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Are you a negative news junkie?

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This is a very interesting article about why some people share negative news. Its a good reminder about how important it is to focus on positive things despite the negative things that are happening.

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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1 hour ago, Tortuga said:



This is a very interesting article about why some people share negative news. Its a good reminder about how important it is to focus on positive things despite the negative things that are happening.

From the article:  "While many people are news junkies , who like to stay well-informed  and regularly keep track of all news , good and bad ,  many Americans appear to have developed a preoccupation , or near obsession , with negative news only".


I have long considered myself a news junkie.  When I was in high-school in Chicago , I would spend hours on Sunday reading the Sunday Tribune.  I have always wanted to be well-informed.

According to the article , I can say I don't have this problem of 'near obsession' with negative news only.


But , to be fair and balanced , when the Bible says to "keep on the watch" , what are we watching for?  Fulfillment of prophecy , which are mostly bad things happening.

And when the AWAKE! featured the series 'Watching the World' , was the substance , or majority , of the news items about good things or bad things?


Isn't it our *imperfect*  human nature to be curious about negative news far more than positive news , if there is any?  I will give credit to Fox News with Shannon Bream. She's the anchor, and she includes happy/positive things on each broadcast.  Mostly viral videos about dogs or rescues of some kind.  I appreciate that she doesn't want to spend the entire hour on negative stories , of which there are plenty.  So she inserts some positivity into the news hour.

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12 minutes ago, Doug said:

But , to be fair and balanced , when the Bible says to "keep on the watch" , what are we watching for?  Fulfillment of prophecy , which are mostly bad things happening.

Balance is the key. Watching as world events unfold and understanding what they mean is different than focusing and sharing every bad event that happens. When someone is too focused on the bad events, they miss the big picture about what the events mean. Then there is the mental, emotional and physical consequences of constantly looking at the bad events in the world, it can become overwhelming. I thought this was a good article to remind us to keep balanced and to remind us how the people we meet may be feeling.

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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4 minutes ago, Tortuga said:

Balance is the key. Watching as world events unfold and understanding what they mean is different than focusing and sharing every bad event that happens. When someone is too focused on the bad events, they miss the big picture about what the events mean. Then there is the mental, emotional and physical consequences of constantly looking at the bad events in the world, it can become overwhelming. I thought this was a good article to remind us to keep balanced and to remind us how the people we meet may be feeling.

Yes.  It may seem weird to outsiders , but when we hear about bad things happening , it reinforces our awareness that we are living in the time of the end.


Although , I dislike it when the Public speaker spends the first 10 minutes listing all the bad stuff going on.  I'm sure the householder also wouldn't like it if we started our presentation with the bad stuff going on.

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There is a news adage that says, "If it bleeds ... it leads".


More bad news is reported than good news so it's only natural we would hear more bad news. The thing that matters is - are we obsessed with hearing as much bad news as we can?



"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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Nope. I don’t need it, all I want is the good news of the Kingdom. I am so tired of this system. I just want it gone. In Jehovah’s due time.

What you read, or see, can elevate you, or pull you down to the dumps! 
We have a choice. For which I am grateful!💐

I want to age without sharp corners, and have an obedient heart!

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But I also find the good news stories a bit pathetic. Is that the best you can offer, Mr Newsman, to lighten the load of all the bad news you’ve just reported? Finding out about a dog reunited with its owner is nice and all, but has no substance. It’s like”bread and circuses” for me, and is more suited to social media fluff.


We do have to watch the bad news doesn’t wear us out emotionally, or hardened us to what’s happening out there, conditioning us. I know I probably overindulge- it’s like a car crash you can’t look away from. But I know I have to discipline myself to take breaks and follow from a distance.

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Article said

this has become a compulsive and problematic behavior along the lines of gaming and social media addictions. However, negative news compulsion is even more problematic, the researchers point out, ... keeping some people trapped in a very dark and often hopeless state of mind.

Do you think I could use this to claim that a gaming, non gambling, addiction is ok because it's safer than watching the news???





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7 hours ago, Tortuga said:

to remind us how the people we meet may be feeling

Pre Covid had a study who never watched the news because it was too depressing.  Had to adjust some parts of the study to that but it was fun to do so.


7 hours ago, Doug said:

I dislike it when the Public speaker spends the first 10 minutes listing all the bad stuff going on

Agreed Agreed Agreed. Problems in the world can be highlighted without depressing the audiance. We're declaring Good News.


Personally I was never a bad news junkie even in the world. But the news made a lot more sense when one study showed there's a lot of sadists who have to hide what they are but they get a sick thrill from all the horror stories.

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19 hours ago, Doug said:

Although , I dislike it when the Public speaker spends the first 10 minutes listing all the bad stuff going on.  I'm sure the householder also wouldn't like it if we started our presentation with the bad stuff going on.

We've been admonished to not spend a lot of time focusing on the bad in this world. In a half hour public talk we are encouraged focus on positive Kings message. 


However, for some brothers old habits die hard. 

Edited by Shawnster

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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I think (of course I can be wrong) that we are designed by Jehovah to be biased toward negative news or stimuli. Why?


Lets imagine that Satan never rebelled, Adam and Eve have always been faithful, the whole human race on all the Earth worships Jehovah. No sickness, no lies, no I’ll intentions. Everything is good, in time better and better. We feel completely safe, everyday we only encounter positive people and kind behaviors. Is there anything bad than can happen?


Yes, from time to time chance or coincidence may threaten us with physical harm. Maybe we are hiking and didn’t notice an edge, or some animals are startled and rush our way. I think is much more important at that very moment to focus our mind, body, senses, hormones to pay full (even subconscious) focus to avoid the bad thing that may happen.


Of course, Jehovah could send his angels to  save us but when we look at creation, it’s clear that our God put safety systems in place (DNA self correction or the very immune system; atmosphere, magnetosphere, heliosphere etc). If situation is extreme he would intervene but in most cases, I guess, he would his creation to correct itself (He is that ingenious). 

So our perfect life will be filled with so many good things it makes sense to pay more than special attention to bad (accidental) things. 

But, we don’t live in a perfect world with perfect people so we are surrounded by all this negativity we were never designed to put up with. I have no doubt that Satan uses this hostile environment (designed by him!) to prey on our natural tendencies and make our life hopeless and to alienate us, humans, from Jehovah. 

That’s why is so important to focus on what positive and on good news of the Kingdom. 


🙏 Thank you! 🙏

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