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Is journalism dead?

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Why does everyone in the news always say the same things? Can we trust what they are saying? Or is it all part of an agenda?


Seems to me like most, if not all, of the news has turned into propaganda, instead of just laying straight facts and trying to tell people what the straight up real facts are.

For example, here is a very funny video about just how much alike these organizations are:


Also, when looking at articles in the newspaper and internet; everyone uses these buzzwords:














and many more. 

Notice that the words get bigger and more bombastic.


Can you guys think of some others? How do you feel about your news sources? Are they really trustworthy? What Bible

principles do you use when watching the news? How do you verify your stories? (this does NOT include using Google, Bing, Ask.com, or Wikipedia)


What do you guys think? How does the news-telling style of JW Broadcasting compare to the most renowned worldly journalists and news stations out there?


Think very carefully before you answer.




Edited by Cool.As.Ice

Leviticus 19:18: “‘You must not take vengeance nor hold a grudge against the sons of your people, and you must love your fellow man as yourself.”


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To add to the OP, feel free to share some of the wildest and overhyped news stories in your country, and how you verified and fact-checked the information you were shown.

Leviticus 19:18: “‘You must not take vengeance nor hold a grudge against the sons of your people, and you must love your fellow man as yourself.”


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2 hours ago, Cool.As.Ice said:

To add to the OP, feel free to share some of the wildest and overhyped news stories in your country, and how you verified and fact-checked the information you were shown.


 I do not know is dead, but stupidity is a good candidate. It’s 1:10 AM and back to my chocolate.

Edited by Dustparticle
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Lazy writers just copy what they research.  The news anchors read from a script that the lazy writers produce.  Was any fact checking done?  I don't know.  It might have been thoroughly fact-checked.


50 years ago, one man had an idea for a propaganda network, but he did not have the money to start it.  About 30 years ago he met a rich man who liked the idea, and the network was started.  There are now a lot of networks based on this idea of spreading propaganda.  On JW.ORG this is called the post-truth era.  JW.ORG did not make that up.  The words 'post-truth era' has been used elsewhere.  



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Recently, my TV broke, so I took it as an opportunity to completely stop watching or listening to the news. I also stopped reading news on the internet. Here in Brazil, all the news is about brutal crimes, politics, or the economy, and it is obviously biased (on both sides). The two largest media outlets in the country reflect this bias: one is extremely progressive, while the other is owned by the leader of a megachurch. Everything is highly polarized.

I'm feeling much better after I stopped following it.

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10 hours ago, Dustparticle said:


 It’s 1:10 AM and back to my chocolate.


13 hours ago, Cool.As.Ice said:

Think very carefully before you answer.

Usually, I don’t mind a bit of humor, but honestly; I’m not really looking for jokes here.

This is definitely a serious concern affecting all of us throughout the world, the problem of fake news, and biased sensationalism.


Not picking on you, by the way, just wanted to be clear to everyone on why I have started this topic.


5 hours ago, Witness1970 said:

Lazy writers just copy what they research.  The news anchors read from a script that the lazy writers produce


That much is obvious when you really look at it. They all sound like robots, they must keep revenue coming in for the news station, so integrity goes out the window, when it all becomes about ratings.


4 hours ago, Juan Silva said:

Recently, my TV broke, so I took it as an opportunity to completely stop watching or listening to the news. I also stopped reading news on the internet. Here in Brazil, all the news is about brutal crimes, politics, or the economy, and it is obviously biased (on both sides). The two largest media outlets in the country reflect this bias: one is extremely progressive, while the other is owned by the leader of a megachurch. Everything is highly polarized.

I'm feeling much better after I stopped following it.


This right here. 
I haven’t even owned a TV in like, 11 years or so. And yes, the news creates a climate of fear and distrust, as well as religious and racial bias. Not getting any better, that’s for sure. 


Leviticus 19:18: “‘You must not take vengeance nor hold a grudge against the sons of your people, and you must love your fellow man as yourself.”


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It depends on how you look at journalism. There is not much need if any for a daily paper. Most are online now and the news they produce is generally from other sources, very few having reporters. How about television? In our area many of the top journalist have left there stations for more secular jobs such as public affair spokespeople. 


Here recently we had a reporter who was reporting from the state capital and was actually just standing in front of a green screen. Very few reporters either in print, tv or radio are like the journalist of the past. Nowadays everyone can be a journalist. There are a plethora of "journalists" on Youtube who have channels reporting the news or stories in their area. 


Journalism has changed over the years. And that includes how the Watchtower Bible & Tract society has produced and written it's articles. Most of our literature is now electronic, some still being printed. Most of our literature includes video, photos and audio. 


Is journalism dead? The word is defined as "the activity or profession of writing for newspapers, magazines, or news websites or preparing news to be broadcast." In that sense, yes it has died or at least is on life support. How we get our information has certainly changed. 

"Looked up in wonder at the same moon
And wept when it was all done
For bein' done too soon "-Neil Diamond

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1 hour ago, Cool.As.Ice said:

Usually, I don’t mind a bit of humor, but honestly; I’m not really looking for jokes here.

This is definitely a serious concern affecting all of us throughout the world, the problem of fake news, and biased sensationalism.


Not picking on you, by the way, just wanted to be clear to everyone on why I have started this topic.



My apology my brother. One way or another we are effected be news no matter we know it or not. At times we choose the news what we hear and I see this all the time when friends post it on this site. Liberal and conservative news play a role in our lives no matter know it or not.

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I love GB's advice on how often we should check the news: Maybe not more than once a day. It limits how much they affect our mood and thoughts. "We need God's kingdom!" is something I say (sometimes out loud) when I realize things in the news/media engage me negatively.


I know I have read a web article on jw.org about news/how often, but right now I can't find it. Was released during the pandemic, I think. So good & balanced advice we get ❤️ 


I am sure we will get the urgent news/info we need when we need it, to make sound decisions that affect our lives. The rest is actually just noise. Jehovah and His organization cares about us and our wellbeing ❤️ 


Norwegian conditions on journalism: It's like a watershed. The old generation vs. the new generation. Maybe also because the traditional newspapers and tv began giving their goods (news) for FREE when Internet was new. People don't want to PAY for quality news (because good journalism takes hard work & time). The news consumers get what they pay for.


Wonder what journalism will be like in the new world! An inspiring thought. (I wish someone could make a thread ... :laugh:   )

Matthew 6:22 - The lamp of the body is the eye. If, then, your eye is clear*, your whole body will be full of light*. 


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Yes, and social media killed it, just like short form content destroyed television. 
Thanks to social media everything has to be click-baity, rage-baity, or, in some other way, has to capture people's attention over all the other content screaming for attention. Everything has to be so sensationalized. I've tried to market games on Twitter/X and it's an absolute nightmare. People post the same things over and over again, and if you're trying to run a sincere marketing campaign it feels like you're screaming into the void. I went through a month of "The answer is between this letter and that letter on the keyboard" posts, or the "by 30 you should" followed by tasks a 12 year old should be able to do. I felt like my brain would melt. 

Sadly this could also be the death of books, at least in this system of things. Gen-Z is one of the least book literate generations in history, and gen Alpha is poised to be worse, as, not only is short form content making it increasingly difficult for people to follow longer and more complex narratives, but the education system has been increasingly dumbed down with students being more likely to read excerpts out of context than actually being expected to read full books. The situation for kids coming into school is even worse;  a lot of them can't even use books, as in, turn the pages .
I admire people of the younger generations who push against the tides and actually read real books. I think following a complex narrative helps us develop empathy, understand nuanced situations and to understand context in communications. I see way too many people on social media who struggle with comprehending a single sentence, not to mention help people develop the critical thinking skills to step outside the political biases and emotional manipulation of today's headlines. 

Edited by Katty
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JW Broadcasting’s news-telling style is characterized by clear, calm, and measured communication. It focuses on providing a reassuring tone, carefully avoiding language or presentation that could provoke unnecessary anxiety or fear. News segments typically highlight positive outcomes, practical steps for viewers to take, and encouraging developments within Jehovah’s Witnesses’ global community. A prominent aspect of JW Broadcasting is the consistent inclusion of spiritual context—often referencing scriptures or principles from God’s Word to frame current events. Rather than highlighting conflict or controversy, it seeks to reinforce trust in Jehovah, unity among Witnesses, and optimism for the future based on scriptural hope.


In contrast, some of the world’s most renowned journalists and major news outlets tend to adopt a markedly different approach. Mainstream journalism frequently prioritizes breaking news, with immediacy and urgency taking precedence. Presentation styles often employ emotionally charged headlines, dramatic visuals, and intense storytelling methods designed to capture viewer attention and increase audience engagement. While accuracy remains important in professional journalism, sensationalism and speculation frequently enter coverage to sustain viewer interest. Many popular news stations actively encourage debates and confrontational dialogue, focusing heavily on differing opinions, conflicts, and controversies—often as a central feature of their programming to boost ratings or audience interaction.


Thus, whereas JW Broadcasting carefully maintains neutrality, avoids sensational language, and seeks to soothe and spiritually strengthen its audience, mainstream journalists and outlets often embrace emotional intensity, confrontation, and controversy. JW Broadcasting intentionally directs viewers’ attention toward spiritual solutions and practical actions, providing comfort and guidance rooted in scriptural principles. Worldly news, on the other hand, commonly presents stories without spiritual context, highlighting uncertainty or creating emotional responses, leading viewers toward heightened awareness or even anxiety about global problems.


In short, JW Broadcasting’s approach to news-telling emphasizes spiritual encouragement, positivity, and measured assurance, sharply contrasting with mainstream journalism’s tendency toward dramatic storytelling, sensationalism, and conflict-centered narratives.

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Here are a couple examples of where news and journalism has gone:

  • One brother I know used work the local TV station. He had been brought in as program director when the company he worked for bought the station. He got prompted to general manager after there were some changes at the station. He did quite well for the station, and they were having their most profitable time. However, since he would not get involved with the local politics, they ended up asking him to leave and they appointed a general manager who had the same political leanings as ownership
  • A girl I went to high school with (not a JW) became the "Publisher/Editor-in Chief" of a newspaper in North Carolina. She ended up working there until she retired. However, she retired sooner that she had planned. When she first got promoted to publisher, she had the say as to what was reported in the newspaper - as time went on, the parent company started telling her which stories she could print and which leaning they had to take to align with their political viewpoint.

While both of these news outlets did not report "fake news", like many Internet sites do, they reported real news with a political slant on what they reported and how it was stated.


A good example of how news can be slanted, although factual, is something you may have seen. When there is a car/train crash, most of the time a headline will read "Train hits car" followed by details of the damage done by the train instead of having a headline that reads, "Car stops on track causing train to hit it" and then report how the car drove around the barricades into the path of the train.


While both stories are accurate, the way most news outlets report these crashes makes it sound like the train was at fault when actually, the train had the right-of-way, and the car driver broke the law and drove in front of the train. The reason this matters is, since the headline (and story) make the train the villain, people get all upset and say train crossings should be changed so the trains are raised above the roads at great expense to the railroads instead of placing the blame on the person in the car who broke the law and saying people need to obey the signals and stop for the train.


Fortunately, JW Broadcasting places the blame where it belongs, on Satan and upholds the real solution, Jehovah.



"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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In my drive to work about 30 years ago I used to tune into some of the political broadcasters.   After a while I got tired of being lied to.  Some of their lies were blatantly obvious.  I stopped listening to them 30 years ago and haven't listened to those since that time. When I listen to news, and they start talking too much about politics I tune to another channel.

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  No mater what news we get it can be selective, political, and racist too. Another point about news. If kids get shot down, or a rich white girl get kidnapped, it on the news and effect many for days.


 Yet, when Hiroshima and Nagasaki , Japan were wipe off the map and I'm right, there were media blockade.  If I'm right,  during WW2 at least 1,000 people dying per hour and after WW2 millions still died in Europe. Was this on the news?


  We see how news or no news can manipulate people.


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Limiting the amount of news we watch is a good idea, and so is obtaining them from different sources so that we are not constantly being influenced by the same leanings.


On the other hand, completely abstaining from watching or reading any news doesn't sound like a good idea, because then we won't know what worries our neighbors and won't have a way to start conversations with them. At Luke 13:1-4 Jesus mentioned some recent tragic events everybody was talking about and used them to help people reason.


So as in all things balance is needed. :)


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