is holding everything together, once he is out of picture who knows how much impact that would have. 

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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