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  1. As our DT reveals, the pushing and shoving is truly amping up. I never liked fights in the school yard as a child and would hide my eyes with my heart pounding. But this one is different. I'm on the edge of my seat, eyes intent on the match, waiting with glee seeing the principal rush in and take the opponents out. Peace once again restored to the school yard. I recall that feeling of relief through the eyes of a 4 year old. The principal came without warning to most as they were focused on the fight. But a few were whispering ,'Here comes the principal and he looked like a hero to me. I want to feel that wide eyed wonderment of a child again.
  2. I will be letting the friends know your kind words and of the special prayers from everyone here. It means so much!
  3. We had 3 families loose their homes and possessions. An elderly couple in our hall whose daughter just lost her 16yr old son in a car wreck a few months ago has now lost her home. It's bad enough to loose your home but when the tragedy comes on the heels of another makes it feel like you will never recover. Thank you all for your prayers.
  4. I had gone to a sister's house to ride out the damaging winds and fire. The whole congregation was texting and keeping everyone informed of latest fire outbreaks and road closures. A breaking news alert went up and my friend read from her phone 'strong winds and excessive dryness continues'. I responded to her announcement by saying it sounds just like my medical report from Friday'. I love our windowed old ladies with group with warped sense of humor...we stick tight to one another and can laugh through anything.
  5. From Sand Springs, Ok. Some of the families have been and are being now evacuated from their homes due to fires. Wind 45-60 miles cont. With gusts up to 100miles. Power outage, roofs missing, wide spread fire scattered all around. We have been told to put go bags at door and be on the ready. Fire by one of our MS and elders homes.
  6. I just reread what I wrote, geesh, I just wish someone would have told me to roll over and go back to sleep. I was started on antidepressant one week ago and I think they are making me dramatic and long winded. Forgive please.
  7. It is 3am here. I just woke up and turned immediately to this post. So strange to awaken clear minded and rested. But what I wanted to say is the last half dozen comments triggered a conversation that I was listening to between brothers at my old KH in Beverly Hills CA. It was around the year 2001, still new to the truth. I didn't fully understand their words but found it fascinating. One said that everything was already needed to attack religion was already set in place. All 'we' were waiting for was Jehovah to flip the switch in the leaders heart to attack. It all makes sense to me now. It made me think of a home being constructed. Lots of phases. Dig foundation, pour foundation, put up walls, install insulation, install plumbing,, electric , roof, finishing touches. Always delays -you never know where they will come from but you definitely know their coming, Then the moment arrives and it looks like everything is a go and boom no lights. Electrician called to check wiring. No problem noted. Then someone finally thinks to check the light bulb and climbs up ladder giving the bulb a slight twist and sudden light floods the room. It was there all along. They just didn't know it. One simple unexpected thing sheds immediate light on everything. That scenario of mine helps me see the situation. All laws are in place to act. So if that is the fact then could we not be seeing the electrician searching the problem they don't even know the answer to, then out of frustration and last chance effort BOOM let there be light!
  8. @ShawnsterGift. Nobody deserves a gift. It's a free gift. If they deserve it, then it is owed to them. If it's owed, then it's not a gift, nor is it free I love the simple reasoning. I need to learn this. I have always been one to never keep it simple and I confuse things by trying to present everything at once. Thanks again.
  9. I think I just answered my own question by simply asking Google. Lol. It explained it simply politics is the process or activity through which power is gained and lost, whereas government is a system for exercising authority. Government is an institution; Politics is a process.
  10. I think about what one brother in particular says to me every time we work together 'No matter what the question is the answer is always the kingdom". When you compare that to advice I was raised with 'never discuss politics and religion or never mix politics with religion" I can see why we are taught to be neutral, patient, reasonable, tolerable, because these qualities are central to our preaching. I can not separate the word politics from government so I have a hard time feeling neutral when my central purpose is to live in support of God's kingdom. Haven't we essentially cast our vote in support of the kingdom ? So to be neutral is a feeling that does not come easy. I guess I need to work on compartmentalizing my feelings and controlling my internal emotions. It is hard for me to understand not mixing politics (not worldly politics) with religion. I'm looking for help in explaining Ahuvah said it beautifully, it effects every nook and cranny.
  11. He is also a comedic genius. Don't see it in him but when someone impersonates his speech word for word it is hysterical. It is mine boggling to me how he has gotten so far . It is like watching the fairy tale Emporur who had no clothes only it is his fan base who sees his fine threads...so appreciative of our wise King and his rulership.
  12. https://miriamfeinbergvamosh.com/king-davids-mother-she-stands-for-us/#:~:text=Shavuot (Pentecost)%2C among its,compelled to cast Nitzevet out. The rabbit hole I got caught in
  13. Even more confusing unless that is the answer. Sometimes he is, sometimes he isn't.

LeslieDean last won the day on August 25 2021

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About LeslieDean

  • Birthday 10/15/1956

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    Tulsa, OK
  • Publisher
    Proud Publisher
  • Baptized

How I Found the Truth

  • How I found the Truth
    Was at the end of my rope in my 2nd marriage--honestly felt suicidal. Remembered my grandmother visiting years ago from CA and that she would talk to my Mom about the Truth. My Mom died at 53 but had mentioned to me that if there was a right religion JW had to be it. My Mom had died and JW's came to my door. I had a house full of company and invited them in. Later they would remark that they "knew" I was a sheep because I invited them in and visited with them and got them cold beverages to drink and made them feel so hospitable in the midst of all my turmoil. If anyone knows Phyllis Bittner, originally from Bartlesville, OK and now residing somewhere close to San Diego tell her I am in the Truth now.Thanks for our time together and planting that seed. Anyway, I read the Truth Book and quickly stopped my study due to my unhappiness with my first marriage. I was a nurse and took care of my present husband who was in for ETOH tx. Began a relationship with him, divorced, remarried and began a life that was always drama filled due to the alcholosim. Left Oklahoma and moved to LA. Had an unbelievable life style change, went from living in the Salvation Army shelter because I was to afraid to tell my family my husband was still drinking and lying to constantly make things appear better to my husband getting sober and starting his own business and even having a yacht slipped at Marina Del Rey and living in a 6000 sq ft home owned by the wealthest family in CA (Otis Chandler)--lots of things I am not able to talk about transpired, I made a cold call to JW's from the yellow pages and Gwen Logan was sent to study with me--6 months later I was baptized.

My Hobbies & Interests

  • My Interests
    Cooking. Decorating, Mowing now since I got a Cub Cadet Zero Turn mower!
  • My favorite books
    Enjoy all our publications---especially fond of the Insight Books for easy research Like legal thrillers (John Grisham) like David Baldacci
  • My favorite music
    love country and western and I won't apologize for it
  • My favorite movies
    Shawshank Redemption
    One True Thing
    PS I Love You

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