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Peace and Security, Great Tribulation, Armageddon

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14 minutes ago, Abigail said:


Je suis d'accord Sofia. En fait, je pense que la Grande-Bretagne en saura plus que Satan - Amos 3 : 7


Satan savait qu'en 1914 il disposait d'une courte période de temps et il doit être évident pour lui que cette période est proche, mais je ne crois toujours pas qu'il en sache plus que nous.

I remember a zone speech as we used to call them, a few years ago. Fabulous speech which spoke of the spiritual spheres in an unusual way. The brother had mentioned the idea that Satan knew, for example, that a Son of God must be the seed but he was probably unaware of his identity. It was when he realized that Michael was no longer geographically with his Father that he would have understood who the promised seed was. So it was through observation that he came to the right conclusion regarding Messiah. Was the Branch brother just speculating? Maybe. But the idea was that Satan was far from knowing everything about God's plan, time and eras.

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18 minutes ago, Dolce vita said:

I remember a zone speech as we used to call them, a few years ago. Fabulous speech which spoke of the spiritual spheres in an unusual way. The brother had mentioned the idea that Satan knew, for example, that a Son of God must be the seed but he was probably unaware of his identity. It was when he realized that Michael was no longer geographically with his Father that he would have understood who the promised seed was. So it was through observation that he came to the right conclusion regarding Messiah. Was the Branch brother just speculating? Maybe. But the idea was that Satan was far from knowing everything about God's plan, time and eras.

How about calculating the time given to daniel? 

For sure, satan, a former angel knows advance math. 

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19 minutes ago, Dolce vita said:

I remember a zone speech as we used to call them, a few years ago. Fabulous speech which spoke of the spiritual spheres in an unusual way. The brother had mentioned the idea that Satan knew, for example, that a Son of God must be the seed but he was probably unaware of his identity. It was when he realized that Michael was no longer geographically with his Father that he would have understood who the promised seed was. So it was through observation that he came to the right conclusion regarding Messiah. Was the Branch brother just speculating? Maybe. But the idea was that Satan was far from knowing everything about God's plan, time and eras.

Love this. I was trying to get a mental grasp on something similar and I thought of Christ's birth and this says it so well. What Gabriel spoke to Mary and Joseph must have been hidden from Satan. Otherwise why did he try to kill all the males under 2 years? Sickening genocide.

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9 minutes ago, JennyM said:

Et si on calculait le temps accordé à Daniel ? 

C'est sûr, satan, un ancien ange connaît les mathématiques à l'avance. 

I don't know, @JennyM. I don't have a personal opinion on this type of subject. I study, I listen to official speeches and I report what I remember. On the other hand, I infinitely love 'hearing' the buzz of all your brains. It's very refreshing and I find a lot of spiritual intelligence on this international forum. It's beautiful. That said, I don't always understand what is being expressed. There are sometimes very 'cultural' writings to which other cultures do not have access, and this is undoubtedly the case when, for my part, it is me who writes. Sometimes I say to myself 'but what are my dear brothers and sisters saying? What does it mean ? Are these private jokes? 'Again: lovely!

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1 hour ago, Sofia said:

When Jesus was on Earth he said that about that day nobody knows except His Father. Yet when Satan was overthrown from heavens he knew he had a short period of time.

Satan has a pretty good idea of the time left till Armagedom when he will be emprisioned.


Honestly speaking, I don’t believe Jehovah doesn’t give a hint to GB about the time of GT onset. 
it’s a VERY important stage on His timeline. His Name is to become sanctified and well known for his judgement upon Satan s World

His witnesses on Earth will be spared. They are precious to Him!

GB is the only way we have instructions to be saved!

of course they will receive the final seal right before GT. (Rev. 7:1-8)

Of course GB will tell us all we need to know to survive👌

They are already doing that 🥰



Daniel 2:28 But there is a God in the heavens who is a Revealer of secrets🌷

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9 minutes ago, Abigail said:


Il savait à peu près quand et où, mais pas qui.

That's it. Thanks to Daniel. The Jews themselves knew this. But who would he be? Could he (Satan) even have thought: 'everyone except Michael' because of his precise place in Jehovah's heart? Couldn't he have drawn the right conclusion from the drama that played out between Abraham and his Son? We won't have the answer, but we know that since the flood, Satan and his demonic family have been in a state of degradation, with, we imagine, a thick spiritual fog around them. I also notice that when Jesus exchanged a few rare words with the impure spirits, the latter knew that an hour was going to strike for them, with Gen 3:15 and other references no doubt, but some were afraid that Jesus was rushing that hour. There is perhaps an adjustment variable in all of this that we ignore.

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1 hour ago, Abigail said:


.... but I still don't believe he knows any more than we do.

Maybe a little bit more. He knows what's going on behind the scene. He has his spies (demons) sitting in on all the secret talks and meetings of all the world's governments and important players and he  knows things that are being planned and instigated. He can see a few steps ahead and figure out what happens next. 

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3 hours ago, Abigail said:


Do you really think Satan knows when Babylon the Great will be destroyed?


He didn't know when the Flood would be until 7 days before.


Not knowing the day or hour isn't just for our benefit. It's also protecting Jehovah's strategy.

No i don't think he knows when bbtg will fall ... but he knows it's close like we do. Never said he knew the day or hour, but we don't need to know it to know how close we are. 

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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2 hours ago, Abigail said:


I agree Sofia. I actually think the GB will know more than Satan - Amos 

Especially once they receive their final sealing which is prior to bbtg falling.


NB remember he and his mates were thrown into tartarus ... a spiritual darkness ... so his knowledge may in fact be limited and not know the finer details. 

Edited by Stormswift

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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Remember too he asked Jesus if he was there to destroy him at that time. So that indicates he knows he's on death row... but the hour of execution eludes him. 

Satan is in a situation akin to being disfellowshipped well worse really he's the great apostate ... can't see any sharing spiritual light with him. But  he will be watching us and will see our heightened activities. 

Edited by Stormswift

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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4 hours ago, blue-jay said:

Maybe a little bit more. He knows what's going on behind the scene. He has his spies (demons) sitting in on all the secret talks and meetings of all the world's governments and important players and he  knows things that are being planned and instigated. He can see a few steps ahead and figure out what happens next. 


This.   He isn't a passive observer, he's pulling the strings, as one of our older videos puts it.


In my earlier post, I didn't say he "knows" when, I said he is more able than we are to "anticipate" when.


I would add to Sister Jay's comment above  -  I can see no reason why Satan would not be aware of how many of "this generation" there are at any given time.  He may not know what Jesus meant by "will by no means pass away".  Did Jesus mean a thousand ,  a few hundred?   The slave has said "by no means" doesn't have to mean just a couple dozen.  It could be a considerable number.


So, even if Satan doesn't have that kind of insight, he can see the numbers of "this generation" dropping.  He may even be aware of their age and health.  He can do the math.   This is information we publishers don't have.

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4 hours ago, blue-jay said:

Maybe a little bit more. He knows what's going on behind the scene. He has his spies (demons) sitting in on all the secret talks and meetings of all the world's governments and important players and he  knows things that are being planned and instigated. He can see a few steps ahead and figure out what happens next. 

That’s what I was thinking. I think satan won’t know the GT is about to begin until Jehovah puts the hatred for BTG in the rulers hearts and satan hears all of them around the world expressing this hatred. It will be clear to him and the demons that the GT is about to begin. They can then try to mislead the world with the proclamation of peace and security right before the destruction takes place.

The Hebrew word cushi or kushi is an affectionate term generally used in the Bible to refer to a dark-skinned person of African descent.


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⚠ Just some thoughts... ⚠


What if all the past P&S declarations were Satan trying to throw us off track or get us desensitized....


And then soon (if it hasn't already happened) Jehovah takes away Satan's ability to influence/lead human governments...and so the path he started them on ultimately leads to the start of the GT?


The Bible says the expressions are inspired by demons....it doesn't mean Satan/demons make governments do the very thing that causes their destruction (are they really that stupid???).  But their past inspiration is what leads them to that point...and Jehovah taking the reins away from them allows the path to lead to its conclusion.


How ironic would that be??? How frustrating would that be to Satan?  So that the very tricks he was pulling leads to his demise, and there's nothing he can do about it but watch?  😁


Remember, Jehovah does things with STYLE!  :thumbsup:

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2 minutes ago, computerwiz said:

⚠ Just some thoughts... ⚠


What if all the past P&S declarations were Satan trying to throw us off track or get us desensitized....


And then soon (if it hasn't already happened) Jehovah takes away Satan's ability to influence/lead human governments...and so the path he started them on ultimately leads to the start of the GT?


The Bible says the expressions are inspired by demons....it doesn't mean Satan/demons make governments do the very thing that causes their destruction (are they really that stupid???).  But their past inspiration is what leads them to that point...and Jehovah taking the reins away from them allows the path to lead to its conclusion.


How ironic would that be??? How frustrating would that be to Satan?  So that the very tricks he was pulling leads to his demise, and there's nothing he can do about it but watch?  😁


Remember, Jehovah does things with STYLE!  :thumbsup:

This makes me think of Jesus.  The movement to kill Jesus was definitely satanic.  It doesn't make sense that he'd push to do something that literally sets up his ultimate defeat and destruction.  But, for whatever reason, he did it anyway.  Could he have pushed too hard and lost control of "his humans"?  Did Jehovah remove control of the pharisees at just the right time to make sure prophecy was fulfilled?  We don't know.  I feel this is how it might happen with the start of the GT.  We don't know why, but Satan will push for something to happen that AGAIN sets him up for failure and destruction and the vindication of Jehovah's name and sovereignty.  

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22 minutes ago, Doug said:


This.   He isn't a passive observer, he's pulling the strings, as one of our older videos puts it.


In my earlier post, I didn't say he "knows" when, I said he is more able than we are to "anticipate" when.


I would add to Sister Jay's comment above  -  I can see no reason why Satan would not be aware of how many of "this generation" there are at any given time.  He may not know what Jesus meant by "will by no means pass away".  Did Jesus mean a thousand ,  a few hundred?   The slave has said "by no means" doesn't have to mean just a couple dozen.  It could be a considerable number.


So, even if Satan doesn't have that kind of insight, he can see the numbers of "this generation" dropping.  He may even be aware of their age and health.  He can do the math.   This is information we publishers don't have.

The phrase "by no means pass away" I always find intriguing. We know some anointed ones will be here during the great tribulation but could it also be that since they are resurrected to heaven in a twinkling of an eye (since the last days) and not awaiting a spirit anointed resurrection like the apostles did that they essentially have not passed away? 

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Even more on the subject.....Remember that Jehovah will use one part of Satan's organization to turn against the other part, there will be hooks in Satan's mouth, we are talking about a spiritual creature, he cannot enter or access Jehovah's protection side, which Satan's knowledge is very limited, he cannot even know what we are thinking, he knows the issue and knows that he will be arrested, after a thousand years he will be released and crushed!  Now the details I don't believe he knows

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9 minutes ago, coolbrz731 said:

This makes me think of Jesus.  The movement to kill Jesus was definitely satanic.  It doesn't make sense that he'd push to do something that literally sets up his ultimate defeat and destruction.  But, for whatever reason, he did it anyway.  Could he have pushed too hard and lost control of "his humans"?  Did Jehovah remove control of the pharisees at just the right time to make sure prophecy was fulfilled?  We don't know.  I feel this is how it might happen with the start of the GT.  We don't know why, but Satan will push for something to happen that AGAIN sets him up for failure and destruction and the vindication of Jehovah's name and sovereignty.  

I believe that 

and that’s supported by the publications.

Jesus ran away several times from furious crowds. It was not the time 

The will was there. But Jesus knew it had to be by Easter time 33 EC

to fullfill Daniel prophecy 


Many Governments want to get rid of religion to confiscate their riches and property like KOTN has already done.


likewise when Gog will attack God s people at the RIGHT time. But they already want to do that. Jehovah only allows to happen when HE WANTS:


pure worship book chapter 17


Jehovah’s guiding hand. (Read Ezekiel 38:4, 16.) Notice what Jehovah says to Gog: “I will . . . put hooks in your jaws” and, “I will bring you against my land.” Do those words mean that Jehovah will force the nations to attack his own worshippers? Of course not! He would never cause evil to befall his people. (Job 34:12) But Jehovah knows his enemies—that they will hate pure worshippers and will not be able to resist an opportunity to try to wipe them out. (1 John 3:13) As if putting hooks in Gog’s jaws and leading him along, Jehovah will guide matters so that events will unfold according to His will and timetable. At some point following the destruction of Babylon the Great, Jehovah may in some way lure the nations into carrying out what is already in their hearts. Jehovah will thus set the stage for the attack that leads to Armageddon, earth’s greatest war. Then he will deliver his people, magnify his sovereignty, and sanctify his holy name.—Ezek. 38:23.

The nations will seek to plunder pure worship because they hate it and all who promote it




Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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UN meeting canceled again 

Canceled by Israel 

UN Secretary-General António Guterres said he was concerned about the violation of human rights.  "At a crucial time like this, it is important to have clear principles," he said.

 After the speech, Israeli Foreign Minister Gilad Erdan canceled the meeting and called for the secretary to resign.

 This war was imposed on us, but we will win it, added the Israeli foreign minister at the UN.  "For us, (war) is a matter of survival," he said.

 Riyad al-Maliki, Palestinian Foreign Minister, said that we all "need a reality in which Palestinians and Israelis are not killed and in which they have peace and security."

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6 hours ago, blue-jay said:

Maybe a little bit more. He knows what's going on behind the scene. He has his spies (demons) sitting in on all the secret talks and meetings of all the world's governments and important players and he  knows things that are being planned and instigated. He can see a few steps ahead and figure out what happens next. 

Good thought. It's like seeing activity at work and being completely out of the loop. You know something is going on, may know a lil detail but you're not privy to the meetings behind closed doors. Satan of course may know his outcome. But he's in the dark. 

Dance. Even if there's no music. 

Dance Dancing GIF by binibambini

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13 hours ago, jps said:

he cant remember where he put the launch codes

That reminded of an old video clip where Reagan push the button by mistake, intending to call the nurse.

Not sure what music or artist did it.


Edited by Paulo

Duplicated text

Know this my beloved brothers, I am not a native English speaker.

Please be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to anger. (James 1:19)


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50 minutes ago, Paulo said:

That reminded of an old video clip where Reagan push the button by mistake, intending to call the nurse.

Not sure what music or artist did it.


Rumor has it that that button was a dummy button. Nancy had the real thing. 

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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