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2024 June Monthly Broadcast

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1 hour ago, Sheep said:

Yes, I was looking for Part 2 today too. But then I noticed we're only in week 2 now. We have to wait another week for Part 2, and yet another week for Part 3.


I presume 'part 2' next week will be 'The Inside Story,' which will be the first time we see any of the students from this class (any beards??...), and 'part 3' the following week will be the 'Concluding Talk and Assignments' when we should be able to see all the students (and again, any beards???...)

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3 hours ago, Parale said:


I presume 'part 2' next week will be 'The Inside Story,' which will be the first time we see any of the students from this class (any beards??...), and 'part 3' the following week will be the 'Concluding Talk and Assignments' when we should be able to see all the students (and again, any beards???...)


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On 6/8/2024 at 4:15 AM, truce said:

The talk by Brother Chilton had me fooled. It seemed to me that towards the end of his talk, he was overcome with emotion, his voice was breaking and his eyes seemed to water... His experience about the sister who feared being sent to a less affluent country where sickness and poverty were the norm, but allowed Jehovah to fool her into accepting the assignment, was very inspiring. 


Yes, it seemed as if he was experiencing what she was feeling at the time

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1 hour ago, Alikay said:
4 hours ago, Parale said:


I presume 'part 2' next week will be 'The Inside Story,' which will be the first time we see any of the students from this class (any beards??...), and 'part 3' the following week will be the 'Concluding Talk and Assignments' when we should be able to see all the students (and again, any beards???...)



Ah!.... I was just trying to build up some anticipation for those who's either forgotten, who didn't know yet.... 🙂🤷‍♂️ .....



On 3/11/2024 at 7:38 PM, jayrtom said:

Any beards on any of the brs giving talks or students?


On 3/11/2024 at 10:27 PM, Alikay said:

Yes.  Students 


On 3/11/2024 at 11:06 PM, Luigi62 said:

3 students 

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38 minutes ago, Nolre said:

Hear brothers commenting that in California they are testing meetings once a week. is this true? Does anyone here have any information about this?


Sorry to ask in this thread, but opening a thread to ask a question would be too much for me

This would be a breath of fresh air for me, it’s not for everyone I know. But as a 24/7 shift worker this would be one less juggle for me to facilitate. I know some congs in the Phillipines have been doing this for years already. 

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2 hours ago, Nolre said:

Hear brothers commenting that in California they are testing meetings once a week. is this true? Does anyone here have any information about this?


Sorry to ask in this thread, but opening a thread to ask a question would be too much for me

We have done this in the past and it was such a wast of time and energy for everyone. It was like having an assembly every Sunday. At that time it was the 45 minute public talk and watchtower study, a few minutes break then the theocratic ministry school and service meeting. We were then expected to support the  field service arrangement after.  It just didn’t work with the format of the meetings back then. Mainly the TMS

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2 hours ago, Rocco said:

I know some congs in the Phillipines have been doing this for years already. 

Bro. Sanderson personally mentioned to us that the meeting adjustments made wayback 2008 was considered by the Governing Body as early as 2000. Why? Because he said that in our Branch, brothers were inquiring that they cannot complete a 3x a week meeting due to transport fare. If they attended the CBS at midweek, they will choose if the midweek meeting or weekend will be possible and vice versa. Missing the CBS will give a way for some brothers to attend the midweek and weekend meetings. In Russia he said, some congregations have 200 publishers but have only an elder and MS to perform their duties. 

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15 hours ago, Nolre said:

Hear brothers commenting that in California they are testing meetings once a week. is this true? Does anyone here have any information about this?

14 hours ago, Rocco said:

I know some congs in the Phillipines have been doing this for years already.


Yes. I have heard that, although it wasn't in the Philippines. It was actually a Filipina sister who told me about it; but her experience was in Hong Kong. Maybe it's the same with Filipina sisters elsewhere too.


From my experience, Filipina sisters work mostly as live-in nannies or maids. Each sister is sponsored by the family she works for, and under her circumstances she doesn't have much freedom. She has to work six days a week, for something like 12 to 14 hours a day, and the other day is her day off to do whatever she wishes. With those conditions, she simply cannot go to two meetings a week (let alone three for when there was the Book Study). So if there were several sisters working like that, in that case their congregation (whether it was English or Tagalog) would schedule all of the weekly meetings, Public Talk, Watchtower, Theocratic School, Service Meeting, and Book Study on the same day! Plus they scheduled some time for service on the same day too!


Who said there is no slavery in the world today? And yet, these Filipina sisters accept those circumstances. They come from the poverty of the Philippines and move to another country in search of a better working wage, and gladly do it so they can send money back home. That's part of their culture, so it's normal for them. It's no wonder we have had articles dealing with those circumstances. But with Filipina sisters still doing that kind of thing, there is a need to modify the weekly meeting schedule in some places to accommodate them.

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I know they were doing one meeting a week in several parts of Vietnam when we visited.


But like all the above examples - this one included - that would be due to unusual circumstances.


Until we get an actual announcement from the slave on this, we should just consider it as something that happens under certain/ rare circumstances.

Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





Soon .....


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17 hours ago, Sheep said:


Sim. Já ouvi isso, embora não tenha sido nas Filipinas. Na verdade, foi uma irmã filipina quem me contou sobre isso; mas a experiência dela foi em Hong Kong. Talvez aconteça o mesmo com as irmãs filipinas em outros lugares.


Pela minha experiência, as irmãs filipinas trabalham principalmente como babás ou empregadas domésticas. Cada irmã é patrocinada pela família para quem trabalha e, nas suas circunstâncias, ela não tem muita liberdade. Ela tem que trabalhar seis dias por semana, algo em torno de 12 a 14 horas por dia, e o outro dia é seu dia de folga para fazer o que quiser. Com essas condições, ela simplesmente não poderia ir a duas reuniões por semana (e muito menos a três quando havia o Estudo de Livro). Portanto, se houvesse várias irmãs trabalhando assim, nesse caso a congregação delas (seja inglesa ou tagalo) agendaria todas as reuniões semanais, Discurso Público, Torre de Vigia, Escola Teocrática, Reunião de Serviço e Estudo de Livro no mesmo dia! Além disso, eles agendaram algum horário para atendimento no mesmo dia também!


Quem disse que não existe escravidão no mundo hoje? E, no entanto, estas irmãs filipinas aceitam essas circunstâncias. Eles vêm da pobreza das Filipinas e mudam-se para outro país em busca de um melhor salário de trabalho, e fazem-no com prazer para poderem enviar dinheiro para casa. Isso faz parte da cultura deles, então é normal para eles. Não é de admirar que tenhamos publicado artigos sobre essas circunstâncias . Mas como as irmãs filipinas ainda fazem esse tipo de coisa, há necessidade de modificar o horário das reuniões semanais em alguns lugares para acomodá-las.

Thank you very much for the wealth of details, for me, something very detailed is as good as chocolates

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17 hours ago, trottigy said:

Until we get an actual announcement from the slave on this, we should just consider it as something that happens under certain/ rare circumstances.


Some years ago, in a rural area in Spain, for two or three weeks every year the whole town worked on the harvest which had to be completed very quickly. During those weeks the local congregation had all the meetings on Sunday. It was done to make things easier for the friends, but after a time the arrangement was discontinued.

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On 6/4/2024 at 9:28 AM, Parale said:


You can use the 'bespoke' website below, which will specifically pull out the subtitles for videos on JW.org - in which ever language you want:




Then just copy into your preferred word-processor and edit as you wish :)





Thank you so much for this page :D Any inside tips on how to edit the text to a more readable format quickly? My word processer is LibreOffice.

Matthew 6:22 - The lamp of the body is the eye. If, then, your eye is clear*, your whole body will be full of light*. 


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35 minutes ago, Tronora said:

Thank you so much for this page :D Any inside tips on how to edit the text to a more readable format quickly? My word processer is LibreOffice.

Do a global 'find and replace' to find all line returns, and replace them with a single space; then repeat to find all full-stops that are immediately followed by a space, and replace with a full-stop and two line returns (ie keep/replace the full-stop, but remove the space and add in two line returns after the full-stop).


This will generally place each sentence on it's own line, with a few exceptions for when a sentence does not end on a full-stop (ie a question mark etc), or an ellipsis has been used - but it's a 'quick-and-dirty' method to get something more readable, and editable :)


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5 hours ago, Parale said:

Do a global 'find and replace' to find all line returns, and replace them with a single space; then repeat to find all full-stops that are immediately followed by a space, and replace with a full-stop and two line returns (ie keep/replace the full-stop, but remove the space and add in two line returns after the full-stop).


This will generally place each sentence on it's own line, with a few exceptions for when a sentence does not end on a full-stop (ie a question mark etc), or an ellipsis has been used - but it's a 'quick-and-dirty' method to get something more readable, and editable :)



Thank you!!! :ecstatic:

Matthew 6:22 - The lamp of the body is the eye. If, then, your eye is clear*, your whole body will be full of light*. 


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155th Gilead Graduation—The Inside Story.

Interview with a couple from Rwanda, who were teenagers in 1994 during the Rwandan genocide where more than 1 million people were murdered in 100 days.


This book in English, French and German is a biography of a brother who survived the genocide in Rwanda with his family.







No Greater Love

How my family survived the Genocide in Rwanda


“Look for what is good in a human heart. Someone is a friend because he has qualities you appreciate in him. Give your friend the best you have and if you do that, you will live in peace.”

About Dr. Tharcisse Seminega


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1 hour ago, jwmanubcn said:

155th Gilead Graduation—The Inside Story.

Interview with a couple from Rwanda, who were teenagers in 1994 during the Rwandan genocide where more than 1 million people were murdered in 100 days.


This book in English, French and German is a biography of a brother who survived the genocide in Rwanda with his family.







No Greater Love

How my family survived the Genocide in Rwanda


“Look for what is good in a human heart. Someone is a friend because he has qualities you appreciate in him. Give your friend the best you have and if you do that, you will live in peace.”

About Dr. Tharcisse Seminega



Brother Tharcisse Seminega, whose family survived with the help of Hutu Witnesses, gives yet another reason for the peaceful and life-saving acts of his fellow believers: Christlike love. “It is only this kind of love that has the power to immunize the heart and mind against the toxin of hatred,” he says.




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3 hours ago, jwmanubcn said:

155e remise des diplômes de Galaad : l'histoire intérieure.

Entretien avec un couple rwandais, adolescents en 1994 lors du génocide rwandais où plus d'un million de personnes ont été assassinées en 100 jours.


Ce livre en anglais, français et allemand est la biographie d'un frère qui a survécu au génocide au Rwanda avec sa famille.







Pas de plus grand amour

Comment ma famille a survécu au génocide au Rwanda


« Cherchez ce qu’il y a de bon dans un cœur humain. Quelqu’un est un ami parce qu’il a des qualités que vous appréciez chez lui. Donnez à votre ami le meilleur de vous-même et si vous faites cela, vous vivrez en paix.

À propos du Dr Tharcisse Seminega



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