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How did you meet your spouse?

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"Love will find you if you are not looking." That's a generalised statement I have often heard. While I am not fully interested in a relationship, I tend to think of the aforementioned statement as not entirely true, at least for me. 


Thing is, if I don't find love and my future wife doesn't, how will we meet? Or maybe, there is just a miraculous way "true love" weaves itself. And yes, we have a movie "What is True Love?" that seems to support this narrative. 


Well, I thought to myself: "What if I could ask you dear married ones how you found love?" How did you meet your significant other?


Did you wait for it? Did you seek it? Or you were not looking? A suitable experience in relation to the question will be most welcome. Let me go and grab my popcorn as I hear true love unravel its stories! 😂😂😂 



Edited by trottigy
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I met my wife when I was in a band with some brothers.  Some friends of the drummer came to one of our practice sessions.  She was with them.


I was not not looking, but thought she was nice and got to know her from a distance at first.  


Long story short, after 3 months, I asked her out and 6 months later we were married. 


We have been married for 27 years now with 2 kids.  

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District convention at the Pontiac Silverdome. An elderly sister was friends with her mother, and I went to say hello to the elderly sister as she went to the first congregation I ever attended. My future wife had orange juice and she offered me one, and the rest is history.

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  • trottigy changed the title to How did you meet your spouse?

I met my spouse at the airport. He was coming to my town for three months for schooling. Because my family spoke French, the secretarial elder asked my parents if he could live with them for three months. My parents agreed, and I was then assigned to meet him at the airport (along with our congregation secretary), was also asked to show him around our town and help him get acquainted with the congregation. I was 17, and he was 21. I was looking for a mate, but it sure didn't come in the way I expected! In fact, even though we spent so much time together, dating him didn't even cross my mind until a sister said it was inappropriate to spend as much time together without dating. So the two of us looked at each other and said, "OK, let's date!"

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On here.
I started off starting a thread discussing how to attract brothers, and mentioned I was into programming; over time, I saw others were into programming, so I ended up starting a thread asking if anyone would want to chat with me on Discord to maybe collaborate on ideas, and only @Ferb did. That's about it, really.

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Not that I have a place to speak, I unfortunately feel that it'll take a long time until I get married, but it's ok lol. But I see that finding your love is basically an event that is like a blessing and a curse at the same time, because there are no rules! I know so many couples (and such as here) met their love in an EXTREMELY random way. If you think about it, in reality almost everything is completely random moments.


I think, honestly, as this factor is quite random, leaving it completely in Jehovah's hands. Sometimes when I feel a little needy I just ask Jehovah to "do good", he knows all the brothers and sisters, if it's his will, he'll help. For example, if he says "Look, there's a perfect sister for you who lives in the countryside of Singapore", believe me, he might find the most random reason to bring you two together. But I don't know many extreme cases like that, I've only heard about them. But a little effort is also necessary, we cannot expect to stay at home and only go out when it is extremely necessary and Jehovah, almost like sending by post, helps us find our better half.

(Be careful! The above comment came from a suspicious source, a 20 year old. There's a risk that he is being: Idiot, reckless or stupid)

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Random circumstances, twice, was how I met my husband of now 43 years when we had mutual friends getting married. He was the best man (he was married) and I was the cake baker/decorator (single w/3 children who had left my future marriage prospects in Jehovah’s hands). When I arrived with the multi-tiered wedding cake, he was at the venue waiting to meet with a rather large wedding party contingency. He helped me carry in all the cakes, and that was that.

Several years later mutual friends, a ‘prego’ missionary couple returned from assignment and my roommate and I made a studio apt. in our back yard available to them. Who shows up to welcome them, but the same brother, now single (and his son) and turns out they had studied with him when he came in the truth. We were married about a year later, a blended family, and the rest is history. 


I will not pretend that my experience was all hearts and flowers. I was blindsided by my first mate’s treachery, was pregnant with our 3rd child and had to totally regroup. I was surrounded by a supportive congregation, a regular pioneer sister who shared lodging and other pioneers and dear single friends. They congregated at our home. It was rough, as the last thing I expected was for my marriage to end and now who was going to take on a ready-made family. I gave up actively looking for a mate.  .  .  . I prayed to Jehovah fervently that I had confidence that he knew best what I needed and if it was to raise my children as a single parent, then I would accept that. A gradual peace came over me and it wasn’t immediate, but eventually my dear husband came into my life and he had endured a very similar situation. We understood what we had both been through and were very happy to have found each other. I thank Jehovah and he has always come first-the best and only way. 

"Where the scriptures and and the slave are silent, I do not speak." :bible2:

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I had moved to a new city in Canada. (About 4,500 km away from home. Drove my Jeep YJ with a friend who volunteered to drive with me out of the bluel Think my unbelieving father‘s worries were answered). I was enjoying being single and had already gone through 2 major break-up engagements in the Truth in the past, so wasn‘t actually thinking of marriage when I moved to Toronto. I had turned down a few offers from both brothers and worldly men when I moved to Toronto. My main reason for moving was to get away from the pressures that come with having worldly family and lots of relatives who enjoyed celebrating birthdays, Christmas‘, holidays, etc. I just needed a fresh start and no unnecessary pressures. Jehovah helped me throughout the 7 years I lived there.


There were times I thought I would definitely be AAA (available after Armageddon), and was at times at peace with it, at times not. It helped that the last few years I spent in Toronto I moved into the congregation of a sister who turned out to be my best buddy in the congregation. We were the same age, worked in the same town (Mississauga), and she had already been divorced from her worldly husband for a couple of years. Somehow we just clicked. We would hangout with other single friends from different congregations on weekends, go together on road trips to the States to visit friends, and went to movies/restaurants, and were seat buddies at the kingdom hall. So I really enjoyed being single at that time. Yes, I had moments where I wished I had a significant other, but because of our friendship, and other singles I felt it only when I had earlier felt isolated by moving into a new city and living in another area as a newcomer.


Well on one of those hangout weekends, I had invited a couple of friends (brothers) from the States to visit our group and hangout with different activities. The place they were staying at was at a mutual friend‘s house, a German brother. My husband had been visiting Canada regularly as he had relatives in southern Ontario, and would often combine his visit with personal and business meetings in the States. He learned English when he first came to visit his relatives at 19 and even stayed for 3 years to help his dying great-aunt. He ended up immigrating, but decided to go back to Germany to finish his schooling. But that year he was visiting our mutual German friend in Toronto, where my friends from the US were also staying that weekend with him. As the brother had his circuit assembly, he called to ask me if another brother could come over and join my grill party as he had already had his assembly back in Germany. I had said „no problem.“ So we met when he came through the doors of my apartment. (That‘s the short version of our story. lol) 


9 months later I moved to Germany and shortly thereafter we got married. :) My family and friends from Canada, the US and various ones from Europe came to our wedding. It was nice. I was happy not to plan pretty much anything for our wedding as I couldn‘t speak German at the time. Sisters took the lead with decor at the KH and reception venue. We ordered a hot buffet, but everyone brought cakes, meat platters, a huge beer jug, and lots and lots of food,  so much food that our wedding cake was hardly touched. The entertainment was also looked after by his friends in the German congregations with balloon dances, guessing games, and some in the English congregation also participated, and we even had a Hindi dance done by the sisters. My husband also surprised me with a lip sync dedication dance with 2 of my friends from Canada. It was wild. We celebrated our wedding until 3 am. This year we‘ll be going on 19 years together. 





Gratitude vs. gratuitous  Phil.2:5

Read the Bible daily 💎

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She was there in the corridors of the Kingdom Hall but for a long time I didn't see her as a future wife. I talked to her naturally in meetings and as a friend until one day a feeling sprouted in our hearts and that's how we began to know each other... time....we dated...time we got married.

Edited by Leonard Match Valid
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On 4/28/2024 at 6:45 PM, Katty said:

On here.
I started off starting a thread discussing how to attract brothers, and mentioned I was into programming; over time, I saw others were into programming, so I ended up starting a thread asking if anyone would want to chat with me on Discord to maybe collaborate on ideas, and only @Ferb did. That's about it, really.

Oh, I know you two! You both made jokes and laughed about my comment on the thread. I think that was some years ago. 


I think I said "True Love" as described in our movie is finding love in the most obscure places just as the sister depicted in the movies spilled drinks on the brother. Now that I think about it, why did I say that? 😭😭😭

Edited by GodlyDevotion
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May 3 is our 38 year anniversary.  We met through mutual friends though the first time he was already married so met both him and his wife.  Around 12 months later met again at same friends and he was alone.  His wife had run off with another man.  I enjoyed his company but because he was still married couldn’t really pursue anything.  Then around another 6-12 months met at a convention and I asked how his marriage was going.  He told me his divorce was going through.  Then met again a short time later at a quick build.  I invited him to join my group of friends on outings.  The attraction was mutual and once his divorce was final we dated officially and were married around 12 months later. 

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17 hours ago, Tsheppar said:

I met my wife at a Mexican Restaurant.


You want More details ? Lol ! Okaaaaay here it goes !  growing up as a witness  I couldn't seem to get a girl to like me if my life depended on it , and  I tried. I tried hard. Nuthin.   I pioneered , met lots of sisters. Nuthin. I wanted to get married so bad. Nuthin.

   I ended being accepted to Bethel , Watchtower Farms .  I will meet girls  there right ? Ohhhh yes, I met them - Problem was there was like 1000 more handsome men than me so everytime  a pretty girl would come around, I was the  low man on the totem pole. 3 years at Bethel and  as far as finding a potential mate..Nuthin.  This was back in the days when we had little cubby  boxes under the Morning worship tables to hold our bibles and notes. I took notes at every morning worship that I was there .If there was a part on singleness...In my notes  I would write .."No good points".LOL  I did NOT LIKE or Have the gift of singleness. I wanted to be married! I went to Costa Rica on a trip . Nuthin. I went to Venezuela on a trip  . Nuthin . Spanish girls were my cup of tea. hahhahahha !!!   I used to go to the giant paper rolls for Watchtower Magazine Printery at NIGHT  and crawl down in between them (they were HUGE and this was  not approved of )  ...It was sometimes  hard to find privacy at Bethel, I found privacy in giant paper rolls . a mans gotta do what a mans gotta do.  . ...and I would pour out my heart to Jehovah wanting a marriage mate. One time a brother who didnt know I was there started playing the saxophone  for the reverb  in the printery ...That was cool...oopps im off topic , anyways -

  I left Bethel to find a marriage mate at my home area.  A year went by. Nuthin.

    Then one day while I was with some witness friends at a Mexican restaurant , some other witnesses came in and sat at another table. I saw the most beautiful girl I think I had ever seen. I did everything I could do to try and meet her and figure out ways to spend time with her. I was 22 , she was 17. Her witness  parents did NOT like me. Im a fast mover- Hit some tough patches with the parents. Once she turned 18 she moved out of her home and to the town I lived in. I knew her for 10 months and then we got married.  After 12 years of marriage we had a son , he is now 10 years old, we will have our 22 year Anniversary this June.  All is good with her parents and me now. LOL!


I just love your story! (and the way you´re telling it....LOL....I can picture all the scenes). :D

Thank you for sharing. You made me laugh although I first thought reading this topic would make me sad.

Chrissy :wave:

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In 1967, a sister from a congregation about 50 miles away from mine, had an aunt, a non believer, who lived in our town. This aunt had just lost her husband in a fatal vehicle accident, and asked the sister, (her niece), to move in with her for a while. So, the sister moved to our town, to live with her aunt, in order to keep the aunt from having to live by herself for a temporary time. Shortly after coming to our congregation, this sister and my fleshly sister became very close, and began spending a lot of time together in spiritual and social activities. So, you can probably guess the rest. How could I not get more and more aquainted with her, with her spending a lot time with my sister in our home, and our spending time in field service, etc. together. 


We were married in April of 1968. I was 19 and she was 21, so yeah, I married an older woman, and we are still together. I still regularly express appreciation to Jehovah for my finding my wife at the Kingdom Hall.

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