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NUESTRO PUEBLO EN IMAGENES (our people in images)

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Tuesday, May 13

I shall certainly give you a wise and understanding heart.—1 Ki. 3:12.

When he was still a young man, Solomon humbly said in prayer: “I am but a little boy. I do not know how to go out and how to come in.” He then prayed for a wise and obedient heart. (1 Ki. 3:7-9) Jehovah answered that sincere request, and he will do the same for you, whether you are young or old. Of course, Jehovah will not give you miraculous insight and wisdom. But he will make you wise if you earnestly study his Word, pray for holy spirit, and take full advantage of the spiritual provisions made available through the Christian congregation. (Jas. 1:5) Indeed, by these means, Jehovah makes even his young servants wiser than all those who ignore his counsel, even the so-called “wise and intellectual ones” of this world.—Luke 10:21; Ps. 119:98-100. w12 7/15 2:10



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Wednesday, May 14

Jehovah is our Judge, Jehovah is our Statute-giver, Jehovah is our King.—Isa. 33:22.

To remain Kingdom citizens, we need not only to know God’s standards but also to love them. Many citizens of human governments say that they agree with the laws and standards of the country in which they live. However, when they find a requirement to be inconvenient and feel that nobody is looking, they break the law. Often, these people are “men pleasers.” (Col. 3:22) Kingdom citizens live by a higher standard. We gladly obey God’s laws, even when no other human is looking. Why? Because we love the Lawmaker. (Luke 10:27) A foundation law of God’s Kingdom is that all citizens imitate Christ. (1 Pet. 2:21) Regarding Jesus’ example, the apostle Paul wrote: “Let each of us please his neighbor in what is good for his upbuilding. For even the Christ did not please himself.” (Rom. 15:2, 3) For the sake of peace in the congregation, a mature Christian is willing to yield without resentment to the consciences of others.—Rom. 14:19-21. w12 8/15 2:7, 8



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Godoy Rodriguez

Hermano Jose, junto con saludarlo le escribo desde  Chile, especificamente desde la REgion de Valparaiso, le he enviado algunas fotografias tomadas en los trabajos de Socorro, en donde he participado segun mis circunstacias. Agradecemos a todos quienes oran por nuestros hermanos afectado tras la catastrofe y mega incendio ocurridos en la ciudad de Valparasio, una abrazo a la distancia...atte. Hno. Alexis Godoy Rodriguez. Congr. Oeste de Quillota-region de Valparaiso -Chile















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For the second time the moderators censor me. I think I do not understand your way of doing things. All the best


I'm sure it is the language barrier, but even in Spanish, it is not appropriate to post an audio file of a yet unreleased drama. And even if it was already presented in a convention, this forum is not the place to post copyrighted materials. 

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Por segunda vez los moderadores censuran mí . Creo que no entiendo tu manera de hacer las cosas. Todo lo mejor


Los que deseen ver a diario fotos, videos y noticias de nuestro pueblo aqui me teneis:



I see you edited your post so you did not have to reply to mine. Is what I said too hard to understand? 

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    I truly enjoyed all these pictures of brothers and sisters doing street witnessing with their literature

carts. Especially the one of Bro. Morris doing the dishes. It reminds me of Jesus' words about humility

and the greatest among you will be your minister. It has inspired me. For some time I have contemplated

how I can increase my service within my limited sphere ( due to my disabilities ). I now have the ability

to set up a nice display of the literature in my apartment so that all who visit me ( nurses, aids, cleaning

lady etc. ) at least get an opportunity to get a real witness. I am looking forward to what results Jehovah

may bless my efforts with. Thank you dear brothers and sisters for all of these lovely pictures.



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    I truly enjoyed all these pictures of brothers and sisters doing street witnessing with their literature

carts. Especially the one of Bro. Morris doing the dishes. It reminds me of Jesus' words about humility

and the greatest among you will be your minister. It has inspired me. For some time I have contemplated

how I can increase my service within my limited sphere ( due to my disabilities ). I now have the ability

to set up a nice display of the literature in my apartment so that all who visit me ( nurses, aids, cleaning

lady etc. ) at least get an opportunity to get a real witness. I am looking forward to what results Jehovah

may bless my efforts with. Thank you dear brothers and sisters for all of these lovely pictures.




What a great idea, brother!  Well done, that shows real initiative in making best of your circumstances to keep the Kingdom first.



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