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Just want to share that we are near in finishing our new Kingdom Hall here in Bulacan, Philippines. It was elevated 10 ft. high, city finish with a capacity of about 200. It brings great joy to work for Jehovah and to meet other Witnesses.


Have you volunteered in constructions like this? :)

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I have been envolved in these projects a few times. it is an experiance that you just want to go through in a life time. Seeing a place of worship being built is so nice. The joy that comes from bros and sis while working is so encouraging. We do alot of KHs construction here in Africa, so we enjoy ourselves,

It is not important where we serve nor in what capacity but, rather, whom we serve. MARKUS HARTLIEF

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I would love to join the RBC but it is just my daughter (she is 13) and I and we live is Southeastern Ohio. I don't know how much help we would be as we could not travel except for the day..  no overnights.

Peace...... Love...... &....... Paradise...... :heart:  :heart:  :heart: 

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We have several projects in the works.  Rebuild in Macon, Georgia next month and several others for our circuit in the works.

I encourage you to go to each project you can and get your children involved when they are old enough.  There is nothing like it.

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There is always great joy to be had at a build. If you go to as many of them as you can and share your joy with your daughter;  you will help her to develop the desire to never miss a new build or remodel. A build is one of the the best places to get to know your brothers and sisters. Plus you be trained in a skill while at the same time you get to enjoy great food.   

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I have a few friends on the RBC.

They tell of the joy &fun they have had working along with diffeent


When I was 15.. My cong back home. We had waited sometime for a new Kingdom Hall.

The block of land belonged to an old guy who used to keep bees & make honey.

For a person into collecting vintaged art it would have been a dream.

So Dad &another brother were given one of many assignments.

1 to make the gates. 2. To make the chairs & organize a team to make the covers for the chairs.

I watched dad welding.taping & molding the metal for the gates & chairs.

For a time I was the Girl who offered refreshments & made teas & coffees.

Then when time came I helped out in covering & stapling the padding.

Love the staple gun.

A few years later we needed a new Assembly Hall to be built. Dad was on the committee at the time

To help in looking for land & going out many times for Orchid Hills. Which is out in Western Part of Sydney.

Then eventually the one for Raby Rd. Also out West.

He would also go give talks to encourage the Brothers. Get them excited &also

In a kind way get them to donate.

So that was fun traveling with him. But again when construction

Started I enjoy being with the Brothers & sisters. Alot I met are now in my

Circut. Even though I was 20 plus. The truth is an amazing world. Go figure!

I remember a friend wearing a tshirt had say a Mambo logo.

A brother made a point to him infront of a crowd about wearing

Plain clothing. I got the point now.

Then 7yrs ago the Hall I go to was rebuilt.

Of cause credit belongs to Jehovah. Its nice reading in the local papers.

People say they try to get their own members to help. They are amazed but puzzeled.

I agree it would be a good goal when the kids are older to go join the RBc.

"It's a known fact that eighty decibels of rushing water is one of the most pleasing sounds known to mankind. On other hand, ten and a half days at sea is enough water for anybody." 


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I have been on the RBC for well over 15 years. My husband is in framing and I am in food service. There have been so many changes over the years. It really shows how the organization really moves with times. I cant even count the Kingdom Halls I have been part of, well over 25. Mostly in the poconos (Pennsylvania), Philadelphia and New Jersey. Some are more memorable than others, usually because of the difficulty of the build. Like extreme weather. I also was able to help out with relief work in Mississippi after Katrina. That was amazing. Right now we are slow because of the Tuxedo project. The branch is trying I get the facilities done ASAP, so many in my area are going there. My husband is bummed because he had to decline his invitation ( I never got one :( ) since he he till dealling with the side effects of thyroid cancer and wasn't sure how he would feel the dates he was called. Anyway I totally recommend it. In the USA there are strict age requirements, they used to allow younger ones to work with parents. That has changed. However it is a nice goal.

Side note too. Even tho I have been married a really long time, builds are a nice way to check out people. It adds another dimension to them. Like are they hard workers or are they hanging in the food tent by the cakes? How do they treat the people they work with, are they harsh, unyielding, or unkind?

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Yeah, I've helped on some projects from time to time. I cannot do that many, but it is a privilege and fun when I can.


We do alot of KHs construction here in Africa, so we enjoy ourselves,


That's interesting. Where in Africa are you from?

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I am currently in the RBC and have been since the "RBC" was formed.


I have been helping with Kingdom Hall construction since before they were done by the "quickly built" method. In the early 1980's I attended my first "Quick Build" - this was when we all showed up at 7 AM on Saturday and all there was there was a slab and a pile of lumber and supplies. By 3-4 PM on Sunday there was a completed Hall ready for a meeting.


Things have changed quite a bit since then.


I will be going to a project tomorrow, in fact. We will be doing "rip out" for a renovation project. Then comes May ...


In addition to some work that is going on at our Hall, we have our 2 day CA the second weekend, a RBC install project the next weekend and our DC the weekend after that ... then I have a second DC to go to in June ... busy times!!!

Edited by Qapla

"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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Location: Muskegon, MI USA


Way back in 1970 we had a Kingdom hall build. This was just before the 2 day quick builds came into being. I worked on that one and it lasted about 4-6 weeks.

It seemed so incredible to me that we could build a hall so fast. I think we may have been a "test case" in quick builds, because quick builds then became common.

The hall was used until 2010 but because the roof trusses collapsed and the bulding couldn't be used. Several Kingdom halls near by allowed our 2 congregations to use of their halls so we could meet.


In the spring of 2011 I helped tear down that old hall. It seemed sad.


It took only 10 months to finish our new hall! This included all the floor plans, materials, and the building approvals from government. The actual build took 4 days, Thursday to Sunday to build the main structure. Several weeks later we finished work and  were allowed to use the hall.


Jehovah accelerated the whole project to a minimum of time!


I was very glad to help on the new hall, it was a joy to work with the brothers.


O yeah, we ate 300 dozen cookies too! (The whole crew loved the home baked cookies.)


Thanks to Jehovah!

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 I would Love to be on RBC, I  have a 13 Daughter.  I plan to take her with me.

My Goal is to go ahead and apply for RBC.



I Always hear it is a Joy to help.


Any other experiances?


I am currently in the RBC and have been since the "RBC" was formed.


I have been helping with Kingdom Hall construction since before they were done by the "quickly built" method. In the early 1980's I attended my first "Quick Build" - this was when we all showed up at 7 AM on Saturday and all there was there was a slab and a pile of lumber and supplies. By 3-4 PM on Sunday there was a completed Hall ready for a meeting.


Things have changed quite a bit since then.


I will be going to a project tomorrow, in fact. We will be doing "rip out" for a renovation project. Then comes May ...


In addition to some work that is going on at our Hall, we have our 2 day CA the second weekend, a RBC install project the next weekend and our DC the weekend after that ... then I have a second DC to go to in June ... busy times!!!

What department are you in?

Let my words, like vegetables, be tender and sweet, for tomorrow these words, I may have to eat~


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What department are you in?


Currently I am in "Structured Wiring" - the Sound Department.


I also assist with the carpet.

"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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Currently I am in "Structured Wiring" - the Sound Department.


I also assist with the carpet.

Hey John!

I am in Decorating and assist the elders in selecting the carpet.  I'm trying to get more information on vendors, materials and decor that the branch suggests for us to use....I see with the last assembly hall in Columbia South Carolina they are going more green...how do I find out?

Unfortunately, I have asked everyone practically in this particular RBC and all they say its different depending on what city, country state etc.  For instance the primary places I shop for decor is Art.com, Kirklands, Pier 1, and Hobby Lobby.  For other things like blinds and fixtures I shop at Home Depot and Lowes.  They say I'm doing a fine job with the places I'm going to but there's gotta be more out there...

Edited by TrishaK
Let my words, like vegetables, be tender and sweet, for tomorrow these words, I may have to eat~


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Yeah, I've helped on some projects from time to time. I cannot do that many, but it is a privilege and fun when I can.



That's interesting. Where in Africa are you from?



It is not important where we serve nor in what capacity but, rather, whom we serve. MARKUS HARTLIEF

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  • 2 weeks later...

My second daughter is on the RBC, I have helped out in the past and was so excited when she joined, she is only 4'11" and her first assignment was to help rebuild halls after Katrina. The brothers put her and another short sister on scaffolding and they mudded the ceiling while the brothers moved the scaffolding around. Now my daughter and the other sister are best of friends, the other sister is in the spanish congregation so my daughter learned spanish and has moved to a spanish congregation. She is going to Belize in the fall for a month to work where the need is. Her work place didn't want to give her the time off even though she has the pto for it, but she put it in Jehovah's hands and everything is all set, she has her plane tickets and her time off. I love watching Jehovah work wonders. 

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That is wonderful! It is thrilling to see young ones reach out to do as much as they can in Jehovah's service.  The experience your daughter will gain at quick builds and by going to places like Belize to help out is priceless.  Plus it helps her draw closer to Jehovah. 

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We are doing a refurbishment of our hall at the moment. We have taken out the toilets and will have new ones including one for disabled ones and a baby changing area. We are two weeks into the six week schedule at the moment. We are slightly ahead of schedule at the moment. I spent all day yesterday drilling and digging to put in the water and sewage pipes.

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