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Kenya. Shopping Mall Shooting.

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59 people's lives were taken. so far.



Here is part of the story.

Shortly after 12 p.m.: The attack began at Nairobi's Westgate Mall with bursts of gunfire and grenades.
• The shooting began downstairs and outside, then the gunmen came inside.
• At least five gunmen — including at least one woman — first attacked an outdoor cafe at the mall.
• Eight gunmen with scarves twisted over their faces fired at shoppers and then up at Kenyan police officers who were shooting down from a balcony as panicked shoppers dashed for cover.
• The gunmen entered the mall through the front entrance and through parking. Lights went out.
• Shoppers — expatriates and affluent Kenyans — fled in any direction that might be safe: into back corners of stores, back service hallways and bank vaults.
•Two squads of gunmen moved through the mall.
• The gunmen let Muslims go. 



This is so sad. Pretty Horrific. Just happen today. Some Canadians were hurt. American & a Few Aussies also,

I can't wait for the day when we will no longer hear of these reports.

Edited by surfergirl

"It's a known fact that eighty decibels of rushing water is one of the most pleasing sounds known to mankind. On other hand, ten and a half days at sea is enough water for anybody." 


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Am in Kenya and It is very sad to hear of such reports.The death toll is now 69 and 175 injured with that figure expected to fluctuate. I have not heard if any of our brothers or sisters were hurt but i know of a sister who was in the mall with her two kids but she managed to get out safe. They saying the gunmen number between 10 to 15 and the ringleader is thought to be a woman.clink on the link



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Am in Kenya and it is very very sad to see so many innocent lives lost in the hands of these attackers. The death toll now stands at 68 with 175 injured, I haven't heard if there were any of our brothers n sisters hurt,but i know of a sister who was in the mall with her two kids and she managed to get out safe. The gunmen are believed to be between 10-15 in number and their ring leader is said to be a woman.

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Everytime I hear of these mass killing, I think to myself - things surely can't get any worse then this- but satan always proves that thought wrong. Its so sad and I don't understand how people can't see that satan is the ruler of this evil world (1 John 5:19). I am so thankful I know about Jehovah and this wicked system will soon not be recalled to mind(Isaiah 65:17).I am excited to be able to share this good news with those willing to listen.

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To our loving sister who replied from Kenya.   The woman who was one of the 10 or 15 killers, was also killed by the police and or the military police who were at the mall.   I saw the story from when it started (broadcasted) from the news media, but I couldn't bring myself to post it on here.  It is so terrible, all these mass killings.  Satan is on the rampage, like that roaring lion, seeking to devour someone.  Devour is like not chewing but swallowing whole!  He is doing a good job of devouring people who are veiled and who's hearts are blocked by a 5 foot thick wall.   And its like this, because "CHRISTENDOM" has made out that the "DEVIL" is not real.  If something doesn't exist, no one is going to believe that it does.  So it is with so many that Jehovah tries to reach out too who will not listen and see that there is something out there that is making the people go mad, a very very evil being - Satan/Devil.   

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A White woman ( a widow of a Human bomb) was one of the instigators in this terrible seige.


Long live Jehovah's day. & his Kingdom.  :pray:  :peace: come.

"It's a known fact that eighty decibels of rushing water is one of the most pleasing sounds known to mankind. On other hand, ten and a half days at sea is enough water for anybody." 


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Here is the video footage of our sister together with her kids who was caught up in the shopping mall shooting playing dead till she was rescued.




Thanks for posting this Roselyne! Do you know this sister? Is she in your congregation or one nearby? We can't understand the terror she felt unless we have experienced something similar!

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Oh my Goodness I saw that footage this morning on the news.

They showed the man looking under the baracade.

May Jehovah be with you Roselyne & our Sister. :grouphugs:

I was at the surgery yesterday. Many patients were talking about this.

They said how much more shocking the news has become.

"It's a known fact that eighty decibels of rushing water is one of the most pleasing sounds known to mankind. On other hand, ten and a half days at sea is enough water for anybody." 


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The world has gone absolutelyy stark raving mad!  I remember at one assembly the brother saying how satan HATES humans, he hates us because Jehovah loves us.  Satans system displays his feelings, pushing people to act in this way. We need to help people to flee to God's kingdom, there's no other comfort in this world...


My question is, how on earth did she get her baby to lie still?!  It only lifted it's head after the security/police guy touched it several times...

Edited by sunshine
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Thanks Gabe, we all need Jehovah's protection more than ever the days are so critical....you never know what will happen the next minute. Jehovah be with you too.

@ Sunshine, i had the same question...the boy is barely 3yrs and he knew what to do..!!!!!

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Update on that white woman terrorist. 


The woman who was one of the 10 or 15 killers, was also killed by the police and or the military police who were at the mall.


The BBC reports that, the Kenyan government do not know for sure if she was killed during the battle in the Mall or that she escaped.  There is an Interpol World Watch for her capture "if" alive.   No one knows because there are still many bodies in the mall that they are trying to figure out who are the good people and who are the terrorists, including this terrorist woman.  

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Thank you everyone for all the updated information and the video Roselyne..it brought tears to my eyes knowing it is our sister..I had seen it on TV but now it is personal...All of us need to pray for the brotherhood..thank Jehovah that the sister finally trusted her rescuer..she sure didn't want to let go of that baby! Quite a mom..

Jehovah is "walking upon the wings of the wind" PS. 104:3b


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Thank you everyone for all the updated information and the video Roselyne..it brought tears to my eyes knowing it is our sister..I had seen it on TV but now it is personal...All of us need to pray for the brotherhood..thank Jehovah that the sister finally trusted her rescuer..she sure didn't want to let go of that baby! Quite a mom..

Seconded. It made it so personal realising it was a member of my family.

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Its so sad to hear but more sad to watch this happening to people - not guilty...I cant comprehend the horror that people in the mall had to see..dead bodies ..especially for kids...it brings tears when watching kids especially little ones..i dont know what they were thinking of this and how will this will affect their life..we need a safer world more than never before...Ooh Jehovah let your will be..My prayers goes to all who losted their loved ones..May Jehovah gave them heart calmness to keep their hope alive to Jehovah alone if not now but before the BIG move starts-Great tribulation....Everyone who trust Jehovah will realize how Jehovah Provides escape in a greater extent...Jehovah will be our source of escape even when ropes of deaths encirciles us-loyal ones will see this..high time to speard to other to trust on someone to be trusted as true rescuer


thereafter  new world where ..no more terrorists with their terrorism..thanks all..

Edited by raq
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The sister was so smart to lie down and her children, so good. Some of the children here wouldn't have done what she told them. Obedience helped to save their lives. So important to teach obedience. Lives  depend on it.

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.

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Confirmed! just saw this on the Six 0'clock news. Singing one our songs is like a secret handshake. Love it.

Hopefully someone can find a recording of the six oclock news item. My mum just text me to say she saw them singing the kingdom song on TV. The interview was also repeated at about 8:45pm on channel 80 here in the UK. Just hope someone with playback can record it and put it up on here as I was busy catching some zzzz ready for work in a minute.

Micah 4:5 ......"we, for our part, shall walk in the name of Jehovah our God to time indefinite, even forever."

John 15:13 "No one has love greater than this, that someone should surrender his life in behalf of his friends."

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Thanks for the update Anniebea. That was a pretty touching read.

Vernalee you're right about kids its not easy to get them to do what they are told.

"It's a known fact that eighty decibels of rushing water is one of the most pleasing sounds known to mankind. On other hand, ten and a half days at sea is enough water for anybody." 


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