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The apostasy of jw-archive.org - will it ever end?

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I would not be opposed to requiring the entire site be member access only. It would be better that then having our only little piece of Internet paradise be eroded away.

That wouldn't stop what this guy is doing though - he already has copied from the members only area. We don't know what account he hides under, there are dozens if not hundreds which almost never post.

Some of us are shy... I get so much encouragement from reading even if I don't post much. I was very sad when I could no longer access the comfort forum today. it would be awful to lose out because I don't post much. Just a thought...

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I would not be opposed to requiring the entire site be member access only. It would be better that then having our only little piece of Internet paradise be eroded away.

That wouldn't stop what this guy is doing though - he already has copied from the members only area. We don't know what account he hides under, there are dozens if not hundreds which almost never post.

Some of us are shy... I get so much encouragement from reading even if I don't post much. I was very sad when I could no longer access the comfort forum today. it would be awful to lose out because I don't post much. Just a thought...

Didn't you read the message in the pink banner when you tried to read a post in the Comfort Forum?


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Jerry, I have viewed Source4Good... it seems to be okay, I think most of the viewers are brothers from England and Europe.

What do you brothers think, is it a safe source?


I just went through my browser bookmarks and checked why I might have added "Source4Good" there in the past. Browsing a bit, I came up with this post! Seems like copy-pasting from this site is not the only "source" this supposed-to-be-a-brother copies from... :wall:

Good spot - here is a piece of that article (which is obviously intended to be shared):

Some do not like their name used as they know a certain "Captain Troller" calling himself "Nomen Q Niesco" will copy their presentations and add them to one or more of his blogs and present them as coming from them to him or as his own works.

Nomen Q Niesco is not his real name. He uses this name as it actually means "Nothing". He used to go under the name "Noswerk" ~ which when searching the internet is associated with all sorts of apostate websites and blogs. His actual name is Michael Krewson and he lives in the eastern USA.

And I find this interesting -

In-fact it would be better to ditch the name Nomen Q Nieson and take on Captain Troll instead.

It is very sad that Mr. Michael Krewson does this. Why?

Just post the link to the source and credit it and if the "source" asks you to remove it - remove it. That is what a Christian would do.

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Jerry, I have viewed Source4Good... it seems to be okay, I think most of the viewers are brothers from England and Europe.

What do you brothers think, is it a safe source?


I just went through my browser bookmarks and checked why I might have added "Source4Good" there in the past. Browsing a bit, I came up with this post! Seems like copy-pasting from this site is not the only "source" this supposed-to-be-a-brother copies from... :wall:

Good spot - here is a piece of that article (which is obviously intended to be shared):

Some do not like their name used as they know a certain "Captain Troller" calling himself "Nomen Q Niesco" will copy their presentations and add them to one or more of his blogs and present them as coming from them to him or as his own works.

Nomen Q Niesco is not his real name. He uses this name as it actually means "Nothing". He used to go under the name "Noswerk" ~ which when searching the internet is associated with all sorts of apostate websites and blogs. His actual name is Michael Krewson and he lives in the eastern USA.

And I find this interesting -

In-fact it would be better to ditch the name Nomen Q Nieson and take on Captain Troll instead.

It is very sad that Mr. Michael Krewson does this. Why?

Just post the link to the source and credit it and if the "source" asks you to remove it - remove it. That is what a Christian would do.

Yes John source4good is safe.........check with Bob ......... I know you can trust the man behind source4good.......he is my husband
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Yes John source4good is safe.........check with Bob ......... I know you can trust the man behind source4good.......he is my husband

Yes I can vouch for Source4Good. His blog is just fine.


CarnivoreTalk.com - my health coaching website. youtube.png/@CarnivoreTalk - My latest YouTube project

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's a shame that this is happening. I won't be surprised if in the near future, JW.org will be hijacked as well. Apostates have no measure of morals therefore would stoop to any level to promote their selfish agendas. We know it's coming. It's just a matter of time.

Do you think that is something that Jehovah will allow?

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Do you think that is something that Jehovah will allow?

Well, Jehovah has allowed bigger things to happen, such as let the apostates go loose and bark freely. Didn't we read in some of the [relatively recent] yearbooks (Russia?) that one spy had progressed inside the organization not only to a CO but to a DO--before he turned in the names of responsible brothers to the authorities. That's an internal test, all right.

Personally I'm just rather surprised that this kind of hacking has not happened to date. So many other sites are being attacked, both by tech-savvy hackers as well as government agents acting under cover, so it's not like it can't happen. Of course, hopefully it won't.

Useless to speculate too much, but what about when Babylon the Great is destroyed and the opposers notice who's still standing? A website wouldn't be a easy target, don't you think? (assuming that Internet as we know it will still exist at that time :raspberry:)

Edit: Hmm, now I'm beginning to doubt my own words, if I've really seen this agent thing down in writing. Something I did find pretty quickly, however, is the following:

http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/302008006#p170 (yb08 on Russia under sub-heading "THE KGB INFILTRATE THE ORGANIZATION" ).

To this David said: “What have I done now? I was only asking a question!”

– 1 Samuel 17:29

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You're right. Jehovah has allowed some things to happen within His organization. Soooooo, maybe I should have said that nothing will happen unless Jehovah permits it. Agreed? :)

Do you think that is something that Jehovah will allow?

Well, Jehovah has allowed bigger things to happen, such as let the apostates go loose and bark freely. Didn't we read in some of the [relatively recent] yearbooks (Russia?) that one spy had progressed inside the organization not only to a CO but to a DO--before he turned in the names of responsible brothers to the authorities. That's an internal test, all right.

Personally I'm just rather surprised that this kind of hacking has not happened to date. So many other sites are being attacked, both by tech-savvy hackers as well as government agents acting under cover, so it's not like it can't happen. Of course, hopefully it won't.

Useless to speculate too much, but what about when Babylon the Great is destroyed and the opposers notice who's still standing? A website wouldn't be a easy target, don't you think? (assuming that Internet as we know it will still exist at that time :raspberry:)

Edit: Hmm, now I'm beginning to doubt my own words, if I've really seen this agent thing down in writing. Something I did find pretty quickly, however, is the following:

http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/302008006#p170 (yb08 on Russia under sub-heading "THE KGB INFILTRATE THE ORGANIZATION" ).

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Apology not necessary. I didn't take it as a wording issue, nor as an issue at all. Just my (apparently poor) attempt at humor. Nothing to quibble about :).

But I will say that I believe jw-archive.org is run by someone under the influence of demons. I do not feel believe that the person running it is a Christian brother -- at least not one in good standing. I believe he is on the distribution and/or membership list of several Witness websites and blogs so that he can obtain material for his websites. If Google shut him down, it could have been because people complained about him stealing content and/or other material from their websites or other misdeeds. If that's the case, he's likely going to eventually get shut down anywhere he goes.

Sorry, sis, my meaning was not to get stuck on exact wording you used--if you felt like I did! :shutup::wheelchair:

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  • 2 weeks later...

The test of our integrity is shown by our actions.

Ro 12:14 "Keep on blessing those who persecute; be blessing and not cursing. Rejoice with people who rejoice; weep with people who weep. Be minded the same way toward others as to yourselves; do not be minding lofty things, but be led along with the lowly things. Do not become discreet in your own eyes. Return evil for evil to no one. Provide fine things in the sight of all men. If possible, as far as it depends upon you, be peacable with all men".

Daily the FDS is persecuted world wide by hate laden messages, demonic slaps in the face through lies and misrepresentations, yet, you never see them responding to each and everyone. To my knowledge there is no Counter-lies and propaganda Department. The main focus is our preaching of the Kingdom message. To divert even seconds away from that to respond to the others is surely a waste of energy and time dedicated otherwise.

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This is precisely why I stopped posting so much ... I ran a search in Google of my user name and found a number of posts that was here cut and pasted into apostate forums X(

I may be tired and in pain :wheelchair: but I'll never   :surrender: to it just send some encouraging words or hugs  :kisscheek:  :encourage:  and I'll return the same   :kisscheek:  :encourage:

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  • 2 weeks later...
Just avoid it' date=' eh?[/quote']

Never heard of it before it was mentioned here ... Don't see a need to visit it ... Avoiding it will be easy :chinese:

"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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  • 2 weeks later...

Like the plague !!!

Avoid it like you would an apostate. The last couple of times I looked, there was apostate material there. (See this post on our site.)

Once there was a post that said that a private letter from the Society addressed to elders had been posted on an apostate site. The comment said there must be a mole in the organization. That was probably true, but a link to that letter was provided! On top of that, the poster had the gall to say something like 'Don't look at anything else while you're on that site,' as if to give a warning. That is, at very least, hypocritical.

On another occasion, there was a link to a video on YouTube called "YHWH Chalk Talk." (I mention the video's name in case you ever come across it.) The content of that video is entirely accurate, giving details about the origin and use of God's name. But I later found out the video was created by an apostate. Later the same video link was posted on jw-archive, with the librarian admitting he knew who had made it. But he said the important thing was that the video is accurate! He said this probably without realizing that apostates have no right to proclaim the good news, whether it's accurate or not. (Luke 4:41; Acts 16:17, 18)

Whether the librarian is an apostate or not (clear evidence lacking), he seems to be borderline at least. Best to be cautious.

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Yes, Chuck, that would be just right :ok:

Wipe out of this board all that "nothing-at-all-about" and make it clean finally LOL

How though, could a person of devious mind and intent be kept from infiltrating?

It cannot be done. If it could be done - we would have done it during WWII in Germany. We didn't succeed then either. Some did get in. But we can prevent them from doing "permanent" harm. This is the same in the congregation.

ED> just a note on why it can't be done - > NO HUMAN can read hearts and hearts change.

Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





Soon .....


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Yes, Chuck, that would be just right :ok:

Wipe out of this board all that "nothing-at-all-about" and make it clean finally LOL

How though, could a person of devious mind and intent be kept from infiltrating?

It cannot be done. If it could be done - we would have done it during WWII in Germany. We didn't succeed then either. Some did get in. But we can prevent them from doing "permanent" harm. This is the same in the congregation.

ED> just a note on why it can't be done - > NO HUMAN can read hearts and hearts change.


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Right!! You know - I wouldn't even WISH for the ability to read hearts. I think it would be too depressing. Our God is amazing that he can do it and still be considered "the happy God".

Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





Soon .....


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