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ABC tv "Final Witness" episode about Jehovah's Witness tonight.

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Final Witness is an American crime television series that premiered on June 27, 2012 on ABC.

The seven-part series, which combines documentary and drama elements, focuses on a different real-life murder each week from the victim's point of view. Each episode includes interviews with the victim's family and friends, real witnesses, prosecutors, and law enforcement officers, as well as scripted scenes with actors.

MaryJane Baker Longo is happy. She is a wife, a mother of three and a devout Jehovah’s Witness. Her handsome husband, Christian, is a charming go-getter and is making a great life for his family. When Chris wants to pack up the family and drive cross-country, MaryJane is excited - a chance to see America. But the family adventure turns into a nightmare when MaryJane discovers that Chris' wanderlust is really a flight from justice - and that Chris isn't the man she thought he was.

Fatal Devotion Ep #103 (Airs Wed July 11 10|9c)

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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Not to spoil the story for anyone, but if this sister had listened to her elders before she got involved with this loser, this would not have happened to her.

So you had me interested and I googled: - http://www.trutv.com/library/crime/notorious_murders/family/christian_longo/3.html


Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





Soon .....


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WOW! How had I not heard of this story before now? This is CRAZY! That poor woman and her children, but like has been mentioned....if she'd only listened. :( And sadly, of course, just because this monster had once "been" (and I use the term very loosley) a Witness, they are holding on to that and smearing our faith.

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Yes, that was the story I read also. Lets hope that ABC presents our brothers in the same favorable light that this article does. I liked how it said:


Perhaps she should have paid closer attention. As they were seeing each other, Chris was caught stealing from his employer, which did not sit well with the church elders. They refused to let Chris and MaryJane marry in the church. He approached her father, smooth-talked him into giving them his blessings, and on March 13, 1993, in Huron High School auditorium, a minister married Christian Longo and MaryJane Bake

So far, they don't seem to be "smearing our faith", but lets see what they say tonight.

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I've watched the previous two episodes, both available online. They interview survivors, family, and friends while reenacting the situation with actors. The first episode dealt wtih a very fundamentalist (well, maybe not very) family in Texas that were murdered. They treated the story with respect and didn't downplay their religion. Of course, that's not Witnesses. You're right, we'll see what this story brings.

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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I thought that was written very well also. Of course the "comments" section after it wasn't so favorable...but what do we usually expect? LOL! :D

Yes, the comment sections are always jumped on by the disgruntled apostates. I make it a point to never read the comments when a story involves witnesses. Why pay them any attention! Their rhetoric is boring to say the least!

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:cry: Does anyone have a tissue please? What an evil freak. I am blown away. How can anyone hurt their family and children..

I cannot wait til the day we don't hear these stories again.

"It's a known fact that eighty decibels of rushing water is one of the most pleasing sounds known to mankind. On other hand, ten and a half days at sea is enough water for anybody." 


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Not to spoil the story for anyone, but if this sister had listened to her elders before she got involved with this loser . . . .

In the old days (did I just say that? . :whistling: . when a young man wanted to date a girl, he had to meet the family and be prepared to state his intentions.

Father would press him about his future plans, job prospects and even financial situation before a daughter was allowed to go out with him.

As corny as it sounds . . it was the safety net that women today miss.

Women have educated themselves to protect themselves from unscrupulous scumbags . .but fall victim to them more each year.

The financial security that women have now is the magnet that attracts the lazy, conniving conmen who ask for loans and handouts based on the false promise of a future together and Judge Judy is left to warn women . ."Don't give a man money!!!" . . :X

Society and the modern moral code is actually setting women and girls up for disaster and phrases used make it look like 'they' are making the decisions for themselves . . 8-)

Phrase 1. I will get a job soon . . trust me

Phrase 2. I will pay you back next week . . trust me.

Phrase 3. If you want to stay with me, you will need to give me the bail money tonight to get me out. . . trust me.

Phrase 4. You sign up as 'co-signer' on my car finance and we can drive off into the sunset together. . . trust me.

Phrase 5. I have bad credit so all the rent and utility bills will have to go in your name . .your credit is better.

Phrase 6. You are smarter than me and I need you to help me get my life in order . . I will do it for you. . . . trust me

Phrase 7. We can start our life together when $10,000 of traffic violations are paid off . .trust me.

Phrase 8. I love YOU and will leave my wife . . trust me.

Phrase 9. I love that YOU stand behind 'lost causes' with such enthusiasm.

Phrase 10. I not stalking you . . I promise! .

If you have adaughter or sister who can identify with only ONE of these lines . . lock her in the closet 'til she wises up or send her to see me. :bringiton:

*that's all I could stomach for now . . my book will be published later .. I promise :P *

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*that's all I could stomach for now . . my book will be published later .. I promise :P *

Great, just publish it in it's own thread, we are discussing the upcoming news show about Mary Jane Longo, which airs tonight! :):laugh:

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Not to spoil the story for anyone, but if this sister had listened to her elders before she got involved with this loser . . . .

In the old days (did I just say that? . :whistling: . when a young man wanted to date a girl, he had to meet the family and be prepared to state his intentions.

Father would press him about his future plans, job prospects and even financial situation before a daughter was allowed to go out with him.

As corny as it sounds . . it was the safety net that women today miss.

Women have educated themselves to protect themselves from unscrupulous scumbags . .but fall victim to them more each year.

The financial security that women have now is the magnet that attracts the lazy, conniving conmen who ask for loans and handouts based on the false promise of a future together and Judge Judy is left to warn women . ."Don't give a man money!!!" . . :X

Society and the modern moral code is actually setting women and girls up for disaster and phrases used make it look like 'they' are making the decisions for themselves . . 8-)

Phrase 1. I will get a job soon . . trust me

Phrase 2. I will pay you back next week . . trust me.

Phrase 3. If you want to stay with me, you will need to give me the bail money tonight to get me out. . . trust me.

Phrase 4. You sign up as 'co-signer' on my car finance and we can drive off into the sunset together. . . trust me.

Phrase 5. I have bad credit so all the rent and utility bills will have to go in your name . .your credit is better.

Phrase 6. You are smarter than me and I need you to help me get my life in order . . I will do it for you. . . . trust me

Phrase 7. We can start our life together when $10,000 of traffic violations are paid off . .trust me.

Phrase 8. I love YOU and will leave my wife . . trust me.

Phrase 9. I love that YOU stand behind 'lost causes' with such enthusiasm.

Phrase 10. I not stalking you . . I promise! .

If you have adaughter or sister who can identify with only ONE of these lines . . lock her in the closet 'til she wises up or send her to see me. :bringiton:

*that's all I could stomach for now . . my book will be published later .. I promise :P *

Jan. I have 2 daughters. will definitely look them up. for their own good. I have Mafia connections. :omg:

"It's a known fact that eighty decibels of rushing water is one of the most pleasing sounds known to mankind. On other hand, ten and a half days at sea is enough water for anybody." 


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I was very pleased with the way they presented this story. They did not overly stress the religious part of her life, but what they did say was accurate and balanced. Even when they mentioned he was disfellowshipped, they did it in a way that I thought dignified the decision of his elders. He was convicted of stealing and they took action! Very simple.

They did not make us look like fanatics, nor did they smear our beliefs.

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This story is a bit close to home. Newport is but 60 miles from home. We go there often and have been on the docks many time where some of this was filmed. The tv show portrayed the con man as a con man and murderer not a religious fanatic. I thought that was good. It is my understanding that the Baker and Longo families are all faithful servant of Jehovah. I feel so sorry for them and their lost loved ones.

The one part I didn't like was the scene in the Kingdom Hall where it gave the impression that she was treated the same as her husband who was disfellowshiped. It may have happened that way but it certainly is not the norm.

It has been ten years and I have not heard of any sign of repentance on the part of the murderer. I know at lease one of the brothers that goes inside the prison to study with inmates, I will try to get an update on him.

We cannot incite if we are not in sight.___Heb.10:24,25

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The one part I didn't like was the scene in the Kingdom Hall where it gave the impression that she was treated the same as her husband who was disfellowshiped. It may have happened that way but it certainly is not the norm.

Now, I remember that part differently. They said that she was not disfellowshipped, but it was hard for her seeing her husband "shunned", which is of course true, as many with disfellowshipped loved ones know.

I thought about you being close to the area Lynn. When I was in Bend, Newport was the place to go if you wanted to go to the "beach". Many friends rented vacation homes there and groups would go and play.

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I agree Chuck, I think they did present things fairly and accurately. I just watched it, I recorded it last night. Such a sad story! While we will never truly know what in his head led up to this, its a reminder to me that we all have to be so careful because things are not always as they seem to everyone else.

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The one part I didn't like was the scene in the Kingdom Hall where it gave the impression that she was treated the same as her husband who was disfellowshiped. It may have happened that way but it certainly is not the norm.

Now, I remember that part differently. They said that she was not disfellowshipped, but it was hard for her seeing her husband "shunned", which is of course true, as many with disfellowshipped loved ones know.

I thought about you being close to the area Lynn. When I was in Bend, Newport was the place to go if you wanted to go to the "beach". Many friends rented vacation homes there and groups would go and play.

It was the unspoken words that was bothersome to me. Sitting in the back of the KH and others turning their heads staring without a scene depicting others coming up to her and trying to encourage or comfort her.

I sent word out to the brothers working the prison for information on Christian but I don't know if I will get anything or not. Will post anything I find out. The prison is about 20 mile from home. An elder in our Hall works for the prison as the go-to guy for prisoner grieviences, he might know as much as anyone.

We cannot incite if we are not in sight.___Heb.10:24,25

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I sent word out to the brothers working the prison for information on Christian but I don't know if I will get anything or not. Will post anything I find out. The prison is about 20 mile from home. An elder in our Hall works for the prison as the go-to guy for prisoner grieviences, he might know as much as anyone.

That would be interesting! Thanks Lynn!

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This show disturbed my sleep. Normally I don't watch tough shows with a criminal leaning. I should have turned it to Royal Pains but I figured this would be okay...I was wrong. Three things did not allow me to fall into my much needed beauty routine. One was the way the brothers were presented at the KH concerning Christian, and two how he was able to somehow fold the sister's body to fit in the suitcase. And then the spooky pictures the actor chidren were holding in the photos at the end. Extremely disturbing.

"May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart Be pleasing to you, O Jehovah, my Rock and my Redeemer."

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I sent word out to the brothers working the prison for information on Christian but I don't know if I will get anything or not. Will post anything I find out. The prison is about 20 mile from home. An elder in our Hall works for the prison as the go-to guy for prisoner grieviences, he might know as much as anyone.

That would be interesting! Thanks Lynn!

I spoke with the Elder that works for the Prison legal department tonight at the meeting. According to him Christian is a "real piece of work." He has been a pain in the kiester ever since he arrived. Because he is on death row he is not allowed to attend any of the meeting or Bible studies held in the prison. He has ventured to start and pursue a nation wide campaign to use prisoners as organ donors. He hasn't gotten very far with the idea as people just consider the source. "He is very arrogant, self serving and absolutely no evidence of repentance for the crimes he has commited." This Elder said that he has spoken to Christian many times over the years.

It must really pain his father of whom I understand is also an Elder in a MI congregation. I cannot even imagine the pain this family endures every time this mans name is brought up.

We cannot incite if we are not in sight.___Heb.10:24,25

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just read the story briefly from the list, I couldnt watch the show itself.

What a loser and what a waste of life!

That sister did not heed to advice, true of course, but not all people end up killed if they dont listen to the elders. They do find themselves in trouble tho and thats a fact.

I am really upset after reading this.

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I sent word out to the brothers working the prison for information on Christian but I don't know if I will get anything or not. Will post anything I find out. The prison is about 20 mile from home. An elder in our Hall works for the prison as the go-to guy for prisoner grieviences, he might know as much as anyone.

That would be interesting! Thanks Lynn!

I spoke with the Elder that works for the Prison legal department tonight at the meeting. According to him Christian is a "real piece of work." He has been a pain in the kiester ever since he arrived. Because he is on death row he is not allowed to attend any of the meeting or Bible studies held in the prison. He has ventured to start and pursue a nation wide campaign to use prisoners as organ donors. He hasn't gotten very far with the idea as people just consider the source. "He is very arrogant, self serving and absolutely no evidence of repentance for the crimes he has commited." This Elder said that he has spoken to Christian many times over the years.

It must really pain his father of whom I understand is also an Elder in a MI congregation. I cannot even imagine the pain this family endures every time this mans name is brought up.

This reads like the mental illness Narcissism. Anyone married to someone like that spends all their time massaging the partner's ego and them or others taking the blame for everything that goes wrong. The Narcissist is never wrong or modest about their limitations. They are totally delusional and everyone else are the back- stabbers if any of their unfinished/poorly thought out grandious ideas goes wrong. They love no one because they are incapable, but crave fame or recognition for themselves, so blague their way into projects way beyond their ability, to get themselves what they crave for and anyone questioning their actions or preventing them achieve the fame or acclaim has to be put down/dismissed. Many with this syndrome don't resort to murder, but many women find themselves in abusive relationships where he started off with lots of charm towards them and everyone they come across, but then find themselves stifled under a manipulative clever control freak bully and watch as family resources diminish as he spends way beyond their means to show off a lifestyle he cannot afford.

We knew a disfellowshipped person who was eventually diagnosed like this. After being disfellowshipped, immediately set about going to other congregations elsewhere claiming that he 'Has the ear of Bethel' regarding his real status and trying to persuade the elders there of what a great elder he could be if they just re-instated him and that the elders are fools and simpletons in his home congregation that just didn't understand him. However, if he does reveal his whereabouts of the last 2 years, then it's UK Police who will want to speak to him as he's left a trail of debts and fraud wherever he went.

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