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Peace and Security, Great Tribulation, Armageddon

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I also think it is important that we know relatively what is happening on the world political scene, I always wait for the information that comes from the slave, I maintain my neutrality, I am not on either side, my heart is also not on either side, but we we have the ability to perceive events now that will lead this system to Armageddon, what happens in the world helps me maintain vigilance, I also know that it is important to filter some information and not get stressed, I remember when I was little the objective of the magazine the Watchtower, remain attentive to world events as biblical prophecies are fulfilled, I started to observe more everything that happens in the different scenarios that the world is going through, in fact we want the Kingdom of God to come quickly, and events prove that this is too close to happening.

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24 minutes ago, Frances Bennett said:

We aren't at Armageddon yet, these froglike expressions of propaganda are what occur right before it, they are what lead the nations into direct opposition to Jehovah

You confused me dear sister as previously you wrote: (when discussing news) ☺️


The propaganda frogs pose a very real threat to Jesus followers...to US...we mustn't swallow down those frogs.


so anything that comes out of the mouths of the false prophet or the wild beast...test test test...and not from other false prophet / wild beast sources...from sources independent to them.

His comments on the Ukraine are propaganda too NATO are at war with Russia. It's a proxy war being fought in the Ukraine. NATO are also UN compliant ( https://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/topics_50321.htm )


It's all propaganda people...frogs out of the mouth of the wild beast, the false prophet and the dragon:


It's tempting to include this and view current statements of politicians as "propaganda frogs" but the scriptures are precisely identifying such propaganda as very unique event just shortly before Armageddon. 

And...on that note.. no doubt there is a lot of lies and deception as political system is controlled by Satan. 

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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8 minutes ago, New World Explorer said:

You confused me dear sister as previously you wrote: (when discussing news) ☺️


The propaganda frogs pose a very real threat to Jesus followers...to US...we mustn't swallow down those frogs.


so anything that comes out of the mouths of the false prophet or the wild beast...test test test...and not from other false prophet / wild beast sources...from sources independent to them.

His comments on the Ukraine are propaganda too NATO are at war with Russia. It's a proxy war being fought in the Ukraine. NATO are also UN compliant ( https://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/topics_50321.htm )


It's all propaganda people...frogs out of the mouth of the wild beast, the false prophet and the dragon:


It's tempting to include this and view current statements of politicians as "propaganda frogs" but the scriptures are precisely identifying such propaganda as very unique event just shortly before Armageddon. 

And...on that note.. no doubt there is a lot of lies and deception as political system is controlled by Satan. 


Yes indeed...remember we don't know "the day or the hour".


Imagine dismissing those frogs as nothing new, nothing relevant, when in fact they are that "very unique event".


I'd much rather test test test whilst I'm on the watch.


Like in the illustration of the watchman, he hears a rustling in the bushes...is it a threat...oh no it's just a rabbit,  false alarm 😉 what if dismissed the rustling and missed the attack.


Unless of course you have special information on when the "unique event" starts :)


Edited by Frances Bennett
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3 minutes ago, Frances Bennett said:

Like in the illustration of the watchman, he hears a rustling in the bushes...is it a threat...oh no it's just a rabbit,  false alarm 😉 what if dismissed the rustling and missed the attack.

Definitely we need to be alert, but putting everything in one bucket is a mistake. 

Alertness and future propaganda that leads to Armageddon, especially when it relates to the news and events around us are two entirely different matters. 

It will be fascinating to see how that future propaganda takes shape and how the nations respond to it.

But we are not here yet! So lets just move on from this subject :)


Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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2 hours ago, New World Explorer said:

Definitely we need to be alert, but putting everything in one bucket is a mistake. 

Alertness and future propaganda that leads to Armageddon, especially when it relates to the news and events around us are two entirely different matters. 

It will be fascinating to see how that future propaganda takes shape and how the nations respond to it.

But we are not here yet! So lets just move on from this subject :)



Obviously you know something I don't...hehe...let's hope its a rabbit in the bushes 

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US govt shutdown looming?  Its in the news. Just scare people. 


What I know is that the preaching and disciple making are more urgent than ever now. 


Shortened bible study now. We got very few  magazines for public. 

So yes, as GB says.. any day now!  just around the corner.  We dont know neither the day or the hour but we know the season.. Its the last of the last days. 

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6 hours ago, New World Explorer said:

Definitely we need to be alert, but putting everything in one bucket is a mistake. 

Alertness and future propaganda that leads to Armageddon, especially when it relates to the news and events around us are two entirely different matters. 

It will be fascinating to see how that future propaganda takes shape and how the nations respond to it.

But we are not here yet! So lets just move on from this subject :)





the Revelation Climax book says:



"During the Lord’s day, there has also been a disgusting froglike visitation, though from a different source. It consists of Satan’s “unclean inspired expressions,” clearly symbolizing propaganda designed to maneuver all human rulers, “kings,” into opposition to Jehovah God."


So, this is something that has been happening "During the Lord's day".

Also interesting was an older magazine that tried to describe some of this "propaganda" this way:



So the demon-inspired froglike expressions out of their mouths go on, about worship of the State, about national sovereignty, about materialism, about world peace and security through the United Nations. 



According to our publications, we are seeing that propaganda today. It is not some distant event that happens only during the GT. Satan has been letting these out to 



Satan thus makes sure that they are not swayed by the pouring out of the bowls of God’s anger but are firmly on Satan’s side when “the war of the great day of God the Almighty” begins.



Satan is "hardening" the leaders now with his propaganda - so, when things happen it only makes them more determined to go after God's people.


EDIT: I imagine it will intensify during the GT with one big push. Well, it is interesting times we live in now and they are going to be EVEN MORE interesting then, eh.



Edited by trottigy
Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





Soon .....


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1 hour ago, JennyM said:

Paralisação do governo dos EUA se aproxima? Está nas notícias. Apenas assustar as pessoas. 


O que sei é que a pregação e o discipulado são mais urgentes do que nunca. 


Estudo bíblico abreviado agora. Temos muito poucas revistas para o público. 

Então sim, como diz GB .. a qualquer momento! virando a esquina. Não sabemos nem o dia nem a hora, mas sabemos a estação. É o último dos últimos dias. 

Here is the information 

What could happen if the government shuts down


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2 hours ago, JennyM said:

US govt shutdown looming?  Its in the news. Just scare people. 


What I know is that the preaching and disciple making are more urgent than ever now. 


Shortened bible study now. We got very few  magazines for public. 

So yes, as GB says.. any day now!  just around the corner.  We dont know neither the day or the hour but we know the season.. Its the last of the last days. 

This shutdown event happens every year sis and at times it does scare people especially those who deep into politics.

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Considering the headline on jw.org , "No More Corrupt Politicians" ,  and the statement made on page 4 of What Is God's Kingdom? - "The world needs better rulers and a better form of government".


While we claim to be neutral  .   .    we seem to be slapping the hornets nest.


It's exciting to anticipate what the FDS will publish next.     :o

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42 minutes ago, Doug said:

While we claim to be neutral  .   .    we seem to be slapping the hornets nest.

We are politically neutral about what the world governments do to each other, however we are not neutral when we discuss what God's Kingdom will do.


It does feel like slapping a hornets nest, but it's more like throwing stones at the nest, and eventually Jehovah will hit them with a big stone...😁

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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6 minutes ago, Tortuga said:

eventually Jehovah will hit them with a big stone...😁


It's on the way  .    .     


I personally am in favor of those statements.  The slave doesn't water-down the truth.  But the world may see us as anti-government activists.  But we don't need to be concerned.  Even Jesus was falsely accused of sedition.

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3 hours ago, Doug said:


While we claim to be neutral  .   .    we seem to be slapping the hornets nest.


We don’t just claim to be neutral.... we are neutral.

Politicians on both sides are corrupt. It’s pretty much common knowledge. We don’t take a side. That’s what being neutral means. Not taking sides. We condemn all corruption.

Our whole ministry is basically about government and rulership ----- The Kingdom good news. Part of that good now is; No More Corrupt Politicians!.   We are definitely neutral.  

But we are under command to preach another Government......wether they like it or not.

"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem." (tu)  

All spelling and grammatical errors are for your enjoyment and entertainment only and are copyright Burt, aka Pjdriver.

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Sorry to go back to the 'frogs and propoganda topic' but this is a great Morning Worship from Brother David Schafer that is worth watching.



Don't give up .. it's just around the corner.

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This is huge if pans out. 



JERUSALEM, Sept 21 (Reuters) - A framework U.S.-brokered deal for forging relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia could be in place by early next year, the Israeli foreign minister said on Thursday after the three countries signalled progress in the complex negotiations.


An Israeli-Saudi normalisation would dramatically redraw the Middle East by formally bringing together two major U.S. partners in the face of Iran - a foreign-policy flourish for President Joe Biden as he seeks reelection in late 2024.

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10 minutes ago, JW-Ind said:

This is huge if pans out. 



JERUSALEM, Sept 21 (Reuters) - A framework U.S.-brokered deal for forging relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia could be in place by early next year, the Israeli foreign minister said on Thursday after the three countries signalled progress in the complex negotiations.


An Israeli-Saudi normalisation would dramatically redraw the Middle East by formally bringing together two major U.S. partners in the face of Iran - a foreign-policy flourish for President Joe Biden as he seeks reelection in late 2024.

Pans out of Saudis developing nukes. Does peace along with nukes make since? According to Satan, yes. 1 John 5:19.

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Another reporting (spin?)




A deal would represent a significant foreign policy victory for the president and has the potential to enhance Israel’s acceptance in the Muslim world, particularly considering Saudi Arabia’s role as the custodian of Islam’s holiest sites. MBS said a pact with Israel would be “the biggest historical deal since the Cold War.”

Most Arab and Islamic states don’t recognize Israel. The kingdom proposed an “Arab Peace initiative” in 2002, which offered Israel security and “normal relations” with 57 Arab and Muslim countries in exchange for its withdrawal from occupied Palestinian territories and the creation of an independent Palestinian state. Israel rejected the initiative.





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8 hours ago, GeordieGirl said:

Sorry to go back to the 'frogs and propaganda topic' but this is a great Morning Worship from Brother David Schafer that is worth watching.



Yes, my understanding of the "frogs" is based on that. 

Those future expressions will be very pronounced and unique ..and those expressions are still in the future. (also there is possibly some signs/miracles will be associated with those frog like expressions) 

The lies and everyday propaganda that we see today in a political system are just small prelude of it. 

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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3 hours ago, New World Explorer said:

Yes, my understanding of the "frogs" is based on that. 

Those future expressions will be very pronounced and unique ..and those expressions are still in the future. (also there is possibly some signs/miracles will be associated with those frog like expressions) 

The lies and everyday propaganda that we see today in a political system are just small prelude of it. 

This "little toe" of Jehovah's organization, yours truly, concurs. 🙂

“He who knows patience knows peace.” — Chinese Proverb
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20 hours ago, Pjdriver said:


Politicians on both sides are corrupt. 


When Jesus was on earth he called out the religious leaders for their man-made traditions and overall hypocrisy.  But did he call out the political leaders?  I can't think of an example.  The religious leaders had to twist themselves into a pretzel to accuse Jesus of sedition against Rome.


The FDS has properly called out man-made organizations (UN and governments) for their failures.  And we know the Bible condemns those organizations.


But calling out politicians for their corruption seems to be a ramping up.  The headline article says "People want government leaders they can trust; they are tired of corrupt politicians."  The impression is that the majority of  politicians are corrupt.


Now let's consider w97 6/1 pp. 12-17  "In many places Jehovah's Witnesses are becoming more and more the center of media attention. (NOTE:  This is long before the launch of jw.org)  It certainly would be unwise, and not in keeping with Jesus' counsel, to thrust ourselves into the midst of controversy unnecessarily."


So, what might be a reason for putting a spotlight on corrupt politicians?


The Bible speaks about Jehovah putting hooks into Satan's jaws and drawing him into battle.  The same '97 Watchtower says "But why would God allow - yes, even provoke - an all-out attack on his people?"


Some may feel the putting of hooks into his jaws is speaking exclusively of the attack of Gog, following the destruction of BtG.  And it does include that.  But Jehovah also "put hooks into the jaws" of Pharaoh of Egypt.


So, friends,  it seems to me that calling out politicians for their corruption is a new direction from the GB.  It may well be a provocation, a putting of hooks into the jaws of the devil's agents, drawing them into battle, as was done with Pharaoh.


If so, we will see more provocative articles in the future.  Reminds of the march around Jericho seven times?  If this is what Jehovah's spirit is leading the GB to do,  provoke,  then "it's later than we think".



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1914 didn.t happen.

Jesus msy have rrsoected that.


Some government officials don.t worship the wild beast and may try to do good.


Either way... Jehovah blessed his Christ.

And its our true privilege to live him as our royal king blessed by Jehovah. Our oldest brother eventually.

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1 hour ago, Doug said:


But calling out politicians for their corruption seems to be a ramping up.  The headline article says "People want government leaders they can trust; they are tired of corrupt politicians."  The impression is that the majority of  politicians are corrupt.


Doug, the difference is that the FS never mentions specific politicians. If fact they counsel us to not name any specific politician when talking about corruption. Like I said.....corruption in politics has been common knowledge from "Day One”. People have been protesting that as well. So we don’t stand out in that regard. 

Although we have one sister who likes to take shots at Trump from time to time. :lol1:


If we show the article  to a person on one political side they will assume it’s talking about the other side,  and vise versa.  :lol:


The good new must be preached. A righteous corruption- free Government. We would be negligent if we did not expose and point people to the Kingdom. We must obey God,  rather than fear we might upset the beast. They are coming after us regardless according to the prophesy....so bring it on! :coffee:

"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem." (tu)  

All spelling and grammatical errors are for your enjoyment and entertainment only and are copyright Burt, aka Pjdriver.

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