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  1. I had to use the back arrow in the upper left to stop a picture. I was panicky for a bit how to take it down when requested. Videos no problem as one can just let it play to it end.
  2. @Slammers I have LESS space on my screen now since they ADDED a row of icons on the bottom of the screen a while back. It used to be on top in a hamburger and we just opened as we needed it. All the menu items are now open all the time no and no way to close it that I have found. If there is an update coming soon that gives us space back I look forward to it Android 14 2024 Moto G
  3. These are the directions that I received from a tech Brother with a Telegram bot theo tool. Note: Does not support Playlists. JW Library merge Android & Windows From: chris………@gmail.com Hi I use telegram desktop, that’s a standalone on my PC The telegram bot is: https://t.me/JWLMergeBot by Alessandro Lucchet I send the first file to the bot, like in the screenshot Then I send the second one, see screenshot And after some seconds I can download the merged file I personally like to delete all files, so no copy anywhere Ready to go
  4. I am currently using Telegram with Android and REALLY look forward to a native Sync feature so I do not have to use third party solutions . All in the proper time, our Brothers are busy with many things. I will be patient..... Updating to check again.... 😉
  5. I REALLY look forward to Sync feature so all my devices can be on the same page without using third party options. (ie. Telegram)
  6. My wife and I do a lot of letter writing. We will not be surprised when it gets to a US $1.00 a stamp.
  7. Also apparently as lore goes, the term ham was originally a derogatory term for a Ham fisted CW operator but caught on as as just what Hams are called. Either that or they were all a bunch of jokers. lol
  8. Perhaps I need to get my antenna working then so I can tune in better. My antenna has been my nemesis.
  9. Does he have a licensee for that Ham? A licence for extra ham may be a good idea.
  10. Wonderful. I look forward to the JW 2.0.0 worldwide alphabet in the new system.
  11. The Brothers of ECARN (https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/Area_5_ECARN_Group/info mailing list) are updating the JW Ham Directory. If you need to update your ham info please email to: ward.chgs@gmail.com so the master list can be updated. Current list is WARD list is for 2020. (Worldwide Amatuer Radio Directory) K7VIQ Eugene, OR, USA, Earth, Sol System
  12. Finally got around to searching for Amatuer Ham radio and this was one of the first to pop up. We have a few ham Brother here in Eugene, OR. We use to have a small repeater but let it go as we did not use it much. We now have another Brother studying for Technician and General. So that got me enthused enough to start studying for Amateur Extra and so a search here to see how much other activity it out there. There used to be a Brother WA4UQQ that organized the Brothers and even printed a JW ham directory. Then JW Hams gathered at W2BN.org but since the branch started to do more about taking the lead for emergencies it was not really needed. As far as I know they still do the daily text on HF freqs both from US east and west US coast at two different times. I heard them once but my old radio and the string antenna I had could not get in and once I passed that on to another ham to see what he could do with it I never did spend the resources to get an HF rig that really would work. Yup a General who never got ino HF and here I am practicing for Amatuer Extra as somthing to do. I see Ham radio being used in the new system to communicate world wide. Can you imagine phone wires or cell tower every two miles to communicate? Off to see what else I can find Amatuer Radio related in the forum threads. - Update Edit: Not much, the other thead I found was old and closed. Look forward to some replies, 93 - 73's K7VIQ clear
  13. Pain and learning difficulties have kept me from progressing much in music. My first theocratic goal song Christian Dedication has suffered due to lack of practice. I also tried a rough trial of Greensleeves lesson today from the Second year lesson plan of Piano Video Lessons. It was horrid sounding. I did added a comfy pad Kathy made for my mobility chair that has velcro straps that also fits my piano bench today and it works great. I hope it will hopefully encourage me to be willing to sit in front of my keyboard more often. The bench is a heavy duty bedside table Dad made for me as a child, it just the right height for a piano bench. One day soon I look forward to being able to truly learn how to play. I look forward to a theocratic song lesson books and videos as well as time to get togather to teach each other how to play music that we will want to play togather in the new system. My music rather limited but once more hopeful with AcousticAchord.blogspot and our music page on or family web site
  14. I look forward to the new system when many of us now who don't have the time for music can learn it and those that wish to dance to it can dance to their hearts content in many varied styles traditions all pleasant to listen and watch. Soon, Oh so Soon.
  15. My music progress update: I continue to practice piano for a several minutes almost daily using PianoVideoLesson.com I am in Unit 3 of Year 1. As I am a slow learner is goes slowly. I wish there was a Theocratic music lesson plan as I would REALLY love to be learning music by starting with the new original music and kids songs rather than simple secular music first. Besides the secular music in the Year 1 Lesson plan I continue to practice 'Christian Dedication' on my own. As I keep at trying to learn I am also saving for a digital piano rather than the off sounding learner eMedia 61 Kb I am using. Our piano progress introduction

About Pallen

  • Birthday 03/04/1962

Member's Public Information

How I Found the Truth

  • How I found the Truth
    I was raised in the truth since I was a child along with four Brothers by both my Parents. My Parents were found by a knock at the door. My Parents listened to what they said and came back with MANY questions. My Parents were looking for the a religion that followed the Bible and had been visiting several location and had not found one. It was very convenient that one should just walk up to our doorstep and Dad REALLY made sure that this was it by hounding them with question and doing MUCH personal study on his own. I grew up realizing just how bad the world is and NEVER wanted to be a part of how messed up it really is.

My Hobbies & Interests

  • My Interests
    • We like Nature, Sci-Fi, Space, Science.
    • I used to Camp, Hike, Ride bicycle (rode to coast 60 miles twice), Digger(pits, ditches, graves), Scuba dive, Weld, Handyman.
    • In the new system, I want to learn to play an instrument, Blow glass, Work with metal, Travel, Do whatever work that Jehovah commissions us to do.
    • I really look forward to when I can do all these things and more with my Family and Friends.
    • We look forward to the perfect language in the new system, and some horse and buggy rides.

    I have given up pursuing many hobbies due to cost, time and more recently health. I look forward to pursuing Ham radio again. I also tried my hand at diving but it proved to be a very expensive hobby. I also loved camping, hiking, riding bicycles. In the new system I look forward to MANY things that will take an eternity to learn. One of the first will be a nemesis of mine, I have never been able to learn music, my first love would be to learn how to play the Flute, Piano and Guitar.
  • My favorite books
    Well uh, Duhh. Um.... let me think... ;) The Bible and publications that discuss the time of the end and our future.
  • My favorite music
    I have never been a fan of much of what this world calls music but I like softer relaxing music or music that can be played in a group. I enjoy singalongs and groups of Friends when they play together, I look forward to many sing along's in our future and being able to chime in with my own instrument. PS: I also look forward to my voice being a music instrument, not that does not keep me from using it anyway, I am sure my Brothers/Sisters at the hall are happy it is drowned out by the many others. ;)
  • My favorite movies
    We really enjoy the JW broadcast. The only station to have a chance at existing in the future.
  • My favorite quotes
    I have liked many along the lines of.... If you do not try, you will never get there. Even if you fall on your face your moving forward. "Never give up, never surrender... full speed ahead."- Galaxy Quest. The main theme.... Keep on moving forward, keep on trying.

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